
Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.

All publications

AMBEATion: Analog Mixed-Signal Back-End Design Automation with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques

  • Authors: Aliffi, G. E., Joao Baixinho, X., Barri, D., Daghero, F., prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, Ph.D., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D., Šťastný, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings of 27th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE). New York: IEEE345, 2024. vol. 2024. ISSN 1530-1591. ISBN 979-8-3503-4860-6.
  • Year: 2024
  • DOI: 10.23919/DATE58400.2024.10546515
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  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    For the competitiveness of the European economy, automation techniques in the design of complex electronic systems are a prerequisite for winning the global chip challenge. Specifically, while the physical design of digital Integrated Circuits (ICs) can be largely automated, the physical design of Analog Mixed-Signal (AMS) ICs built with an analog-on-top flow, where digital subsystems are instantiated as Intellectual Property (IP) modules, is still carried out predominantly by hand, with a time-consuming methodology. The AMBEATion consortium, including global semiconductor and design automation companies as well as leading universities, aims to address this challenge by combining classic Electronic Design Automation (EDA) algorithms with novel Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Specifically, the scientific and technical result expected at the end of the project will be a new methodology, implemented in a framework of scripts for AMS placement, internally making use of state-of-the-art AI/ML models, and fully integrated with Industrial design flows. With this methodology, the AMBEATion consortium aims to reduce the design turnaround-time and, consequently, the silicon development costs of complex AMS ICs.

Characterization and SPICE modelling of a transformer for LLC converter based on GaN transistors

  • DOI: 10.24084/eqj24.321
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  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes a method how to measure the high-power, high-voltage transformer that is used in LLC converter based on GaN transistors. These transistors allow high frequency switching which reduces the power losses and minimizes the form factor. On the other hand, this high frequency is challenging due to the parasitic parameters of the transformer. To achieve soft switching with Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) on the primary side and Zero Current Switching (ZCS) on the secondary side it must have predictable properties and it must be considered in the controller design. This paper presents measurement of real parameters of given transformer and how to consider its properties in the converter’s design using the SPICE simulations.

Energy Harvesting in Smart Access Systems - Review

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM55965.2022.9966771
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with an overview of mechanical-electrical systems used in generating electrical energy for the purpose of powering secondary systems controlling access control systems. In practice, we can meet them, for example, in administrative buildings, where they serve as sources of electricity for autonomous systems for the authorization of workers in the house. GaN transistors are also beginning to be used in this area and their use leads to higher energy gains

Micro Power Supply Based on Piezoelectric Effect

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM55965.2022.9966775
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The paper solves the model of the miniature Power supply based on the piezoelectric cantilever. The aim of the future is to further hybrid integration and use of nanotechnology. Contents of the article belongs to the category of renewable energy sources with environment energy conversion into electrical energy. The work is focused on the use in small temperature differences.

Use of Thermally Stressed GaN Semiconductor Structures for Electricity Generation

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM55965.2022.9966745
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The work is focused on the analysis of the thermoelectric generator based on the thermoelectrical effect. The aim idea of the future is to further hybrid integration with semiconductor structures, event. used of nanotechnology. The work is focused on the use of heat of thermally stressed semiconductor structures with subsequent generation of electrical energy, such as GaN semiconductors designed for the automotive industry. The analysis is performed for 4 types of thermoelectric generators (TEG), obtaining energy and storing it in a supercapacitor. The aim was to verify the possibility of using thermoelectric effect, verifying properties using model, determine the essential characteristics, finding the optimum load, output voltage and output power achieved. The operation control of the thermoelectric generator was realized with the circuit LTC3108. We used thermoelectric batteries as a heat energy converter (TEC1- 12707, TEC1-071080, TEG-127020 a TEG-127009).

Characterization of thermal energy harvesters with COB LED chips

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM50306.2020.9393856
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  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    A large number of IoT nodes creates a danger of extra expenditures when changing the battery. For this reason, the development of supply nodes tends to prefer systems capable of battery-less operation, obtaining energy from other sources. This article deals with an alternative method of electrical energy acquisition form the excessive heat appearing in LED lighting fixtures utilizing large-area LED chips. A Peltier cell was used for the conversion of heat energy to electrical energy, connected as thermo-electric generator into the thermal chain.

Energy consumption optimization for thermal energy harvester applications

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper demonstrates the concept of node consumption reduction for IoT applications. The main emphasis is placed on the autonomy of the whole device, which must be independent of external power supply. That is why energy harvesting based on temperature principle is used for power supply. One of the parameters monitored is the service uptime. The concept of intelligent control of the individual parts of the equipment leads to significant energy savings. This control requires the use of low power components, but only their appropriate connection and mutual monitoring of their operating modes leads to the desired savings. This algorithm can be adapted to the needs of IoT nodes focused on real-time performance applications or the process tracking slow low power applications. This concept will ultimately be adapted to a wireless node for monitoring position and temperature for use in medical applications to monitor the patient's position on the bed or position while moving.

IoT applications utilizing excess heat in electrical lighting fixtures

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The development of IoT instrumentation will always be strongly influenced by the properties of the power supply system. A large number of IoT nodes creates a danger of extra expenditures when changing the battery. For this reason, the development of supply nodes tends to prefer systems capable of battery-less operation, obtaining energy from other sources. This article deals with an alternative method of electrical energy acquisition form the excessive heat appearing in LED lighting fixtures utilizing large-area LED chips. A Peltier cell was used for the conversion of heat energy to electrical energy, connected as thermo-electric generator into the thermal chain.

IoT monitoring system for farmers

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Článek se zabývá návrhem a testováním monitorovacího systému pro potřeby farmářů. Systém sestává z integrovaných autonomních BLE beacon, které jsou umístěny na sledovaných objektech (v našem modelovém případě se jedná o skot). Tyto beacony vysílají v určených periodách svoje identifikační údaje společně s dalšími doplňkovými informacemi, které následně slouží pro provedení přesného zaměření sledovaného objektu ve sledovaném prostoru (louka, pastva, ohradník). This paper discusses the concept, design and testing monitoring system for the needs of farmers. The system consists of integrated autonomous BLE beacons, which are located on monitored objects (in our model case, cattle). These beacons transmit their identification data in specified periods together with other additional information, which is then used to perform the precise targeting of the monitored object in the monitored area (meadow, grazing, fence).

IoT monitoring system for farmers

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM50306.2020.9393855
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the concept, design and testing monitoring system for the needs of farmers. The system consists of integrated autonomous BLE beacons, which are located on monitored objects (in our model case, cattle). These beacons transmit their identification data in specified periods together with other additional information, which is then used to perform the precise targeting of the monitored object in the monitored area (meadow, grazing, fence).

IoT monitoring system for farmers

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the concept, design and testing of a IoT based monitoring system for the needs of farmers. The system consists of integrated autonomous BLE beacons, which are located on the monitored objects (in our model case it is cattle). These beacons transmit their identification data in specified periods together with other additional information, which then serves to perform accurate targeting of the monitored object in the monitored area (meadow, fence). This data is periodically received by a central hub, which brings this information together, eliminates duplications and sends the final datagram containing information about active beacons via the GSM network (or LoRa) to a central server, where the data is subsequently processed. A pilot test experiment is taking place this summer on a private farm in Central Bohemia.

Piezoelectric Microgenerator

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM50306.2020.9393859
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The core of the article solves the microsystem model of the electric generator based on the piezoelectric effect. The aim of the future is to further hybrid integration and use of nanotechnology. Contents of the article belongs to the category of renewable energy sources with environment energy conversion into electrical energy. The aim was to verify the possibility of using piezoelectric effect, verifying properties using model, determine the essential characteristics, finding the optimum load, output voltage and output power achieved. Attention is given to the basic principles of activities, electronic circuit connection as well as behaviour of the piezoelectric cantilever.

3D energy harvester with tunable resonant frequency

  • Authors: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: ASDAM 2016 Conference Proceedings - The 11th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor and Microsystems. Bratislava: Slovenská akademie věd, 2016. p. 97-100. Proceedings. ISSN 2475-2916. ISBN 978-1-5090-3083-5.
  • Year: 2016
  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2016.7805904
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the design and function upgrade of 3D electrostatic energy harvester. The structure consisting of simple finger layout works on the principle of an electrostatic converter and converts a non-electric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of the gap between the electrodes. The mechanical structure is modeled as a 3D silicon-based MEMS. The basic structure reaches a low resonant frequency of 100 Hz. Add-on circuit makes it possible to tune the resonant frequency to the desired value to be able to resonate with the ambient mechanical vibrations. This makes the energy harvesting process more efficient.

Energy Harvesting in 3D

  • Authors: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 10th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems ASDAM 2014 Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2014. p. 225-228. ISSN 2475-2916. ISBN 978-1-4799-5475-9.
  • Year: 2014
  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2014.6998684
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the design and evaluation of 3D electrostatic energy harvester. It is based on electrostatic converter and uses the principle of conversion of non-electric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of gap between electrodes of a capacitor. The structure is designed and modelled as three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. Innovative approach made it possible to reach very low resonant frequency of approx. 100 Hz. A modified long cantilever damping spring design has been used. The structure can move in all 3 axes of coordinate system and can be mechanically tuned to reach desired parameters.

3D Energy Harvester Evaluation

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the characterization and evaluation of an MEMS based electrostatic generator, a part of the power supply unit of the self-powered microsystem. The designed generator is based on electrostatic converter and uses the principle of conversion of non-electric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of gap between electrodes of a capacitor. The structure is designed and modeled as three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. With innovative approach we reached a very low resonant frequency f the structure (about 100Hz.) The modified long cantilever spring design with minimum area of the chip, its ability to work in 3D mode, and the ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters, proves promising directions of possible further development.

Designing the 3D Electrostatic Microgenerator

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2012.11.032
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the design and simulation of a 3D electrostatic generator, one part of power supply component of the self-powered microsystem [1], which is able to provide enough energy to power up smart sensor chains. In this case the most suitable method to gather enough electrical energy is so-called energy harvesting principle [2] and [3]. The designed generator is based on electrostatic converter and uses the principle of conversion of non-electric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of gap between electrodes of a capacitor [4]. The structure is designed and modeled as three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. Innovative approach involving the achievement of very low resonant frequency of the structure (around 100 Hz) using the modified long cantilever design, minimal area of the chip, the ability to work in all 3 axes of coordinate system and the ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters shows further development.

Evaluating the 3D Energy Harvester

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the characterization and evaluation of an MEMS based electrostatic generator, a part of the power supply unit of the self-powered microsystem. The designed generator is based on electrostatic converter and uses the principle of conversion of non-electric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of gap between electrodes of a capacitor. The structure is designed and modeled as three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. With innovative approach we reached a very low resonant frequency of the structure (about 100Hz.) The modified long cantilever spring design with minimum area of the chip, its ability to work in 3D mode, and the ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters, proves promising directions of possible further development.

3D electrostatic energy harvester

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the design of an electrostatic generator, power supply component of the self-powered microsystem, which is able to provide enough energy to power smart sensor chains or if necessary also other electronic monitoring devices. One of the requirements for mis analyzer is the mobility, so designing the power supply expects use of an alternative way of getting electricity to power the device, rather than rely on periodic supply of external energy in the form of charging batteries, etc. In this case the most suitable method to use is so-called energy harvesting - a way how to gather energy. This uses the principle of non-electric conversion of energy into electrical energy in the form of converters. The present study describes the topology design of such structures of electrostatic generator. Structure is designed and modeled as a three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. Innovative approach involving the achievement of very low resonant frequency of the structure, while the minimum area of the chip, the ability to work in all 3 axes of coordinate system and ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters proves promising directions of possible further development of this issue. The work includes simulation of electro-mechanical and electrical properties of the structure, description of its behavior in different operating modes and phases of activity. Simulation results were compared with measured values of the produced prototype chip. These results can suggest possible modifications to the proposed structure for further optimization and application environment adaptation.

3D Electrostatic Microgenerator

  • DOI: 10.1109/ESimE.2012.6191734
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the design of an electrostatic generator, power supply component of the self-powered microsystem, which is able to provide enough energy to power smart sensor chains or if necessary also other electronic monitoring devices. One of the requirements for this analyzer is the mobility, so designing the power supply expects use of an alternative way of getting electricity to power the device, rather than rely on periodic supply of external energy in the form of charging batteries, etc. In this case the most suitable method to use is so-called energy harvesting - a way how to gather energy. This uses the principle of non-electric conversion of energy into electrical energy in the form of converters.

Design and Fabrication of 3D Electrostatic Energy Harvester

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the design of an electrostatic generator, power supply component of the self-powered microsystem, which is able to provide enough energy to power smart sensor chains or if necessary also other electronic monitoring devices. One of the requirements for this analyzer is the mobility, so designing the power supply expects use of an alternative way of getting electricity to power the device, rather than rely on periodic supply of external energy in the form of charging batteries, etc. In this case the most suitable method to use is so-called energy harvesting - a way how to gather energy. This uses the principle of non-electric conversion of energy into electrical energy in the form of converters. The present study describes the topology design of such structures of electrostatic generator. Structure is designed and modeled as a three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. Innovative approach involving the achievement of very low resonant frequency of the structure, while the minimum area of the chip, the ability to work in all 3 axes of coordinate system and ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters proves promising directions of possible further development of this issue. The work includes simulation of electro-mechanical and electrical properties of the structure, description of its behavior in different operating modes and phases of activity. Simulation results were compared with measured values of the produced prototype chip. These results can suggest possible modifications to the proposed structure for further optimization and application environment adaptation.

Energy Harvester Working in 3D Mode

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper discusses the design (Fig. 1) and simulation of an electrostatic generator, one part of power supply component of the self-powered microsystem, which is able to provide enough energy to power up smart sensor chains. In this case the most suitable method to gather enough electrical energy is so-called energy harvesting principle [1,2]. The designed generator is based on electrostatic converter and uses the principle of conversion of nonelectric energy into electrical energy by periodical modification of gap between electrodes of a capacitor [3]. The structure is designed and modeled as three-dimensional silicon based MEMS. Innovative approach involving the achievement of very low resonant frequency of the structure (about 100Hz) by usage of modified long cantilever spring design, while keeping the minimum area of the chip, the ability to work in all 3 axes of coordinate system and ability to be tuned to reach desired parameters proves promising directions of possible further development of this issue. The paper includes several layout modification descriptions, which leads to optimization of the desired parameters, simulation of electro-mechanical and electrical properties of the structure (Fig. 2), modeling of modal frequencies modes, description of its behavior in different operating modes and phases of activity. The designed structure is able to work in all three axis using first three modal resonant modes, which brings more efficiency into energy harvesting process. A simple mechanical in-build security stoppers protects the moving structure against the damage. The developed MEMS chip has been produced (Fig. 3) by TRONICS H.A.R.M. Process and the active area occupies only 16 mm2. The calculated output energy is about 0.5 μW. Simulation results were compared with measured values of the produced prototype chip.

High Power Solid State Retrofit Lamp Thermal Characterization and Modelling

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Thermal and thermo-mechanical modelling and characterization of solid state lightening (SSL) retrofit LED Lamp are presented in this paper. Paramount importance is to design SSL lamps for reliability, in which thermal and thermo-mechanical aspects are key points. The main goal is to get a precise 3D thermal lamp model for further thermal optimization. Simulations are performed with ANSYS and CoventorWare software tools to compere different simulation approaches. Modelled thermal distribution has been validated with thermal measurement on a commercial 8W LED lamp. Materials parametric study has been carried out to discover problematic parts for heat transfer from power LEDs to ambient and future solutions are proposed. The objectives are to predict the thermal management by modelling of LED lamp, get more understanding in the effect of lamp shape and used materials in order to design more effective LED lamps and predict light quality, life time and reliability

Measurement of Parasitic Signals in Structures of Integrated Circuits

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    t is impossible to measure direct the rapid variations voltage between leads inside the IC. The measuring integrated circuit contains additionally flash A/D converter. This one converts voltage of measured leads to a digital form. Digital data can be analyzed outside the IC without waveform distortions.

Capacitive couplings in conductor systems of integrated circuits

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The capacitive coupling is the predominant type of coupling in high-impedance circuits, like NMOS and CMOS IC's. The way of transforming the capacitive coupling between conductors inside an IC to ideal capacitors.

Design and Construction of Modern Identification and Access System with Remote Administration

  • Authors: Formánek, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Electronic Devices and Systems, IMAPS CS International Conference 2011 Proceedings. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2011. p. 186-191. ISBN 978-80-214-4303-7.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Article describes design and construction of modern identification and access system, which can be managed and monitored by remote administration. Paper also shows new ways of remote administration, for example administration using web graphical user interface which communicates with access system by TCP/IP protocol. Designed system can capture and manage the agenda of individuals with access to a secured building, definition of access rights and monitoring movement of the people.

Electric Energy Sources for Microsystems

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This article presents an overview of several types of electric energy power sources for microsystem field applications. The increasing trend to use integrated generators is visible in addition to classic primary or secondary battery principles. The final application depends on the application environment area and availability of desired energy type for conversion. Further the article deals with non-traditional types of energy storage.

Fabrication of Scalable Energy Harvester

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    It's a simple fact, that energy sources which should stay dimensionally small do not supply sufficient power. One good most space-efficient solution is a hybrid structure consisting of harvester, AC-DC or DC-DC converter, battery, DC-DC voltage regulator and wireless sensor. The energy harvester on the input works here as an energy-to-energy converter. The secondary battery reaches higher output power but stores less energy so it works as a power cache, supplying power when required but otherwise constantly receiving charge from the harvester. Voltage regulator supplies the power to the external wireless sensor. This paper provides the information on design of piezoelectric energy harvesting module, covering various aspects such as modeling, layout design and optimization, selection of materials, simulated fabrication process steps and description of MWP production.

Intelligent Sensor Network for Physical Quantities Measurement

  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25905-0_67
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The article solves the design and implementation of a simple intelligent sensor network for physical quantities measurement. The system uses wireless data transmission. Sensor network is designed as a basic element of the ZigBee network. Each unit has a sensor attached to a microcontroller. The system is controlled by PC, the variable arrangement can be used. The different type of the sensor can be used. The system can be extended to other types of sensors for measuring the chemical variables. The data transfer from PC can be transmitted by internet.

Influence of conductor systems on the crosstalks in integrated circuits

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Conference Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems. Bratislava: IEEE, 2010. p. 239-242. ISBN 978-1-4244-8572-7.
  • Year: 2010
  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2010.5667016
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The accurate calculation of parasitic coupling of the signal interconnections helps us to design detailed circuit models of the interconnecting systems. Critical spots in an electronic system, where parasitic couplings cause failures, can be found by simulation of the circuit models.

Polymer Based Piezoelectric Energy Microgenerator

  • DOI: 10.24084/repqj08.528
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes a concept of self-powered microsystem which can be used for applications totally isolated from the outside world. It is obvious that the supply energy needs to be generated inside the system.

Polymer Based Piezolectric Microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes a concept of self-powered microsystem which can be used for applications totally isolated from the outside world. It is obvious that the supply energy needs to be generated inside the system.

Shielded conductor systems in integrated circuits

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Electronic Devices and Systems, IMAPS CS International Conference 2010 Proceedings. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 2010. p. 224-228. ISSN 1862-6351. ISBN 978-80-214-4138-5.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The shielded conductor systems can be divided to systems using direct electric field shielding and system using indirect shielding. The systems utilizing direct shielding put an additional conductor, connected to common ground, in the same plane, between the interfering and the interfered conductor.

Wide Range Layout Optimization of Energy Microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Trend of producing still smaller wireless sensors brought a problem with power source integration. The volume occupied by the power source is a limiting factor for further miniaturization. Therefore the layout optimization and higher fill factor of generators is required. MEMS based energy microgenerators are becoming a key enabler for further miniaturization and deployment of energy autonomous microsystems. Vibration harvesting can be employed to transform mechanical to electrical energy. In this paper we show a layout optimization and electro-mechanical behaviour of piezoelectric vibrational energy harvester on which depends the whole system efficiency. The main focus is given on broad range of resonant frequency of the structure.This device is designed to be integrated into a self-powered microsystem together with a energy storage circuit, a sensor chain and a data processing unit.

Inductive Coupling in Integrated Circuits

Resonant Energy Generator for Self-Powered Microsystem

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes a concept of self-powered microsystem which can be used for applications totally isolated from the outside world.Serpentine cantilever has been designed to achieve a low resonant frequency structure as well as a low damping effect when it resonates.

Resonant Structures For Energy Microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper shows different layouts and its electro-mechanical behavior during vibrations. The main focus is given on the lowest achievable resonant frequency of the structure.

Resonant Structures for Energy Microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    As last year presented on EDS - there is a concept of self-powered devices using micro generator for energy production. These small power sources can be implemented into physical isolated devices like remote sensors chains etc. One part of this complex system is a resonant structure working on piezoelectric principle. It's the main harvesting device on which depends the whole system efficiency. This paper shows a different layouts [Fig.1] and its electro-mechanical behavior during vibrations. The main focus is given on the lowest achievable resonant frequency of the structure. For practical measurement was build a energy harvesting module with storage electronics which uses Advanced Linear Devices EH300 module. They include the energy conditioning and storage blocks in Fig. 2.These modules can extract energy from any environmental energy source (ac or dc signals ranging from 0 V to +-500 V and from 200 nA to 400 mA).

Analysis and measurement of capacitive coupling in integrated circuits

Analysis of capacitive coupling in CMOS integrated circuits

Autonomous Polymer Pressure Sensor

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Embedded sensor measurement systems with data logging showed in the last decade rapid progress in the efforts of miniaturizing sensors and actuators parts of the system. This paper describes microsystem with integrated power source on piezoelectric principle with pressure sensor. It's meant to be implemented without any physical contact to the outside world. It is energy sufficient and easy to produce with printing technology. It uses the PVDF polymer material which can perfectly substitute the common used PZT ceramics. In addition to existing thin-film capacitive and piezoelectric pressure-pulsation sensors the use of polymer electret-dielectrics, which remain in an electrified state for a long time, may become promising in the future. The layout of the piezoelectric pressure sensor is built on interdigital structure with piezoelectric layer made from PVDF. The output voltage of the piezolayer is dependent on the deformation caused by the interdigital structure.

Autonomous sensor microsystem with microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Embedded sensor measurement systems with data logging showed in the last decade rapid progress in the efforts of miniaturizing sensors and actuators parts of the system. One specific aspect is the problem of supplying required electrical power to such a device. This paper describes pressure sensor with integrated power source. It's meant to be implemented without any physical contact to the outside world. It's energy sufficient and easy to produce with printing technology. It also uses the PVDF polymer material.

Embedded Microsystem with Polymer Pressure Sensor

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The interest in application of all kinds of electronic devices and everyday's demand on implementation of microelectromechanical systems in the last decade has produced rapid progress in the efforts of miniaturizing sensors and actuators. This paper describes microsystem with integrated power source on piezoelectric principle with pressure sensor. It's meant to be implemented without any physical contact to the outside world. It is energy sufficient and easy to produce with printing technology. It uses the PVDF polymer material.

Autonomous power supply for smart sensors

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Many applications today needs to be totally isolated from the outside world .It is obvious that the supply energy needs to be generated inside the system. This makes a self-powered microsystem concept [3] possible. With integration of power supply unit on the same chip there are several advantages associated. The main part builds the microgenerator based on PVDF. The polymer - silicon free technology - makes it easy to produce. The whole system is intended to be used in polymer based sensor RFID tags [4] to power up the sensor part.

PVDF Self Powered Microsystem

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes concept of self powered microsystem. The main problem is how to supply the energy to the system. Nowadays, there is rising demand on wireless sensor systems where no direct connection to the outside world exists. Application of integrated battery all kinds is not appropriate because of determined service life and not suitable dimensions. Autonomous micro generator based on piezoelectric polymer material with ability to change the ambient mechanical energy to the electrical energy will be appropriate. Used material shows better properties then conventional ceramic materials (PZT). Several layouts of such micro generators were designed. The device is not optimized yet and significant improvements are envisaged in the future.

Self-powered microsystem with PVDF based microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Many applications today needs to be totally isolated from the outside world. It is obvious that the supply energy needs to be generated inside the system. This makes a self-powered microsystem concept possible. With integration of power supply unit on the same chip there are several advantages associated. The main part builds the microgenerator based on PVDF. The polymer - silicon free technology - makes it easy to produce. The whole system is intended to be used in polymer based sensor RFID tags [3] to power up the sensor part (PolyApply Integrated EC Project results).

Self-powered microsystem with PVDF based microgenerator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Many applications today totally isolated from the outside world need to generate the power inside. This makes a self-powered micro-system concept possible. The whole system is intended to be used in e.g. polymer based sensor RFID tags to power up the sensor part. It has 3 main units: power supply unit with energy generator, energy storage block and signal data processing and transmission unit. An unconventional low cost solution is to design a micro generator based on printable piezoelectric polymer PVDF that's easy to produce.

Coupling Capacitances of Connecting-lead Systems in Integrated Circuits

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2006. p. 39-42. ISBN 978-1-4244-0396-7.
  • Year: 2006
  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2006.331148
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The development of integrated circuits has reached a situation today that the circuit operating speed is not limited by the parameters of the transistors any more, but rather by the electrical parameters of the interconnections inside the integrated circuit. For this reason, it is necessary to take in account the properties of interconnecting conductors from the start of the circuit design process. Undesirable parasitic electromagnetic couplings appear between the interconnecting lines, causing the transfer of interfering impulses onto the signal-carrying lines. These interfering impulses then result in random errors and/or disturbances in the integrated circuit.

Electric energy harvesting inside self powered microsystem

  • DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2006.331206
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Integration of the power supply unit into today's electronic devices gives the possibility to build autonomous electronic devices structure totally separated from the outside world. As the storage of generated energy conventional batteries or polymer capacitors can be used. A vibration-powered micro-generator, based on a polymer piezoelectric material, is proposed to be used as an energy generator for this purpose.

Internet portals for education and research support

  • Authors: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 19th International uworkshop 2006 sborník. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2006, pp. 32-35. ISBN 80-214-3343-4.
  • Year: 2006

Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields in Interconnecting Grids

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference: 5th WSEAS Int.Conf. on MICROELECTRONICS, NANOELECTRONICS, OPTOELECTRONICS (MINO'06). Athens: WSEAS Press, 2006. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1790-5117. ISBN 960-8457-42-4.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The development of integrated circuits has reached a situation today that the circuit operating speed is not limited by the parameters of the transistors any more, but rather by the electrical parameters of the interconnections inside the integrated circuit. For this reason, it is necessary to take in account the properties of interconnecting conductors from the start of the circuit design process. Undesirable parasitic electromagnetic couplings appear between the interconnecting lines, causing the transfer of interfering impulses onto the signal-carrying lines. These interfering impulses then result in random errors and/or disturbances in the integrated circuit. In order to be able to solve the problem of electromagnetic couplings inside integrated circuits, it is imperative to be able to determine the electrical parameters of the interconnecting girds as accurately as possible.

Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields in Interconnecting Grids

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The development of integrated circuits has reached a situation today that the circuit operating speed is not limited by the parameters of the transistors any more, but rather by the electrical parameters of the interconnections inside the integrated circuit. For this reason, it is necessary to take in account the properties of interconnecting conductors from the start of the circuit design process. Undesirable parasitic electromagnetic couplings appear between the interconnecting lines, causing the transfer of interfering impulses onto the signal-carrying lines. These interfering impulses then result in random errors and/or disturbances in the integrated circuit. In order to be able to solve the problem of electromagnetic couplings inside integrated circuits, it is imperative to be able to determine the electrical parameters of the interconnecting girds as accurately as possible.

Self powered microsystem with electromechanical generator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Growing interest in the field of micro and wireless electronic devices brings the requirement to integrate the power supply into a sensor chain and separate whole structure from the outside world. Use of alternative electrical energy sources instead of batteries has particular importance to remote sensor systems. A vibration-powered micro-generator, based on a polymer piezoelectric material, is proposed for this purpose.

Self Powered Microsystem with Electromechanical Generator

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    Growing interest in the field of micro and wireless electronic devices brings the requirement to integrate the power supply into a sensor chain and separate whole structure from the outside world. Use of alternative electrical energy sources instead of batteries has particular importance to remote sensor systems. A vibration-powered micro-generator, based on a polymer piezoelectric material, is proposed for this purpose.

Temperature CMOS Transducer

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes design of a temperature sensor with a CMOS temperature transducer and a circuit with phase lock determined for signal processing with PWM output. Two types of the CMOS temperature sensor operating in the weak and strong inversion region were designed.

Temperature CMOS Transducer

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes design of a temperature sensor with a CMOS temperature transducer and a circuit with phase lock determined for signal processing with PWM output. Two types of the CMOS temperature sensor operating in the weak and strong inversion region were designed.

Design of Temperature Matrix with Direction Sensitivity

Design of Temperature Matrix with Direction Sensitivity

Design of Temperature Matrix with Direction Sensitivity

Electromagnetic Compatibility of Connecting-lead Systems in Integrated Circuits

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference: Automatic Control, Modelling and Simullation (ACMOS '05). Athens: WSEAS Press, 2005. pp. 406-409. ISBN 960-8457-12-2.
  • Year: 2005
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is one of the most important reliability parameters of electronic systems and devices. When EMC effects are properly taken care of during the design, the additional work and expense will return handsomely in a better reliability and competitiveness of the final product. Integrated circuits in high level integration technologies require multilayer connecting lead systems employing high lead density and resulting in diminishing distances between individual leads. The small distances result in increased signal crosstalk inside the integrated circuit. By applying a method of crosstalk prediction in digital circuits using simple passive LCR circuit models.

Electromagnetic Couplings in Microsystems for Medical Applications

  • Authors: Ing. Jan Novák, Ph.D., Foit, J., Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: The 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC´05. Praha: Společnost biomedicínského inženýrství a lékařské informatiky ČLS JEP, 2005, ISSN 1727-1983.
  • Year: 2005
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The electromagnetic compatibility serves as a measure for the possibility of co-existence of numerous electronic systems occupying a common environment without unwanted electromagnetic couplings that could interfere with correct functioning of individual systems. The microsystems, for example cardiac pacemaker, can be assumed to be independent electronic systems set up of individual operational blocks. The conveying of signals between blocks is provided by networks of electrical leads. Unwanted electromagnetic couplings do appear between leads inside the integrated circuit. During the process of signal propagation along the leads, parasitic electromagnetic couplings can cause interference in other signal leads. Such as interference can result in random disturbances in the microsystem. So, in solving the electromagnetic compatibility in microsystems, a considerable stress must be given to correct determination of parasitic electromagnetic couplings in the connecting lead systems.

Measurement of Crosstalk inside the Digital Integrated Circuit

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    For optimum efficiency of digital systems in ICs composed of gates it is required that the changes of states of the active devices are performed as quickly as possible. The rapid variations of voltage and the resulting rapid variations of current create time-variable electric and magnetic fields around the devices and, even more important, around the connecting electric leads. Digital integrated circuits in high level integration technologies require multilayer connecting lead systems employing high lead density and resulting in diminishing distances between individual leads. The small distances result in increased signal crosstalk inside the integrated circuit.

A. C. Analysis of Parasitic Couplings in Digital Integrated Circuits

Frequency characteristic of the capacitave coupling in CMOS integrated circuits

Information Systems for staff work, teaching support and research activities

  • Authors: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 18th International Microworkshop 2004. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2004. pp. 121-134. ISBN 80-214-2818-X.
  • Year: 2004
  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    S rostoucím množstvím informací týkající se výuky a výzkumu roste potřeba tyto informace třídit, organizovat a distribuovat. Tyto úkony musejí probíhat jednoduše, transparentně a hlavně efektivně a systémově. Ideálním řešením se zdá použití tzv. internetových portálů s konfigurovatelnými rozšiřujícími moduly.

Integrated Pressure Sensor - Use of Microsystems Model Flow

Intelligent Sensor Structure for Tilt Measure

Macromodel of Intelligent Sensor Structure with Accelerometer

Macromodel of Intelligent Sensor Structure with Accelerometer

Microsystem Models in Integrated Pressure Sensor Design

Microsystem Models in Integrated Pressure Sensor Design

The Design of Anemometric Sensor System for Measurement of Wind Velocity and Direction with Integrated Measure Probe

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    The Design of Anemometric Sensor System for Measurement of Wind Velocity and Direction with Integrated Measure Probe

The Design of Anemometric Sensor System for Measurement of Wind Velocity and Direction with Integrated Measure Probe

  • Department: Department of Microelectronics
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the Design of Anemometric Sensor System for Measurement of Wind Velocity and Direction with Integrated Measure Probe

The Design of Anemometric Sensor System Usin Microsystems Models

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk