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An Upper Bound for the Envelope Correlation Coefficient of Antenna Clusters

  • DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP60739.2024.10501312
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A method for finding the upper bound on the envelope correlation coefficient for an arbitrary number of antenna clusters is introduced. In the described case, the envelope correlation coefficient depends on applied feeding. The theory shows a matrix description of the problem, which overcomes the need for repeated evaluations of far-field integration for different feeding vectors. This work further presents a formula for finding the highest possible value of the envelope correlation coefficient when the feeding of one antenna cluster is fixed and only the feeding weights of the second cluster can be manipulated. The proposed theory is shown in a simple example of six parallel dipoles divided into three antenna clusters.

Optical Camera Communication Based on Side-Emitting Fibers Using Wavelength Division Multiplexing

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP60683.2024.10636524
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Optical camera communication (OCC) using side-emitting fibers offers new transmission possibilities, as side-emitting fibers gradually emit light along the fiber length, thus acting as a distributed light source. In this paper, we explore side-emitting fiber-based OCC architecture, focusing on the integration of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). WDM enabled us to achieve simultaneous transmission of two data streams over a single 1-m long side-emitting fiber, effectively doubling data throughput. Results indicate successful data transmission with minimal bit error rates (BER) under the forward error correction (FEC) limit of 3.8. 10 -3 , demonstrating the potential of side-emitting fibers and WDM in enhancing OCC systems by adding additional transmission channels.

Trade-Off Between Optimal Efficiency and Envelope Correlation Coefficient of MIMO Antenna Clusters

  • DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3342939
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The presented article proposes a theory for the optimization of multiple-input-multiple-output antenna performance by assessing feeding coefficients. Antenna clusters with multiple feeding ports are utilized, which brings additional degrees of freedom and improves the performance. This work considers fixed shape and matching networks. The method is based on quadratic programming and maximizes total efficiency constrained by channel correlation and channel power distribution. The formulation provided in the article enables establishing trade-offs between all mentioned metrics. Evaluating the performance in this manner provides comprehensive information about the chosen geometry and port placement. Selected examples demonstrate how efficiency and channel correlation can be both in agreement but also in significant conflict. The effect of frequency dispersion on feeding is also investigated.

Long-distance indoor optical camera communication using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.495805
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a design approach for a long-distance optical camera communication (OCC) system using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters. We demonstrate our approach feasibility by increasing the transmission distance by two orders up to 40 m compared to previous works. Furthermore, we explore the effect of the light-emitting diode (LED) modulation frequency and rolling shutter camera exposure time on inter-symbol interference and its effective mitigation. Our proposed OCC-fiber link meets the forward-error-correction (FEC) limit of 3.8 · 10−3 of bit error rate (BER) for up to 35 m (with BER= 3.35 · 10−3) and 40 m (with BER=1.13 · 10−3) using 2-mm and 3-mm diameter side-emitting fibers, respectively. Our results at on-off keying modulation frequencies of 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz pave the way to moderate-distance outdoor and long-distance indoor highly-reliable applications in the Internet of Things and OCC using side-emitting fiber-based distributed transmitters.

Minimization of Channel Correlation Between Antenna Clusters

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    An existing method for maximization of the total efficiency of antenna clusters is modified so that the correlation between the channels can be suppressed while maintaining good balance of powers in different channels. This is achieved by setting additional constraints based on matrix description which control the system radiated power by means of weighted feeding coefficients. The developed theory is demonstrated on the example of four parallel dipoles forming two antenna clusters.

Pilot Experiments of Side-Emitting Fiber-Based Optical Camera Communication for Wearable Applications

  • DOI: 10.1109/SACVLC59022.2023.10347578
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We demonstrate for the first time the application of LED-based optical camera communication using a side-emitting fiber in wearable applications. A 1.2-m long plastic side-emitting fiber with a 4-mm outer diameter acts as a distributed transmitter. The side-emitting fiber is attached to a T-shirt over the shoulder with a 50-cm section of the fiber both on the front and back side of the T-shirt. This expands the possibilities of data detection by the rolling shutter camera. The light from a white LED is coupled into the side-emitting fiber with LED on-off keying (OOK) modulation frequencies of 2.64 kHz, 3.54 kHz, and 5.31 kHz. The results show bit error rate bellow 3.8 • 10 −3 for up to 200 cm fiber to camera distance.

Shape Regularization and Acceleration of Topology Optimization via Point Group Symmetries

  • DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP53622.2022.9769019
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The existent technique for shape optimization based on exact reanalysis of method-of-moments models is extended by symmetry operators. Their application is twofold: to prescribe a given symmetry and accelerate the optimization by reducing the number of unknowns, or to penalize unsymmetrical shapes, constraining thus the regularity and simplifying potential manufacturing.

Shape Representation in a Fixed Discretization Grid for Accelerated Topology Optimization

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The topology optimization based on iterative changes of discretization is introduced. The optimal solution on coarse discretization is translated and enhanced on dense discretization. The similarity matrix used for solution translation is defined. Two examples of Q-factor minimization are shown to depict improvements in evaluation spee

Topology Optimization of Electrically Small Antennas With Shape Regularity Constraints

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The existent framework for shape optimization of electrically small antennas is extended by a new set of geometrical operators. They are capable of operating over shapes directly, controlling their regularity, amount of used material, etc. The formulation is compatible with existent physical fitness functions and known fundamental bounds. A simple example of Q-factor minimization is presented.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk