
prof. RNDr. Jan Hamhalter, CSc.

Dissertation topics

Operator algebraic approach to foundations of quantum theory

  • Branch of study: Mathematical Engineering
  • Department: Department of Mathematics
    • Description:
      Operator algebraic formalism of quantum theory was created by J. von Neumann and Dirac. The goal is to study structures of operator algebras (associative as well as Jordan) that play important role in foundations of quantum theory (order, measures on projections, spectral measures, symmetries of quantum systems, structure of subalgebras, etc.)

Operator algebras and their state spaces

  • Branch of study: Mathematical Engineering
  • Department: Department of Mathematics
    • Description:
      Study of structure of state spaces of von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras and Jordan algebras. Characterization of various types of extreme points of sets of operator-valued states and measures. Investigation of quantum correlations and their applications to quantum information theory.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk