
Prof. David Gesbert from EURECOM will give a lecture on 6G networks at FEE

For graduates For students

A lecture on 6G networks led by Prof. David Gesbert, Director and Dean of the French university and research centre EURECOM, you can hear on Monday 25 November at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the CTU in Prague - Dejvice. Prof. Gesbert will speak on developing 6G networks and aerial robots. The event will take place in room C3-132 from 16:00. 

Prof. Gesbert will talk, for example, about the use of drones and airborne and ground-based robots to ensure the availability of communications for ordinary users and monitoring - for example, to determine the signal coverage of an area. "In this talk, we will give an overview of the latest work in the field of monitoring and connectivity with the help of drones. Real experiments and future research directions will be presented," Prof. Gesbert states in the abstract. 

In the introduction of the event, David Gesbert will also talk about the double degree programme that FEE students at EURECOM have the opportunity to study. You will also hear about Bc's experiences. Vojtěch Hašpel. Hašpel is in his final year at FEE in the Electronics and Communications programme and is also studying at EURECOM. Prof. Zdeněk Bečvář from the Department of Telecommunication Technology at FEE said that eight people have graduated from the double degree programme at FEE - EURECOM so far and three are currently studying it. 

FEE has a long-term research cooperation with Prof. Gesbert. "We are conducting joint research in the field of 6G networks, with a particular focus on the use of drones in 6G and the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for mobile networks. We also have 12 joint publications and 1 US patent," Prof. Bečvář summarised. 


Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk