prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc.
Dissertation topics
Biomimetical imaging & simulations
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
Some animal eyes (e.g. lobsters, deep sea fishes, shrimps) have strange mirror eyes which may have technical and scientific applications. Albeit the arrangements of these eyes are known, so simulations exist to understand the imaging properies of these eyes. The study will focus on technical understanding how these eyes work and on simulations enabling to reconstruct the images they see, drawing conclusions and discussing possible technical and scientific applications .
Cubesatellites on LEO: technologies for attitude control and scientific payloads
- Branch of study: Aeronautical and Space Engineering
- Department: Department of Radioelectronics
The current technologies of CubeSats on low Earth orbit are rapidly developing and improving, which allows numerous application areas to be considered. The same is also valid for CubeSats payloads. Apart from recent commercial applications there are also growing possibilities for relevant scientific payloads and scientific observations including novel optical and sensor devices for various spectral ranges. This process requires new instruments to be studied and designed, both for payloads as well as for CubeSat buses/platforms such as advanced and innovative attitude control systems for a wide range of applications from very low Earth orbits to long-term low Earth orbits and tandem, formation or constellation flights of multiple nanosatellites.
Image processing of digital data from astronomical photographic archives
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Radioelectronics
The digitization and processing of image data stored on photographic negatives and the methodology of their processing and analysis follow the grant of the Czech Academy of Sciences, solved at the Department of Radioelectronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in the framework of international cooperation, especially with German entities. The aim will be a comprehensive solution of the given issue, from comparison of different methods of digitization with emphasis on comparison of achieved parameters, optimization, to methods of processing and analysis of acquired image information.
Image processing of digitized astronomical photographic spectra
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
The recent digitization of photographic databases allows to consider to analyse these data by computers and advanced algorithms. This study will focus on analyses of digitized astronomical high resolution spectra recorded on photographic emulsion. The application of computers and advanced algorithms will enable detailed analyses of these data for the first time.
Image processing of low dispersive spectral images ground based & ESA Gaia
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
The recent digitization of photographic databases allows to consider to analyse these data by computers and advanced algorithms. This study will focus on analyses of digitized astronomical multiple low resolution spectra recorded on photographic emulsion. The application of computers and advanced algorithms will enable detailed analyses of these data for the first time. These algorithmes can be also applied for interpretations of satellite data from ESA Gaia satellite.
Terrestrial and Atmospheric X ray emission & Advanced Observing Methods
- Branch of study: Aeronautical and Space Engineering
- Department: Department of Radioelectronics
Apart from celestial X-ray sources, there are also X-ray emissions in and/or above the Earth atmosphere worth study with novel and advanced methods and techniques based on small and cube satellites, balloons, and sounding rockets. These include auroral X-ray emission and X-ray emission related to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes. The applicant is expected to provide a detailed review and discussion of these emissions and propose, simulate and verify novel instrumentation and techniques for their investigation.
Wide field X-ray Monitors: Data processing and applications
- Branch of study: Electrical Engineering and Communications
- Department: Department of Radioelectronics
The processing of the signal generated by wide-angle X-ray monitors and the methodology of their processing and analysis is a follow-up to the grant of the Czech Academy of Sciences, solved at the Department of Radioelectronics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in the framework of international cooperation. The aim will be a complex solution of the given problems, from the solution of optimal design of optics and detector (with emphasis on application to small satellites) to the execution and processing of tests and measurements, comparison of different methods of deconvolution and signal processing, noise treatment etc. with emphasis on optimization of achieved parameters, as well as methods of processing and analyzing acquired image information.