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Optimization of EV charging infrastructure development based on electromobility growth scenarios for a typical European developed city

  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    The impact of the European Union’s carbon footprint reduction targets and their effects on the transport sector can be seen in the gradual trend towards replacing the combustion engine vehicles fleet with plug-in hybrid or fully electric vehicles. With the rapid growth of electric vehicles, many questions and issues arise associated with EV charging. The key to sustaining this rapid fleet renewal is constructing a dense public charging station network. This research aims to assist stakeholders and EV charging infrastructure developers in planning the strategic deployment of public charging stations in terms of number, charging power, and their placement in strategic locations in a city.

Simulation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points Based on Efficient Use of Chargers and Using Recuperated Braking Energy from Trains

  • DOI: 10.3390/en15020571
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  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Electric vehicles represent an innovation in mobility that can help significantly reduce greenhouse emissions and mitigate climate change. However, replacing internal combustion with electric vehicles is not enough. This replacement needs to be complemented with a change in the energy mix of individual countries towards renewable energy sources and efficient use of electricity generated as a secondary product. Recuperative braking energy from trains can serve as one source of such secondary energy. Following an analysis of recuperative energy generated and analysis of charging requirements of individual electric vehicles, the paper proposes a model of a charging site near train stations. Using this energy to charge electric vehicles helps to reduce energy consumption from the electricity grid and thus reduce carbon emissions. Compared to other articles, the proposed model ensures the efficient use of recuperative braking energy from trains by using the variable charging power function; thereby, the installation of additional battery storage is eliminated. Our model results show that the benefits of a car park with a reservation system near train stations increase the car park efficiency, provide a sufficient number of private charging points, contribute to efficient use of recovered energy, and reduce carbon emissions.

Optimization Of Low-Power Charging Stations For Electric Vehicles Installed In Existing Car Parks As A Solution For The Lack Of Private

  • Authors: Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D., Horák, M.
  • Publication: 40th Congress on Operations Research / Industrial Engineering. Istanbul: Bogazici University, 2021.
  • Year: 2021
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Electric vehicles represent a mobility innovation that can help significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. However, with the growing number of EVs, the challenges of sufficient chargers and dense charging infrastructure are very pressing. The paper proposes a charging point model based on the identified requirements of existing and future EV users. Simultaneously, the paper offers a solution to one of the most common barriers for potential EV users deciding to purchase an EV: the lack of a private charging point. In general, the lack of parking spaces mostly affects the urban areas with a high concentration of vehicles. The construction of new parking spaces in these areas is often technically very difficult and economically unviable. Therefore, the model focuses mainly on retrofitting existing car parks with chargers and the subsequent efficient use of these chargers by nonresident during the day and in the evening for private use by residents. The model aims to optimise the required installed substation power and the number of simultaneously used chargers based on the utilisation of the selected car park. The proposed optimal solution of charging points was tested in a case study using real data capturing users' habits and their arrivals and departures from the car park. The charging requirements for each EV used were based on real data collected from charging iterations over a one year observation period. The model shows that the main benefits of the observed P+R car park equipped with low-power chargers are to increase the efficiency of the car parks easily, to provide a sufficient number of private charging spaces, to optimise the operating costs and to support the development of EV mobility.

Impact of pelleting cost on competitiveness of intentionally grown biomass for local space heating: Case example of the Czech Republic

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.089
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Biomass plays a dominant role in the EU RES portfolio, especially in CE countries. Pellets from locally produced biomass can serve as a substitute of coal still widely used for local heating to date in the Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European countries. Wood chips from short rotation coppice plantations (SRC) is suitable source of biomass for the production of pellets for local space heating. Cost of pellets production from biomass from SRC plantations is modeled using cash flow simulation related with all parts of pellets production chain. Article presents results of modeling of biomass cost from SRC plantations and its processing into wood pellets in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The cost of pellets, respecting the whole production cycle from biomass cultivation to pelleting, ranges from 7.85–8.55 EUR/GJ for typical yields of SRC plantations 8–10 t(DM)/ha,year. To achieve competitiveness with domestic (Czech) brown coal (6.5–7.3 EUR/GJ) for local space heating, it would be necessary either to increase the ecological tax on coal 10 x (to about 3.3 EUR/GJ) or to subsidize the establishment of the SRC plantation (1300 EUR/ha) or to double the area subsidy per year (to 390 EUR/ha,year).

Optimization of Electric Vehicle Charging Points Based on Efficient Use of Chargers and Providing Private Charging Spaces

  • DOI: 10.3390/en13246750
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Electric vehicles are a mobility innovation that can help significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. However, increasing numbers of electric vehicles require the construction of a dense charging infrastructure with a sufficient number of chargers. Based on the identified requirements for existing electric vehicle users and potential new customers, the paper proposes a charging point model for an urban area equipped with a local transformer station and a sufficient number of low-power chargers. In particular, the model focuses on efficient use of chargers throughout the day, considering private rental of chargers paid by residents in the evening. The model uses an optimization method that compares the non-covered fixed costs due to unsold electricity to nonresidents and the annualized costs of building an additional transformer. The proposed optimal charging point solution was tested in a case study using real data capturing users’ habits and their arrivals in and departures from the car park. As our model results show, the great benefit of a park-and-ride car park equipped with chargers consists of a simple increase in car park efficiency, ensuring sufficient numbers of private charging lots, optimizing operating costs, and supporting the development of electromobility.

Why transaction costs do not decrease over time? A case study of energy efficiency programmes in Czechia

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111871
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Transaction costs have a negative impact on the implementation and effectiveness of energy efficiency policies, while they remain rarely systematically tracked and evaluated. Transaction costs should decrease over time, thanks to the ageing of the policy (and the effects of learning) and the prevalence of initial, fixed costs. However, we find that the opposite may be true. We examine the effect of time and learning on the structure and size of transaction costs by using a data set of two programmes in two programming periods (2007–2013 and 2014–2020). We find that despite the continuity of the programmes, the burden of transaction costs in both cases increased significantly. The potential gains from learning throughout the programmes are overrun by constant internally and externally driven changes to the programme. In addition, through the course of the programmes, smaller and more complicated projects prevail. Lastly, due to internal organisational changes among the recipients, there is little institutional memory and distribution of information. An early thorough preparatory phase of a programme and stability of the institutional environment increase the effectiveness of the programmes. Differentiating the administrative processes according to the size of projects, with simplified procedures for smaller projects, may further decrease administrative intensity.

Benefits of Battery Storage for Charging Stations

  • Authors: Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the International Student Scientific Conference Poster – 23/2019. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Středisko vědecko-technických informací, 2019. p. 232-235. 1. vol. 1. ISBN 978-80-01-06581-5.
  • Year: 2019
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Following the EU 2030 targets, the reduction of GHG emissions becomes ever more pressing. All stakeholders will have to seek for solutions to reach the reduction of GHG emissions across sectors - not only in the electricity and heat generation, but also in the public and especially private transport sector. Mainly the field of new vehicles should actively change. The European Parliament specified that 40% of new cars to be zero- or low-emission vehicles by 2030 targets. With the increase of electric vehicles (EVs), it will be important to find suitable points of charging with regards to transport infrastructure and complete the existing system of energy network with superchargers. The existing literature and research have so far mainly focused on the location of the charging stations in the primary transport nodes like gas stations along the highways and roads among the cities and have rarely considered the fact that in the first stage, most EV will be used as city vehicles. It is highly likely, that due to the parameters of current batteries and small distance which the EVs are able to achieve, the EVs will initially be used for urban and suburban traffic.


  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Following the EU 2030 targets, the reduction of GHG emissions becomes ever more pressing. All stakeholders will have to seek for solutions to reach the reduction of GHG emissions across sectors - not only in the electricity and heat generation, but also in the public and especially private transport sector. Mainly the field of new vehicles should actively change. The European Parliament specified that 40% of new cars to be zero- or low-emission vehicles by 2030 targets. With the increase of electric vehicles (EVs), it will be important to find suitable points of charging with regards to transport infrastructure and complete the existing system of energy network with superchargers. The existing literature and research have so far mainly focused on the location of the charging stations in the primary transport nodes like gas stations along the highways and roads among the cities and have rarely considered the fact that in the first stage, most EV will be used as city vehicles. It is highly likely, that due to the parameters of current batteries and small distance which the EVs are able to achieve, the EVs will initially be used for urban and suburban traffic.


  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Biomass plays a dominant role in the EU RES portfolio, especially in CE countries. Further development of the use of biomass will require its targeted cultivation on agricultural land. Pellets and briquettes from locally produced biomass can serve as a substitute for coal widely used for local heating to date. The most suitable for the production of pellets for local heating is chips from SRC plantations. The price of biofuels thus produced, respecting the whole production cycle from biomass cultivation to pelleting, ranges from 7.0 to 12.2 EUR/GJ in the Czech Republic. To achieve competitiveness with domestic brown coal (6.4 EUR/GJ), it would be necessary either to increase the ecological tax on coal 10x (to about 3.3EUR GJ) or to subsidize the establishment of the plantation or to double the area subsidy per year.

Shared Battery Storage, a Key Solution for the Construction of Charging Stations in the Urban Area

  • Authors: Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 10th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2019. Košice: TU Košice, FEI, 2019. p. 429-433. ISBN 9788055333243.
  • Year: 2019
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Following the EU 2030 targets, reduction of GHG emissions becomes ever more pressing. All stakeholders will have to seek solutions to reach the reduction of GHG emissions across sectors - not only in the electricity and heat generation, but also in the public and especially private transport sector. Mainly the field of new vehicles should change. The European Parliament specified that 40% of new cars are to be zero- or low-emission vehicles by 2030 targets. With the increase of electric vehicles (EVs), it will be important to find suitable points of charging with regard to transport infrastructure as well as to complete the existing system of energy network with superchargers. The existing literature and research have so far mainly focused on the location of the charging sites in the primary transport nodes, such as gas stations along the highways and roads outside cities and have rarely considered the fact that in the first stage, most EVs will be used as city vehicles. It is highly likely, that due to the parameters of current batteries and small distance, which the EVs are able to achieve, the EVs will initially be used for urban and suburban transport. However, at the same time, many places, which have an excellent location in terms of transport infrastructure in the city, such as gas stations or large parking spaces, usually do not have a sufficient capacity of the electrical connection for EVs charging. Lower capacity of electrical connection can be the reason why it is not possible to create a charging site in the required place, or it is not possible to use sufficient number of charging stations with adequate power. One of the solutions to this problem may be an installation of battery storage at these points. This paper evaluates the costs and benefits that the system with shared battery storage brings and compares the battery solution with the alternative of investing in increasing the capacity of the electrical connection in the required area.

Central energy storage shared within a group of small photovoltaic installations

  • Authors: Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Energy-Ecology-Economy 2018. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2018. p. 110-115. ISBN 978-80-89402-99-1.
  • Year: 2018
  • Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    Increasing support of energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in an effort to increase decarbonization of energy and the economy leads to the massive development of small photovoltaic (PV) installations. With the increasing installed capacity not only in decentralized electricity sources, in order to optimize its own operation while considering the system needs, i.e., the issue of supplementing the energy storage system. The project aims to analyze in detail the current situation in the field of energy storage, the analysis of possible technical solutions ensuring the central shared storage for energy from RES and design of a model for technical and economic optimization of the system operation consisting of the photovoltaic system and central energy storage.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk