Ing. Jiří Kubík
All publications
On Autonomous Mobile Robot Exploration Projects in Robotics Course
- Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D., Prágr, M., Ing. Jiří Kubík,
- Publication: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Volume 747 LNNS). Wien: Springer, 2023. p. 3-15. ISSN 2367-3370. ISBN 978-3-031-38453-0.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-38454-7_1
- Link:
- Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
Autonomous mobile robot exploration can be considered a representative task where multiple problems need to be addressed and solutions integrated into a software framework that exhibits desired autonomous behavior of the robot. The problem includes online decision-making in selecting new navigational waypoints towards which the robot is autonomously navigated to explore not yet covered part of the environment. A mobile robot’s navigation consists of localization, mapping, planning, and execution of the plan by following the path toward the waypoint. For these very reasons, we decided to include mobile robot exploration as one of the tasks in our Artificial Intelligence in Robotics course opened at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. In this paper, we present our experience running the course, where the students start with relatively small isolated tasks that are then integrated into a full exploration framework. We share the students’ feedback on our initial approach for the task that becomes a mandatory part of the course evaluation and grading.
Learning-based Detection of Leg-Surface Contact using Position Feedback Only
- Authors: Ing. Jiří Kubík, Ing. Rudolf Jakub Szadkowski, prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). Vienna: IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, 2022. ISSN 1946-0759. ISBN 978-1-6654-9996-5.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1109/ETFA52439.2022.9921720
- Link:
- Department: Artificial Intelligence Center
In this work-in-progress report, we present experimental results of lightweight learning-based leg-contact detection methods for a small hexapod walking robot with position feed- back only. The detection of the leg contact with the surface is addressed as anomaly detection using predicted and measured positions of the leg’s joints in the leg swing phase. A polynomial regressor and three-layer neural network are evaluated regarding the prediction error and computational requirements using realistic datasets collected with the real hexapod walking robot.
Experimental Leg Inverse Dynamics Learning of Multi-legged Walking Robot
- Authors: Ing. Jiří Kubík, Čížek, P., Ing. Rudolf Jakub Szadkowski, prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. Cham: Springer, 2021. p. 154-168. 1. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-70739-2.
- Year: 2021
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70740-8_10
- Link:
- Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
Rough terrain locomotion is a domain where multi-legged robots benefit from their relatively complex morphology compared to the wheeled or tracked robots. Efficient rough terrain locomotion requires the legged robot sense contacts with the terrain to adapt its behavior and cope with the terrain irregularities. Usage of inverse dynamics to estimate the leg state and detect the leg contacts with the terrain suffers from computational complexity. Furthermore, it requires a precise analytical model identification that does not cope with adverse changes of the leg parameters such as friction changes due to the joint wear, the increased weight of the leg due to the mud deposits, and possible leg morphology change due to damage. In this paper, we report the experimental study on the locomotion performance with machine learning-based inverse dynamics model learning. Experimental examining three different learning models show that a simplified model is sufficient for leg collision detection learning. Moreover, the learned model is faster for calculation and generalizes better than more complex models when the leg parameters change.
Online Foot-Strike Detection Using Inertial Measurements for Multi-Legged Walking Robots
- Authors: Čížek, P., Ing. Jiří Kubík, prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). New York: IEEE Press, 2018. p. 7622-7627. ISSN 2153-0866. ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2018.8594010
- Link:
- Department: Artificial Intelligence Center
Proprioceptive terrain sensing is essential for rough terrain traversal because it helps legged robots to negotiate individual steps by reacting to terrain irregularities. In this work, we propose to utilize inertial data in the detection of the contact between the leg and the terrain during the stride phase of the leg. We show that relatively cheap accelerometers can be utilized to reliably detect a foot-strike, and thus allow the robot to crawl irregular terrains. The continuous data processing is compared with the interrupt mode in which data are provided only around the foot-strike event. The interrupt mode exhibits significantly better performance, and it also supports generalization of the foot-strike event detector learned from data collected in slow locomotion to faster locomotion where the signals slightly change. The proposed solution is experimentally validated using a real hexapod walking robot for which the walking speed has been improved in comparison to the previous adaptive motion gait based on a force threshold-based position controller for the foot-strike detection.