doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.
All publications
A sonic black hole of a rectangular cross-section
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2024, 125 529-543. ISSN 0307-904X.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2023.09.005
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
In this study, a rectangular cross-section sonic black hole (SBH) is explored and a one-dimensional model equation for the acoustic field inside it is presented. The model equation's applicability is verified through a comparison with the corresponding two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. A general analytical solution, which takes into account the SBH's quadratically varying internal cross-section, is derived using linearly independent confluent Heun functions. To investigate the acoustic wave behavior in the SBH, the wave splitting method is utilized to obtain forward and backward acoustic pressure waves, and the reflection coefficient is calculated. To confirm the validity of the analytical solution, a comparison is made with numerical results obtained from the Riccati equation. Within the context of this study, a detailed discussion is provided regarding the applicability of the analytical solution.
Maximizing the Absorbing Performance of Rectangular Sonic Black Holes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Applied Sciences. 2024, 14(17), ISSN 2076-3417.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.3390/app14177766
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This study examines the absorption performance of rectangular sonic black holes (SBHs), which are designed to provide broadband anechoic termination for rectangular waveguides. The SBHs explored in this work consist of a series of opposing rib pairs embedded within the waveguide, where the distance between the ribs in each pair decreases towards the end of the structure according to a specific profile. A computationally efficient mathematical model, combined with an evolutionary optimization algorithm, is employed to determine the optimal geometrical parameters, including the SBH profile, which maximize absorption performance over a broad frequency range. As the optimal geometries feature very fine internal structures, which pose challenges for practical implementation, micro-perforated plates are incorporated to introduce additional losses. Numerical simulations and optimizations are again utilized to identify the geometrical and physical parameters that maximize the absorption performance of these modified structures. The results demonstrate superior absorption performance, even with internal structures compatible with contemporary manufacturing processes. The results of the numerical simulations are validated via a comparison with detailed and accurate mathematical model.
Optimal shaping of acoustic black holes for sound absorption in air
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Acta Acustica. 2024, 8 ISSN 2681-4617.
- Year: 2024
- DOI: 10.1051/aacus/2024014
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This article presents a systematic numerical study of the absorbing properties of acoustic black holes (ABHs) serving as an anechoic termination of waveguides. The study focuses on the sensitivity of ABHs' absorbing performance to their profile and internal-structure parameters. The article compares numerical predictions from 1D model based on the Riccati equation with a detailed 2D model based on the linearized Navier-Stokes equations and the finite element method, finding good agreement among all results, especially for ABHs with fine internal structures. The mean value of the reflection coefficient modulus is used to quantify the ABH's absorbing performance, and the article introduces the use of power-law functions and cubic splines to define the ABH's shape function. An evolutionary algorithm is employed to optimize the ABH's profile, resulting in improved absorbing performance. The numerical results suggest that the optimum shape is simple and more-or-less insensitive to other geometrical and internal-structure parameters.
Numerical study of the behavior of rectangular acoustic black holes for sound absorption in air
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Wave Motion. 2023, 123 ISSN 0165-2125.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2023.103230
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
In this work, the behavior of acoustic black holes (ABHs) serving as an anechoic termination of air-filled waveguides with a rectangular cross-section is numerically studied. These ABHs consist of a set of rigid ribs separated by narrow slits, whose height smoothly varies along the structure and whose aim is to slow-down the impinging acoustic wave and cause its absorption. For the purpose of this study, a 2D mathematical model based on linearized Navier–Stokes equations and employing the finite element method has been proposed, which allows for an accurate capturing the thermoviscous losses in the acoustic boundary layer adjacent to the solid–fluid interfaces, as well as the effects connected with geometrical details of the ABHs’ inner structure. The numerical results show that in rectangular ABHs with a fine internal structure, the acoustic wave slow-down plays a significant role and that absorption properties are strongly dependent on their inner structure details. Simplified 1D mathematical models of rectangular ABHs based on the Riccati equation or transfer matrix method have also been proposed. These simplified models are computationally highly efficient, as it has been demonstrated, they provide accurate results, especially in the case of ABHs with a fine internal structure, which feature superior acoustic energy absorbing properties.
Optimal shaping of rectangular acoustic black holes for sound absorption in air
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Forum Acusticum 2023. Madrid: European Acoustics Association, 2023. p. 4405-4410. ISSN 2221-3767. ISBN 978-88-88942-67-4.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.61782/fa.2023.0181
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
In this work, we examine the performance of rectangular acoustic black holes (ABHs) serving as an anechoic termination in air-filled waveguides. These ABHs, consisting of rigid ribs separated by narrow slits with varying heights, are designed to slow down and absorb impinging acoustic waves. A one-dimensional mathematical model, employing the Riccati equation, is used for the numerical calculations. It accounts for the attenuation of acoustic energy in the thermo-viscous boundary layer through the use of an equivalent fluid model. The accuracy of this simplified, but computationally efficient model is verified by comparing its results to those obtained from a two-dimensional simulation using linearized Navier-Stokes equations and the finite element method. To optimize the ABH profile for maximum acoustic energy absorption, a genetic algorithm is employed in conjunction with the simplified mathematical model. The results demonstrate that the ABHs with an optimized profile exhibit superior performance compared to those with a non-optimized profile, but otherwise the same internal structure.
Shape optimization of rectangular acoustic black holes with insertion of porous materials
- Authors: Furmanová, A., RNDr. MgA. Viktor Hruška, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Groby, J.-Ph.
- Publication: Forum Acusticum 2023. Madrid: European Acoustics Association, 2023. p. 4397-4403. ISSN 2221-3767. ISBN 978-88-88942-67-4.
- Year: 2023
- DOI: 10.61782/fa.2023.0831
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The goal of this research is to enhance sound absorption in rectangular acoustic black holes (ABHs), also known as metamaterial graded absorbers, by optimizing their design using evolutionary algorithms, specifically the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategies (CMA-ES). The designs must have good practical feasibility for 3D printing. A model based on the Riccati equation is employed to optimize the reflection coefficient of the rectangular ABH. The shape of the ABH profile is controlled by a high order Bezier curve, providing greater flexibility than simpler profiles such as polynomials. Additionally, the study explores the use of porous material and the optimization of its macroscopic geometry. Results demonstrate that the use of ABHs can significantly improve sound absorption in a frequency range below the Biot frequency of the porous material.
An algebraic correction for the Westervelt equation to account for the local nonlinear effects in parametric acoustic array
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2022, 151(6), 4046-4052. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1121/10.0011747
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work presents a simple computational approach for the calculation of parametrically generated low-frequency sound fields. The Westervelt wave equation is employed as a model equation that accounts for the wave diffraction, attenuation, and nonlinearity. As it is known that the Westervelt equation captures the cumulative nonlinear effects correctly and not the local ones, an algebraic correction is proposed, which includes the local nonlinear effects in the solution of the Westervelt equation. This way, existing computational approaches for the Westervelt equation can be used even in situations where the generated acoustic field differs significantly from the plane progressive waves, such as in the near-field, and where the local effects manifest themselves strongly. The proposed approach is demonstrated and validated on an example of the parametric radiation from a baffled circular piston.
On the role of resonance and thermoviscous losses in an implementation of “acoustic black hole” for sound absorption in air
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Wave Motion. 2022, 114 ISSN 0165-2125.
- Year: 2022
- DOI: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2022.103039
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
In this work, we propose a mathematical model of a sound-absorbing structure for anechoic duct termination, commonly called the acoustic black hole. The structure consists of a set of rigid rings separated by narrow fluid-filled cavities. There are holes in the centers of the rings, whose radii smoothly vary along the structure. According to the previously published works, wave speed in this structure can theoretically decrease to zero value, which results in the reduction of the reflection coefficient. The proposed model is based on the linearized Navier–Stokes equations formulated in 2D axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates, which are solved numerically in the frequency domain employing the finite element method. This way, thermoviscous losses in the acoustic boundary layer adjacent to the fluid–solid interfaces, especially in the narrow cavities, are accounted for properly. The numerical results show that the absorption of acoustic energy in this structure is connected with resonances taking place in the cavities forming annular resonators, rather than with the acoustic wave slow-down. This effect has not been captured in the previously published models. It is shown that the geometrical details of the structure strongly influence its behavior, indicating the possibility of its optimization to serve as an efficient absorber of acoustic energy in a relatively wide frequency range.
Air Supply Mode Effects on Ozone Production of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in a Cylindrical Configuration
- Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., doc. Ing. Jan Mikeš, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Hanuš, Ph.D.,
- Publication: PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING. 2021, 41(3), 779-792. ISSN 0272-4324.
- Year: 2021
- DOI: 10.1007/s11090-021-10154-x
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- Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
We investigated the air supply mode effects on ozone production of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in the cylindrical configuration. The air into the discharge volume between two coaxial cylinders was supplied through four nozzles axially or tangentially. Using tangential air supply, the vortex flow in the part of the discharge chamber was created. Because the active electrode was in the form of interconnected rings on the outer surface of the glass tube, we changed the airflow orientation concerning this electrode. The existence of vortex airflow affects the plasmachemical processes taking part in the discharge, and therefore, it affects discharge ozone production. We also paid attention to ozone concentration and temperature of output air measurements as a function of the duration of the experiment for both tangential and axial air supply modes. We found that the time required for the stabilization of generated ozone concentration depends on the discharge power, and for our experimental conditions, it smaller than approximately 70 s. Besides, in the case of tangential air supply into the discharge chamber, the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge is for higher discharge power increased in comparison with the concentration for the axial air supply mode.
Parametric acoustic array lensed by a gradient-index phononic crystal
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2021, 149(6), 4534-4542. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2021
- DOI: 10.1121/10.0005441
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work presents a theoretical study of a parametric transmitter employing a small ultrasonic transducer and an acoustic lens for the collimation of the non-directional primary ultrasonic waves into a highly-directional beam. The acoustic lens is represented by a gradient-index phononic crystal (GRIN PC) composed of an array of toroidal scatterers. Parameters of the GRIN PC lens are determined employing an optimization procedure that maximizes the minimum value of the primary-wave amplitude over a wide frequency range at a distant point in front of the transducer-lens system. The Westervelt equation is used as a wave equation taking into account diffraction, nonlinearity, and thermoviscous attenuation. The wave equation is solved numerically in the quasi-linear approximation in the frequency domain employing the finite element method. The numerical results show that employing a simple GRIN PC lens, a highly-directional low-frequency beam can be parametrically radiated from a small ultrasonic transducer.
A wide class of analytical solutions of the Webster equation
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2020, 469 ISSN 0022-460X.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.115169
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper aims at presenting closed-form general analytical solutions of the Webster equation describing plane elastic or acoustic waves. The considered radius functions of nonuniform cross-sectioned rods or ducts are based on the triconfluent Heun functions and contain some optional parameters enabling us to set various profiles of the radius functions in a relatively wide range, while it is possible to employ the presented exact general analytical solution of the Webster equation for all selected profiles. If the radius functions are predetermined, then the derived general analytical solution can also be employed for their triconfluent Heun approximations, including certain polynomial ones. The applicability and correctness of the derived analytical solutions are demonstrated by calculations of natural frequencies and mode shapes for representative radius functions while the results based on approximate analytical solutions are verified numerically. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Benchmarks for microstructure-based modelling of sound absorbing rigid-frame porous media
- Authors: Zielinski, T.G., Venegas, R., Perrot, C., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Chevillotte, F., Attenborough, K.
- Publication: Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2020, 483 ISSN 0022-460X.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115441
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work presents benchmark examples related to the modelling of sound absorbing porous media with rigid frame based on the periodic geometry of their microstructures. To this end, rigorous mathematical derivations are recalled to provide all necessary equations, useful relations, and formulae for the so-called directmulti-scale computations, as well as for the hybrid multi-scale calculations based on the numerically determined transport parameters of porous materials. The results of such direct and hybrid multi-scale calculations are not only cross verified, but also confirmed by direct numerical simulations based on the linearised Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations. In addition, relevant theoretical and numerical issues are discussed, and some practical hints are given.
Electromagnetic waves in graded-index planar waveguides
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2020, 37(12), 3631-3643. ISSN 0740-3224.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.408679
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The propagation of guided TE and TM modes through graded-index planar waveguides is reported in this paper. Both a real-valued and complex-valued position-dependent refractive index are supposed for a film layer. It is possible to set various refractive index profiles based on five distribution parameters. For the position-dependent refractive index, the governing equations are transformed to Heun's differential equation, an exact local solution expressed in terms of local Heun functions. The general nature of these functions is demonstrated based on four degenerate cases of Heun's equation. The calculation of guided modes requires evaluation of the general solution in the interval containing two regular singular points. For this purpose, the generalized Heun function is introduced and employed in general solutions to the governing equations. The applicability of the generalized solutions is demonstrated by the calculation of guided modes for both the real-valued and complex-valued refractive index.
Optimized compact wideband reactive silencers with annular resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2020, 484 ISSN 0022-460X.
- Year: 2020
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115497
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper presents a theoretical examination of wave propagation in a cylindrical duct loaded with an array of closely spaced flush-mounted annular resonators forming a simple reactive silencer. A semi-analytical mathematical model is proposed considering higher evanescent modes in the duct and plane-wave- and first transverse mode in annular resonators. Viscothermal losses in annular resonators are considered by employing the equivalent-fluid model. A heuristic optimization algorithm based on the proposed mathematical model is used to maximize the minimum transmission loss in a given frequency range. The numerical results show that multiple resonances of the individual resonators can be effectively utilized to design compact (thin) silencers with a wide frequency range and a relatively small number of resonators. The numerical results are validated by comparison with finite element simulations.
A versatile computational approach for the numerical modelling of parametric acoustic array
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2019, 146(4), 2163-2169. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.1121/1.5126863
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work presents a versatile computational approach for the numerical modeling of a parametrically generated low-frequency sound. The proposed method is based on the quasi-linear approximation, and it does not employ the paraxial approximation. The primary acoustic field is calculated by the Rayleigh integral or the boundary element method; the secondary difference-frequency field is calculated by the finite element method. As governing wave equations, a general second-order wave equation for acoustic pressure, the Westervelt equation, and Kuznetsov equation are tested, and the corresponding numerical results are compared. The proposed approach allows studying the near-field, far-field, as well as the off-axis field of the difference-frequency wave parametrically radiated from complex emitters. As numerical examples, parametric radiation from a baffled piston and a piston combined with a horn are examined.
Analytical solutions for elastic SH-waves propagating through an isotropic inhomogeneous layer
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Lotton, P., Simon, L.
- Publication: Composite Structures. 2019, 220 875-887. ISSN 0263-8223.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.04.053
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Plane time-harmonic elastic SH-wave propagation through an isotropic inhomogeneous layer surrounded by two homogeneous half-spaces is studied in this article. The material properties of the inhomogeneous layer are assumed to be non-uniform along the thickness direction according to a distribution law described by the triconfluent Heun functions or their polynomial forms that contain a number of optional parameters. The general analytical solution of the governing equation for elastic SH-waves in the layer is presented. Employing optional parameters, the material-property profiles can be varied to a relatively large extent without the need to seek new solutions of the governing equation for a chosen material-property profile. If the wave speed is constant in the inhomogeneous layer, the derived analytical solution is exact; otherwise the analytical solution is approximate. As a part of this article, the method enabling to find an approximate analytical solution of the governing equation for predetermined material functions is also presented. The applicability of the analytical solutions are tested and discussed based on the representative examples, and at the same time, the analytical results are compared with numerical ones to demonstrate their validity.
Method of estimation of frequency spectrum and power of the sound generated by an unsteady flow through a sonic crystal
- Authors: RNDr. MgA. Viktor Hruška, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019. Dresden: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 2019. ISSN 2226-7808. ISBN 978-3-939296-15-7.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Physics
Although the importance of sonic crystals serving as sound barriers is growing, only a little interest was given to the sound emission from a sonic crystal due to windy weather conditions. The Curle’s aeroacoustic analogy is reviewed in brief to obtain a suitable formulation for the low Mach number flow and rigid crystal structure. The radiation from the crystal has the dipolar characteristic and the dominating frequency corresponds to the Strouhal number 0.3. The values slightly exceeding 50 dB[A] were found for the radiation maxima at 20 m distance. It follows from the method design that it provides maximum estimate of the radiated power.
On a relative shift in the periodic micro-geometry and other causes for discrepancy in the microstructure-based modelling of 3D-printed porous media
- Authors: Zielinski, T.G., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: PROCEEDINGS INTERNOISE 2019. Internoise 2019, 2019. p. 1-10. ISBN 978-84-87985-31-7.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Physics
Samples with periodic microstructures, designed for good sound absorption, have been manufactured by 3D printing. Typically, however, the acoustical properties of the resulting samples dier from those predicted. Two causes of the discrepancies are (1) inaccuracies related to the 3D-printing resolution and (2) imperfections resulting from micro-fibres, micro-pores, and pore surface roughness, created during manufacture. Discrepancies due to the first cause can be addressed, post hoc, by updating the idealised periodic geometric model used for creating the codes for fabrication on the basis of a survey using a scanning microscope, or through computerised micro-tomography scans. Reducing the discrepancies due to the second cause requires a relatively significant further modelling eort. Another cause for small discrepancies is when two layers of the same periodic porous material and thickness dier only by a relative shift of the internal geometry of the periodic Representative Volume Element (RVE). This causes the absorption peaks to be shifted in frequency. A modelling procedure is proposed to take this into account.
On the modelling of reactive silencers with narrow side-branch tubes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: PROCEEDINGS INTERNOISE 2019. Internoise 2019, 2019. p. 1-6. ISBN 978-84-87985-31-7.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Physics
This work represents a theoretical study of the sound propagation in a waveguide loaded by an array of flush-mounted narrow side-branch tubes, forming a simple low-frequency reactive silencer. The individual tube-lengths and the distances between the adjacent tubes may vary in order to optimize the transmission loss in a given frequency range. The transmission properties of the silencer are calculated using the transfer matrix method, and the finite element method. A~simple heuristic evolutionary algorithm, together with an analytical mathematical model (the transfer matrix method) is employed for the determination of the optimal silencer parameters. The numerical results are validated against the finite element simulation.
Optimized reactive silencers composed of closely-spaced elongated side-branch resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Groby, J.-P.
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2019, 145(4), 2210-2220. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.1121/1.5097167
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper reports a theoretical study of the sound propagation in a rectangular waveguide loaded by closely-spaced elongated side-branch resonators forming a simple low-frequency broadband reactive silencer. Semi-analytical calculations account for the evanescent modes both in the main waveguide and side-branch resonators and for the viscothermal losses in the silencer elements. Reasonable accuracy is maintained in the evaluation of transmission, reflection, and absorption coefficients, while the calculation time is reduced by a few hundred times in comparison with the finite element method. Therefore, the proposed method is particularly suitable for optimization procedure. The lengths of the individual equally spaced side-branch resonators are optimized by a heuristic evolutionary algorithm that maximizes the minimum transmission loss (TL) over a pre-defined frequency range. Numerical results indicate that the minimum TL of the optimized silencers is reduced due to the destructive effect of the evanescent coupling from the resonators of the nearest side-branches. In the opposite, the TL increases linearly with the number of the side-branch
Weakly nonlinear oscillations of gas column driven by self-sustained sources
- Authors: RNDr. MgA. Viktor Hruška, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 2ND FRANCO-CHINESE ACOUSTIC CONFERENCE (FCAC 2018). Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2019. MATEC Web of Conferences. vol. 283. ISSN 2261-236X.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201928306001
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Self-sustained sources coupled to some sort of resonator have drawn attention recently as a subject of nonlinear dynamics with many practical applications as well as interesting mathematical problems from the chaos theory and the theory of synchronizations. In order to mimic the self-sustainability arising from physical background the van der Pol equation is commonly used as a model (e.g. vortex induced noise, flowstructure interactions, vocal folds motion etc.). In many cases the sound field inside the resonator is strong enough for weakly nonlinear formulation based on the Kuznetsov model equation to be employed. An array of sources governed by the inhomogeneous van der Pol equation coupled to the nonlinear acoustic wave equation is studied. The one dimensional constant cross-section open resonator with zero radiation impedance is assumed. The focus is on the main features such as mode-locking, harmonics generation and build-up from infinitesimal fluctuations.
Description of waves in inhomogeneous domains using Heun's equation
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Waves in Random and Complex Media. 2018, 28(2), 236-252. ISSN 1745-5030.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2017.1338788
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
There are a number of model equations describing electromagnetic, acoustic or quantum waves in inhomogeneous domains and some of them are of the same type from the mathematical point of view. This isomorphism enables us to use a unified approach to solving the corresponding equations. In this paper, the inhomogeneity is represented by a trigonometric spatial distribution of a parameter determining the properties of an inhomogeneous domain. From the point of view of modeling, this trigonometric parameter function can be smoothly connected to neighboring constant-parameter regions. For this type of distribution, exact local solutions of the model equations are represented by the local Heun functions. As the interval for which the solution is sought includes two regular singular points. For this reason, a method is proposed which resolves this problem only based on the local Heun functions. Further, the transfer matrix for the considered inhomogeneous domain is determined by means of the proposed method. As an example of the applicability of the presented solutions the transmission coefficient is calculated for the locally periodic structure which is given by an array of asymmetric barriers.
Direct numerical simulation of sound absorption in porous media
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Zielinski, T.G.
- Publication: Euronoise 2018. Madrid: European Acoustics Association, 2018. p. 59-64. ISSN 2226-5147.
- Year: 2018
- Department: Department of Physics
Numerical simulation of absorption of sound in porous media is an important part of the design of the treatments for the environmental noise reduction. In the porous media, the mechanical energy carried by sound is dissipated by thermo-viscous interactions with the solid surface of the media frame, which usually has complicated geometry at the microscopic (sub-millimetre) scale. In order to be able to absorb the acoustic energy at the low frequencies of interest, a layer of porous material must be rather thick (at the order of centimetres). This is why direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the sound absorption in porous media is a rather computationally challenging task because small geometrical details must be properly resolved in a large computational domain. In order to avoid these difficulties, simplified semi-phenomenological models introducing so called effective fluid have been proposed. For example, the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Pride-Lafarge (JCAPL) model is based on eight parameters which can be measured or calculated based on the media micro-structural geometry. Within this work, we compare the numerical results obtained by the 3D DNS with the prediction of the JCAPL model in case of several porous media represented by closely-packed spheres. The DNS calculations are performed using the linearised Navier-Stokes equations for layers of spheres of different thicknesses, the parameters for the JCAPL model are calculated subsequently using Laplace, Poisson, and Stokes-flow analyses on a representative volume element of the media. Very good agreement between the results has been found.
Numerical study of the influence of the convective heat transport on acoustic streaming in a standing wave
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2018, 143(2), 727-734. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1121/1.5023217
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Within this work, acoustic streaming in an air-filled cylindrical resonator with walls supporting a temperature gradient is studied by means of numerical simulations. A set of equations based on successive approximations is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations. The equations take into account the acoustic-streaming-driven convective heat transport; as time-averaged secondary-field quantities are directly calculated, the equations are much easier to integrate than the original fluid-dynamics equations. The model equations are implemented and integrated employing commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics. Numerical calculations are conducted for the case of a resonator with a wall-temperature gradient corresponding to the action of a thermoacoustic effect. It is shown that due to the convective heat transport, the streaming profile is considerably distorted even in the case of weak wall-temperature gradients.
One-dimensional propagation of longitudinal elastic waves through functionally graded materials
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Groby, J.-P., Lotton, P.
- Publication: International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2018, 146 43-54. ISSN 0020-7683.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.017
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The one-dimensional propagation of longitudinal elastic waves along the thickness of a plate made of functionally graded materials excited by a harmonic force is reported in this article. The material properties of the plate are assumed to be graded along the thickness direction according to a trigonometric law distribution. This distribution smoothly connects the material properties of the upper and lower homogeneous materials that bounds the plate. The corresponding propagation equation is Ince-type equation that can be transformed to Heun's equation a local exact solution of which is expressed in terms of local Heun functions. The general nature of these functions is demonstrated based on four degenerate cases of Heun's equation. The transfer matrix method is used to study the elastic waves propagating in the inhomogeneous domain. The calculation of the transfer matrices requires the evaluation of the general solution in the interval containing two regular singular points. For this purpose, the modified Heun function is introduced. Based on the transfer matrices, the influence of both the asymmetry of the unit cell and various constituent materials on the transmission coefficient spectrum is studied. The transmission coefficient is also calculated for the locally periodic structures with the help of the Chebyshev polynomials. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Optimized reactive silencers with narrow side-branch tubes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2018, 144(4), 2015-2021. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1121/1.5056175
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper presents a theoretical study of the sound propagation in a waveguide loaded by an array of flush-mounted narrow side-branch tubes, forming a simple low-frequency reactive silencer. The individual tube-lengths and the distances between the adjacent tubes are optimized in order to maximize the minimum transmission loss over a given frequency range. The transmission properties of the silencer are calculated using the transfer matrix method, heuristic evolutionary approach is employed for the determination of the optimal parameters. The numerical results are validated against the finite element method simulation. A comprehensive parametric study is performed to demonstrate the optimized silencer performance as a function of the number of side-branch tubes, and the frequency range. It is shown that for the given frequency range, the minimum transmission loss of the optimized silencer increases linearly with the number of the side-branch tubes.
Propagation of electromagnetic waves through non-uniform dielectric layers
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2018, 35(10), 2541-2549. ISSN 0740-3224.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.35.002541
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The propagation of TE- and TM-polarized electromagnetic (EM) waves through a dielectric layer with spatial variation of the refractive index is reported in this paper. The relative permittivity of the layer is assumed to be graded along the thickness direction, and its spatial variation is described by a quartic polynomial. The corresponding mode equations are Helmholtz equations with variable coefficients that can be transformed to a triconfluent Heun equation, a local exact solution of which is expressed in terms of tri-confluent Heun functions. The solutions cover many particular cases owing to a variability of four optional parameters (coefficients) of the quartic polynomial. The general local solution for a TE-polarized EM wave is employed for the calculation of transmission properties of a periodic one-dimensional photonic crystal using the Floquet theory. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America
Acoustic streaming in resonators with heated walls
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Auburn: IIAV - International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2017. p. 1-7. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-1-906913-27-4.
- Year: 2017
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic streaming in fluid-filled resonators with the spatial distribution of walls’ temperature is studied within this work. The method of successive approximations is employed to derive linear equations for the calculation of ambient, primary acoustic, and time-averaged secondary fields including the mass transport velocity. The model equations have a standard form which allows their numerical integration using COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical results are validated for the case of a resonator with spatially-constant ambient temperature by comparison with previously published analytical results; an excellent agreement is found. Examples of acoustic streaming structures in resonators with heated walls are given showing a strong influence on the walls’ temperature distribution and the resonator cavity dimensions.
Description and analysis of elastic waves in functionally graded materials
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Auburn: IIAV - International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2017. p. 1-6. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-1-906913-27-4.
- Year: 2017
- Department: Department of Physics
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) belong to a class of advanced materials characterized by variation in properties as the dimension varies. Propagation of elastic waves through FGMs is an issue of scientific and practical interest because the effective use of elastic waves in the industries relies on a good understanding of wave propagation in FGMs. The propagation of one-dimensional elastic waves in a plate made of FGMs excited by a harmonic force is described and studied in this work. The corresponding model equation is solved analytically and its solution is based on the local Heun functions. The elastic waves are investigated by means of the transmission coefficient, which can be utilized in study of transmission properties of locally periodic structures.
Effect of inhomogeneous temperature fields on acoustic streaming structures in resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2017, 141(6), 4418-4426. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4985386
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic streaming in 2D rectangular resonant channels filled with a fluid with a spatial temperature distribution is studied within this work. An inertial force is assumed for driving the acoustic field; the temperature inhomogeneity is introduced by resonator walls with prescribed temperature distribution. The method of successive approximations is employed to derive linear equations for calculation of primary acoustic and time-averaged secondary fields including the streaming velocity. The model equations have a standard form which allows their numerical integration using a universal solver; in this case, COMSOL Multiphysics was employed. The numerical results show that fluid temperature variations in the direction perpendicular to the resonator axis influence strongly the streaming field if the ratio of the channel width and the viscous boundary layer thickness is big enough; the streaming in the Rayleigh vortices can be supported as well as opposed, which can ultimately lead to the appearance of additional vortices.
The exact solution of the Schrodinger equation with a polynomially spatially varying mass
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2017, 58(7), ISSN 0022-2488.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1063/1.4993194
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The Schrodinger equation with a position-dependent mass (SEPDM) is employed in many areas of quantum physics. Exact solutions for the SEPDM lie at the center of interest of the professional public because it helps us to understand the behavior of quantum particles in the cases in which their mass varies spatially. For this purpose, we used the mass function represented by a quartic polynomial and a quadratic potential function, which extends the current class of exact solutions of the SEPDM. The exact analytical solution of the problem is expressed as a linear combination of local Heun functions. Heun's equation contains many parameters, resulting in its general nature. We studied how limit changes in some of these parameters will affect the solution of the SEPDM. The obtained solutions are particularly suitable for the transfer matrix method and solutions of scattering problems; this is demonstrated by the calculation of bound states.
Acoustic bandpass filters employing shaped resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2016, 383 76-88. ISSN 0022-460X.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.06.045
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work deals with acoustic bandpass filters realized by shaped waveguide-elements inserted between two parts of an acoustic transmission line with generally different characteristic impedance. It is shown that the formation of a wide passband is connected with the eigenfrequency spectrum of the filter element which acts as an acoustic resonator and that the required filter shape substantially depends on whether the filter characteristic impedance is higher or lower than the characteristic impedance of the waveguide. It is further shown that this class of filters can be realized even without the need of different characteristic impedance. A heuristic technique is proposed to design filter shapes with required transmission properties; it is employed for optimization of low-frequency bandpass filters as well as for design of bandpass filters with wide pass band surrounded by wide stopbands as it is typical for phononic crystals, however, in this case the arrangement is much simpler as it consists of only one simple-shaped homogeneous element.
Acoustic streaming in shaped resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Auburn: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2016. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-960-99226-2-3.
- Year: 2016
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic streaming in fluid-filled resonators with variable cross-section is studied within this work. An inertial force is assumed for driving the acoustic field. The method of successive approximations is employed to derive linear equations for calculation of primary acoustic and time-averaged secondary fields including the mass transport velocity. The model equations have a standard form which allows their numerical integration using universal solver COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical results are validated for the case of a resonator with constant cross-section by comparison with previously published analytical results; an excellent agreement is found. Example of acoustic streaming in a shaped resonator is given to demonstrate a strong dependence of the acoustic streaming structure on the resonator shape.
Behavior of plane waves propagating through a temperature-inhomogeneous region
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Lotton, P., Penelet, G.
- Publication: Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2016, 362 292-304. ISSN 0022-460X.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2015.10.010
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Description and analysis of acoustic waves in ducts with a region containing temperature-inhomogeneous fluid represent a significant problem of scientific and practical interest. This interest is induced by the need of understanding how temperature fields affect acoustic processes which would lead to a more efficient design and control of systems involving thermoacoustic interactions. Most of the works addressing these problems limit themselves to the assumption of weak temperature profile gradients or to temperature profiles which do not connect neighboring temperature-homogeneous regions smoothly. In our work we investigate the behavior of plane acoustic waves that enter a region with an arbitrary temperature gradient. A polynomial character of the used temperature profile ensures smooth connection with constant-temperature regions. The one-dimensional wave equation for ducts with an axial mean temperature gradient is solved analytically. The derived solutions based on Heun functions extend the class of published exact analytical solutions of model wave equations taking into account the medium temperature gradient. Due to the property that our proposed polynomial temperature function has derivatives equal to zero at points which are connected with the surrounding temperature-homogeneous regions we can form more complex smooth temperature profiles for which it is possible to use the transfer matrix method.
Variety of acoustic streaming in 2D resonant channels
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Wave Motion. 2016, 66 21-30. ISSN 0165-2125.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2016.05.001
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic streaming in 2D resonant channels with uniform or non-uniform cross-sections is studied within this work. An inertial force as well as a vibrating boundary are assumed for driving the acoustic field. The method of successive approximations is employed to derive linear equations for calculation of primary acoustic and time-averaged secondary fields including the radiation pressure and the mass transport velocity. The model equations have a standard form which allows their numerical integration using a universal solver; in this case, COMSOL Multiphysics was employed. As this software is based on the finite element method, it is simple and straightforward to perform the calculations with moderate computational costs even for complex geometries, which makes the proposed approach an operative tool for study of acoustic streaming. The numerical results are validated for the case of a rectangular channel by comparison with previously published analytical results; an excellent agreement is found. The numerical results show that the acoustic streaming can be quite complex even in rectangular channels and its structure depends on the manner of driving. Examples of acoustic streaming in wedged and elliptical channels are given to demonstrate a strong dependence of the acoustic streaming structure on the resonator shape.
Acoustic particle displacement resonator
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Applied Acoustics. 2015, 99 155-160. ISSN 0003-682X.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.06.009
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
A simple device consisting of a waveguide and two loudspeakers is proposed for generation of low-frequency standing acoustic field with high amplitude of acoustic velocity and particle displacement, which is primarily intended to be used for stabilization of electric discharges in acoustic field. A~coupled model of loudspeakers and nonlinear wave equation including waveguide radius variability, thermoviscous attenuation in boundary layer and minor losses is developed. The results of the conducted experiments validate the model revealing that the minor losses and acoustically generated turbulence in the boundary layer represent an important means of acoustic energy dissipation in this and similar applications.
Calculation of an axial temperature distribution using the reflection coefficient of an acoustic wave
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2015, 138(4), EL359-EL364. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4931830
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work verifies the idea that in principle, it is possible to reconstruct axial temperature distribution of fluid employing reflection or transmission of acoustic waves. It is assumed that the fluid is dissipationless and its density and speed of sound vary along the wave propagation direction because of the fluid temperature distribution. A numerical algorithm is proposed allowing for calculation of the temperature distribution on the basis of known frequency characteristics of reflection coefficient modulus. Functionality of the algorithm is illustrated on a few examples, its properties are discussed.
Description and analysis of plane waves in a temperature-inhomogeneous region
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Auburn: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2015. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-88-88942-48-3.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Physics
Both from a scientific and practical point of view behavior of acoustic waves within a temperature-inhomogeneous region represents an interesting issue. However, there is a limited class of temper-ature functions for which we know exact analytical solutions of corresponding model equations. Our work extends this class by a temperature function with an arbitrary temperature gradient, and unlike previously published works, the temperature function is smoothly connected with a temperature of surrounding temperature-homogeneous regions. For the chosen temperature function the model equation represents Heun?s equation that can be solved exactly using the Heun functions, which facilitates study of the behavior of acoustic waves. The only software package currently able to work with the Heun functions is MAPLE. Alternative ways for evaluations of those functions do not exist. However, the calculation of the Heun functions in MAPLE has some limitations that can be overcome with the help of F-homotopic transformations, which is shown in this paper.
Electrodynamic loudspeaker-driven acoustic compressor
- Authors: Šoltés, M., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2015, 55(5), 342-346. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.14311/AP.2015.55.0342
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
An acoustic compressor is built using the acoustic resonator which shape was optimized for a maximum acoustic pressure amplitude and a low-cost compression driver. Acoustic compressor is built by installing a suction port in the resonator wall where the standing wave has its pressure node and a delivery port with a valve in the resonator wall where the standing wave has its pressure anti-node. Different reeds, serving as delivery valves, are tested and their performance is investigated. It was shown that the performance of such simple compressor is comparable, or better, than the acoustic compressors built previously by other researchers using non-optimally shaped resonators with more sophisticated driving mechanisms and valve arrangements.
Finite amplitude standing waves in resonators terminated by a general impedance
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2015, 137(3), 1257-1264. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4908311
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
A general inhomogeneous Burgers equation describing finite-amplitude standing waves in resonators terminated by a general impedance is derived. This model equation can be used for modeling of nonlinear acoustic processes connected with some methods for enhancement of Q -factor of acoustic resonators. One of them is the method based on using a second-harmonics absorber. For better understanding of this method, it is convenient to know at least an approximate analytical solution of the model equation. This work presents some approximate solutions, which improve and extend the solutions that have been published previously. The solutions are compared with results obtained by numerical integration of the corresponding equations.
On the propagation of acoustic waves through temperature inhomogenities in fluide
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Auburn: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2015. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-88-88942-48-3.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Physics
The work deals with the transmission and reflection of plane acoustic waves propagating in temperature-inhomogeneous fluids. It is assumed that the temperature gradient is collinear with the direction of the wave propagation and that the inhomogeneity is localized in space, i.e., it forms a “temperature barrier”. An efficient numerical algorithm employing the Riccati equation is proposed for calculation of the frequency-dependencies of the coefficients of transmission or reflection for arbitrary temperature distributions, based on which, their general properties are studied. Further, an inverse problem is studied; it is shown that the distribution of the temperature in a barrier can be calculated from the frequency characteristics of the reflection (transmission) coefficient, an algorithm for which is described.
On the structure of multi-Gaussian beam expansion coefficients
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA. 2015, 101(1), 15-23. ISSN 1610-1928.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918800
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work deals with the structure and properties of multi-Gaussian beam expansion coefficients. An alternative formulation of an objective function is proposed for heuristic calculation of the coefficients together with a procedure for reducing the dimensionality of the corresponding optimization problem to a quarter of its original size. The proposed objective function enables us to avoid numerical integration within the process of its evaluation in some practically important cases, which greatly speeds up the calculations. An evolutionary algorithm is employed for global minimization of the objective function resulting in determination of the multi-Gaussian beam expansion coefficients enabling us high-accuracy analytical calculation of acoustic (ultrasonic) fields radiated by planar sources. The calculated expansion coefficients are provided for the case of an axi-symmetric uniform piston, a simply supported or clamped disc and a thin membrane. A simple relation delimiting validity of the approximation is found.}
Acoustic field effects on a negative corona discharge
- Authors: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
- Publication: Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2014, 23(3), 1-9. ISSN 0963-0252.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/23/3/035005
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
For a negative corona discharge under atmospheric pressure in different regimes, we investigated the effects of an acoustic field both on its electrical parameters and on the change in its visual appearance. We found that the application of an acoustic field on the true corona discharge, for particular currents, decreases the discharge voltage. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge in the filamentary streamer regime substantially extends the range of currents for which the discharge voltage remains more or less constant, i.e. it allows a substantial increase in the power delivered to the discharge. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge causes the discharge to spread within the discharge chamber and consequently, a highly reactive non-equilibrium plasma is created throughout the inter-electrode space. Finally, our experimental apparatus radiates almost no acoustic energy from the discharge chamber.
Acoustic plane waves in a gas-filled duct with an axial temperature gradient
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
- Publication: Forum Acusticum 2014. Wroclaw: Polish Acoustical Society, 2014. ISSN 2221-3767.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Physics
Description and analysis of acoustic waves in ducts with a temperature gradient represents a signifi- cant problem of science and practical interest. This problem is induced by the need of understanding how temperature fields affect acoustic processes which leads to a better possibility to design and con- trol systems in which interactions between the acoustic and temperature fields occur. This includes for instance thermo-acoustic devices and engines, combustors, automotive mufflers, measuring methods of impedances of high temperature systems, investigation of thermo-acoustic and combustion instabil- ities etc. Most of the works dealing with these problems requires either the weak temperature gradient or temperature gradients, which are not fully consistent with the imposed physical conditions. In our work we deal with investigating of the behavior of plane acoustic waves that enter a region with arbitrarily spatially varying temperature gradient. This temperature region smoothly verges into the remaining regions in which the temperature gradient is constant. The one-dimensional wave equa- tion for ducts with an axial mean temperature gradient is solved analytically. The derived solutions extend the class of published analytical solutions of model wave equations taking into account the temperature gradient of medium by solutions that assume a smooth temperature distribution.
Acoustically Stabilized Edge to Wire Electrode Electrical Discharges
- Authors: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
- Publication: Forum Acusticum 2014. Wroclaw: Polish Acoustical Society, 2014. ISSN 2221-3767.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Physics
We describe acoustical stabilization of the negative corona discharge in air with razor blade electrode against grounded wire electrode placed axially in a cylindrical resonator in the pressure node of the acoustic standing waves. When the standing waves are applied the discharge becomes more uniform and its volume is substantially increased along entire edge of the blade electrode. Images of the discharges for various acoustic field strengths are presented.
An acoustical resonator for stabilization of electrical discharge
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
- Publication: Forum Acusticum 2014. Wroclaw: Polish Acoustical Society, 2014. ISSN 2221-3767.
- Year: 2014
- Department: Department of Physics
This work deals with study of a device for an efficient generation of standing acoustic field with high amplitude of acoustic particle displacement. The device is intended to be used for acoustic sta- bilization of electrical discharges for enhancement of plasma-chemical reactions in ecological applica- tions. It consists of two out-of-phase-driven loudspeakers interconnected with a symmetrically shaped waveguide forming together a low-frequency electro-mechano-acoustical resonant system. A theoret- ical model based on lumped-element circuits is proposed for description of the device, its tuning capabilities and optimization. An analysis of the model is performed resulting in an experimental sample realization. Acoustic measurements based on two-microphone method are conducted to prove functionality of the device even in case of high-amplitude acoustic fields.
Equations for description of nonlinear standing waves in constant-cross-sectioned resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2014, 135(3), EL134-EL139. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4865262
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work is focused on investigation of applicability of two widelyused model equations for description of nonlinear standing waves in constant-cross-sectioned resonators. The investigation is based on comparison of numerical solutions of these model equation with solutions of more accurate model equation whose validity has been verified experimentally in a number of published papers.
Optimal shaping of acoustic resonators for the generation of high-amplitude standing waves
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Šoltés, M., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2014, 136(3), 1003-1012. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4892751
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Within this paper, optimal shaping of acoustic resonators for the generation of high-amplitude standing waves through the use of evolutionary algorithms is discussed. The resonator shapes are described using sets of control points interconnected with cubic-splines. Positions of the control points are calculated by means of an evolutionary algorithm in order to maximize acoustic pressure amplitude at a given point of the resonator cavity. As an objective function for the optimization procedure, numerical solution of one-dimensional linear wave equation taking into account boundary-layer dissipation is used. Resonator shapes maximizing acoustic pressure amplitude are found in case of a piston, shaker or loudspeaker driving. It is shown that the optimum resonator shapes depend on the method of driving. In all the cases, acoustic field attains higher amplitude in the optimized resonators than in simple-shaped non-optimized resonators of similar dimensions. Theoretical results are compared with experimental data in the case of a loudspeaker driving, good agreement of which is achieved.
Finite-amplitude standing waves in optimized acoustic resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Proceedings of the ICSV20. Auburn: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2013. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2329-3675. ISBN 978-616-551-682-2.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Physics
he paper deals with optimization of the shape of an axisymme tric acoustic resonator in order that acoustic pressure were maximized at one of its ends. In c omparison to the previously pub- lished studies, the resonator shape description is not rest ricted to an elementary function, it is rather described using a set of control points interconnect ed with splines allowing a wide vari- ety of possible shapes. In the first approximation, acoustic field in a shaped cavity is described using the quasi-one-dimensional Webster’s equation suppl emented with a term accounting for thermoviscous attenuation. A heuristic algorithm based on Evolution strategies is proposed for determination of the control points positions resultin g in maximum acoustic pressure in the case of a piston or shaker driving of the resonator cavity . Numerical simulations show that the optimum shapes differ for individual methods of driving , they are rather simple, differ from the previously proposed shapes and possess non-equidistan t eigenfrequencies. The simplicity of the optimum resonator shapes allows their subsequent des cription using simpler mathemat- ical form. Behavior of the finite-amplitude waves in the opti mized resonator cavities is further assessed with use of a nonlinear wave equation.
Non-paraxial model for a parametric acoustic array
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2013, 134(2), 933-938. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2013
- DOI: 10.1121/1.4813223
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This study is concerned with parametric radiation from an arbitrary axisymmetric planar source with a special focus on low-frequency difference-frequency fields. As a model equation accounting for nonlinearity, diffraction and dissipation, the Westervelt equation is used. The difference-frequency-field patterns are calculated in the quasi-linear approximation by the method of successive approximations. A multi-layer integral for calculation of the acoustic field is reduced to a three-dimensional one by employing an approximate analytical description of the primary field with the use of a multi-Gaussian beam expansion. This integral is subsequently reduced in the paraxial approximation to a one-dimensional form which has previously been published in literature and which represents a means for fast calculations of secondary acoustic fields. The three-dimensional integral is calculated numerically and the numerical results predict nonzero amplitude of the low-frequency field in the vicinity of the source which is an effect that cannot be correctly encompassed in the paraxial approximation.
Nonlinear acoustic fields in two mechanically coupled resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Inter-noise 2013. Vienna: Austrian Noise Abatement Association, 2013. ISBN 978-1-63266-267-5.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with a description of nonlinear standing waves in cylindrical resonators which are separated by an elastically mounted wall. The wall represents a quasi-harmonically driven oscillator which connects nonlinear acoustic fields in the resonators. For the description of the nonlinear acoustic fields were derived model equations. The model equations are represented by the inhomogenenous Burgers equations. These two model equations are supplemented by an oscillator motion equation. The assumed resonant system contains many optional parameters which enable to investigate a number of interesting configurations of parametrically excited nonlinear acoustic fields. The system of model equation was numerically solved both the time and frequency domain. Some of the assumed configurations were solved analytically for the case of steady acoustic fields. Thanks to many optional parameters the investigated resonant system is relatively complex and enables to study a number of interesting configurations. The resulting acoustic fields for some of the chosen configurations are included in this paper.
On the Optimization of an Acoustic Resonator Shape with Respect to Acoustic Pressure Amplitude
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA. 2013, 99(2), 183-191. ISSN 1610-1928.
- Year: 2013
- DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918601
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper deals with the optimization of an acoustic resonator shape in order to maximize acoustic pressure amplitude. The resonator shape is described using the cubic splines which interconnect a set of control points whose positions are determined using an evolutionary algorithm. As an objective function, numerical solution of modified Webster's equation is used. Numerical results show that the optimized resonators are rather simple-shaped, they differ for a piston- or shaker-driving and the fundamental resonance frequencies are lower than in the case of a constant-cross-section resonator. A nonlinear theory is used for assessment of finite-amplitude fields in the optimized resonators.
Analysis of nonlinear standing waves in two coupled acoustic resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). New York: IEEE, 2012. pp. 1692-1695. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4577-1252-4.
- Year: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2011.0422
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with description of nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonators that are coupled mechanically by means of an elastically mounted wall which is implemented between the resonators. The coupling represents a linear oscillators. For the purpose of the behavior description of the nonlinear acoustic fields, the system of three model equations were derived. Two of them are the modified inhomogeneous Burgers equations and the third model equation is the oscillator's equation of motion. The investigated resonant system is excited by the harmonically vibrating pistons. The system of model equations was solved numerically in the frequency domain. The whole system obtains many parameters which can be changed. With help of these parameters we can adjust various configurations of the resonant system. The configurations, which offer interesting results, were studied. One of the configurations ensures that the resonant system behaves as a frequency convertor. Other selected configuration causes suppression of higher harmonic components in the one of the resonators.
Interaction between two nonlinear acoustic resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit, 2012. pp. 4071-4082. ISBN 9789073802896.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Physics
This work is dedicated to problems connected with an interaction between two nonlinear acoustic cylindrical resonators. The resonators are closed and interact due to an elastically mounted wall which is placed between them. This wall represents a one-degree-of-freedom mechanical oscillator that is described by the linear equation of motion. Acoustic fields inside the resonators are generated by vibrating pistons which are located at their ends. The pistons are capable to excite nonlinear standing waves. For description of the waves model equations were derived, which represent the modified inhomogeneous Burgers equations. Nonlinear acoustic fields are coupled linearly by the elastically mounted wall. This resonant system enables to set a lot of configurations which is due to many optional parameters, e.g. frequency and amplitude of the vibrating pistons, detuning, characteristic frequency of the mechanical oscillator and its damping. This paper contains interesting analysis of chosen configurations and demonstrates possibility of using of the coupled inhomogeneous Burgers equations for these purposes.
Numerical study of low-frequency sound beams
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). New York: IEEE, 2012. pp. 2169-2172. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4577-1252-4.
- Year: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2011.0538
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper is concerned with study of low-frequency sound beams generated as difference-frequency secondary field in parametric array. As model equations for theoretical investigation, KZK equation and Higher-order parabolic equation (HOPE) [Kamakura, T., Masahiko, A., Kenicii, A, Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 25, 2, (2004)] were used. Efficient numerical algorithm capable of massive parallelization was proposed for numerical integration of the model equations. Numerical results obtained using KZK equation and HOPE show that the KZK equation overestimates amplitude of the difference-frequency secondary wave in the near-field of the primary wave at the axis of symmetry. Both the equations provide the same results in the far-field and at the off-axis for both low- and high-frequency secondary fields.
Optimization of Resonator Shape in a Coupled Loudspeaker-Resonator Acoustic System
- Authors: Šoltés, M., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Euronoise Prague 2012 Proceedings. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2012. pp. 572-576. ISSN 2226-5147. ISBN 978-80-01-05013-2.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Physics
In this paper we introduce a genetic algorithm-based optimization scheme which optimizes resonator cavity shapes in a coupled loudspeaker-resonator acousto-mechanical system. In resonators designed using this method, transfer of acoustic energy from fundamental resonance to higher modes is suppressed and acoustic fields of very high amplitudes can be achieved.
Self-demodulation effects in nonlinear focused beams
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). New York: IEEE, 2012. pp. 1687-1688. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4577-1252-4.
- Year: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2011.0420
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
In this work, spatial distributions of acoustic pressure of the nonlinear focused sound beams are presented. Focused acoustic beams of periodic waves with an initially Gaussian amplitude distribution are considered. The numerical algorithm is based on the numerical solution of the nonlinear parabolic Khokhlov-Zabololotskaya-Kuznetsov (KZK) equation. The presented model enables to study the process of nonlinear generation of a low-frequency signal by the amplitude modulated high-frequency carrier wave.
Acoustic compressor driven by horn loudspeaker
- Authors: Šoltés, M., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011. Madrid: European Acoustics Association, 2011. pp. 2837-2840. Danish Acoustical Society. ISSN 2221-3767. ISBN 978-84-694-1520-7.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is concerned with experimental study of a simple acoustic compressor driven by horn loudspeaker. Firstly, it is shown that geometry of resonator cavity together with complicated internal geometry of a horn driver can result in detuning of higher modes of the resonating acoustic system. Such a configuration enables excitation of high-amplitude shock-free standing waves. Secondly, the resonant system is supplemented with reed-type valve and a suction port in order to demonstrate possibility of simple acoustic compressor construction.
Analysis of nonlinear standing waves in two coupled acoustic resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Ing. Jaroslav Plocek, CSc.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2011, 17(4), 17-20. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with description of nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonators that are coupled mechanically by means of an elastically mounted wall which is implemented between the resonators. The coupling represents a linear oscillators. For the purpose of the behavior description of the nonlinear acoustic fields, the system of three model equations were derived. Two of them are the modified inhomogeneous Burgers equations and the third model equation is the oscillator's equation of motion. The investigated resonant system is excited by the harmonically vibrating pistons. The system of model equations was solved numerically in the frequency domain. The whole system obtains many parameters which can be changed. With help of these parameters we can adjust various configurations of the resonant system. The configurations, which offer interesting results, were studied. One of the configurations ensures that the resonant system behaves as a frequency convertor. Other selected configuration causes suppression of higher harmonic components in the one of the resonators.
Comparison of various strategies for colorectal cancer screening tests
- Authors: Wohl, P., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Wohl, P., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Špičák, J.
- Publication: European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2011, 23(12), 1157-1164. ISSN 0954-691X.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0b013e3283491438
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most serious health problems worldwide and thus it is important to assess health and economic impacts of preventative CRC screening strategies. Methods: For this reason, a theoretical model based on Markov chains is proposed to compare these strategies: fecal occult blood test, capsule endoscopy, once-life and twice-life colonoscopy, and no screening. The model predicts the health state of a population of individuals aged from 50 to 75 years. Results: The numerical results show that the optimal timing for a once-lifetime colonoscopy screening method is before the age of 50 and that the twice-lifetime colonoscopy is the best screening strategy with respect to CRC incidence. In contrast, it is the most expensive one if the CRC treatment costs are not included. The model predicts that there is a minimal CRC incidence in the population when the second colonoscopy is appropriately timed. By using specific data, this age was found to be 59 years. Conclusion: The screening strategies probably save expenses on the treatment of the population and at the same time decreases mortality. Optimized twice-lifetime colonoscopy seems to be the most efficient strategy with respect to mortality and overall costs including subsequent treatment.
Low-frequency sound beams
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Ing. Jaroslav Plocek, CSc., Šoltés, J.
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2011, 17(4), 21-25. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper is concerned with study of low-frequency sound beams generated as difference-frequency secondary field in parametric array. As model equations for theoretical investigation, KZK equation and Higher-order parabolic equation (HOPE) [Kamakura, T., Masahiko, A., Kenicii, A, Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 25, 2, (2004)] were used. Efficient numerical algorithm capable of massive parallelization was proposed for numerical integration of the model equations. Numerical results obtained using KZK equation and HOPE show that the KZK equation overestimates amplitude of the difference-frequency secondary wave in the near-field of the primary wave at the axis of symmetry. Both the equations provide the same results in the far-field and at the off-axis for both lowand high-frequency secondary fields.
Male moth songs tempt females to accept mating: The role of acoustic and pheromonal communication in the reproductive behaviour of Aphomia sociella
- Authors: Kindl, J., Kalinová, B., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Jílek, M., Valterová, I.
- Publication: PLoS ONE. 2011, 6(10), ISSN 1932-6203.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026476
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
Members of the subfamily Galleriinae have adapted to different selective environmental pressures by devising a unique mating process. Galleriinae males initiate mating by attracting females with either chemical or acoustic signals (or a combination of both modalities). Six compounds considered candidates for the sex pheromone have recently been identified in the wing gland extracts of Aphomia sociella males. Prior to the present study, acoustic communication had not been investigated. Signals mediating female attraction were likewise unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: Observations of A. sociella mating behaviour and recordings of male acoustic signals confirmed that males initiate the mating process. During calling behaviour (stationary wing fanning and pheromone release), males disperse pheromone from their wing glands. When a female approaches, males cease calling and begin to produce ultrasonic songs as part of the courtship behaviour. Replaying of recorded courting songs to virgin females and a comparison of the mating efficiency of intact males with males lacking tegullae proved that male ultrasonic signals stimulate females to accept mating. Greenhouse experiments with isolated pheromone glands confirmed that the male sex pheromone mediates long-range female attraction. Conclusion/Significance: Female attraction in A. sociella is chemically mediated, but ultrasonic communication is also employed during courtship. Male ultrasonic songs stimulate female sexual display and significantly affect mating efficiency. Considerable inter-individual differences in song structure exist. These could play a role in female mate selection provided that the female's ear is able to discern them. The A. sociella mating strategy described above is unique within the subfamily Galleriinae.
Approximate Description of Finite-Amplitude Acoustical Waves in the Air-Filled Resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Lisbon: Portuguese Acoustical Society, 2010. pp. 1-7.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Physics
The main goal of this paper is the description of the properties of the nonlinear standing waves generated by a vibrating boundary in the air-filled acoustical resonator. The nonlinear oscillations of gas in the hard-walled resonator having one closed end and the other periodically oscillating are analysed in this work. All phenomena leading to a progressive distortion of the wave are supposed to be weak. The analytic approach to finite-amplitude standing waves in a resonator of a constant diameter is used, based on the inhomogeneous Burgers equation with a discrepancy. In this paper we present the method of approximate solution of this equation in the stationary state.
Control of Nonlinear Standing Waves in Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Lisbon: Portuguese Acoustical Society, 2010. pp. 1-5.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Physics
Though there are a number of methods which enable to control acoustic fields in resonators, this paper is focused on possibilities that offer the use of amplitude-modulated primary waves. This method makes possible to control energy transfer among harmonics and thus to form the acoustic field inside resonators. Better efficiency is achieved by a combination of the standard methods of influencing acoustic fields such as the method of acoustic resonance macrosonic synthesis, induced dispersion, selected absorption etc. The presented method of acoustic field control enables to suppress the generation of higher harmonics and thus suppress the nonlinear saturation effect. At the same time it offers new possibilities for excitation of nonlinear standing acoustic waves which are based on piezoelectric transducers.
High-Amplitude Standing Waves Between Collateral Discs
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Lisbon: Portuguese Acoustical Society, 2010. pp. 1-6.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper is concerned with study of behaviour of high-amplitude standing acoustic waves between two collateral discs whose dimensions are comparable with the wavelength. The work is motivated by research of possibilities of acousto-optical imaging in gases. Firstly, the system was numerically modeled in linear approximation using the Finite Elements Method in order to assess its Q-factor and resonant frequencies for different discs' radius-wavelength ratios. An approximate formula was found for calculation of resonance frequency for given geometry. Secondly, high-amplitude waveforms and generation of higher harmonics was studied using time-domain numerical integration of Navier-Stokes equations. It was observed that typical shock-wave does not develop in spite of considerable amplitudes of acoustic pressure that is caused by irregular distribution of resonant frequencies for individual modes.
Simple Loudspeaker-driven Acoustic Compressor
- Authors: Šoltés, M., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2010, 16(4), 15-18. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is concerned with experimental analysis of a simple compressor based on standing acoustic wave and a reed valve. The standing wave is driven in a variable cross-section acoustic resonator driven with a loudspeaker horn.
Stabilization of Multi-needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharges in a High-intensity Sound Field
- Authors: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010. Sydney: Australian Acoustical Society, 2010. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-646-54052-8.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Physics
The efficiency of different chemical reactions can be improved by a power sound field in an acoustic resonator and by ionization of the reactant medium by electrical discharges. The important factors in the industrial applications are discharge power and volume. To increase the discharge volume and to prevent a discharge transition into sparks, we designed a new stabilization of multi-needle-to-plate electrode system. Stabilization factors are: the gas particles that are swung on the pressure node plane; the sound pressure gradient, which strongly influences breakdown conditions. With the abatement of sound pressure the discharge is strongly spread and stabilized at all needles even if they are connected to the same potential. The needle tips are effectively cooled by the sound wave. The stabilization may be applied to different regimes of discharges.
Nonlinear acoustical waves in the air-filled resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2009. Roma: Roma Tre University, 2009. pp. 2619-2622. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4244-4389-5.
- Year: 2009
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441693
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The main objective of this paper is the description of the properties of the nonlinear standing waves generated by a vibrating boundary in the acoustical resonator. The nonlinear oscillations of gas in the hard-walled air-filled resonator having one closed end and the other periodically oscillating are analyzed in this work.
Numerical simulation of parametric field patterns of ultrasonic transducer arrays
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2009. Roma: Roma Tre University, 2009. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4244-4389-5.
- Year: 2009
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441905
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper is concerned with numerical modeling of planar 2D ultrasonic transducer arrays for highly directional transmission of audio-frequency sound in air. The influences of the transducers arrangement in array is studied with respect to primary and secondary acoustic field patterns.
Parametric excitation of nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonator
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2009. Roma: Roma Tre University, 2009. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4244-4389-5.
- Year: 2009
- DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441646
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with parametric excitation of nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonators. The used method is based on a parametric acoustic piston source which radiates an amplitude modulated ultrasonic waves. When a frequency of the demodulated wave is equal to some lower eigen-frequency of the resonator it is possible to excite nonlinear standing waves with its help. On the basis of theoretical investigation it was found that the presented method for generation of intensive acoustic fields inside the resonators is applicable.
Propagation of nonlinear acoustic plane waves in an elastic gas-filled tube
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2009, 126(4), 1681-1689. ISSN 0001-4966.
- Year: 2009
- DOI: 10.1121/1.3203936
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper deals with modeling of nonlinear plane acoustic waves propagating through an elastic tube filled with viscous gas. A description of the interactions between gas and an elastic tube wall is carried out by the continuity equation of a wall velocity. Simplification on the basis of the local reaction assumption enables to model an acoustic treatment on the tube wall by using a wall impedance. A special form of the Burgers equation was derived as a model equation that takes into account nonlinear, dissipative, and dispersion effects which compete each other. Characteristic lengths of the supposed effects and numerical results with respect to the source frequency were used for a qualitative analysis of the model equation. Applicability of this model equation was demonstrated by series of measurements. By application of the long-wave approximation the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations were derived from the modified Burgers equation.
Adaptive algorithm for active control of high-amplitude acoustic field in resonator
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Nonlinear Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2008. pp. 91-94. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-0544-8.
- Year: 2008
- DOI: 10.1063/1.2956310
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This work is concerned with suppression of nonlinear effects in piston-driven acoustic resonators by means of two-frequency driving technique. An iterative adaptive algorithm is proposed to calculate parameters of the driving signal in order that amplitude of the second harmonics of the acoustic pressure is minimized. Functionality of the algorithm is verified firstly by means of numerical model and secondly, it is used in real computer-controlled experiment. The numerical and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can be successfully used for generation of high-amplitude shock-free acoustic field in resonators.
Analysis of nonlinear wave processes in an elastic resonator
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Nonlinear Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2008. pp. 87-90. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-0544-8.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with investigation of nonlinear wave processes in elastic tube resonators which are excited by a vibrating piston. For this purpose we derived the modified inhomogeneous Burgers. equation which enables to model nonlinear standing waves in the supposed resonators. The influence of the dispersion and selective absorption, which are induced by the elastic wall, was investigated on the basis of the derived model equation. It was shown how the choice of the source frequency and amplitude can control an evolution of finite amplitude standing waves. Due to existence of dispersion we studied possibilities of subharmonic generation in the elastic resonator.
Finite amplitude standing waves in the cavity of the acoustical resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Nonlinear Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2008. pp. 54-57. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-0544-8.
- Year: 2008
- DOI: 10.1063/1.2956282
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
This paper deals with the description of the forced vibrations of air in an acoustic resonator having one closed end and the other periodically oscillating. Acoustic field in the cavity of the acoustical resonator is described as a sum of counter propagating waves with no cross-interaction. Effects of nonlinearity, absorption and detuning are taken into account. The distortions of traveling waves within the resonator length are assumed to be small, the Mach number for the moving boundary and the difference between one of the resonant frequencies and the fundamental frequency of the driving motion of the piston are also assumed to be small. The novel approximate steady state solution of the model equation using matching in the case of small dissipation is presented in this paper. The nonlinear frequency response of the resonator is calculated here for steady state oscillations for both inviscid and dissipative media. These calculations are based on the presented approximate solution.
High-amplitude acoustic field in a disc-shaped resonator
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Acústica 2008. Coimbra: ITeCons - Institute for Research and Technological Dev. in Construction Sciences, 2008. pp. 1-4.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is concerned with study of high-amplitude acoustic fields in thin cylindrical discs, where the transversal mode is driven using a vibrating piston. Due to the fact that higher eigenfrequencies are not integer multiples of the eigenfrequency fundamental, excitation of shock-wave is avoided and nonlinear dissipation is supressed. The problem is described using a set of modified Navier-Stokes equations that are integrated numerically.
Modeling of intensive acoustic fields
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Československý časopis pro fyziku. 2008, 58(6), 360-362. ISSN 0009-0700.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Physics
The article deals with fundamental equations of nonlinear acoustics that can be used for description of behavior of finite-amplitude acoustic waves with respect to nonlinear, dissipative effects and diffraction. As an example, problems of nonlinear standing waves in acoustic resonators are presented. For analysis of the problem, the Kuznetsov's equation is utilized; the article also deals with some aspects of its numerical integration.
Ultrasonic Field Effects on Corona Discharge in Air
- Authors: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2008, 36(4), 920-921. ISSN 0093-3813.
- Year: 2008
- DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.920222
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The application of ultrasonic waves on corona discharge causes existence of pressure gradients in the discharge gap. According to Meek´s criterion formation of streamers in the discharge and therefore the discharge profile is affected by these pressure gradients. We calculated the distribution of ultrasonic pressure in the interelectrode gap and we demonstrated experimentally that the discharge profile is affected by this ultrasonically induced pressure distribution.
Nonlinear acoustics and its applications
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Podzimní škola Praha 2007. Praha: ČEZ, 2007. pp. 24-35. ISBN 978-80-01-03910-6.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Physics
The article deals with the fundamental principles and methods of nonlinear acoustics and its applications.
Numerical Simulation and Schlieren Visualization of Ultrasonic Field Generated by a Piston Transducer in Gas
- Authors: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE. New Jersey: IEEE, 2007. pp. 399-402. ISSN 1051-0117. ISBN 978-1-4244-1384-3.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Physics
Numerically simulated ultrasonic density and pressure fields are compared with the schlieren pictures of the same field. The results are used to explain the interaction of the gas flow with the ultrasonic field generated by the piston. Knowledge of these density distributions is required for the description of more complex processes, which take place if an electrical discharge is formed between the nozzle and the ultrasonic transducer. Such combined electrical and aerodynamic phenomena are presented in environmental applications such as production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.
Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional High-Amplitude Acoustic Field in Cylindrical Resonators Using Kuznetsov's Equation
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 19th International Congress on Acoustics. Madrid: Sociedad Espaňola de Acústica, 2007. pp. 1-6. ISBN 84-87985-12-2.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Physics
The work deals with theoretical study of 2-D intensive acoustic fields in piston-driven cylindrical acoustic resonators. For this purpose, the Kuznetsov's wave equation is modified, numerical difference scheme is proposed together with implementation of boundary conditions.
Comparison of different screening programs for colorectal carcinoma in Czech population with use of a Markov computer model
- Authors: Wohl, P., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Wohl, P., Halakucová, P., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Špičák, J.
- Publication: Česká a slovenská gastroenterologie a hepatologie. 2006, 60(2), 77-80. ISSN 1213-323X.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
The article deals with comparison of several screening methods for revealing of colorectal carcinoma. Impact of these methods is studied numerically using Monte Carlo methods and Markov-chain approach.
Finite-amplitude standing waves with transversal modes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 9th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference. Seoul: The Acoustical Society of Korea, 2006. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0167-6393. ISBN 89-952189-9-1.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
The work deals with numerical simulation of intensive acoustic fields in rectangular resonators allowing excitation of transversal modes. Central semi-discrete difference scheme is proposed for integration of Kuznetsov's equation, conditions for excitation of complex modes are studied.
Nonlinear acoustic threewave interactions in elastic waveguides and resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 9th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference. Seoul: The Acoustical Society of Korea, 2006. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0167-6393. ISBN 89-952189-9-1.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper is focused on the problems concerning threewave nonlinear acoustic interactions in elastic resonators or tubes. Study of nonlinear threewave interactions enables to understand an influence of elastic wall dispersion on generation of higher harmonics.
Nonlinear interactions in elastic resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Ultrasonics. 2006, 44(Suppl. 1), 783-785. ISSN 0041-624X.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
This work deals with problems regarding nonlinear standing waves which are confined in an elastic tube resonator. Elastic walls of the supposed resonator interact with nonlinear standing waves and induce relatively strong dispersion which causes that nonlinear acoustic interactions are less effective than in the case of hard-walled resonators. Wall attenuation of the resonators ihas elective character. In the parer a new model equation is derived which is used for dissipation and dispesion effects on nonlinear acoustic interactions.
Nonlinear oscillations of gas in acoustical resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 9th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference. Seoul: The Acoustical Society of Korea, 2006. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0167-6393. ISBN 89-952189-9-1.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
The main objective of this paper is the theoretical description of the suppression of the nonlinear attenuation and thus increasing of the quality factor of the given resonator. The decribed method is based on the active suppression of the second harmonic component of the sound. The resonator is driven by a piston whose motions is characterized by two superposed sinusoidal motions. The frequency of the first motion f is equal to the resonator eigenfrequency and the frequency of the second one is 2f and its the phase shift is 180 degrees.
Nonlinear standing waves in 2-D acoustic resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Ultrasonics. 2006, 44(Suppl. 1), 773-776. ISSN 0041-624X.
- Year: 2006
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.008
- Link:
- Department: Department of Physics
The article deals with numerical simulation of high-amplitude acoustic fields in rectangular resonators with dimensions allowing excitation of transverse modes. Set of modified Navier-Stokes equations is used as model equations.
Two-frequency adaptive algorithm for suppression of higher harmonics in acoustic resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2006, 12(3), 5-8. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Physics
Experimental study of suppression of shock-wave in piston driven acoustic resonator by means of two-frequency driving.
Analysis of nonlinear acoustic interactions
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 70. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2005. pp. 5-12. ISBN 80-01-03253-1.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Physics
The work deals with problems concerning efectivity of nonlinear acoustic interactions. The efectivity of nonlinear interactions is studied namely with respect to an interaction angle and dispersion.
Conditions for Transversal Shocks Excitation in Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: 71. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2005. pp. 11-17. ISBN 80-01-03346-5.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is devoted to study of conditions of transverse-mode excitation in rectangular acoustic resonators.
Description of Finite-amplitude Standing Acoustic Waves Using Convection-diffusion Equations
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 2005, 55(6), 673-680. ISSN 0011-4626.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Physics
The study is concerned with numerical simulation of high-amplitude acoustic fields in variable-cross-section acoustic resonators. Set of two model equations issuing from the Navier-Stokes equations is derived. Central semi-discrete difference scheme is used for integration of model equations.
Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Fluids with Gas Bubbles
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 70. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2005. pp. 25-32. ISBN 80-01-03253-1.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is devoted to model equations of nonlinear acoustics for description of acoustic wave propagation in fluids containing gas-bubbles. The Kuznetsov's and Korteweg-de Vries model equations are derived in the second approximation.
Three-Wave Nonlinear Acoustic Interactions in Fluids
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 71. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2005. pp. 3-10. ISBN 80-01-03346-5.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper is focused on the problems concerning threewave nonlinear acoustic interactions in elastic resonators or tubes. Study of nonlinear threewave interactions enables to understand an influence of elastic wall dispersion on generation of higher harmonics.
Active Harmonic Suppression in the Nonlinear Acoustical Resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 51st Open Seminar on Acoustics. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2004. pp. 295-298. ISBN 83-87280-35-6.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Physics
Finite-Amplitude Standing Waves in Cylindrical and Spherical Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 51st Open Seminar on Acoustics. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2004. pp. 291-294. ISBN 83-87280-35-6.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is concerned with study of high-amplitude acoustic resonance in field of spherical and cylindrical waves. Numerical results show excitation of high-amplitude shock-free acoustic fields and resonance-frequency shifts depending on amplitude of the field.
Modeling of Finite-Amplitude Standing Waves Using Convection-Diffusion Equations
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2004, 10(4), 5-8. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Physics
The work is devoted to formulation of nonlinear-acoustics equations by using of the convection-diffusion equations and their subsequent numerical integration by universal solvers.
Nonlinear Standing Waves in Elastic Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 51st Open Seminar on Acoustics. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2004. pp. 287-290. ISBN 83-87280-35-6.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic resonance in field of planar, cylindrical and spherical waves
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2003, 9(3), 17-21. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Active Control of Harmonics in Nonlinear Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics 2003. Praha: Albatros, 2003. pp. 1279-1282. ISBN 2-9515619-9-7.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Standing Waves in Acoustic Resonators with Arbitrary Reflection Coefficients at Their Walls
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics 2003. Praha: Albatros, 2003. pp. 1283-1286. ISBN 2-9515619-9-7.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Propagation of Quasi-Plane Nonlinear Waves in Tubes
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2003, 42(4), 8-12. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Suppression of Harmonics by Selective Absorbers in the Resonators
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics 2003. Praha: Albatros, 2003. pp. 1287-1290. ISBN 2-9515619-9-7.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Temperature Effects in Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2003, 42(4), 8-12. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Physics
Distribution of acoustical velocity in an cylindrical resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 65. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2002. pp. 39-42. ISBN 80-01-02638-8.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Influences of a Boundary Layer on Nonlinear Standing Waves in Closed Cylindrical Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 16th Int. Symp. Nonlinear Acoustics. Moscow: MGU, 2002. pp. 28. ISBN 5-8279-0025-7.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Standing Waves in an Acoustical Resonator with the Longitudinal Mean Temperature Distribution
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 16th Int. Symp. Nonlinear Acoustics. Moscow: MGU, 2002. pp. 29-30. ISBN 5-8279-0025-7.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear standing waves in cylindrical acoustic resonators - Experimental results
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 65. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2002. pp. 23-26. ISBN 80-01-02638-8.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 144-145. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Solution of the Burgers Equation in the Time Domain
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2002, 42(2), 71-75. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Spatial Evolution of Velocity in the Cylindrical Resonator
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 16th Int. Symp. Nonlinear Acoustics. Moscow: MGU, 2002. pp. 29. ISBN 5-8279-0025-7.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Utilization of non-homogeneous Burgers equation for description of nonlinear standing waves in acoustical resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 65. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2002. pp. 11-16. ISBN 80-01-02638-8.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Physics
Analysis in time domain - the transient phenomena in acoustic resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 62. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2001. pp. 19-24. ISBN 80-01-02372-9.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Auto-demodulation of nonlinear sound beams
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 63. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2001. pp. 3-7. ISBN 80-01-02432-6.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Description of nonlinear kvasiplane waves in cylindrical waveguides
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2001, 7(1), 8-15. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Influence of the boundary layer in acoustical resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: 63. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2001. pp. 17-20. ISBN 80-01-02432-6.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Means of the one-dimensional model equations solution in nonlinear acoustics
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2001, 7(3), 4-6. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Effects in the Sound Field of the Circular Piston
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2001, 81(3), S587-S588. ISSN 0044-2267.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear standing waves in resonators of arbitrary axisymetric shape
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2001, 81(suppl. 4), 973-974. ISSN 0946-8463.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2001. pp. 126-127. ISBN 80-01-02335-4.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Study of finite-amplitude acoustic waves in resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2001, 81(suppl. 4), 971-972. ISSN 0946-8463.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
The Transient Phenomena in Acoustical Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Poster 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2001. pp. NS9.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Using of the parametric array for audible sound generation
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 63. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2001. pp. 27-30. ISBN 80-01-02432-6.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Utilization of Cole-Hopf transform for Burgers equation solution in time domain
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2001, 7(2), 7-12. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Utilization of the nonlinear sound interactions for distribution of sound
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2001, 7(4), 6-13. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Physics
Acoustic wave propagation
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2000, 6(21), 12-19. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Description of Nonlinear Standing Waves in Cylindrical Resonators Using Burgers Equations
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2000, 6(24), 4-7. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Finite-Amplitude Acoustic Waves in a Liquid-Filled Tube
- Authors: Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček, prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Hydroacoustics. Gdynia: Naval Academy Gdynia, 2000. pp. 85-88. ISBN 83-87280-32-1.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Finite-Amplitude Acoustic Waves in Liquid-Filled Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Hydroacoustics. Gdynia: Naval Academy Gdynia, 2000. pp. 73-78. ISBN 83-87280-32-1.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Resonators of Various Shapes
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 78. ISBN 80-01-02229-3.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Waves in Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Nonlinear Acoustics at the Turn of the Millenium. Woodbury: American Institute of Physics, 2000. pp. 165-168. ISBN 1-56396-945-9.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear Waves in Resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Nonlinear acoustics at the turn of the millennium. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2000. pp. 165-168. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 1-56396-945-9.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
The purpose of this paper is to find a suitable model equation for description of finite amplitude standing waves in resonators of arbitrary axisymetrical shape filled with gas.
One Dimensional Model of Nonlinear Waves in Acousic Resonator
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 79. ISBN 80-01-02229-3.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Resonators of Circular Cross-Section with High Quality Factor for Nonlinear Standing Waves
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Akustické listy. 2000, 6(24), 7-12. ISSN 1212-4702.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Suppression of Nonlinear Effects in Acoustic Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, Dr. Mgr. Petr Koníček,
- Publication: Hydroacoustics. Gdynia: Naval Academy Gdynia, 2000. pp. 79-84. ISBN 83-87280-32-1.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Using of the Multifrequency Driving Technique for Nonlinear Effects Suppression in Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík,
- Publication: Poster 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2000. pp. NS3.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Physics
Nonlinear waves in resonators
- Authors: prof. Dr. Ing. Michal Bednařík, doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Sborník 59. akustického semináře. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 1999. pp. 5-10. ISBN 80-01-02052-5.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Physics
The purpose of this paper is to find a suitable model equation for description of finite amplitude standing waves in resonators of arbitrary shape filled with gas.
Numerical Solution of Model Equation for Acoustical Resonators
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Poster 1999. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 1999. pp. 2.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Physics
Numerické řešení nelineárních rovnic
Numerical solution of model equation of a circular acoustic resonator
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Sborník 58. akustického semináře. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 1999. pp. 11-14. ISBN 80-01-01988-8.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Physics
The paper deals with numerical solution of model equation of nonlinear standing waves in an acoustical resonator.
A Gradient Impulse Method of Measuring Sound Absorption
- Authors: Kyncl, Z., prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiříček, CSc., doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 98. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1998, pp. 101-102.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Physics
Gradientní impulsní metoda měření zvukové pohltivosti
The First Experience with Near-field Acoustic Holography measurements
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Poster 1998. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 1998. pp. 26-27.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Physics
Using the Acoustic Holography for Mapping of Sound Field of Real Sources
- Authors: doc. Ing. Milan Červenka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiříček, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Euro-noise 98. München: Muller-BBM, 1998. pp. 765-768. ISBN 3-9804568-4-6.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Physics
Použití akustické holografie při měření reálných zdrojů