doc. Ing. Tomáš Haniš, Ph.D.
Dissertation topics
Advance control algorithms for Drive-by-wire systems
- Branch of study: Cybernetics and Robotics
- Department: Department of Control Engineering
Advanced control systems for vehicles
- Branch of study: Cybernetics and Robotics
- Department: Department of Control Engineering
The goal of this dissertation thesis is development of advance control strategies for upcoming generation road vehicles. The ever rising complexity of vehicle subsystems (namely the multi-engine drive-train configuration) and need for better performance and more important system efficiency require traction control systems development process on vehicle level. The optimization framework will be introduce in order to address contradicting requirements for vehicle performance, safe and reliable maneuver execution and the overall system efficiency on vehicle level.
Autonomous vehicle advanced control
- Branch of study: Cybernetics and Robotics
- Department: Department of Control Engineering
The thesis will focus on advanced control architectures for autonomous systems trajectory execution and maneuvers planning. Emergency situations, extreme road conditions, high speed and agility maneuvers, where the complex non-linear nature of tire to road interface needs to be considered, will be of the main interest. The expected main result is control system serving as technology enabler for wide deployment of autonomous system with inherent active safety, further more the research will relax all current mechanical and vehicle designs constrains to fully exploit the vehicle possibilities.
Non-linear control techniques with automotive application
- Branch of study: Cybernetics and Robotics
- Department: Department of Control Engineering
The vehicle dynamics is govern by significant non-linearity in form of tire to road interface property. It is necessary to develop global and systematic approach addressing system dynamics non-linearity in global scale in opposite to local linearization techniques in order to enable advance control law development.
Over-actuated systems path tracking
- Branch of study: Cybernetics and Robotics
- Department: Department of Control Engineering
The process of vehicle electrification brings new possibilities in vehicle actuation with larger overlap and authority of driving, braking and steering actuators. The phenomena of over-actuation, several possibilities of actuation for particular degree of freedom, calls for more advance and complex control strategies. The trajectory and path tracking systems of over-actuated platforms brings new challenges to be explored as it is key building stone of highly automated and autonomous vehicle development. The main objective is to investigate advance path tracking algorithm providing path tracking funkcionality robust with respect to vehicle and riding surface uncertainties, thus guarantee path planning algorithms assumptions. Further more the active safety combined with vehicle maneuver and operation efficiency is of high priority.