
FEE will be at the Science Fair for the first time!

For applicants

FEE CTU will participate for the first time in the Science Fair, which is one of the largest science-popularization events in the Czech Republic. You can visit us at the PVA EXPO Praha between 8 and 10 June. Our programme will entertain children and adults alike!

At the FEE stand, you will meet our robotic zoo and we will tell you about how we use robotic pets from the AIC FEE for research and development of artificial intelligence. And there will be other scientific "attractions" - like the Van de Graaff generator, which will charge you with static electricity to ten thousand volts, or soldering components under the supervision of FEL students. 

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Authors of photos: FEE CTU, Martin Zoula

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk