- Ph.D. degree title after the name
- The aim of the study is scientific research under the guidance of a supervisor that has the potential to discover new results that go beyond the current state of knowledge.
- The PhD study has two forms: Full-time, with a state scholarship for four years or Part-time (distance), with external financing, for five years.
- Admission requires completing a Master's degree and proficiency in English.
- Start of studies on 1 February or 1 September
- Applications by 30 April or 31 October
Doctoral study

The last step to your dream academic career remains. You already know from your previous studies what you enjoy and what knowledge you want to develop, so the choice should be clear. However, even as an experienced student, you can appreciate a guide to progressing through your studies, choosing a major and applying for a PhD.
Basic information
- The average net income of doctoral students with supervisors from CTU FEE (in the range of 20 - 80 percentile) during the standard period of full-time doctoral studies is 22 - 45 thousand CZK/month (approx. EUR 900 - 1800), which corresponds to a gross income of 27 - 59 thousand CZK/month (approx. EUR 1100 - 2400). The corresponding amounts calculated only for the group of doctoral students who have both scholarship and grant project income are: net income 35 - 52 thousand CZK/month (approx. EUR 1400 - 2100), the corresponding gross income 44 - 67 thousand CZK/month (approx. EUR 1800 - 2700) /valid as of 21.6.2023/.
The income is composed of a tax-free state scholarship supplemented by funds from the internal Student Grant Competition and usually income from employment at the FEE - work on scientific projects. For exceptional results of creative work (e.g. articles in good impacted journals) or pedagogical activities, the dean usually awards a one-off special-purpose scholarship, which forms the motivational component of the income. Under these conditions, PhD students can devote full time to scientific work.

A PhD at the FEE?
First-class colleagues, state-of-the-art facilities, above-standard scholarship. Our PhD students have the chance to work on innovative projects that push the boundaries of human knowledge and possibility.
Course of doctoral studies
The aim of the doctoral studies is to prepare graduates for scientific work, which they will apply mainly in the academic environment, in scientific institutions (e.g. the Academy of Sciences) or in research and development departments of commercial companies.
1. Selection of the framework topic of the dissertation
You can choose from a list of topics offered by our supervisors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to register for the study with your own, unlisted topic.
2. Arranging with a potential supervisor
The list of dissertation topics always includes the supervisor's name. Please meet the supervisor in person or contact him or her electronically before submitting your application to see if he or she can accept you.
You must include the topic and the name of the supervisor or supervisor who wrote the topic in the application form, so make arrangements well in advance. The contact details of the supervisor are included in the list of topics.
3. Submitting the application, admisssion procedure
The admission procedure is held twice a year. However, the dean may announce an additional admission procedure on the supervisors' proposal.
4. First year of study
You will be required to complete at least one course during the first year.
5. First stage of study (so-called study block)
In the study block, you will have:
- Completed at least two scientific courses offered by the university.
- Published, as the principal author, at least one scientific article related to your PhD.
- Optionally assisted in teaching a course of your choice.
However, supervisors not only act as consultants for your scientific progress. They will work closely with you during the entire study and guide you to a successful and timely completion. Consult with them on everything, including;
completed all the compulsory professional subjects by passing examinations,
published at least one scientific article of which the PhD student is the main author and which relates to the topic of the dissertation,
passed an English language examination or a recognised certificate demonstrating adequate knowledge of the English language,
a completed and successfully defended scientific study (the so-called 'minimum').
6. Consultation of the study progress
The supervisor is the alpha and omega of your doctoral studies. Before you apply, it is essential that you consult with them about your ideas for your studies (focus, topic, publications, presentation of results) and get their approval.
However, supervisors do not only act as consultants for the qualifying work. They should rightly experience the whole study with you and guide you to a successful completion. Consult with them on everything including:
literature (sources),
public speaking when presenting results,
financial resources to secure projects,
establishing professional contacts at home and abroad, or
joining the international scientific community.
7. Next phase of study
Before submitting your PhD thesis you will have:
- Passed the state doctoral examination (full-time students of the four-year study programme must pass the state doctoral examination by the end of the third year of their studies),
- Spent at least one month with an international team at a foreign institution (a university or company's research department).
- Published, as the principal author, at least three scientific papers in renowned journals (or top conferences, depending on your PhD programme).
8. Dissertation
Upon successful defense of your dissertation, you will be awarded a Ph.D. degree on behalf of.
The dissertation must be submitted within six years from the start of the study.
In the event that the dissertation is not submitted during the four-year full-time or five-year combined form of study, after the expiration of the relevant period of study, study is either automatically interrupted until the dissertation is defended, or:
- those studying in the full-time form of the four-year programme have the option of requesting a transfer to the combined form of study,
- those studying in the combined form have the option of requesting an extension of their studies up to the maximum duration of their studies, i.e. up to seven years from the start of their studies.
9. Dean's award
The Dean may award a prize for a prestigious dissertation.