Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D.
All publications
Charge trapping and luminescence of the mixed size CsPbBr3 particles grown in one batch
- Authors: Buryi, M., Babin, V., Děcká, K., Ridzoňová, K., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Hájek, F., Velkov, Z., Remeš, Z., Tomala, R., Socha, P., Bartosiewicz, K., Hostinský, T., Mošner, P., Yamamoto, T., Ma, Ch.-G., Brik, M.G.
- Publication: Optical Materials. 2024, 151 115279-1-115279-12. ISSN 0925-3467.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2024.115279
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3, CPB) powder formed by micro-, nanocrystals (MC, NC) and quantum dots (QD) was synthesized as free-standing and polystyrene covered. Luminescence was multicomponent, in general, ranging from below 1.9 eV up to about 2.6 eV. The ultrafast decay kinetics exhibited strong decay time component with the value of 260 ps. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) revealed surface defects like O 2 and some spin transitions most likely originating from some complex defect, supposedly F-Vk(H) dimer center under the constant ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation at the temperature T = 10 K. The thermal release of the electrons from the O 2 center was correlated with the 117 K thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) peak. Coating with polystyrene resulted in the about doubly increased decay time of luminescence.
Nanosecond photoluminescence decay in zinc molybdate oxide nanocrystals observed by TCSPC and phase shift methods
- Authors: Remeš, Z., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Remeš, Š., Novák, R., Kučerková, R., Jarý, V., Mičová, J.
- Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2024. p. 1-6. vol. 2931. ISSN 1742-6588.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2931/1/012011
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Hydrothermally grown Mo-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals are known for their interesting scintillation properties at room temperature. Here we report on the comparison of two time resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements of ZnO:Mo thin films: one using time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) based on short pulse excitation and the second based on the frequency resolved phase delay between sinusoidal excitation and emission.
Optimizing stability of wet chemistry oxide passivation of Si (111) and Si (100)
- Authors: Pakki, A., Rupendra Kumar Sharma, Ph.D., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Mandjukov, P., doc. Mgr. Jakub Holovský, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. 2024, 59(2), 361-366. ISSN 1314-7471.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.59957/jctm.v59.i2.2024.15
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Numerous parameters are regulated in the wet chemical oxidation process for TOPCon/POLO solar cell technology to improve silicon oxide passivation (SiO2). Understanding the electronic properties, particularly the lifetime of the carriers and their thickness, requires knowledge of the properties of the surface of crystalline silicon (c-Si), which is subjected to native oxide etching followed by wet chemical oxidation, such as nitric acid or hot water oxidation and various hydrogenation methods. This is tracked with lifetime measurement equipment, and spectral ellipsometry is used to measure the thickness of the oxide layer by using the single sided polished wafers with surface orientation (1 1 1). In addition to the actual values, their time stability is also tracked. Before the hydrogenation step was introduced, the lifetime of the samples was in the order of approximately 0.001 ms, which is less than the bulk lifetime. With the hydrogenation , lifetime increased by more than order of magnitude for relatively long time with no difference between (1 1 1) and (1 0 0) wafers indicating that hydrogenation of the Si/SiO2 interface is performed.
Overview of the Recent Findings in the Perovskite-Type Structures Used for Solar Cells and Hydrogen Storage
- Authors: Kuo, M., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Stachiv, I.
- Publication: Energies. 2024, 17(18), 1-23. ISSN 1996-1073.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.3390/en17184755
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Perovskite-type structures have unique crystal architecture and chemical composition, which make them highly attractive for the design of solar cells. For instance, perovskite-based solar cells have been shown to perform better than silicon cells, capable of adsorbing a wide range of light wavelengths, and they can be relatively easily manufactured at a low cost. Importantly, the perovskite-based structures can also adsorb a significant amount of hydrogen atoms into their own structure; therefore, perovskite holds promise in the solid-state storage of hydrogen. It is widely expected by the scientific community that the controlled adsorption/desorption of the hydrogen atoms into/from perovskite-based structures can help to overcome the main hydrogen storage issues such as a low volumetric density and the safety concerns (i.e., the hydrogen embrittlement affects strongly the mechanical properties of metals and, as such, the storage or transport of the gaseous hydrogen in the vessels is, especially for large vessel volumes, challenging).
Changes to material phase and morphology due to high-level molybdenum doping of ZnO nanorods: Influence on luminescence and defects
- Authors: Buryi, M., Babin, V., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Wang, Y.-M., Remeš, Z., Ridzoňová, K., Dominec, F., Davydova, M., Drahokoupil, J., Chertopalov, S., Ing. Lucie Landová, Pop-Georgievski, O.
- Publication: Materials. 2023, 16(9), 3294-1-3294-18. ISSN 1996-1944.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.3390/ma16093294
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
The influence of Mo on the electronic states and crystalline structure as well as morphology, phase purity, luminescence and defects in the ZnO rods grown as free-standing nanoparticles is under study of the bundle of experimental techniques. Mo has almost no influence on luminescence of the as grown ZnO particles whereas shallow donors are strongly affected in ZnO rods.
Effect of UV Irradiation on the Growth of ZnO:Er Nanorods and Their Intrinsic Defects
- Authors: Buryi, M., Ridzoňová, K., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Ing. Lucie Landová, Hájek, F., Babin, V., Děcká, K., Rupendra Kumar Sharma, Ph.D., Pop-Georgievski, O.
- Publication: Chemosensors. 2023, 2023 ISSN 2227-9040.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors11030156
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Nanorods of erbium-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Er) were fabricated using a hydrothermal method. One batch was prepared with and another one without constant ultraviolet (UV) irradiation applied during the growth. The nanorods were free-standing (FS) as well as deposited onto a fused silica glass substrate (GS). The goal was to study the atomistic aspects influencing the charge transport of ZnO nanoparticles, especially considering the differences between the FS and GS samples. We focused on the excitons; the intrinsic defects, such as zinc interstitials, zinc vacancies, and related shallow donors; and the conduction electrons. UV irradiation was applied for the first time during the ZnO:Er nanorod growth. This led to almost total exciton and zinc vacancy luminescence reduction, and the number of shallow donors was strongly suppressed in the GS samples. The effect was much less pronounced in the FS rods. Moreover, the exciton emission remained unchanged there. At the same time, the Er3+ content was decreased in the FS particles grown under constant UV irradiation while Er3+ was not detected in the GS particles at all. These phenomena are explained.
Hydrothermally grown molybdenum doped ZnO nanorod arrays. The concept of novel ultrafast nanoscintillator
- Authors: Buryi, M., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Brik, M.G., Wang, Y.-M., Remeš, Z., Ridzoňová, K., Babin, V., Davydova, M., Drahokoupil, J., Chertopalov, S., Ing. Lucie Landová, Pop-Georgievski, O.
- Publication: Optical Materials. 2023, 145 114445-1-114445-12. ISSN 0925-3467.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114445
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Molybdenum doped ZnO was hydrothermally grown as the arrays of nanorods deposited onto the fused silica glass substrate. The molybdenum doping level varied from 1 to 30%. The influence of Moon the electronic and crystalline structure as well as luminescence and defects in the ZnO nanorods isunder study of the bundle of experimental techniques complemented with density functional theorycalculations. The tendency of Mo to create energy states within the bandgap of ZnO and theirinfluence on the energy levels of native defects as well as excitons were proven by the synergy ofexperiment and theory. The improvement of the timing characteristics of the exciton- and zincvacancy-related emission bands upon Mo doping (1-10%) was observed. This paves the way for the defect engineering strategy in the search of effective and ultrafast scintillator with the improved lightyield as well as compared to other materials. The new concept is based on the combination of theexciton and the defect emission. It is expected to have the potential of application in the detection ofgamma rays implemented in time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOFPET). The 20 and 30%Mo doping levels resulted in the zinc molybdates creation strongly outnumbering ZnO nanorods.
Influence of golden nanoparticles on the incorporation of Eu2+ into BaI2 and defect concentration
- Authors: Ridzoňová, K., Buryi, M., Babin, V., John, D., Drahokoupil, J., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Salamakha, T., Tratsiak, Y.
- Publication: Crystals. 2023, 13(6), 902-1-902-10. ISSN 2073-4352.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.3390/cryst13060902
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Conjugated BaI2:Eu(5 at.%) nanocrystalline particles were synthesized decorated with golden nanoparticles (GNP). GNP demonstrated relatively strong hydrophobic effect protecting the surface of the hygroscopic BaI2 from BaI2·H2O phase create the GNP/BaI2 composite – it was sped up. This was explained by the moderation of negative charge in the GNP leading to the repulsion with an electron in the excited Eu2+. The Eu2+ luminescence intensity was dropping upon the GNP content. This was due to the decreased number of Eu2+ ions in the BaI2, most probably, arising from the Au substitution for Ba competing with Eu
Peculiarities of erbium incorporation into ZnO microrods at high doping level leading to upconversion and the morphology change. Influence on excitonic as well as shallow donor states
- Authors: Buryi, M., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Ridzoňová, K., Remeš, Z., Děcká, K., Hájek, F., Artemenko, A., Mičová, J., Ing. Lucie Landová, Jakubec, I.
- Publication: Applied Surface Science. 2023, 611(Part A), 155651(1)-155651(14). ISSN 0169-4332.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155651
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Heavily Er-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) microrods with nominal compositions, ZnO:Er(2, 10, 30%), wereprepared by the hydrothermal growth method. The crystallographic phases present in the as grown and annealed materials were determined. The presence of the hexagonal Wurtzite ZnO phase in the form of the hexagonal shape nanoplatelets and microrods was confirmed. Moreover, the Er2O3 phase in the form of nanosheets has been revealed as well. Erbium is partly incorporated into the ZnO hosts. It was thinning upon erbium doping level contributing to erbium oxide. This effect was even more pronouncedupon annealing in air. Moreover, the influence of erbium doping and annealing on paramagnetic shallow donor centers has been studied.
Peculiarities Related to Er Doping of ZnO Nanorods Simultaneously Grown as Particles and Vertically Arranged Arrays
- Authors: Buryi, M., Remeš, Z., Hájek, F., Kuldová, K., Babin, V., Děcká, K., Hematian, H., Ing. Lucie Landová, Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Ing. Eva Horynová, prof. RNDr. Bohuslav Rezek, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023, 127(45), 22177-22189. ISSN 1932-7447.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c05471
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- Department: Department of Physics, Department of Electrotechnology
A unique set of undoped and Er doped ZnO nanorods that are grown by a hydrothermal method under the exactly same conditions in the form of 2D nanoarrays on SiO2/ZnO substrate or in a free-standing form on random nucleation seeds in solution were investigated. Their optoelectronic properties are characterized by a photo-, radio-, and cathodoluminescence in correlation with scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, resonance Raman spectroscopy and theoretical computing by using density functional theory. We demonstrate that erbium is incorporated at regular zinc site in the 2D arrays and as additional nucleation seeds in the free-standing nanorods. The deposited nanorods contain larger number of shallow donors (by about two orders of magnitude) and larger number of free carriers (by about one order of magnitude) as compared to the free-standing ones. It is related to the fact that the nanorods grow about one order of magnitude larger and in polycrystalline bunches on the random seeds in solution compared to the deposited arrays. Doping by Er slows down the excitonic emission further from 465 to 522 ps.
Correlating light-induced deep defects and phase segregation in mixed-halide perovskites
- Authors: Ridzoňová, K., Grill, R., Peter Amalathas, A., RNDr. Branislav Dzurňák, Ph.D., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D., Horák, L., Fiala, P., Chin, X.Y., Wolff, C.M., Jenagros, Q., doc. Mgr. Jakub Holovský, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2022, 10 18928-18938. ISSN 2050-7488.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1039/D2TA03538C
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- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Mixed-halide perovskites are highly promising materials for tandem solar cells. The phenomenon of phase segregation, however hinders their application. Here, we combine Fourier-Transform photocurrent spectroscopy with photoluminescence and current density–voltage (J–V) measurements to study the effect of light soaking on such materials and devices. At first, we observe a gradual formation of an I-rich phase, which correlates with an increase in deep defect level concentration. We attribute these deep defects to charged iodide interstitials and associate phase segregation with iodide migration through interstitial positions. Upon further light soaking, the second less I-rich phase forms, while the deep level concentration simultaneously decreases. An empirical model describing the phase segregation mechanism is proposed to rationalize these observations. Further, we point to an important role of grain size in determining the degree and terminal phase of segregation.
Free-Standing ZnO:Mo Nanorods Exposed to Hydrogen or Oxygen Plasma: Influence on the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Defect States
- Authors: Buryi, M., Remeš, Z., Babin, V., Chertopalov, S., Děcká, K., Dominec, F., Mičová, J., Ing. Mgr. Neda Neykova, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Materials. 2022, 2022(15(6)), 2261-1-2261-18. ISSN 1996-1944.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.3390/ma15062261
- Link:
- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Cationic doping of ZnO nanorods has gained increased interest as it can lead to the production of materials with improved luminescent properties, electrical conductivity and stability. We report on various Mo-doped ZnO powders of nanorods synthesized by the hydrothermal growth method. Further annealing or/and cold hydrogen or oxygen plasma modification was applied. The atomic structure of the as-grown and plasma-modified rods was characterized by X-ray diffraction. To identify any possible changes in morphology, scanning electron microscopy was used. Paramagnetic point defects were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance. In particular, two new types of defects were initiated by the plasma treatment. Their appearance was explained, and corresponding mechanisms were proposed. The changes in the luminescence and scintillation properties were characterized by photo- and radioluminescence, respectively. Charge trapping phenomena were studied by thermally stimulated luminescence. Cold plasma treatment influenced the luminescence properties of ZnO:Mo structures. The contact with hydrogen lead to an approximately threefold increase in intensity of the ultraviolet exciton-related band peaking at ~3.24 eV, whereas the red band attributed to zinc vacancies (~1.97 eV) was suppressed compared to the as-grown samples. The exciton- and defect-related emission subsided after the treatment in oxygen plasma.