
The final of the Robotic Competition 2024 for secondary schools with the best "robotic garbage collector" won by the team of the Prague Grammar School Na Vítězné pláni

For applicants For employees

On Friday, 13 December, the final of the 16th edition of the FEE CTU Robotics Competition took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prague and we already know which of the 171 robotic teams entered in this year's competition won: the first place went to the "robot-ashtray" of the HA! Grammar School Na Vítězné pláni in Prague 4, which beat the robot Řízky >> Linguistics Lecture designed directly by the "home" students of FEE CTU. You can also watch the whole final in the YouTube recording.

A total of 36 teams advanced to Friday's final from 171 robots and 4 November preliminary rounds, of which 6

and 1 university team from the Cybernetics and Robotics program at FEE CTU. As always, the finals were held in the Zenger Auditorium of FEE CTU at 13 Charles Square.

"The performance of the robots was absolutely breathtaking"

"This year, the robots had to clear as many balls as possible from the playing field in 90 seconds and at the same time they were allowed to throw unwanted balls into the opponent's field, thus complicating his work," says the main organizer of the Robo Competition Martin Hlinovský from the Department of Control Engineering of FEE CTU. "But the performance of the robots today was absolutely amazing, even compared to the pre-rounds - the students simply tuned the best rovers so that they were super efficient and made a minimum of mistakes. Another special feature of this final was the success of the university team in 2nd place. Normally one or two teams from FEE CTU enter the Robo Competition for high schools, but they are usually not as successful and motivated as the high school students." According to the rules, the robots had to be assembled from approved kit components and function autonomously, i.e. without control by voice, Bluetooth or other communication channel.

Winner of the 16th RoboCompetition


Matvey Leshchinsky, Tomi Borka and Matěj Neškudla


2nd place

Team: Řízky >> Lingebra lecture

Jáchym Kouba, Vlastimil Hošek, Jaromír Čudek


3rd place


František Šimek, Petr Saksun, David Žajdlík

School: Smíchov Secondary Industrial School and Grammar School, Prague 5

Winner of the competition category Robot Design


Pavel Škop, Adam Beyer, Anežka Harvanová

School: Grammar School Voděradská, Prague 10

The winners will get into the FEL CTU without entrance exams

The competition is traditionally held under the auspices of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, general partner

BTL Medical Development a.s. was the general sponsor of the 16th edition, other sponsors were MathWorks, HUMUSOFT, Škoda Auto, FANUC, SICK, Applifting and Strand. In addition to the material prizes from these partners, the members of the winning teams received one important reward - they can start their studies at the Czech Technical University

without an entrance exam. This of course does not apply to the team Řízky >> lecture linguebry, which took

2nd place and whose members are already studying at the Prague Technical University.

Details about the FEL CTU Robo Competition for secondary schools, competing teams, task description and other details can be found on the website or Facebook. The final can also be watched in a recording on the FEL CTU YouTube channel here.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk