Experiences of doctoral studies

Doctoral studies at FEE were essential for my current profession. After mastering various experimental techniques, literature searches, and numerous professional discussions with my supervisor and colleagues, I identified my favorite topic - photovoltaics. More importantly, my supervisor taught me to look at research from a creative angle, as if I were "creating a story". It was fun (though sometimes very challenging) to combine imagination, logic, laws of nature, and actual knowledge to develop new research topics, materials, and experimental methods.

Daria Miliaieva, Ph.D.

My PhD studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering prepared me for research activities, which enabled me to become a scientist at Honeywell Advanced Technologies. I immediately applied many skills acquired during my studies, including my technical background and the ability to use even very theoretical principles to design actual prototypes. In addition, thanks to my contacts with foreign institutions, I could travel to a technology site in Ireland for an internship.

Ing. Jan Neužil, Ph.D.

If it wasn't for my Ph.D. at FEE, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. My current work is a continuation of the research efforts started during my Ph.D. I still draw heavily on contacts in the scientific community that I have made at scientific conferences or in collaborative research projects. Last but not least, the Ph.D. was an ideal opportunity to learn how to work independently and in a team, manage a challenging project, present and defend my work, assess and evaluate the work of others, deal with setbacks, and accept constructive feedback.

Ing. Lukáš Krasula, Ph.D.

The most important skills acquired during the Ph.D. studies were critical thinking, detailed problem analysis, and finding the core of a problem and assessing its relevance. And also to do it quickly. Another essential aspect was presenting the results of my work both in written form and in front of a (sometimes large, but always critical and attentive) audience. As a bonus, I took exams in two foreign languages, which proved essential for applying for a job at the EPO (European Patent Office), as it has three official languages and knowledge of at least two is required.

Mgr. Hynek Bakštein, Ph.D.

Responsible person RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.