
Ph.D. at FEE CTU: Open Day

For students For applicants

Doctoral studies are about learning to conduct scientific research and effectively present and publish your results. Many have found their passion in pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Come to the Open Day on Wednesday 26 March to learn more. It starts at 16:30 in the auditorium T2:D3-209 in Dejvice.

Those interested in a scientific career in academia, research institutions or in R&D departments of companies are invited to the Open Day for Ph.D. studies at FEE CTU.

During the programme, attendees will learn essential information about doctoral studies and research activities at FEE. This will be followed by a discussion with branch board chairpersons, supervisors, heads of departments, and graduates.

FEE is the right choice

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering at CTU in Prague has long been ranked among the top ten research institutions in the Czech Republic. We generate about one third of CTU’s total research output, as measured by the number of impacted publications and citations taking into account author shares. Among the applied outputs of scientific activity that we are able to generate are, for example, sold licenses of international patents.

We try to provide students with an adequate income, which is composed of a tax-free state scholarship supplemented by funds from the internal Student Grant Competition and usually income from employment at FEE – work on research projects. For outstanding achievements in creative work (e.g., publications in impacted journals) or pedagogical activities, the dean usually awards a one-off special-purpose scholarship, which forms a motivational component of the income. Under these conditions, PhD students can pursue their research full-time.

Applications are to be submitted electronically by 30 April 2025 for studies commencing on1 September 2025. Entrance examinations will take place from 10 to 21 June 2025.

Further information about Ph.D. studies can be found via the following link

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk