Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.
All publications
Biomass price as a key factor for the further development of biogas and biomethane use – Methodology and policy implications
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Vávrová, K., Outrata, D., Horák, M., Ing. Lukáš Janota, Ph.D., Jablonská, Š.
- Publication: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2023, 60 ISSN 2213-1388.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2023.103492
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Intentionally planted biomass is one of the important possible sources for biomethane production. The production cost of biomass plays a key role in both a farmer's decision to grow it and the efficiency of biomethane production. Unlike conventional agricultural crops, biomass grown for biogas or biomethane plants does not have a direct market price. The paper presents a methodology for determining the limit of biomass production price based on modelling lost revenue from planting conventional crops over the lifetime of the biogas or biomethane plant, considering local agrotechnical practices and soil and climatic conditions. The application of the methodology is demonstrated by providing maize biomass for a reference biogas plant and conditions of the Czech Republic. The production price of maize silage is in the range of 25.6–29.4 EUR/tFM for base line scenario of conventional crop prices. The increase in commodity prices in 2021 and 2022 leads to an increase in the biomass production price up to 34–43 EUR/tFM.
Complex aspects of climate change impacts on the cultivation of perennial energy crops in the Czech Republic
- Authors: Vávrová, K., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Weger, J., Outrata, D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Energy Conversion and Management: X. 2023, 20 ISSN 2590-1745.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ecmx.2023.100465
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Perennial energy crops, called also second-generation energy crops, can make a significant contribution to the renewable energy balance in Central European, land locked regions, in the future. When estimating the biomass potential of energy crops, possible impacts of ongoing climate change must be considered. Climate change in Central European conditions will result in an increase in average temperatures and especially in the amount and distribution of precipitation. This will be reflected in a change in the type of climate region assigned to each land plot. Climate change leads to a change in growing conditions, a change in yields of conventional and energy crops and to a change in the allocation of energy crops to land in the region. Analysis of production data from long-term field experiments shows that the varieties of second-generation energy crops are and will be capable of adapting to the current effects of climate change over the next two decades. Modelling of biomass potential in a GIS environment shows that climate change will result in a change in land allocation between short rotation coppice and Miscanthus. The manner in which land is selected for energy crops has a significant impact on biomass potential from second generation energy crop. The paper presents a methodology for estimating the impact of climate change on the biomass potential of perennial energy crops using the Czech Republic as an example.
Complex methodology for optimizing local energy supply and overall resilience of rural areas: A case study of Agrovoltaic system with Miscanthus x giganteus plantation within the energy comm
- Authors: Ing. Lukáš Janota, Ph.D., Vavrova, K., Weger, J., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Renewable Energy. 2023, 212 738-750. ISSN 0960-1481.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.077
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The article presents a proposal for a comprehensive methodology designed to increase the energy self-sufficiency and overall resilience of rural areas. The methodology aims to maximize the synergy and economic benefit of the agrovoltaic system with the cultivation of the energy crop Miscanthus x giganteus and its use for energy production in CHP sources within the local energy community. Primary data from Miscanthus x giganteus cultivation from long-term field trials and commercial plantations and initial agrovoltaic experiments were used. The analysed data show the high resistance and adaptability of Miscanthus x giganteus to climate change and confirm its expected long-term high yields of around 15 t DM ha(-1) y(-1) with a Higher Heating Value of 17-19 GJ t(-1). The application of the methodology to a case study in the Czech Republic shows a reduction in electricity consumption by more than 40% (2 GWh) and a reduction in thermal energy consumption by more than 15% (4 GWh). The technical-economic analysis shows the high potential, financial and non-financial benefits of local production of energy fuels from biomass as part of subsequent production and energy distribution in the agrovoltaic field.
Ecosystem services and economic competitiveness of perennial energy crops in the modelling of biomass potential - A case study of the Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Vávrová, K., Outrata, D., Romportl, D., Horák, M., Ing. Jan Jandera, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2023, 173 ISSN 1364-0321.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.113120
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper focuses on the design of a methodology that links the modelling of biomass potential from agricultural land using geographic information systems (derivation of biomass yields according to soil, topographical and climatic characteristics) with the growing need to provide non-productive functions contributing to sustainable land use and ensure the economic viability of biomass from energy crops. According to the proposed method-ology, perennial energy crops are prioritized for allocation where the land risk index is highest. The land risk index is determined by assessing 5 basic characteristics -landscape connectivity, landscape heterogeneity, threat of drought, threat of water erosion and threat of soil erosion. In order to assess the economic competitiveness of biomass produced, a methodology for determining biomass production price is used, with the aim of matching the economic effect of growing conventional crops. Land best allocated to perennial energy crops is characterized by a high land risk index value and a competitive biomass production price. The application of the methodology is demonstrated using the case study of the Czech Republic. The results of the case study show that when energy crops are selected based on a combination of necessary non-productive functions and economic competitiveness, this significantly influences the allocation of perennial energy crops to individual land blocks and their contri-bution to biomass energy potential.
Natural gas as a transition bridge by 2035 and its transmission capacities adequacy
- Authors: Jablonská, Š., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. 2023, 18(1), 1-30. ISSN 1556-7249.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1080/15567249.2023.2250781
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
This paper analyzes the potential for natural gas in Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in order to develop a model that accurately describes the adequacy of transmission capacities in the region up until the year 2035. Two scenarios are created using the model. The first scenario is based on the situation prior to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, while the second scenario considers the conflict, allowing to observe its impact. In the Original Scenario, gas was an indisputable part of the energy mix, and it was desirable to increase the transmission capacity. In contrast, the Reduction Scenario aims to reduce gas consumption and to diversify the portfolio of suppliers, which makes its role uncertain. Under this scenario the flow distribution significantly changes and neglects the transit role of the selected region. The surprising result was that the flow through Ukraine became the main gas flowing from Russia. Both scenarios also shared a common outcome–the importance of storage capacities.
Process Economy of Alternative Fuel Production from Sewage Sludge and Waste Celluloses Biomass
- Authors: Vavrova, K., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Janota, L., Solcova, O., Čárský, M., Soukup, K., Ing. Miroslav Vítek, CSc.,
- Publication: Energies. 2023, 16(1), 1-12. ISSN 1996-1073.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.3390/en16010518
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is one of the most important and critical problems of wastewater treatment plants. 8.7 million tonnes of dry matter of sewage sludge were produced annually in the European Union in the year 2020. Due to the fact that sewage sludge contains a large number of substances that are not beneficial for human health, the conditions for sludge management will be significantly tightened in the EU countries. One option for sludge liquidation is the production of biofuel in a form of granules or pellets from sewage sludge enriched by waste celluloses. The achieved results show that the resulting quality of such alternative biofuel is fully comparable to conventional fossil fuels. The economic analysis is based on the simulation of cash flows associated with the implementation of the project over the lifetime and the calculation of levelised cost (LCOE). Results shows (under the current economic situation) that solar dryer technology ensures the lowest LCOE at the level of 26 EUR/GJ in fuel. If the LCOE of the alternative biofuel includes the price of the saved emission allowance and the future costs of sewage sludge disposal, the resulting price is directly competitive with lignite. The results thus clearly show that there is an ecological and economically competitive substitute for solid fossil fuels, which may be an important step for the future use of local combustion sources such as district heating plants.
Agroforestry in the Czech Republic: What Hampers the Comeback of a Once Traditional Land Use System?
- Authors: Lojka, B., Teutscherová, N., Chládová, A., Kala, L., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Agronomy. 2022, 12(1), 1-24. ISSN 2073-4395.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12010069
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The interest in re-implementing agroforestry (AF) in European agriculture due to its environmental benefits has been growing exponentially. We reviewed the historical background and the current state (extent, farmers’ perception, legislative support, and barriers) to evaluate the future perspectives of AF in Czechia by identifying the key factors hampering further extension. Our results confirmed that AF almost disappeared after the middle of the 19th century due to agricultural intensification and collectivization. Currently, AF is not defined in the Czech legislation and no modern AF has been encountered by this study. Areas falling into AF definition recently comprise only traditional AF (less than 1% of agricultural area remaining) represented only by silvopastoral AF. The results of a farmers’ survey indicated that despite relatively high interest in AF, excessive bureaucratization, high costs of establishment and uncertain profitability are severe concerns among farmers. We therefore conclude that there is a lack of legal recognition and marginalization of AF as the key obstacles of low adoption rates. We suggest that systematic support beyond subsi-dies should include raising awareness, research, policy, legislation changes, training, and advisory service, as a cornerstone for progressive development of AF and thus conservation and creation of economically and environmentally sound landscapes throughout Czechia.
Agroforestry systems as new strategy for bioenergy — Case example of Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Vavrova, K., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Weger, J.
- Publication: Energy Reports. 2022, 8 519-525. ISSN 2352-4847.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2022.02.098
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper deals with the analysis of economic efficiency of innovative agroforestry systems (AFS) using coppiced tree belts (CTB), which combine the advantages of traditional alley cropping with the short rotation coppice (dense plantation of fast-growing trees for biomass — SRC) on an agricultural field. We have analyzed and compared such innovative agroforestry system (AFS-CTB) with conventional food crops production in conventional 4 crop year rotation (winter barley, winter wheat, rapeseed and corn). The minimum price of production, (based on net present value criterion), was performed to enable simultaneous assessment of annual and perennial crops over time in order to obtain also economic evaluation and comparison. Our results show that AFS-CTB generate similar income and profits as from conventional annual crops when cultivating on suitable sites and adhering to good farming principles.
Economic evaluation of Hemp's (Cannabis sativa) residual biomass for production of direct energy or biochar
- Authors: Vávrová, K., Solcova, O., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Weger, J., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Bím,
- Publication: Fuel. 2022, 329 1-11. ISSN 0016-2361.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125435
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- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The aim of the article is to present the results regarding a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency of Cannabis cultivation with an emphasis on the economic evaluation of the use of residual biomass either for direct energy use or for biochar production. The results of field experiments conducted in the Czech Republic showed great variability and adaptability of six tested varieties, out of which 'Fedora' and 'CS' were selected for further evaluation for energy and biochar production due to favourable yields of stem biomass (5.5 – 8.5 t DM/ha). Biochar produced from hemp biomass revealed texture properties which corresponded to quality commercial sorbents and met the limits related to the use in a variety of applications, e.g. soil amendment or water treatment. The economic analysis showed the advantage of residual biomass exploitation for the production of biochar, resp. for energy use as a by–product of the primary production of bioactive substances from Cannabis plants. The cost of obtaining 1 GJ of heat in the fuel is between 4.1 and 5 EUR, while another economic effect relates to the income from the sale of flowers for the extraction of bioactive substances. Concerning the conditions of the Czech Republic, the cost of biochar production from hemp biomass ranges, assuming the pyrolysis technology with the capacity 250 kg of raw biomass per hour, from 452 to 667 EUR/t (without excess heat utilization), and from 381 to 596 EUR/t (with excess heat utilization).
Impacts of EU Taxonomy Implementation on the Energy Sector
- Authors: Ing. Adam Kubín, Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2022. p. 256-262. First. ISBN 978-80-553-4104-0.
- Year: 2022
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
This paper analyzes the implications of the EU Taxonomy, as the European Union (EU) instrument to mitigate climate change and reduce import dependency, for the European energy sector in the context of resource adequacy. Resource adequacy is assessed in the medium-term horizon using the case example of the Czech Republic (CZ) as a country facing a significant energy transition, as its resource mix is still largely made up of coal. The analysis is based on the country's energy balance and the available outlooks published in the energy concepts and strategic documents of the CZ. These outlooks are quantitatively analyzed and critically assessed. According to the current set of conditions for new resources resulting from the EU Taxonomy, there is a risk that in the medium term (2040) there will be no new resources, technologies and fuels available in the CZ that would comply with the conditions of the EU Taxonomy and at the same time cover the country's energy needs. This may lead to the situation where Czech Republic's electricity system will be inadequate in terms of generation and installed capacity sooner than would be the case if the implications of the EU Taxonomy were not considered. As a result of the EU Taxonomy, other European countries on the threshold of energy transition may face a similar problem and their energy security may be compromised. The results show that EU Taxonomy can have a significant impact on future development of European energy sector in the context of energy mix.
Possible Role of Biomass in Energy Transformation – Economic Competitiveness and Policy Implications on Case Example of the Czech Republic
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Horák, M., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Vávrová, K., Outrata, D.
- Publication: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2022. p. 143-148. First. ISBN 978-80-553-4104-0.
- Year: 2022
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper focuses on the determination of the potential of biomass from energy crops purposefully grown on agricultural land in relation to the biomass production price and on the development of a cost curve for purposefully grown biomass. To model the potential of energy crops, an approach based on deriving crop yields from soil and climatic parameters on individual plots of the analyzed area is used. For the construction of the cost curve of purpose-grown biomass, a model based on the derivation of the biomass production price based on the opportunity cost principle - the forgone economic effect from growing conventional crops - is developed. The methodology presents 5 basic approaches to the allocation of agricultural land for energy crops in terms of priority of food production, maximization of biomass production, minimization of total production costs, even geographical distribution of energy crops over the analyzed area and at the same time in terms of maximization of non-productive effects provided by perennial energy crops.
Techno-Economic Analysis of Fluidized Bed Combustion of a Mixed Fuel from Sewage and Paper Mill Sludge
- Authors: Carsky, M., Solcova, O., Soukup, K., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Vávrová, K., Ing. Lukáš Janota, Ph.D., Ing. Miroslav Vítek, CSc., Honus, S., Jadlovec, M., Wimmerová, L.
- Publication: Energies. 2022, 15(23), 1-13. ISSN 1996-1073.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.3390/en15238964
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is one of the most important and critical issues of wastewater treatment plants. One option for sludge liquidation is the production of fuel in the form of pellets from mixed sewage and paper mill sludge. This study presents the results of the combustion of pelletized fuels, namely sewage and paper mill sludge, and their 2:1 and 4:1 blends in a fluidized bed combustor. The flue gas was analysed after reaching a steady state at bed temperatures of 700–800 °C. Commonly used flue gas cleaning is still necessary, especially for SO2; therefore, it is worth mentioning that the addition of paper mill sludge reduced the mercury concentration in the flue gas to limits acceptable in most EU countries. The analysis of ash after combustion showed that magnesium, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, zinc, arsenic, and lead remained mostly in the ash after combustion, while all cadmium from all fuels used was transferred into the flue gas together with a substantial part of chlorine and mercury. The pellets containing both sewage and paper mill sludge can be used as an environmentally friendly alternative fuel for fluidised bed combustion. The levelized cost of this alternative fuel is at the same current price level as lignite. © 2022 by the authors.
Environmental aspects and economic evaluation of new green hydrolysis method for waste feather processing
- Authors: Solcova, O., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Wimmerova, L., Vavrova, K., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2021, 23(6), 1863-1872. ISSN 1618-954X.
- Year: 2021
- DOI: 10.1007/s10098-021-02072-5
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
In recent years, an increase in the chicken meat process industry has been growing quickly, which brings a large amount of difficult to process waste, chicken feathers. These billions of kilograms create a serious waste problem over the world, furthermore, poultry feather processing is not only particularly difficult but also relatively expensive. In fact, there is no technology suitable for processing such huge quantities of feathers to guarantee sustainable development of the chicken meat industry together with processing of waste feathers. This article introduces a newly designed and original, highly efficient and environmentally friendly method of physicochemical hydrolysis of waste feathers. The hydrolysis is carried out in the presence of a weak organic carboxylic acid; thus, the resulting hydrolysate does not contain any salts or ashes. Therefore, a resulting hydrolysate, which includes a mixture of amino acids, peptides, proteins, glycoproteins and free fatty acids, is suitable for a variety of applications; e.g. as a chondroprotective agent in the treatment of joint diseases, nutrients for crop plants or targeted biostimulants for agriculture. This paper is focused not only on the process scale-up but also on environmental aspects and economic evaluations to bring general view of the process.
Policy implications of competition between conventional and energy crops
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Vavrova, K., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., Horák, M., Outrata, D.
- Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021, 151 1-11. ISSN 1364-0321.
- Year: 2021
- DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111618
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Energy crops grown on agricultural land compete with conventional crops in terms of access to soil. Failure to respect the price of biomass from energy crops and its competitiveness can lead to a significant overestimation of the potential of biomass. For the analysis of the competitiveness of energy crops, a methodology was created based on respecting specific climatic and soil parameters on individual land plots and their utilization both for conventional and energy crops. The lower limit of the biomass price from the producer's point of view is modelled on the assumption of achieving the same economic effect from conventional and energy crops over the lifetime of energy crop plantations. The methodology applied on the example of Czechia using GIS modelling shows that due to large variability in yields of both energy and conventional crops, there are large differences (up to 2.5 fold) in the profitability (and thus competitiveness of energy biomass) within territories and land zones. The realistic biomass potential is thus not only fundamentally reduced, but also geographically diverged. The modelling results also show the need for a differentiated approach to energy crop support in relation to locality conditions, yields and prices of conventional crops, including subsidies to conventional agriculture.
Biomass potential — Theory and practice: Case example of the Czech Republic region
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Vávrová, K., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Outrata, D.
- Publication: Energy Reports. 2020, 6 292-297. ISSN 2352-4847.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.11.146
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Biomass is considered to be a significant renewable energy source for the next one to two decades. In countries with conditions similar to the Czech Republic, biomass is even considered a dominant renewable source. The article therefore focuses on the determination of biomass potential on agricultural and forest land for energy purposes and it discusses the potential risks in determining the objective amount of biomass potential due to the ongoing climate change and the need to protect the land quality. According to current analyses, it is possible to estimate for the Czech Republic that the potential of biomass from forest stands will have to be reduced by about 60%–70% in one decade's outlook. Similarly, a reduction in the potential of residual biomass from agricultural land in the range of 10%–15% should be taken into account.
Dynamic biomass potential from agricultural land
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Vávrová, K., Weger, J.
- Publication: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2020, 134(110319), 1-12. ISSN 1364-0321.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110319
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The potential of biomass from agricultural land cannot be seen as a constant value over time, but rather as a dynamic one influenced by changes in many factors and characteristics. The most important include the amount of available agricultural land, the structure of cultivated crops, allocation of energy crops, the effect of a learning curve and the impact of climate change. Our method used for determination of biomass potential is based on usage of the GIS model that includes key parameters such as soil and climatic characteristics of farming plots and expected crop yields related to them, changes in arable land, planting area, utilization of biomass, and the influence of climate change. Results from modelling different scenarios for the Czech Republic show that allocating 20% of arable land for energy crops increases biomass potential by 35%, 30 PJ (compared with current nearly 0% allocation) on a time horizon 2040. If a learning curve effect for energy crops (impact of breeding and improved agrotechnologies on biomass yields) in the range of 1.5–2.5% per year is considered, then biomass potential increases by 49% (42 PJ) in total.
Impact of pelleting cost on competitiveness of intentionally grown biomass for local space heating: Case example of the Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D., Vavrová, K.
- Publication: Energy Reports. 2020, 6 732-737. ISSN 2352-4847.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.089
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Biomass plays a dominant role in the EU RES portfolio, especially in CE countries. Pellets from locally produced biomass can serve as a substitute of coal still widely used for local heating to date in the Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European countries. Wood chips from short rotation coppice plantations (SRC) is suitable source of biomass for the production of pellets for local space heating. Cost of pellets production from biomass from SRC plantations is modeled using cash flow simulation related with all parts of pellets production chain. Article presents results of modeling of biomass cost from SRC plantations and its processing into wood pellets in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The cost of pellets, respecting the whole production cycle from biomass cultivation to pelleting, ranges from 7.85–8.55 EUR/GJ for typical yields of SRC plantations 8–10 t(DM)/ha,year. To achieve competitiveness with domestic (Czech) brown coal (6.5–7.3 EUR/GJ) for local space heating, it would be necessary either to increase the ecological tax on coal 10 x (to about 3.3 EUR/GJ) or to subsidize the establishment of the SRC plantation (1300 EUR/ha) or to double the area subsidy per year (to 390 EUR/ha,year).
Second Life Batteries Used in Energy Storage for Frequency Containment Reserve Service
- Authors: Ing. Lukáš Janota, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc.,
- Publication: Energies. 2020, 13(23), ISSN 1996-1073.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.3390/en13236396
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The new Li-ion battery systems used in electric vehicles have an average capacity of 50 kWh and are expected to be discarded when they reach approximately 80% of their initial capacity, because they are considered to no longer be sufficient for traction purposes. Based on the official national future development scenarios and subsequent mathematical modeling of the number of electric vehicles (EVs), up to 400 GWh of storage capacity in discharged batteries will be available on the EU market by 2035. Therefore, since the batteries still have a considerable capacity after the end of their first life, they could be used in many stationary applications during their second life, such as support for renewables, flexibility, energy arbitrage, peak shaving, etc. Due to the high output power achieved in a short time, one of the most promising applications of these batteries are ancillary services. The study assesses the economic efficiency of the used batteries and presents several main scenarios depending on the likely future development of the interconnected EU regulatory energy market. The final results indicate that the best results of second-life batteries utilization lie in the provision of Frequency Containment Reserve Service, both from a technical and economic point of view. The internal rate of return fluctuates from 8% to 21% in the realistic scenario, and it supports the idea that such systems might be able to be in operation without any direct financial subsidies.
District heating sector in the Czech Republic: Status, challenges and perspectives
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc., Vecka, J., Ing. Martin Beneš, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 10th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2019. Košice: TU Košice, FEI, 2019. p. 406-410. ISBN 9788055333243.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper provides an overview of the current state of the district heating sector in the Czech Republic with special focus on barriers for future development. The EU objectives, which the Czech Republic must gradually adopt in its concepts, constitute new and more specifically formulated challenges than in the current energy concept. The five dimensions of the Energy Union, that has been introduced by Regulation 2018/1999 and that will shape the future of energy sector, are briefly described. Last, but not least, the economy of heat production is discussed, with special focus on the influence of emission allowance price on final heat price.
Hybrid Real-Time Simulator of Large-Scale Power Systems
- Authors: Andreev, M.V., Gusev, A.S., Ruban, N.Y., Suvorov, A.A., Ufa, R.A., Askarov, A.B., doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2019, 34(2), 1404-1415. ISSN 0885-8950.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2876668
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
This paper is devoted to the description of a new approach for large-scale electric power systems (EPS) simulation, so-called hybrid simulation approach. The design and research of EPS require solving a large number of non-trivial tasks. Due to the well-known EPS specificity, mathematical modeling is the only way to proceed. According to the hybrid approach, several simulation techniques (analogue, digital, and physical) are used to achieve the best results.
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D., Vavrová, K.
- Publication: ICEER 2019 The 6th International Conference On Energy and Environment Research Book of Abstracts. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, 2019. p. 211-212. ISBN 9789895423682.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Biomass plays a dominant role in the EU RES portfolio, especially in CE countries. Further development of the use of biomass will require its targeted cultivation on agricultural land. Pellets and briquettes from locally produced biomass can serve as a substitute for coal widely used for local heating to date. The most suitable for the production of pellets for local heating is chips from SRC plantations. The price of biofuels thus produced, respecting the whole production cycle from biomass cultivation to pelleting, ranges from 7.0 to 12.2 EUR/GJ in the Czech Republic. To achieve competitiveness with domestic brown coal (6.4 EUR/GJ), it would be necessary either to increase the ecological tax on coal 10x (to about 3.3EUR GJ) or to subsidize the establishment of the plantation or to double the area subsidy per year.
Application of hybrid real-time power system simulator for research and setting a momentary and sustained fast turbine valving control
- Authors: Andreev, M., Borovikov, Y., Guseev, A., Sulaymanov, A., Ruban, N., Suvorov, A., Ufa, R., doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION. 2018, 12(1), 133-141. ISSN 1751-8687.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.0356
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The stability of electric power system (EPS) insures energy security of consumers. Therefore, saving the stability of EPS is the main task for professionals around the world. For its solution, a variety of activities is used. This publication deals with the description of the authors' experience for solving the task in the Tyumen power system. The hybrid real-time power system simulator (HRTSim) developed in Tomsk Polytechnic University was used as a platform for research carrying out. The study presents the research result fragments of the momentary and sustained fast turbine valving control (FTVC) which is one of the most effective ways of an automatic emergency control of power units in the thermal power station.
Model for evaluation of locally available biomass competitiveness for decentralized space heating in villages and small towns
- Authors: Vávrová, K., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Weger, J., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Beranovský, Ph.D., MBA,
- Publication: Renewable Energy. 2018, 2018(129), 853-865. ISSN 0960-1481.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2017.05.079
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper presents the methodology and the case studies for condition of the Czech Republic of BICOM - BIomass COmpetitiveness Model. The model consists of the following modules: (1) the identification of a biomass potential in a given area using GIS modelling (based on climate and soil conditions), (2) modelling the biomass price (using the methodology of the minimum price from the producer's point of view and evaluating the opportunity cost of conventional agriculture production), (3) modelling the biomass processing and logistics, (4) modelling economic competitiveness of the biomass and coal utilization.
Story of the Czech RES Support from the beginning to the present process of over-compensation
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: ENERGY ECOLOGY ECONOMY 2018. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2018. p. 62-65. ISSN 2585-9684.
- Year: 2018
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
RES support is a significant tool how to promote development of clean and independent energy sources. However historical experience from the Czech Republic shows that minor imperfection in legislation can lead to the unexpected situation. This article is therefore focused on key scheme elements that led to unwanted results in RES development, discussion how the Czech Republic retroactively handled it and what is the experience learned for future promotion of RES.
Electricity Markets Integrations – What is the Current Status and Future Outlook of Bidding Zones Reconfiguration?
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Oldřich Starý, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2017. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2017. p. 237-240. ISBN 978-80-553-3195-9.
- Year: 2017
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The aim of this paper is to summarize the current status of the EU Electricity Market Integration, especially address the highly discuss issue of Bidding Zones Reconfiguration, analyse proposed criteria for the potential reconfiguration and also discuss possible future development.
Energy Biomass Competitiveness—Three Different Views on Biomass Price
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Vávrová, K, Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment. 2017, 6(6), ISSN 2041-8396.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1002/wene.261
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper presents an economic model that provides a systemic approach to the evaluation of growing biomass for energy purposes. We argue that to correctly evaluate the potential of energy biomass, it is necessary to look at it from three different, but interconnected perspectives: (1) minimum price for growing biomass for energy purposes, (2) opportunity costs with respect to other uses of the arable land, namely production of conventional crops, and (3) the aspects of substitution of fossil fuels (e.g., coal) for biomass—the analysis of the demand. Our economic model incorporates the three above points of view. Furthermore, on the case study of the Czech Republic, we show the practical implications of the model on assessment of energy biomass in real conditions. The main findings are that to give the farmers the same rate of return as conventional crops, the price of intentionally grown biomass for energy purposes in the Czech Republic would have to be up to almost three times higher than is the adequate minimum price. On the other hand, in order to be competitive as a substitute for coal for local space heating, the price of biomass would have to be close to zero.
Bidding zones reconfiguration - Current issues: Literature review, criterions and social welfare
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Kradeckaia, A.
- Publication: The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG). Praha: IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, 2016. p. 92-97. ISBN 978-1-4673-8473-5.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1109/IGBSG.2016.7539427
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The aim of this paper is to introduce methods of solution regarding current issues of electricity markets integration in Europe. The focus is pointed on bidding zones overview and bidding zones reconfiguration process in general, meantime the situation in central Europe is analysed more deeply.
- Authors: Vavrova, K., Weger, J., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Laciok, A.
- Year: 2016
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Paper presents new approach to the determination of biomass potential for "vis major" situations in the defined regions in the Czech Republic. A solid biomass potential (woodchips, timber assortments, straw) for energy purposes is defined as a sum of contributions from conventional agriculture, energy crops and forest logging. The yields of conventional and energy crops are derived for each individual land (farming) plots from the statistical evidence or field data. The paper presents two approaches to the biomass potential determination - so called "standard potential" (i.e. market partitioned and long-term sustainable) and "additional potential" which is increased by a short-term violation of some agronomic and market rules or environmental constraints. Our study shows that it is possible to significantly increase the amount of energy biomass (standard potential) within one year depending on local sources and conditions. The source with the best additional potential are forests, depending on the age and species composition.
The role of pumped storage power plants in the power system operation
- Authors: Ing. Miroslav Vítek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Tůma, J.
- Publication: 2016 17th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE 2016). New York: IEEE, 2016. International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. ISBN 978-1-5090-0907-7.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2016.7521824
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper discusses the function of pumped storage power plants in the power system as an accumulator of alternating-current power, a source and also an electric appliance which does not produce electricity by conversion from other forms of primary energy, e.g., conversion from chemical energy of fuel, but only shifts this electricity in time from periods of surplus to periods of deficiency during the re-pumping cycle.
Competitiveness of Intentionally Planted Biomass for Energy Purposes
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., Vávrová, K.
- Publication: Energy for Sustainable Development IV: Evidence from Czech Republic and Austria. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., 2015. p. 79-94. ISBN 978-80-7478-993-9.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Decision-making on investments in power, cogeneration or heating plants using biomass needs estimates of future biomass prices. A so-called minimum price, which is based on the economic analysis of a project aimed at intentionally planted biomass, can be used for setting the bottom limit of a future biomass price. When calculating the bottom biomass price estimate, one also has to respect alternative options for agricultural land utilisation for conventional crops. The upper limit for the biomass price from the demand side point of view should be based on an economic evaluation of substitution of conventional fuels with biomass. The paper presents methodological approaches for modelling of biomass prices from these different points of view as well as results of model calculations for the conditions of the Czech Republic.
Economic Evaluation of Energy Storage Using the Power Deviation Prices - the Load Diagram Pricing Method
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Beneš, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Energy for Sustainable Development IV: Evidence from Czech Republic and Austria. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., 2015. p. 131-142. ISBN 978-80-7478-993-9.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The issue of evaluation of energy storage systems is currently a widely discussed topic. However, the economic evaluation methodology using load diagram pricing has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. There are several methods that can be used and we have chosen the approach using the deviation prices and energy exchange products. Our optimisation method uses previously mentioned products and is simplified to be feasible to complete calculations with standard hardwareand commonly available spreadsheets. Detailed analyses of probabilities of electricitysystem deviations in the Czech Republic were conducted and resulted in the developmentof a stochastic model used for deviation/counter-deviation pricing. Finally, weverified our pricing model on a case study of battery energy storage in combinationwith photovoltaic power plants. The preliminary results show that, under currentelectricity market conditions, the economic benefits from energy storage cannot covereven the operating costs of the storage system. Therefore, several measures that couldimprove the economic balance of storage systems are suggested.
Effectiveness of biomass for energy purposes: a fuel cycle approach
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., Voříšek, T.
- Publication: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment. 2015, 4(6), 575-586. ISSN 2041-8396.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1002/wene.164
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The article presents a methodology that allows the complex evaluation of the energy and economic effectiveness of the different kinds of biomass providing, processing and utilization for energy purposes. The methodology is based on identification of the whole fuel cycle for the individual types of grown biomass and conversion technologies used for production of end-use energy products (such as biomethane, liquid biofuels, electricity, and heat). The evaluation of energy efficiency is based on the calculation of the net energy effect resulting from the use of 1 ha of agricultural land to grow biomass for energy purposes respecting differences in biomass fuel cycles due to differences in biomass production, conversion technologies, and end-use energy products. Evaluation of the economic effectiveness of biomass utilization combines efficiency of biomass planting, conversion technologies, and the economic parameters of the individual elements of the fuel cycle. The application of the method is demonstrated on selected cases of biomass fuel cycles in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The methodology can serve as the groundwork for identifying the most effective strategies of biomass utilization for the energy purposes with respect to the limitation of agricultural land availability and the economic effectiveness of end-use energy products providing.
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Hejhal, M., Kubančák, J., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc.,
- Publication: Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2015, 164 519-522. ISSN 0144-8420.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncv333
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Costs related to the decommissioning of nuclear power plants create a significant financial burden for nuclear power plant operators. This article discusses the various methodologies employed by selected European countries for financing of the liabilities related to the nuclear power plant decommissioning. The article also presents methodology of allocation of future decommissioning costs to the running costs of nuclear power plant in the form of fee imposed on each megawatt hour generated. The application of the methodology is presented in the form of a case study on a new nuclear power plant with installed capacity 1000 MW.
Renewable sources integration in context to electricity market, case Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Michaela Makešová, Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc.,
- Publication: Economy And Entrepreneurship. 2015, 9(1), 34-41. ISSN 1999-2300.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Abstract. This article deals with the description of situation in the European electricity markets, which have recently changed dramatically. In recent years these markets have been liberalized and also renewable resources have been widely installed in Europe. In this context we can observe a significant shift of volume of traded elektricity from long-term markets to short-term markets, and also a price reduction of the market price of electricity, but the overall rise in electricity prices for the end customer. In connection with new objectives of the European Union in the field of renewable energy sources it can be assumed that the effects of the integration of renewable energy sources will deepen. One way to cope with the negative effects of the integration of renewable energy sources is a thorough analysis of the power production diagram and also accurate identification of factors that influence the shape of this diagram. Just so we are able to cope with the integration of renewable energy sources, and using this knowledge, for example, we can aggregate these power sources into a single portfolio. This concept is called the concept of „virtual power plant” and is one of the ways to effectively deal with the integration of renewable energy sources.
- Authors: Vavrova, K., Weger, J., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florencie: ETA - Florence, 2015. p. 260-265. ISSN 2282-5819. ISBN 978-88-89407-51-6.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Methodology for modelling of biomass potential mobilisation is using detailed spatial data and GIS tools. GIS model serves for identification of standard and additional biomass potentials, which can be used in critical situations. Standard biomass potential reflects availability of biomass from agriculture and forest land e. g. energy crops, residual straw and hay which is not used to maintain soil fertility and animal production and smallwood from forest logging. Mobilisation of biomass e. g. additional potential is based mainly on higher extraction and utilization of forest and agricultural biomass esp. increase of wood and straw utilization for energy purposes at the expense of material utilization, animal production and soil improvement. Additional biomass can be also mobilised by shortening of rotation of SRC plantations. Identification of standard and additional biomass potential can serve as the source of data for design of energy infrastructure (e. g. cogeneration and heating plants with different boiler types) so that it would be prepared for potential critical situations. In case of expected long term deficit (shortage) of conventional fossil fuels biomass potential can be systematically increased through development of energy crop plantations on agriculture land utilization. Standard biomass potential is based on the idea of long term sustainable land utilization and the preference of wood material utilization. Additional potential and mobilisation of biomass in crisis situation is based on the short term limitation of some rules for sustainable soil utilization and change of round wood utilization from forestry. Mobilisation of biomass potential also reflects typical one year production cycle -additional potential availability is limited to one year period. Results of our modelling shows that standard and additional biomass potential is always related to the given region. Many factors influence biomass potential e. g. structure of power plants, age and composition of forests, soil types and climate conditions, etc. Results of biomass potential analysis for given region are not directly transferable to the other regions. Paper presents the application of methodology for standard and additional biomass potential analysis on case example of one of the Czech regions.
Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Financing
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Hejhal, M., prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Kubančák, J., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc.,
- Publication: 8th International Conference on High Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas - Conference Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, 2014, pp. 7-19.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Paper discusses the different methodologies used by selected European countries for financing of the liabilities related to the nuclear power plant decommissioning. Paper presents methodology of future decommissioning costs allocation as running costs of nuclear power plant in the form of fee imposed to each MWh generated. The application of the methodology is presented in the case study of the new nuclear power plant with installed capacity 1 000 MW.
New approach to brown coal pricing using internal rate of return methodology
- Authors: Bejbl, J., doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Oldřich Starý, CSc., Vastl, J.
- Publication: Applied Energy. 2014, 133(133c), 289-297. ISSN 0306-2619.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.082
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Brown coal is one of the dominant local strategic raw materials in Europe, used, to a large extent, in the power-generating industry. The current situation, where the price of gas and electricity precludes the efficient use of gas sources, leads to the extraction of older sources, chiefly brown coal ones. In tandem with a turning away from nuclear power, brown coal is experiencing a renaissance and the issue of brown coal price setting is, and will be, relevant. This paper deals with a proposal of a new method for determining the base price, consisting of defining the reference fuel chain for electricity and heat production based on brown coal. It builds on the notion that the degree of risk of the involved parties should be reflected in the modified amount of revenue per capital invested. The resulting price is then an economically justified price which encourages a respect for the specific features of the market in question and set the base price of the commodity in a way that is acceptable for both the extractive and the productive components of the fuel chain.
Radioactive waste disposal fees-Methodology for calculation
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Kubančák, J., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc., prof. Ing. Oldřich Starý, CSc.,
- Publication: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2014, 104 398-403. ISSN 0969-806X.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.02.008
- Link:
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
This paper summarizes the methodological approach used for calculation of fee for low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal and for spent fuel disposal. The methodology itself is based on simulation of cash flows related to the operation of system for waste disposal. The paper includes demonstration of methodology application on the conditions of the Czech Republic.
RES integration impact on market environment in the Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Michaela Makešová, doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Sokol, R.
- Publication: POSTER 2014 - 18th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2014. ISBN 978-80-01-05499-4.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Currently, electricity from renewable sources has global importance that is supposed to grow in next years. The integration of these resources entails many advantages but in the other hand causes many issues. In the Czech Republic, the most discussed topic of integrated renewable sources is so-called solar boom that occurred in 2009-2010. Setting up the environment caused a large increase in installed capacity in solar power and caused a number of problems, among them reduction of stability or distortions in the electricity market. At first this article seeks to describe and explain the evolution of the situation both in terms of installed capacity and grid and in terms of the electricity market. At second the current situation and small preview of the future is described. This article also outlines some options that could lead to an improvement in the situation (for example, the concept of virtual power plants).
- Authors: Ing. Michaela Makešová, prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe. Cleveland: IAEE, 2014.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The integration of new renewable energy sources in large scale, especially intermittent ones, into the existing power grids has become nowadays one of the biggest challenges for the energy sector. The increasing electricity production from RES is causing significant problems within the power grid and several EU states have already introduced various restrictions on further intermittent RES development. These problems result mainly from the low predictability and high volatility of electricity production and they do not affect only the stability of power grid but also the price of electricity on the market as well as the needed amount of system and auxiliary services.Therefore future benefits from successful RES integration can be extensive. One promising way how to integrate and even promote RES and its future development is the concept of virtual power plant.
Ancillary Services Joint Market - Advantages and Challenges
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: POSTER 2013 - 17th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05242-6.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The main topic of this paper is research of ancillary services in interconnected European power grid. Physical interconnection and joint market brings us new opportunities in the field of providing ancillary services abroad.
How to support RES after 2020
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Pro-Energy magazín. 2013,(4), 54-57. ISSN 1802-4599.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The article deals with the current state of RES electricity generation in EU and also with the outlook up to year 2020. It also provides results of the project BEYOND 2020.
Biomass price modelling using demand and supply sides
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vašíček, CSc., Vávrová, K.
- Publication: Acta Pruhoniciana. 2012,(101), 97-108. ISSN 0374-5651.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Decision on investment in energy facility using biomass requires an estimate of future biomass price as one of the key inputs. To set the lower limit of biomass price (supply side) one can use the method of minimum price of production, which is based on simulation of cash flow of biomass growth project. However, estimating the lower limit of biomass price further needs to respect economic effectiveness of alternative uses of agricultural land - production of classical agricultural crops. The biomass price limit from the demand side (the upper limit) is defined through the price of fuel substitutes while respecting the induced effects such as emission allowance savings, etc. The paper presents the starting points for biomass price estimate from supply and demand side. Furthermore, it provides first results of calculation of biomass price range using concrete data on reed canary grass and short rotation coppices growing, on profitability of classical agricultural crops, limit price of biomass from the viewpoint of substituted fuels (sorted brown coal) for households and brown coal for electricity production through co-firing of biomass and coal.
Development of biomass use for energy purposes in the Czech Republic: targets and ways to reach them
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D.,
- Publication: POSTER 2012 - 16th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012. pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-80-01-05043-9.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The Czech Republic is bound to increase its share of renewable energy sources to 13 % of total final energy consumption by 2020 and biomass is to play the key role in reaching the target. The paper therefore analyses the current status and targets for development of energy biomass use in the Czech Republic, together with the current status of support schemes for biomass. Finally, we outline the general approach to develop an optimized and coherent support system for RES, which leads to the above goals.
Economics of supplying Europe by electricity from solar power plants in Africa
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Sbornik Dokladov V. Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenci. Tomsk: Tomsk Politechnic University, 2012, pp. 312-316. Available from:
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Economic profitability calculation of producing electricity from renewable energy sources in Africa and transportation to Europe.
Effective policies to reach the 20-20-20 target:biomass use for energy purposesin the Czech Republic
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D.,
- Publication: Energy for Sustainable Development III. Energy Savings-Economics and Links to other Policies. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, s. r. o., 2012. p. 75-94. 1.. ISBN 978-80-87197-54-7.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The chapter outlines an approach to setting effective support schemes that will reach the targets effectively. The systemic approach is presented on a case study of the main renewable energy source in the Czech Republic: the biomass.
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Voříšek, T.
- Publication: Proceedings of the 12th IAEE European Energy Conference. Cleveland: IAEE, 2012. pp. 1-15.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The method presented in the paper allows evaluating the net energy effect of use of 1 ha of agricultural land for energy biomass. The method is based on identification of the whole fuel cycle for specific types of biomass and conversion technologies used for production of end-use energy products (such as bio methane, liquid biofuels, electricity and heat). The method of net energy effect is demonstrated on three cases of different biomass fuel cycles. Based on the net energy effect of biomass use, the method to calculate specific costs of energy production, respecting different fuel cycles, is presented. The methods presented in the paper can serve for instance for evaluation of biomass potential on agricultural land and for selection of the optimum mix of energy biomass use.
Energy Supplies from Concentrated Solar Power Plants - Desertec project
- Authors: doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: POSTER 2012 - 16th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012, ISBN 978-80-01-05043-9. Available from:
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
It is worldwide accepted that nature resources and also climate are crucial for the mankind survival. Therefore there is an urgent need to exploit such energy sources that are not only available and affordable but also eco-friendly and sustainable. It seems that the right answer to this problem may be renewable sources. Our paper therefore focuses on one possible option - Desertec project and analyzes pros and cons of this project. We are also examining the economic aspects of the Desertec project.
Modelling of additional costs of RES electricity generation in 2020
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D., Michaela Valentová, MSc., Ph.D.,
- Publication: ELEN 2012. Praha: vydavatelství ČVUT v Praze, 2012. pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-80-01-05096-5.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The paper analyzes the currect status of RES in electricity generation and models additional costs of RES generation within the subsidy schemes by 2020.
Electricity Storage for Power Systems
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: POSTER 2011 - 15th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2011. pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-80-01-04806-1.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources (especially solar and wind power plants) in large scale has recently become a serious problem.The main problem of these sources is their impossibility to regulate the amount of the generated power. This fact can jeopardize the fine balance between demand and supply that has to be sustained in every moment. Therefore there is an urgent need to implement such measures to ensure the supply-demand balance. The most promising way is to implement energy storage systems in a larger scale.
Electricity transmission system operation - banality or problem?
- Authors: Bejbl, J., doc. Ing. Július Bemš, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Sborník referátů 4. výroční konference o jaderné energetice NE. Praha: JMM Consulting, 2011.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
This article is dealing with transmission system operation problems in context of actual progress in renewable energy sources and expected options in finishing Temelin nuclear power station.
Energy storage for intermittent renewable energy sources
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Power Engineering 2011. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2011. pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-80-89402-40-3.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources in large scale has recently become a serious problem, especially in the developed countries that have a significant share of renewables. The main problem is the impossibility of some renewables to regulate the amount of the generated power.This unpredictable production can cause severe problems to the electrical grid and can jeopardize the fine balance between demand and supply. Therefore there is an urgent need to implement such measures to ensure the supply-demand balance in every moment.
The possibility of the utilization of large nuclear power plants for distribution of heating with the focus on the Czech Republic
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Intelligenter und effizienter Einsatz von (er)neu(erbar)en Energien in Sachsen und Tschechien. Chemnitz: GUC - Verlag der Gesellschaft für Unternehmensrechnubg und Controlling m.b.H., 2011. p. 171-183. ISBN 978-3-86367-003-0.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The utilization of large power generation plants for the distribution of heat has recently emerged as a widely discussed issue. Energy economy and a remarkable improvement af all ecological indicators support ample expansion of thes solution. Nevertheless, not all prospective facilities are auitable despite their economic effectivness.
Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: POSTER 2010 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, FEL, 2010, ISBN 978-80-01-04544-2. Available from:
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which have experienced enormous growth worldwide in last decade, cannot provide immediate response to demand. They are also facing up to the fact that they are not able to deliver regular and predictable supply that is easily adjustable to consumption needs. This unpredictable production can cause severe problems to the electrical grid. Solution to this problem can be seen in electricity storage. With electricity storage power generated at the time when demand is low can be stored and use at peak demand periods.
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security: Surviving the Global Economic Crisis. Cleveland: IAEE, 2010, ISSN 1559-792X. Available from:
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
Despite all disadvantages intermittent renewable energy sources (especially photovoltaic systems) are experiencing rapid development and exploitation in most of the developed counties around the world. But to what extent can we expand and evolve intermittent renewable sources and what is their true potential? The extensive development of the intermittent energy sources can cause both severe technical problems to the electrical grid and economical problems thanks to the rising additional costs. On the other hand those sources can provide mankind with a clean energy that is available at any place of the energy consumption.
CO2 emissions in context
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Králík, Ph.D.,
- Publication: TZB-info: portál pro technická zařízení budov. 2009, 1-5. ISSN 1801-4399.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been dramatically rising for the past 150 years. This fact and the possible link between GHG concentration and rising temperature of the Earth caused that the reduction of greenhouse gases has recently emerged as widely discussed issue. First step to cut CO2 emissions is to identify countries with the highest contribution to the worldwide emissions.However the information about absolute CO2 emissions per country is not fully correct for most of comparisons. Much better is to compare CO2 emissions per capita. From this point of view, which comes from idea that every people have the same right to consume the natural resources and produce waste, the emissions of China are much lower than that of the USA. Information about CO2 emissions is relatively simple indicator. There are more complex indicators that should be used in case of sustainable development assessment.