doc. Ing. Jan Weinzettel, Ph.D.
Dissertation topics
Environmental impacts of alternative transportation systems
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Electrotechnology
Road transport is currently based on fossil fuels. Their use is related to emissions of greenhouse gases and health damaging substances. Therefore, a transformation of the road transport is needed towards cleaner technologies and systems. In order to avoid a shift of the environmental burden into another life cycle phase of part of the transportation system, it is necessary assess their environmental impacts considering their whole life cycle. This can be done by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of the considered alternative transportation modes and systems. LCA is still a subject of research work and scientific discussions. An important part of this multi-disciplinary topic is electromobility, which is an objective of research at the Department of Electro-technology (e.g. electrochemical sources and environmental impact). Environmental impacts will be assessed in order to fulfill requirements of PhD program and the results will be published in journals with Web of Science impact factor, such as Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal of Cleaner Production or similar.