
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Dissertation Thesis

For students For employees

The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague has awarded Ph.D. graduates the Dean's Award for an exceptional dissertation thesis. For 2024, the following researchers received the award:

  • Ing. Pavel Petráček for his dissertation thesis titled Robust UAV Localization in Perception-Degraded Environments under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. Rer. Nat.
  • Ing. Antonín Krpenský for his dissertation thesis titled Control and Analysis of Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields Based on Selected Inhomogeneous Structures under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík.

The authors of the awarded dissertation theses and their supervisors received honorary recognition from the Dean and a financial reward. Congratulations to all the awardees.

The award is granted for an exceptionally high-quality doctoral thesis. Key indicators of quality include:

  • publication of dissertation thesis results in one or more research articles published or accepted for publication in a Q1 impact factor journal or in a paper presented at a CORE A*/A conference, with the student as the first author,
  • a significant number of citations of the articles used in the dissertation theses in WoS, Scopus, or Google Scholar, especially if the doctoral student is the first author,
  • receiving an award, such as the Best Paper Award,
  • a highly positive report of the dissertation thesis by an internationally recognized expert.

The dissertation thesis must be written in English and submitted within 5 years of the start of the studies.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk