Admission fee

The general admission fee of CTU Prague is 950 CZK, approximately 37 EURO. The admission fee has to be paid before submitting the final application. Bank charges are always paid by applicants.

Payment details

Bank address:
Komerční banka
Dejvická 5
Praha 6

Account holder:
České vysoké učení technické
Fakulta elektrotechnická
Technická 2, Praha 6 160 00
Czech Republic

Account No.: 19-5504540257
Sort code: 0100
Payment identification: 902
Variable symbol: 85500
IBAN CZ9401000000195504540257

USD account: 115-2055330217/0100
IBAN CZ1801000001152055330217

EUR account: 107-1700230207/0100
IBAN CZ1201000001071700230207

If you have any further questions about studying at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, please contact our Study department.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk