Conditions of admission to doctoral studies

Before admission to the Ph.D. programme, it is worth studying the two most important documents - the Conditions for Admission and the Dean's Guidelines. If you would like to get to grips with the issue more quickly, please refer to the more brief list of conditions in this section.
The main condition for admission is that you have completed a Master's degree.
What you should look out for:
- If your previous education was completed in a country other than the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovenia, you must submit a certificate of nostrification of your diploma with your application.
- You must prove that you have an adequate level of English before you can apply. Most often you will need to pass a language test.
- The admission procedure takes place twice a year. The dean may announce an extraordinary deadline for other interested students on the proposal of the supervisors.
- In the doctoral programme, there is no entrance examination.
- All applicants must demonstrate adequate knowledge of English.
- The form of demonstration of language proficiency will be determined by the Dean by Directive.
Directive of the Dean
The admission of applicants to doctoral study programmes is governed by the Higher Education Act (111/1998 Coll.), the Study and Examination Regulations for CTU students, the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the FEE, these Terms and Conditions and the Dean's Guidelines for Admission to Doctoral Study Programmes.
If you want to study the PhD programme in English, you have three options:
- Take the English exam at the FEE Languages Department (and pay a fee of CZK 2,000),
- Submit an internationally recognised certificate in English at C1 level (e.g. FCE, CAE, TOEFL, ...), or
- present a certificate of a national language exam.
If you are from an English-speaking country, you are not required to take an English language exam.
Step-by-step admission procedure
Whether you are looking to build on your Master's studies here or are hopping on board from elsewhere, the following steps will tell you everything you need to know, meet and arrange to start your PhD studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague.