
doc. Ing. Jan Rusz, Ph.D.

Dissertation topics

Monitoring of speech impairment in neurodegenerative disorders using smartphone

  • Branch of study: Bioengineering
  • Department: Department of Circuit Theory
    • Description:
      Speech is an important indicator of motor function and movement coordination, and can be extremely sensitive to neurological disease. Thus, speech disorder is one of the first manifestations of neurodegenerative diseases and is presented several years before formal diagnosis is established. Early detection of Parkinson's disease is essential for clinical trials and development of future neuroprotective therapies. Speech impairment is also considered as one of the most substantial manifestations of Parkinson's disease, leading to importance of speech therapy of affected patients. The aim of the thesisis to use modern computer methods in the research of digital speech processing and continuous development of smartphone application that will serve as a screening test for detection of persons in high risk development of Parkinson's disease. Application will also allows remote monitoring of the type and severity of speech disorder for evaluation of disease progression and treatment efficacy. More information can be found on

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk