Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Doctoral Studies

What are the most common questions that people interested in doctoral studies or current students ask? Questions are answered by the Vice-Dean and the Office of Science and Research (OSR).

Are there any deadlines that, if not met, may result in failure in the PhD programme?

Yes, there are several such deadlines. If we list them chronologically according to the course of study, then studying under the old study regulations

  1. you had to take 8 credits of courses in the first year;

  2. there is a deadline for completing the study stage (obtaining 30 credits) and defending a professional thesis ("minima"). This period lasted two years for full-time students and three years for combined students from the start of their studies. The period ended on 30 September for students who started their studies in September and on 31 March for students who started their studies in March. In the event of interruption of studies, the time limit was adjusted accordingly;

  3. there was an additional deadline for the submission of the dissertation. This was seven years from the commencement of studies and could not be extended in any case (i.e. not even in the case of illness).

Studying according to the new study regulations valid from 2/2022 (students who started studying from 1/3/2022 study automatically according to the new regulations) - non-credit system - for students means

  1. successfully completing one course in the first year of study;
  2. in the second year of study to have a minimum of two courses;
  3. deadline for successful completion of the study block - to be the main author of one article (conf. paper /journal article), to defend a scientific dissertation and to pass the state doctoral examination in the full-time form of study for two years, in the combined form for three years from the beginning of the study;
  4. Submission of the dissertation within 7 years (for students who started their studies before 11/2021), within 6 years (for students who started their studies after 11/2021) from the start. This deadline cannot be extended in any case.

I am studying under the old regulations. Can I transfer to study under the new regulations (non-credit system)?

Yes, students may transfer to study under the new regulations by submitting a written request to the Office of Research and Scholarship.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of studying under the new regulations, i.e. the non-credit system?

The advantage of the non-credit system is that there is no obligation to obtain the required number of credits in the first year of study, to defend the minimum and SDZ.

The disadvantage may be the obligation to be the main author or co-author of a paper in order to successfully complete the study block. And when applying for the defense, learners must have three articles, two of which they must be the main authors.

Is it possible to submit a dissertation as a set of articles in the non-credit system?

Yes, provided that the learner is the main author for at least three articles and the articles meet the conditions of the Regulations Article 7 (3a), (3b), (3c).

Can the individual study plan be changed?

Yes, the ISP can be changed, and is often done. This requires an agreement with the supervisor and approval of the ISP by the relevant discipline board (ORO). The ISP is changed by making a copy of the existing ISP, and once the changes have been made, the supervisor and the relevant discipline board approve the changes.

As a Ph.D. student, can I include courses from the engineering phase of my studies in my individual study plan?

Yes, with the consent of the supervisor or supervisor, up to a maximum of two. In a justified case, an exception can be granted and more courses can be enrolled, but it must not be for PhD courses.

Can I get credit for an outside course/year school?

Yes, credits can be earned for taking an external course/year school. The learner must submit the ISP "External Course" attachment along with the course/year school completion document to the Office of Research and Scholarship (ORS). The Vice Dean decides on the recognition of the course/year school and the number of credits.

Who is eligible for a scholarship?

The scholarship is paid to full-time students for a period of 4 years. The scholarship is not paid when the student interrupts his/her studies, but it is paid again when the student returns from the interruption.

Combined students are not entitled to a doctoral scholarship, but are entitled to other types of scholarships.

How much is the doctoral income?

The average net income of doctoral students with supervisors from FEE CTU (in the range of 20 - 80 percentile) during the standard period of full-time doctoral studies is 22 - 45 thousand CZK/month, which corresponds to a gross income of 27 - 59 thousand CZK/month. The corresponding amounts, calculated only for the group of doctoral students who have both scholarship and grant project income, are: net income 35 - 52 thousand CZK per month. CZK 35 - 35 thousand/month, the corresponding gross income 44 - 67 thousand CZK/month. /valid as of 21.6.2023/.

The income is composed of a tax-free state scholarship supplemented by funds from the internal Student Grant Competition and usually income from employment at FEE CTU - work on scientific projects. For exceptional results of creative work (e.g. articles in good impacted journals) or pedagogical activities, the dean usually awards a one-off special-purpose scholarship, which forms the motivational component of the income. Under these conditions, PhD students can devote themselves to scientific work full time.

Can I be eligible for a scholarship even if I go abroad for an internship?

Yes, if you are still a full-time student, you are eligible for a scholarship.

Can I interrupt my studies?

Yes, you can interrupt your studies. An application for interruption of studies must be submitted to the OVV. The application must be approved by the supervisor, the head of the department and the chair of the departmental board.

Interruption of studies due to parenthood - what are the deadlines, conditions?

Interruption of studies due to parenthood is possible up to 3 years of age of the child. The request for interruption must be submitted to the OVV together with the child's birth certificate. During the period of interruption due to parenthood, all study deadlines are automatically extended (defence of the minimum, SDZ, submission of the dissertation, graduation). During the period of interruption of studies due to parenthood, the student is not entitled to a scholarship.

My full-time studies are coming to an end and I have not completed my dissertation. What are my options?

There are two options:

  1. Change from full-time to combined studies - remain a student.
  2. interrupting studies until the defence - losing the student status.

Can I change from full-time to combined studies?

Yes, it is possible to change the form of study. In order to change the form of study, it is necessary to submit a completed "Application for Change of Form of Study" to the OVV; the application is approved by the supervisor, the head, the chair of the departmental board.

What is required to submit the Application for Advocacy?

The application for defence is submitted by the student to the OVV, together with all the documents - CV, four copies of the dissertation, opinion of the supervisor or supervisor, proof of internationalisation, consent to publish the dissertation, email. version of the thesis.

The learner must bring/submit all these documents at the same time. In case of missing documents, the application for defence is not complete and will be returned for reworking/completion of missing documents.

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Department for Science and Research

  • České vysoké učení technické v Praze
    Fakulta elektrotechnická
    Technická 2, 166 27 Praha

Responsible person RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.