The first band to perform is Oldneas, which includes Prof. Jiří Žára, the head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction. Oldneas play rock, rock 'n' roll and blues and their playlist consists of both their own songs and cover songs. The blues-rock style will be continued by ADOSTBAND, featuring Prof. Jiří Jakovenko, the Vice-Dean for Master and Combined Studies. And finally, the group Brain Issues with Ing. Michal Zelený, a PhD student from the Department of Physics at FEE, will conclude the concert.
But that's not all! The student team eForce, which is developing an autonomous electric formula and successfully racing with it, has also prepared something for the visitors. During the concert in the FEE courtyard, first-year students can try out what it is like to be a formula pilot thanks to a sophisticated simulator. "We will reward the fastest participants with material prizes," said Jan Cába, the head of the eForce team. The freshmen will receive an FEE t-shirt and a voucher that can be used when buying refreshments at the stand with both meat and vegetarian burgers, sausages and drinks. But beware, it is only possible to pay in cash.
The +/-FEL student club, the wITches club, which popularises computer science and technology, the eForce student racing team, and students from the Academic Senate of FEE CTU will also present themselves at the event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Photo credits: Petr Neugebauer