
Ing. Jindřiška Deckerová

All publications

Combinatorial lower bounds for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125185
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  • Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we study the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods (GTSPN), a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where the goal is to find the shortest path visiting each of the given neighborhood sets represented as a set of convex regions. The GTSPN is motivated by the sequencing problem of robotic manipulators, where an operation can be achieved from multiple locations, such as the visual inspection that can be performed from several possible views. The GTSPN formulation allows for exploiting continuous optimization to find the most suitable locations for the inspection, yielding possible solution cost reduction. Moreover, instances with overlapping high-dimensional convex regions further allow modeling neighborhood sets with complex shapes. We propose a novel approach to determine the first lower bounds to the studied GTSPN by employing the Branch-and-Bound (BB) method and the Mixed-Integer Second- Order Cone Programming (MISOCP) model for particular BB subproblems. In addition, the proposed method allows for solving the GTSPN to optima. The developed lower bound determination is further exploited in the empirical evaluation of existing heuristic approaches to the GTSPN and assesses the solution quality using the relative optimality gap. Regarding the presented results, the proposed BB-based approach provides tight lower bounds and solutions with up to 20 % optimality gap for the GTSPN instances with less than 15 neighborhood sets for the given limited computational time. Furthermore, the presented results support that the proposed approach is suitable for solving high-dimensional instances of the GTSPN that can be found in inspection tasks with robotic manipulators.

Unsupervised Learning-Based Data Collection Planning with Dubins Vehicle and Constrained Data Retrieving Time

  • Authors: Ing. Jindřiška Deckerová, prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Advances in Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Interpretable Machine Learning, and Beyond. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024. p. 11-21. vol. 1087. ISSN 2367-3370. ISBN 978-3-031-67158-6.
  • Year: 2024
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-67159-3_2
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  • Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In remote data collection from sampling stations, a vehicle must be within sufficient distance from a particular station for a predefined minimal time to retrieve required data from the site. The planning task is to find a cost-efficient data collection plan to retrieve data from all the stations. For a fixed-wing aerial vehicle flying with a constant forward velocity, the problem is to determine the shortest feasible path that visits every sensing site and ensure the vehicle is within a reliable communication distance from the station for a sufficient period. We propose to formulate the planning problem as a variant of the Close Enough Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Constraints (CEDTSP-TC) that is heuristically solved by unsupervised learning of the Growing Self-Organizing Array (GSOA) modified to address the constrained minimal data retrieving time. The proposed method is compared with a baseline based on a sampling-based decoupled approach, and the results support the feasibility of both proposed solvers in random instances.

On Improvement Heuristic to Solutions of the Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem in Environments with Obstacles

  • Authors: Ing. Jindřiška Deckerová, Kučerová, K., prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Mobile Robots. Brighton: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023. p. 180-185. ISSN 2639-7919. ISBN 979-8-3503-0704-7.
  • Year: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1109/ECMR59166.2023.10256328
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  • Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we present a novel improvement heuristic to address the Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem in environments with obstacles (CETSPobs). The CETSPobs is a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where the goal is to find a sequence of visits to given disk-shaped regions together with the points of visits to the regions. We address challenging instances in a polygonal domain with polygonal obstacles, where the final path connecting the regions must be collision-free. We propose a novel Post-Optimization procedure using Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) to improve existing heuristic solutions to the CETSPobs. We deploy the method with existing heuristic solvers and based on the presented evaluation results, the proposed Post-Optimization significantly improves the heuristic solutions of all examined solvers and makes them competitive regarding the solution quality. The statistical evaluation reveals that the sequence found using relatively sparse sampling of the disk regions yields the best solutions among the evaluated solvers. The results support the benefit of the proposed MINLP-based solution to the continuous optimization of the CETSPobs.

Traveling Salesman Problem with neighborhoods on a sphere in reflectance transformation imaging scenarios

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116814
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  • Department: Artificial Intelligence Center, Multi-robot Systems
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we propose a solution to the non-Euclidean variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods on a Sphere (TSPNS). The introduced problem formulation is motivated by practical scenarios of employing unmanned aerial vehicles in the Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI). In the RTI, a vehicle is requested to visit a set of sites at a constant distance from the object of interest and cast light from different directions to model the object from the images captured from another fixed location. Even though the problem can be formulated as an instance of the regular traveling salesman problem, we report a significant reduction of the solution cost by exploiting a non-zero tolerance on the light direction and defining the sites as regions on a sphere. The continuous neighborhoods of the TSPNS can be sampled into discrete sets, and the problem can be transformed into the generalized traveling salesman problem. However, finding high-quality solutions requires dense sampling, which increases the computational requirements. Therefore, we propose a practical heuristic solution based on the unsupervised learning of the Growing Self-Organizing Array (GSOA) that quickly finds an initial solution with the competitive quality to the sampling-based method. Furthermore, we propose a fast post-processing optimization to improve the initial solutions of both solvers. Based on the reported results, the proposed GSOA-based solver provides solutions of a similar quality to the transformation approach while it is about two orders of magnitude less computationally demanding.

Hopfield Neural Network in Solution of the Close Enough Orienteering Problem

  • Department: Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we report on the Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) for the Orienteering Problem (OP) that is generalized to solve instances of the Close Enough Orienteering Problem (CEOP). In the orienteering problems, we are searching for a limited budget tour to maximize collected rewards by visiting selected target locations. In the CEOP, it is allowed to collect the reward remotely within a non-zero communication range. Thus we can save travel costs by collecting rewards at suitable visiting locations of the disk-shaped neighborhoods of target locations. The proposed approach combines the HNN for the OP with the Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP) that is employed to determine locally optimal locations of visits to the disk-shaped neighborhoods of the target locations. Regarding the reported evaluation results using standard benchmarks, the proposed SOCP-based approach provides solutions with the improved solution quality compared to the previous HNN-based method with discrete samples of the possible locations of visits.

Fast Heuristics for the 3-D Multi-Goal Path Planning Based on the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem With Neighborhoods

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2900507
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  • Department: Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In this letter, we address the multi-goal path planning problem to determine a cost-efficient path to visit a set of three-dimensional regions. The problem is a variant of the traveling salesman problem with neighborhoods (TSPN) where an individual neighborhood consists of multiple regions, and the problem is to determine a shortest multi-goal path to visit at least one region of each neighborhood. Because each neighborhood may consist of several regions, it forms a neighborhood set, and the problem is called the generalized TSPN (GTSPN) in the literature. We propose two heuristic algorithms to provide a feasible solution of the GTSPN quickly. The first algorithm is based on a decoupled approach using a solution of the generalized TSP that is further improved by a quick post-processing procedure. Besides, we propose to employ the existing unsupervised learning technique called the growing self-organizing array to quickly find a feasible solution of the GTSPN that can be further improved by more demanding optimization. The reported results on existing benchmarks for the GTSPN indicate that both proposed heuristics provide better or competitive solutions than the state-of-the-art reference algorithm, but they are up to two orders of magnitude faster.

On Unsupervised Learning based Multi-Goal Path Planning for Visiting 3D Regions

  • DOI: 10.1145/3297097.3297099
  • Link:
  • Department: Artificial Intelligence Center
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we report on our early results on deploying unsupervised learning technique for solving a multi-goal path planning problem to determine a shortest path to visit a given set of 3D regions. The addressed problem is motivated by data collection missions in which a robotic vehicle is requested to visit a set of locations to perform particular measurements. Instead of precise visitation of the specified locations, it is allowed to take the measurements at the respective distance from the locations, and thus save the travel cost by exploiting non-zero sensing radius of the vehicle. In particular, the problem is formulated as a 3D variant of the Close-Enough Traveling Salesman Problem (CETSP), and the proposed approach is based on the recently introduced technique called the Growing Self-Organizing Array (GSOA). The GSOA is a neural network for routing problems that is accompanied with unsupervised learning procedure to determine a solution of the TSP-like problems in a finite number of learning epochs. Based on the reported results, the proposed GSOA-based approach provides competitive or better results than existing combinatorial heuristics based on the so-called Steiner zones, while the computational requirements are significantly lower.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk