
Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.

All publications

Infrastructure Operator Field Workforce Management Systems Simulation Possibilities

  • Authors: Ing. Jiří Holeček, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 2016 17th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME) 2016. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2016. pp. 397-402. ISBN 978-80-01-05883-1.
  • Year: 2016
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The issue of the workforce management in the field is crucial for infrastructure operators. A key role is played by workforce management systems that assign workers with the right skills at the optimal time in the right place, so long-term compliance with the required quality parameters is met at the lowest possible costs. Historical development and theoretical basics of workforce management systems are presented in the paper. Fundamental of paper is the issue of modelling and simulation of Workforce management systems. The output is simulation model. Results of simulations and their compliance with the real data are discussed in conclusion. The paper is based on extensive real data that the authors obtained from the most important Czech power distribution and telecommunications operators.

An Approach to Simulation of Workforce and Field Force Management Systems

  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper introduces the reader to possibilities of simulation of workforce management systems in selected simulation tool whose selection is described, and which is described in detail. A sample model created in this tool and optimization using simulation is also given.

Benchmarking Methodology for IP Testing in Industrial Networks

  • Authors: Chlumský, P., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Čepa, L., Kozák, M.
  • Publication: 16th Mechatronika 2014. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014. pp. 92-99. ISBN 978-80-214-4817-9.
  • Year: 2014
  • DOI: 10.1109/MECHATRONIKA.2014.7018241
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper aims to describe a benchmarking methodology for testing the performance of IP protocols in industrial and control networks with regard to the deployment of Smart Grids. Based on the ITU recommendation and definitions, the paper summarizes the general communication requirements for ICT networks and confronts them with the requirements set out in the standards for specific types of industrial and control network implementations such as electrical power industry, water industry, transport industry, etc. The paper provides qualitative parameters, which aim to characterize the transmission characteristics of IP protocol based on confrontation of the communication requirements. It is necessary to define general data streams that are typical for industrial and control networks and measurement scenarios for measuring these transmission characteristics. Finally, the paper defines the minimum topology of test network and minimal configuration of network elements where the methodology for testing IP protocols is demonstrated.

Global Development of ICT Sector in Numbers

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2014 Řízení informačních a komunikačních technologií - Sborník přednášek odborné konference - Část 1: Přednášky. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2014. pp. 39-48. ISBN 978-80-01-05518-2.
  • Year: 2014

Global Development of ICT Sector in Numbers

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2014 Řízení informačních a komunikačních technologií - Sborník přednášek odborné konference - Část 2: Diskuze. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2014. pp. 16-18. ISBN 978-80-01-05519-9.
  • Year: 2014

Smart Grids Process Framework Assessment Through Process Modeling

  • DOI: 10.1109/MECHATRONIKA.2014.7018242
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Smart Grids are current stage in power grids evolution. This trend brings increased demands on network management and it results in the need for greater involvement of ICT technologies to power grids. In telecommunications, managing large ICT networks is traditionally handled at high level and has been described by standardized process frameworks. One of the most important process frameworks is Frameworx by TM Forum. It is generally assumed that the processes from the telecommunications can be adapted to the Smart Grids. This paper addresses the use of existing techniques from the field of telecommunications, especially the Frameworx in the power grid sector. This aim is achieved through modeling and simulation of processes in the power grid using the processes described for telecommunications networks. The output of the paper is to assess the suitability of the usage of formalized process frameworks in the field of power grids.

Methodology for Business Aspects Quantification of Fundamental Network Technology Innovation

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Ing. Jiří Holeček, Ph.D., Martinek, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis. Dallas, TX: American Telecommunications Systems Management Association Inc., 2013. pp. 78-84. ISBN 978-0-9820958-8-1.
  • Year: 2013
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents original methodology designed for comparison of communication technologies for Smart Grids, according to their business characteristics. Its core is a detailed description of the complex of criteria for business characteristics of the communication technologies assessment, in terms of their use in Smart Grids. Part of the description is also a definition of the suitable metrics. The assessment has been designed in a way to allow the evaluation from the Smart Grids user’s point of view. All technologies have been described and sorted into individual categories and assessment of their working characteristics has been made from the point of their use for Smart Grids. Mutual comparison of results is the outcome of this article. The presented methodology has been developed within the research project that was carried out for a significant European power networks operator for strategic decision making during the determination of which technology should be chosen.

Simulation of Bahaviour of Intelligent Power Networks

  • Authors: Ing. Jiří Holeček, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: 15th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 29-33. ISBN 978-80-227-4026-5.
  • Year: 2013
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Intelligent power networks, called Smart Grids are the new trend of Information and Communication Technologies. There exist many similarities between Smart Grids and telecommunications networks. The aim of the paper is to de-scribe and compare some of simulation tools for Smart Grids behaviour in order to find at the end the best manner how to apply formalized procedures for management of telecommuni-cations networks for Smart Girds management.

Overview of Applicability of ICT Technologies for Smart Grids

  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Smart Grids are a new concept for the development of energy networks based on flexible of resources and energy appliances. Alongside information technology, communication technology plays a key role in the creation of Smart Grids. This paper compares available communication technologies in terms of their use for Smart Grids. In the introductory part of the paper is the categorization of systems for which communication will be provided. The core of the paper is an overview of all available communication technologies including the key technical and economic parameters. The output is the assignment of communication technologies to particular categories of use. The paper is a presentation of partial outputs of a research project created for a leading European operator of electrical networks.

Business Process Modeling and Simulation with the Stress on the Roles in Process

  • Authors: Martinek, M., Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: International Symposium Advances in Mechatronics 2011. Brno: Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenských technologií, 2011, pp. 89-92. ISBN 978-80-7231-847-6.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper introduces an original approach for role-based business process modelling, simulation and analysis. A developed process for modelling and simulation is suitable for systematic construction of the simulation models and their efficient and effective improvement.

Business Process Modeling Based on the Roles

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Problemy nedropolzovanya. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute, 2011, pp. 68-70. ISBN 978-5-94211-506-7.
  • Year: 2011

Business Process Optimization and Modeling

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of 9th International Conference Vsacký Cáb 2011. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2011. pp. 121-124. ISBN 978-80-214-4319-8.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Businesses are made of processes. Enterprises strive for excellence in business processes. Different stakeholders perceive the topic of business processes differently. This paper provides a brief overview to Business Process Management, techniques and methods for modeling and optimization of its processes. The success of the utility industry has been due in part to a long-term positive relationship with its customers. Most utilities have made a conscientious effort to identify and address the needs of the customer.

Concept of Roles Modeling within the Business Processes

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of 9th International Conference Vsacký Cáb 2011. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2011, pp. 98-100. ISBN 978-80-214-4319-8.
  • Year: 2011

Fundamentals of Business Process Management, Simulation and Modeling

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Problemy nedropolzovanya. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute, 2011. pp. 72-74. ISBN 978-5-94211-506-7.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper provides a brief insight to Business Process Management (BPM), techniques and methods for modeling and optimization of its processes. BPM has emerged as a comprehensive consolidation of disciplines sharing the belief that a process centered approach, leads to significant improvements in both performance and compliance of a system.

NGOSS Process Optimization by Means of the Process Simulation

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Management. Dallas, TX: American Telecommunications Systems Management Association Inc., 2011, pp. 179-184. ISBN 978-0-9820958-4-3.
  • Year: 2011

Optimization of the NGOSS Change Management Process Simulation Model

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics. Ostrava: VŠB - TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroniky a telekomunikační techniky, 2011. pp. 14-18. ISBN 978-80-248-2399-7.
  • Year: 2011

Probabilistic Description of the NGOSS Change Management Process

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Telecommunications 2011. Pomona, California: IEEE Communications Society, 2011, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-4577-1046-9. Available from:
  • Year: 2011

Two Different Approaches for NGOSS Process Modeling and Simulation

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology. NEW YORK: The Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), 2011. pp. 39-42. ISBN 978-81-910691-5-0.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Modeling and simulation of the business processes is an important task which helps make decisions for process adjustments and improvements. This article describes and compares two different approaches for business process modeling and simulation in the field of telecommunications. In this particular case we focus on the modeling and simulation of the NGOSS Change Management process of one of the major Czech service providers in telecommunications.

Implementing Best Practice Framewokrs

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Králíky 2010. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2010. pp. 126-129. ISBN 978-80-214-4139-2.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper provides a brief overview of two main frameworks which determine main trends and activities in IT/ ICT area. The frameworks are compared and then decomposed to verify mutual interoperability. These enable more effective and high performance service delivery.

Information Security Based on Principles of ISO 27001, ITIL and COBIT

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Workshop 2010. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 74-75. CTU Reports. ISBN 978-80-01-04513-8.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The project deal with analysis of process-oriented framework specified for the management and services supply in ICT area - ITIL, mainly focused on relation to Information Security Management System (ISMS). In the past years, ITIL has be-come the worldwide de facto standard in Service Management (ITSM). Further there is an insight to problems of implementation of different approaches to the information security based on ITIL, Cobit and ISO27001 standards. There are defined some sub-goals: - Recommend procedures for the use of the analyzed part of ITIL in the establishment and improvement of ISMS. - Analyze group of approaches to implement and improve ISMS. - Analysis of ISO2700x in relation to security management issue. Area of processes applied to the management of information security contains not only security management, but also other proc-esses of ICT like change management, access management, release management etc.

Integration of Operation Support Systems

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Problemy nedropolzovanya. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute, 2010. pp. 169-171. ISBN 978-5-94211-447-3.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Key ability to stay competitive as service provider depends on operation support systems (OSS) and business processes they manage. Due to a proprietary development of these systems, they are not able to cope with end-to-end processes spanning more systems. This inability is even more ineligible when responsibility for provided service split among different organizations. This paper briefly introduces technologies which are capable of solving this problem and describe their possible utilization.

Necessary Steps for ICT Service Providers Evolution

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Technical Computing Bratislava 2010. Bratislava: RT systems, s.r.o, 2010. 18th Annual Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-80-970519-0-7.
  • Year: 2010

New Approaches in Managing Next Generation Networks and Services

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: TSP 2010 - 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest: Asszisztencia Szervező Kft., 2010. pp. 253-256. ISBN 978-963-88981-0-4.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The market for fixed and mobile services is nearly saturated. Growth is flat to negative, seriously impacting service provider profits. Tough economic times only amplify this situation. To maneuver in this business climate, service provider´s must reinvent their business models by offering new, profitable, next-generation managed services, such as web-based video conferencing and collaboration, and other unified communications solutions. For this reason, is necessary to transform current OSS/BSS (Operations Support Systems / Business Support Systems) to new models based on the best practices, or new growing technology approaches, which bears potential of new revenues to service providers. Next generation managed services also offer the potential for rapid returns on investments.

New Opportunities in Serving Next Generation Network Services

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Problemy nedropolzovanya. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute, 2010. pp. 171-173. ISBN 978-5-94211-447-3.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper provides a brief overview of the cloud computing and its services in relation with rising significance of New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS) implementation. Mainly is focused on Software as a Service (SaaS), which is a type of cloud service which provides software functionality through the Internet. To utilize the benefits, there should be effective methodologies to support the development of SaaS services which provide high reusability, applicability and potential revenues to services provider.

Optimalization of ITC Processes

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2010 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 209-216. ISBN 978-80-01-04550-3.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The article deal with methods of optimalization of ICT processes. Outputs that are listed, can also be applied to many other process-driven institutions.

Probabilistic Description of the NGOSS Change Management Process

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: TSP 2010 - 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest: Asszisztencia Szervező Kft., 2010. pp. 452-455. ISBN 978-963-88981-0-4.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes the Change Management process within New Generation Operation Support System (NGOSS) of one Czech telecommunication service provider.

The Aims of ICT Service Providers

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2010 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 199-208. ISBN 978-80-01-04550-3.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper thinks of the development in area of ICT service provisioning and of steps which are necessary to accomplish to make it more efficient and effective. The paper also describes concept of transformation to next generation service providers.

The Next Steps for ICT Service Providers

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Králíky 2010. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2010. pp. 99-102. ISBN 978-80-214-4139-2.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper thinks of the development in area of ICT service provisioning and of steps which are necessary to accomplish to make it more efficient and effective. The paper also describes concept of transformation to next generation service providers.

The Prediction of the Evolution of the ICT Service Providers

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Elektrorevue. 2010, 13(110), 110-1-110-5. ISSN 1213-1539.
  • Year: 2010

The Usage of ITIL for Information Security Management

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Workshop 2010. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 72-73. CTU Reports. ISBN 978-80-01-04513-8.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The goal of the paper is analysis of internationally accepted framework ITIL for management of services in ICT. The analysis is focused on relationship between ITIL and management of information security (ISMS - Information Security Management System) and between ITIL and standards ISO/IEC 2700x. The ITIL is complex process oriented framework for IT service management. It is based on the best practices from praxis in ITSM. ITIL is de facto standard in area of ITSM now. There are defined two sub-goals: • Analyze the above mentioned areas for usage of ITIL for implementation and improvement of ISMS. • Recommend the procedures of analyzed parts of ITIL for implementation and improvement of ISMS. By the management of information security is not meant only area of security management but also other parts of ICT as configuration management, change management, release management and so on.

Analysis of Speech Under Stress Based on Short-Time Spectrum of Vowel Phonemes

  • Authors: Sigmund, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Anaheim: ACTA Press, 2009. pp. 77-81. ISBN 978-0-88986-780-2.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with speech signal spoken by speaker under psychological stress. The investigation of speaker's stress is based on specific changes in short-time spectrum of vowel phonemes. For each selected signal segment, the spectrum was computed by means of two different approaches: Fourier transform and chirp transform. Comparative results between both spectra served for speaker's stress identification. In case of speech under stress, the obtained spectra differ towards the higher frequencies due to enhanced pitch modulation observed in the envelope of the chirp spectrum. For use in our experiments, a new database of speech under stress consisting of data collected during oral examinations at our university was created.

Business Processes Modeling Methods

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2009 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 83-90. ISBN 978-80-01-04338-7.
  • Year: 2009

Cooperation of OSSs by Means of Web Services

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: TSP - 32nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest: Asszisztencia Szervező Kft., 2009. ISBN 978-963-06-7716-5.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Key ability to stay competitive as service provider depends on operation support systems (OSS) and business processes they manage. Due to a proprietar development of these systems, they are not able to cope with end-to-end processes spanning more systems. This inability is even more ineligible when responsibility for provided service split among different organizations. This paper briefly introduces technologies which are capable of solving this problem and describe their possible utilization.

Czech and EU Telecommunication Services Markets Juxtaposition

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Teleinformatika 2009. Praha: Wirelesscom s.r.o., 2009. ISBN 978-80-87205-10-5.
  • Year: 2009

Employment of System Engineering in Telecommunications

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2009 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 91-97. ISBN 978-80-01-04338-7.
  • Year: 2009

Insight to Implementation of the NGOSS Architecture

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: International Workshop wRTT 2009. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 0143_0049. ISBN 978-80-01-04411-7.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Without an appropriate OSS (Operations Support Systems) implementation are the business products, otherwise network services, only incomplete projects. In this point, there is opportunity to implement the best practices and standards from the both telecommunication and software worlds. This paper deal with an insight to approaches how implement NGOSS (New Generation Operations System and Software) thru two different technologies, which enable achieve that aims.

Key Aspects of Business Processes Automation

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2009 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 137-142. ISBN 978-80-01-04338-7.
  • Year: 2009

Life Cycle as Stepwise Evolution of a New System

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Sborník příspěvků konference KRÁLÍKY 2009. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2009, pp. 241-244. ISBN 978-80-214-3938-2.
  • Year: 2009

New Generation Operational Supporting Systems

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Communication and Information Technologies. Tatranské Zruby: Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika, 2009. ISBN 978-80-8040-376-8.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper deals the descritiption of the development of telecommunication infrastructure management, process modelling of telecommunications operators and related standardization.

On Using of the Process Approach in Telecommunications

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2009 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 71-76. ISBN 978-80-01-04338-7.
  • Year: 2009

Operation of IT/ICT Practice Frameworks

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Digital Technologies 2009. Žilina: TU v Žilině, 2009. pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-80-554-0150-8.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    This paper provides an overview of the similarities and the differences between Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) and how service providers can control the strength of both to deliver high quality services.

Techniques for Business Process Modeling in Telecommunication

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Sborník příspěvků konference KRÁLÍKY 2009. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2009. pp. 188-193. ISBN 978-80-214-3938-2.
  • Year: 2009

Two Approaches of Communication Between New Generation OSSs/BSSs

  • Authors: Serafin, J., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: TSP - 32nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest: Asszisztencia Szervező Kft., 2009. ISBN 978-963-06-7716-5.
  • Year: 2009

Usage of BPEL for OSS Collaboration

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: International Workshop wRTT 2009. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 0107_0050. ISBN 978-80-01-04411-7.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    Key ability to stay competitive as service provider depends on operation support systems (OSS) and business processes they manage. Due to a proprietar development of these systems, they are not able to cope with end-to-end processes spanning more systems. This inability is even more ineligible when responsibility for provided service split among different organizations. This paper briefly introduces technologies which are capable of solving this problem and describe their possible utilization.

Milestones in Development of Telecommunications in the Recent Period

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Sborník přednášek teleinformatika 2008. Praha: Wirelesscom s.r.o., 2008. ISBN 978-80-87205-04-4.
  • Year: 2008

New Generation Networks Management

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: RTT 2008. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2008. ISBN 978-80-227-2939-0.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes the concept of NGNM (New Generation Network Management). It focuses on common management principles and demands for architecture enabling support of business processes for planning, provision, maintenance and administration of NGN resources and services.

On the Possibilities of Using TRIZ Method in the Area of ICT

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Mrajca, M.
  • Publication: ICTM 2008 - Sborník přednášek konference. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2008. pp. 136-142. ISBN 978-80-01-04070-6.
  • Year: 2008

Problems of Specification with Focus on Method TRIZ

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: RTT 2008. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2008. ISBN 978-80-227-2939-0.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The aim of this paper is to make the reader acquainted with basic features of specification method TRIZ and to show its suitability to specify new services in ICT.

Role of Specification Methods in Identification of New Products

  • Authors: Mrajca, M., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Sborník příspěvků konference Zvůle 2008. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2008, pp. 166-169. ISBN 978-80-214-3709-8.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper briefly introduces specification methods, define their relationship and suggest possibilities of usage of method TRIZ in development of new services in ICT.

Statistical Analysis of Glottal Pulses in Speech Under Psychological Stress

  • Authors: Sigmund, M., Prokeš, A., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: EUSIPCO-2008. Herent: EURASIP, 2008. p. 156910509. ISSN 2219-5491.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, the problem of speech signal under psychological stress is addressed. The investigation into the speaker's stress is based on statistical analysis of glottal pulse derivative extracted from the vowel signals. A pitch synchronous selection of segments from the glottal pulse waveform is used. Selected segments are fixed in their maxima and overlaid. The generated distribution matrix is analysed using special cuts. A new database of speech under stress is created for use in our experiments consisting of data collected during oral final examinations at our university. The database contains read and conversational speech of 31 male speakers, both in neutral and in stressed state. The stress recognition rate in the speaker dependent binomial classification (stress/no stress) reaches 88%.

Telecommunications: From the Monopoly towards the Market

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Technologies & Prosperity. 2008, XIII(Zvl.vydání), 9-12. ISSN 1213-7162.
  • Year: 2008

Deregulation of Telecommunication Sector

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: RTT 2007. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2007, pp. 45-47. ISBN 978-80-8070-735-4.
  • Year: 2007

Edification from the Critical Developments (in Telecommunications)

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: KIT 2007 - Zborník príspevkov. Tatranské Zruby: Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika, 2007. pp. 5_01. ISBN 978-80-8040-325-6.
  • Year: 2007

ITIL and ETOM Juxtaposition

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Telecommunications and Signal Processing - TSP 2007. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. pp. 8-11. ISBN 978-80-214-3445-5.
  • Year: 2007

On SOX 404

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Hofman, P.
  • Publication: Řízení informačních a komunikačních technologií ICTM - 2007. Praha: CTU. Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2007. p. 137-141. ISBN 80-01-03700-3.
  • Year: 2007

Options for Education in IT

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Hofman, P.
  • Publication: Řízení informačních a komunikačních technologií ICTM - 2007. Praha: CTU. Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2007. p. 9-16. ISBN 80-01-03700-3.
  • Year: 2007

To the Commercialisation of Telecommunication Products

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: RTT 2007. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2007, pp. 43-44. ISBN 978-80-8070-735-4.
  • Year: 2007

Comparison of Prices for Mobile Telephony

Complex Telecommunication Audit and Optimization

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: ICTM 2006 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2006, pp. 19-28. ISBN 80-01-03498-4.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Annotation:
    The paper provides detailed description of methodology for telecommunications auditing and optimization of a company's telecommunication infrastructure.

Correct Specification - A Key Task

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Hofman, P., Najmanová, R.
  • Publication: ICTM 2006 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2006, pp. 100-111. ISBN 80-01-03498-4.
  • Year: 2006

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ELEKTRO 2006. Žilina: EDIS, 2006. p. 19-21. ISBN 80-8070-544-5.
  • Year: 2006

Internal Links of Formalized Product Specification Methods

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2006 - Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2006. p. 121-124. ISBN 80-214-3243-8.
  • Year: 2006

Optimization of Telecommunication Services

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2006 - Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2006. pp. 93-96. ISBN 80-214-3243-8.
  • Year: 2006

The Issues of Demand for New Services

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Sborník přednášek konference TELEINFORMATIKA 2006. Praha: Wirelesscom s.r.o., 2006.
  • Year: 2006

Basic Concepts of ICT Management

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Hofman, P.
  • Publication: ICTM 2005 - Sborník přednášek z konference. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2005. pp. 5-13. ISBN 80-01-03259-0.
  • Year: 2005

Icotel - L. Da Vinci Project's Results

  • Authors: Bažant, I., Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings EC-SIP-M 2005. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, FEI, 2005. p. 58-59. ISBN 80-227-2257-X.
  • Year: 2005

Information Management

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: Management and Control of ICT infrastructure. Bratislava: Vydavatel'stvo STU, 2005. p. 143-182. ISBN 80-227-2306-1.
  • Year: 2005

Introduction to ICT Services Management

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc., Hofman, P.
  • Publication: RTT 2005 Proceedings. Ostrava: VŠB - TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroniky a telekomunikační techniky, 2005. ISBN 80-248-0897-8.
  • Year: 2005

ITIL Methodology

  • Authors: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec, CSc.,
  • Publication: RTT 2005 Proceedings. Ostrava: VŠB - TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroniky a telekomunikační techniky, 2005. ISBN 80-248-0897-8.
  • Year: 2005

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk