Testing for developmental learning disabilities in children using eye movement testing
A method of universal child testing to detect learning disabilities in kindergarten students.
We used the I4Tracking® eye-tracking system, consisting of a camera part and a software application, to visually stimulate and evaluate eye movements and developed a method for universal testing of children to detect learning disabilities in kindergarten students.
What problems does it solve for its customers?
Testing for developmental learning disabilities in children by tracking eye movements provides a new, non-traditional and progressive method of diagnosis. This testing is done with an eye camera using a special set of oculometric tests. The child sits in front of a PC monitor and performs tasks. Based on the way the tasks are solved, as recorded by the eye camera, it is possible to make inferences about disturbed/undisturbed eye movements in relation to developmental learning disorders.
The main advantages of this method of testing are:
- testing is completely non-contact,
- testing does not place an unknown burden on the child (similar to watching TV, working on a PC),
- testing can be carried out on a widespread basis (e.g., at school),
- testing duration max. up to 15 minutes.
The method should serve as a quick screening test, which should be followed up by examinations in the educational-psychological counselling centre and special education centres if a potential problem is identified in the child.
This method allows for universal screening testing, which is not possible with current diagnostic methods. One of the many adverse effects of diagnosing developmental learning disabilities is that they are usually discovered relatively late. By that time, the affected child faces inadequate pressure from teachers, parents or teasing from classmates.
The product development phase
The testing methodology is developed, calibration of the interpretation of the measured samples is underway so that the resulting confidence level is close to 90%.
Commercialisation method
We are looking for a licensing partner to operate the method.
Technical specifications
I4Tracking® I4Tracking® technology is used for data collection. The testing consists of the following phases:
- A model/stress situation that can "build up" the search responses in the test subject - the administrator provides standard conditions for measurement (light reflection, distance of the child from the screen, head fixation).
- Implementation and operationalization of the experiment using the testing methodology - the child is seated in front of a PC with eye-tracking and integrated oculometric tests.
- Measurement of data on a representative sample - the administrator instructs the child and performs the eye-movement test, the PC performs the evaluation of basic parameters and this data file is sent anonymously and encrypted over the Internet from the PC to the CTU server.
- Interpretation of the measured results - robust calculations are performed on the server and the processed results are sent back to the measuring PC.
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