Mobile PM2.5 and Nox air pollution sensors
Real-time monitoring of PM2.5 pollution.
We are building on previous development of devices that detect the concentration of dust particles in the air. The result is a more comprehensive device with minimal power consumption that monitors both PM2.5 dust particles and nitrogen oxide pollution caused by exhaust gases.
What problems does it solve for its customers?
On a daily basis, a significant part of the Czech population is exposed to higher than permitted concentrations of particulate matter - or fly ash. This dust is hidden from our eyes because they are very small particles. This is where their greatest danger lies. The smaller they are, the more insidious they are to our bodies.
We have developed equipment that can be successfully used for the operational measurement of air pollution (measurement campaigns), and also for the systematic investigation of environmental quality (citizen awareness).
The aim of the sub-concept is to design and implement a pilot operation of a platform that combines publicly available data (e.g. from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) and data from our own network of stationary and mobile sensors for PM2.5 and NOx air pollution. The main HW components of the proposed system are stationary and mobile sensors, which collect high temporal resolution air data. This information is sent at regular intervals through the LoRa network to a central server where it is evaluated and offered to users. The result is a comprehensive system that will inform users about the current concentration of pollutant dust with high temporal and spatial resolution, so that they can, for example, better plan sports activities.
Product development phase
Six working prototypes are ready. We have created a pilot network from them for test measurements, we are processing the data and learning how to interpret and predict pollution over time and in relation to weather conditions and traffic density. Off-line data collection (on SD card) and on-line transmission via LoRaWAN is available.
A preview of the on-line measurements can be found here
Commercialisation method
We are looking for a licensing partner for production and distribution.
Technical specifications
The overall solution concept consists of two functional units and a client application.
Measuring modules
- Ability to measure PM2.5, PM10 and NOx concentrations at specific time intervals determined by the configuration
- Storage of data on internal data storage with high temporal granularity
- Communication with the control server using a suitable LoRa network; communication is at regular configurable time intervals.
- Current values or values aggregated over a certain time interval can be sent
- Independence from an external power source (energy self-sufficiency, for the pilot project the modules are equipped with a battery that will provide a month of operation, then they need to be charged)
Control server
- Data collection from individual wireless mobile and stationary modules/sensors
- Processing of the collected data - evaluation of the current air pollution status
- Data fusion with other information sources
- Data archiving and continuous model updating for short-term air pollution prediction
- Communication of air pollution information and short-term prediction to the client application users; this is active communication towards the client (PUSH method)
- Communication with similar systems
Are you interested in this technology?
If you are interested in our technology, products and services, please contact the Technology Transfer Coordinator by phone or email: