
prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.

All publications

Combined effects of electrode geometry and airflow streamlines patterns on ozone production of a cylindrical dielectric barrier discharge

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2025.107873
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We studied ozone generation of a surface dielectric discharge in an annular space of the cylindrical discharge chamber with tangential air input and four axial outputs. To enhance this generation, we focused on the combined effect of electric field distribution and streamline's orientation concerning the active electrode by adjusting its geometry to a particular airflow. The aluminium active electrode consisted of rings, inclined rings, and axial strips. We used two types of this electrode, differing in the number of rings. We showed that for certain active electrode geometry and airflow, the concentration of generated ozone, production rate, and the ozone production yield exhibit a local maximum. This effect can be used to select the most efficient working regime for commercial ozone generators.

Driving voltage frequency and electrode material effects on electromagnetic radiation of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in the air

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/s10053-024-00887-7
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The electrical discharges are, among others, accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies. We studied this emission for the surface dielectric barrier discharge in the air. We used the discharge with one strip-driven electrode and a sinusoidal driving voltage of frequencies 5 and 10 kHz. From the spectra of emitted waves in the frequency band up to 3 GHz, we found that this type of discharge emits the radiation of frequencies below 500 MHz. In this frequency band, we focused on the effect of the driving voltage frequency and driven electrode material on the spectra of these waves. It was found that emitted radiation is distributed in several packages of frequencies, and an increase in the driving voltage frequency or voltage increases the power level of emitted radiation. Compared with the radiation spectrum of the discharge with an aluminium-driven electrode in the spectrum of the discharge with the copper-driven electrode, new peaks of various power levels and the shift of certain radiation frequencies to lower values appear. To understand the underlying mechanism of the discharge electromagnetic waves emission, we focused on the correlation between the electric component of emitted EMWs and the discharge electrical parameters as a function of time and discharge voltage.

A 3D Numerical Study of the Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Initial Phase

  • DOI: 10.3390/math11041025
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    This study presents the results of the numerical modeling of surface dielectric barrier discharge in planar configuration with the strips active electrode. A positive half-period of the sinusoidal driving voltage and the two-species case is assumed in this study. Currently, many numerical models of surface dielectric barrier discharge deal with different electrode geometries, longer timescales, or discharge energizations. However, the main innovation presented in this study is developing a three-dimensional numerical model for the initial phase of the discharge phenomenon and a deeper focus on the numerical theory behind it. Based on the fluid model, this study presents a detailed mathematical and numerical formulation of the problem, stable numerical reconstruction of ion and electron velocity fields and an explanation of the need for linear approximation of ionization rate. Finally, it computes the potential and electric field distributions, electron and ion densities, and their velocities. The obtained results of a numerical simulation showing trajectories and velocities of electrons and ions reflect the active region of the discharge. A numerical simulation demonstrates the method in a three-dimensional domain inspired by a real-life experiment. The model can be used to optimize the electrode geometry of the discharge.

Catalytic and time stability effects of photocatalysts on ozone production of a surface dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2022.106576
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We investigated the effect of various photocatalysts - titanium, zinc, barium, and tungsten oxides on ozone generation of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in air. The layers of these catalysts were deposited on the side of the glass plate opposite the active electrode so that the emission from the discharge irradiated them. We found that TiO2, ZnO, and BaTiO3 catalysts increase the concentration of ozone generated by the discharge. On the other hand, the presence of WO3 in the discharge does not affect the ozone concentration. All these catalysts show no substantial effect on the electrical parameters of the discharge.

Experimental study of the dielectric barrier discharges electromagnetic noise

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/s10053-023-00786-3
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For the surface dielectric barrier discharge in the air, we investigated the effect of the discharge voltage, sinusoidal or square-driving voltage waveforms, and one or three strips-driven electrodes on spectra of the electric component of emitted electromagnetic waves within the frequency band up to 500 MHz. Besides the spectra, we monitored the discharge voltage, current, and voltage drop on the measuring capacitor to show a correlation among these quantities. We found that the most intense emission, independent of the discharge voltage, voltage waveforms, and the number of strips of the driven electrode, is in the range of frequencies from 30 to 80 MHz, which corresponds to the very high-frequency band. Our results indicate that the increase of the discharge voltage increases the power level of the emitted radiation, but it does not substantially affect the frequencies distribution in emitted spectra. On the other hand, the driving voltage waveform influences discharge emissions. The power level of this emission for the whole frequency spectrum and both types of driven electrodes is higher for the square-driving voltage than for the sinusoidal driving voltage. Finally, the change in the number of strips of the driven electrode causes differences in the power level and frequencies of emitted radiation.

Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in a Cylindrical Configuration - Effect of Airflow Orientation to the Microdischarges

  • DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2021.2016369
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    This paper is devoted to studying the effect of airflow orientation on the microdischarges of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in cylindrical configuration through varying air input into the discharge chamber, the number of input nozzles, and the geometry of the active electrode. The air is supplied into the discharge chamber tangentially, radially, or axially through one or four input nozzles. Air input into the discharge chamber and the number of input nozzles determine the airflow regime. We used two active electrode geometries that are the axial strips or azimuthal rings. The change of active electrode geometry from rings to strips affects the orientation of microdischarges with respect to the airflow. For the discharge, the variation of air inputs and the number of input nozzles influences the flow regime in the discharge chamber, which, together with the active electrode geometry, affects the temperature field distribution in the chamber. These factors play an important role in plasmachemical processes leading to the discharge generation of various species, such as ozone. It is found that, for the maximum effect of airflow on discharge ozone generation, the streamlines should be uniformly distributed in the discharge chamber and predominantly oriented perpendicular to the majority of microdischarges.

Air Supply Mode Effects on Ozone Production of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in a Cylindrical Configuration

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-021-10154-x
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We investigated the air supply mode effects on ozone production of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in the cylindrical configuration. The air into the discharge volume between two coaxial cylinders was supplied through four nozzles axially or tangentially. Using tangential air supply, the vortex flow in the part of the discharge chamber was created. Because the active electrode was in the form of interconnected rings on the outer surface of the glass tube, we changed the airflow orientation concerning this electrode. The existence of vortex airflow affects the plasmachemical processes taking part in the discharge, and therefore, it affects discharge ozone production. We also paid attention to ozone concentration and temperature of output air measurements as a function of the duration of the experiment for both tangential and axial air supply modes. We found that the time required for the stabilization of generated ozone concentration depends on the discharge power, and for our experimental conditions, it smaller than approximately 70 s. Besides, in the case of tangential air supply into the discharge chamber, the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge is for higher discharge power increased in comparison with the concentration for the axial air supply mode.

3D printing materials for generators of active particles based on electrical discharges

  • DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201900150
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    In this study, we focus our attention on the impact of ozone (O3) and ultraviolet radiation (UV) on materials usable for three‐dimensional (3D) printing. Specifically, we have studied the potential degradative effect on the most commonly used filaments, such as polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS). The effect has been examined on objects printed on a 3D printer and on the materials of discharge chambers of O3 generators from which they were printed. For the purpose of adequate assessment of the actual impact of O3 and UV, samples were monitored for a period of 18‐hr of exposure. The methods of Raman spectroscopy, optical and scanning electron microscopy and Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) have been employed for an objective evaluation of potential modifications. A generator equipped with a chamber printed from a new PLA filament and an active electrode system in the form of a stripes electrode, or more precisely, in the second case, a honeycomb‐active electrode, both cut out of a thin copper foil, was used for the generation of O3 and UV radiation. The tested materials showed substantial resistance to O3 exposure under the test conditions. The result of measurements suggested that these materials could be used for chambers for the O3 as well as for active particle generation. In this study, we focus our attention on the impact of ozone (O3) and ultraviolet radiation on materials usable for three‐dimensional printing.

Driving voltage frequency and active electrode setup effects on ozone and UV generation of dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-100332-3
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We studied the effect of the driving voltage of frequencies 4, 7, and 10 kHz and two different active electrode setups on electrical properties, ozone production, and UV radiation of wavelengths 320-420 nm of the dielectric barrier discharge in air. The first active electrode setup comprised the strip electrode made from the copper foil. The second setup comprised the stainless steel wire mesh electrode with square cells. The ozone concentration, as well as the ozone production yield, is higher for the discharge with the strip active electrode setup than for the discharge with the mesh active electrode set up. The increased frequency decreases the voltage required to obtain maximum ozone concentration. The intensity of UV radiation is higher for the discharge with the mesh active electrode setup than for the discharge with the strip active electrode setup for all investigated frequencies. The intensity of UV radiation at a particular voltage depending on the frequency and active electrode setup sharply increases. The high concentrations of ozone produced by the discharge with the strip active electrode setup are accompanied by lower intensities of generated UV radiation. For the discharge with the mesh active electrode setup, the situation is reversed.

Effect of a diamond layer on the active electrode on the ozone generation of the dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab831f
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We investigated the effect of a non-doped diamond layer deposition on the active electrode of the dielectric barrier discharge in the air on its electrical characteristics and ozone generation. We found that this new non-traditional application of diamond layers affects electrical parameters of the discharge and increases not only the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge but also ozone production yield by similar to 70%. Considering obtained results together with the high corrosion resistivity and chemical inertness of the diamond layers, the application of these layers on the dielectric barrier discharge electrode can be an interesting alternative to the usage of photocatalysts for the enhancement of ozone generation by electrical discharges.

Acoustic Waves Effect on the Generation of Nitrogen Oxides by Corona Discharge in Air

  • DOI: 10.1088/1361-6595/aad10d
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We studied the interaction of acoustic waves with negative corona discharge in air at atmospheric pressure. The application of acoustic waves on the discharge causes a mixing of ambient air with the gas between the electrodes, which results in cooling of the gas in the inter-electrode gap. As a rough indirect indicator of the discharge cooling, we used a concentration of nitrogen oxides generated by the discharge. We chose these oxides because they exhibit antibacterial properties. We showed that for a particular discharge power with increasing amplitudes of acoustic displacements, the concentration of generated nitrogen mono/dioxide decreases, and that this decrease could be attributed mainly to the temperature. We also found that application of acoustic waves on the discharge for a particular power substantially decreases transient spark frequency, increases the magnitude of the streamer onset voltage, and increases the difference between the streamer and spark onset voltage.

Experimental study of pulse polarity and magnetic field on ozone production of the dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-018-9914-2
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We studied the combined effect of the pulse or sinusoidal driving voltage and magnetic field on electrical characteristics and ozone production of a dielectric barrier discharge in air. These effects were studied for both polarities of the pulse. We found that the pulse polarity, as well as the magnetic field, affects discharge ozone production only for higher powers. The discharge driven by sinusoidal voltage produces higher ozone concentration than the discharge driven by voltage pulses of negative polarity. The discharge driven by the voltage pulses of negative polarity produces higher ozone concentrations than the discharge driven by positive voltage pulses. Ozone production yield for the voltage pulses of negative polarity is similar to that of sinusoidal driving voltage. For the positive polarity of voltage pulses, the yield is lower. Magnetic field slightly increases the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge and ozone production yield only for the discharge driven by positive voltage pulses. For the discharge driven by the sinusoidal voltage or by the pulses of the negative polarity magnetic field has only small effect on the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge.

Experimental Study of Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone Generation by Corona-Like Dielectric Barrier Discharge with Airflow in a Magnetic Field

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-017-9831-9
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We investigated nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone generation for corona-like dielectric barrier discharge in a stationary magnetic field with airflow. The magnetic field was produced by the permanent magnet. We showed that nitrogen monoxide could be easily generated at relatively low voltages, by application of a magnetic field on the hollow needle to mesh with a dielectric barrier discharge. For higher voltages generation of nitrogen monoxide falls to zero, and generation of nitrogen dioxide and ozone with increasing voltage increases. We also demonstrated that simultaneous application of the magnetic field with airflow through the needle electrode affects the transition of the discharge from the high to the low voltage regime. This transition is accompanied by important changes in the production of nitrogen oxides and ozone. Changes in the discharge regime are reflected by changes in the voltage-current waveforms. The obtained results could be interesting for various biomedical applications or bacterial decontamination of surfaces.

Effect of TiO2 on Various Regions of Active Electrode on Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Air

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-016-9723-4
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Electrotechnology, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    For surface dielectric barrier discharge in air, we examined the effect of titanium dioxide on various regions of the active electrode on the electrical parameters of discharge, on its emission spectra, and for demonstration of the obtained results also on the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge. We used the active electrode in the form of nine interconnected parallel strips and a square counter electrode. The TiO2 layer covered either only the strips, the region between the strips, or all active electrode. As reference discharge we used the discharge without any layer of TiO2. We found that direct application potential has a version when the strips of the active electrode are covered with a layer of TiO2, because the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge is the highest in all investigated cases. This finding could therefore be used for construction of more efficient ozone generators.

Experimental and modelling study of the effect of airflow orientation with respect to strip electrode on ozone production of surface dielectric barrier discharge

  • DOI: 10.1063/1.4966603
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  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    This study examines the effect of airflow orientation with respect to the strip active electrode on concentration of ozone and nitrogen dioxide produced in a planar generator based on the surface dielectric barrier discharge. The orientation of the airflow was tested in parallel and perpendicular with respect to the strips. It was found that in the investigated range of average discharge power, the ozone concentration increases approximately by 25% when airflow was oriented in parallel with respect to the strips in comparison with perpendicular orientation of the airflow. Similarly the increase of nitrogen dioxide concentration was observed for parallel orientation of the airflow with respect to the strips in comparison with the perpendicular orientation of the airflow. Within the range of wavelengths from 250 to 1100 nm, the changes of intensities of spectral lines associated with airflow orientation have been observed. A 3D numerical model describing ion trajectories and airflow patterns have also been developed.

Comparative study of TiO2 and ZnO photocatalysts for the enhancement of ozone generation by surface dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2015.06.003
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    We examined the possibility of finding an alternative to the photocatalyst titanium dioxide for enhancement of ozone generation by electrical discharges. As a rough indicator of the photocatalytic activity of the catalysts, we took the concentration of the ozone produced by the surface dielectric barrier electrical discharge in air. This discharge is, apart from the source of the charged and excited species, also the source of ultraviolet radiation, which could be used for the activation of photocatalysts. From various photocatalysts we have chosen zinc oxide. We compared the effect of ZnO and TiO2 on the enhancement of discharge ozone production and we found that for this application ZnO shows almost the same effect as TiO2 photocatalyst.

Effect of TiO2 and Reverse Air Supply on Ozone Production of Negative Corona Discharge with the Needle in the Dielectric Tube to Mesh Electrode System

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-015-9628-7
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Ozone production using a hollow-needle-to-mesh negative corona discharge, with the needle electrode inserted in a dielectric tube, has been investigated. The air to the discharge could be supplied either through the needle electrode or reversely through the mesh electrode, which could additionally be covered with globules of TiO2 photocatalyst. The effects of these parameters on the electrical characteristics of the discharge, on ozone production and on the transition of the discharge from the glow to the streamer regime, have all been investigated. We found that reverse air supply substantially affects the electrical characteristics of the discharge when the needle electrode is inserted in the dielectric tube. Placement of TiO2 globules on the mesh decreases discharge voltage for a simple needle as well as for all positions of the needle inside the dielectric tube. The best performance from the standpoint of discharge ozone generation showed discharge with a supply of air through the needle electrode inserted in the dielectric tube with TiO2 globules on the mesh electrode.

Acoustic field effects on a negative corona discharge

  • DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/23/3/035005
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For a negative corona discharge under atmospheric pressure in different regimes, we investigated the effects of an acoustic field both on its electrical parameters and on the change in its visual appearance. We found that the application of an acoustic field on the true corona discharge, for particular currents, decreases the discharge voltage. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge in the filamentary streamer regime substantially extends the range of currents for which the discharge voltage remains more or less constant, i.e. it allows a substantial increase in the power delivered to the discharge. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge causes the discharge to spread within the discharge chamber and consequently, a highly reactive non-equilibrium plasma is created throughout the inter-electrode space. Finally, our experimental apparatus radiates almost no acoustic energy from the discharge chamber.

Acoustically Stabilized Edge to Wire Electrode Electrical Discharges

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We describe acoustical stabilization of the negative corona discharge in air with razor blade electrode against grounded wire electrode placed axially in a cylindrical resonator in the pressure node of the acoustic standing waves. When the standing waves are applied the discharge becomes more uniform and its volume is substantially increased along entire edge of the blade electrode. Images of the discharges for various acoustic field strengths are presented.

Ozone production of hollow-needle-to-mesh negative corona discharge enhanced by dielectric tube on the needle electrode

  • DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/23/6/062001
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For the hollow-needle-to-mesh negative corona discharge in air, we studied the effect of placing the dielectric tube on the needle electrode and the effect of various positions of the end of this tube with respect to the tip of the needle electrode on the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge, the ozone production yield and the discharge V –A characteristics. We found that the placement of the dielectric tube on the needle electrode with a suitable position of this tube end with respect to the tip of the needle electrode for a particular discharge power led to a more than fourfold increase in the concentration of ozone produced by the discharge and also, for a constant airflow, the ozone production yield.

Temperature-and airflow-related effects of ozone production by surface dielectric barrier discharge in air

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2014-50393-x
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics, Department of Economics, Management and Humanities
  • Annotation:
    For the surface dielectric barrier discharge in air we investigated the effect of temperature and various arrangements of the input and output of the feeding gas of the discharge chamber together with related changes of electrical parameters on the discharge ozone production for the temperatures in which commercial ozone generators function. The obtained results are useful for the construction of commercial ozone generators because they show the importance of temperature as well as airflow patterns in the discharge chamber on the electrical parameters of the discharge and on its ozone production.

Asymmetric properties and ozone production of surface dielectric barrier discharge with different electrode configurations

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2013-30723-4
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For two electrode configurations of SDBD we investigated the asymmetry of the electrical parameters for the positive and negative half-periods of the discharge voltage. This asymmetry is caused by different micro-discharges activity, which is reflected by peaks in the discharge current waveforms. We also found that discharge ozone production is affected by this asymmetry.

Effect of magnetic field, airflow or combination of airflow with magnetic field on hollow needle-to-cylinder discharge regimes

  • DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/50/505207
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For the hollow needle-to-cylinder dc discharge in air at atmospheric pressure we studied the effect of magnetic field, airflow and combination of airflow with magnetic field on transitions between various discharge regimes. We showed that application of magnetic field on the discharge in static air does not substantially change the discharge characteristics. In contrast with this finding, application of airflow through the needle increases the range of current of the discharge pulseless regime in comparison with the discharge in static air. A similar but more significant effect was obtained for combination of the airflow and magnetic field on the discharge. It was also shown that for the discharge in static air, discharge in static air in magnetic field, discharge with airflow and discharge in magnetic field with airflow for the filamentary streamer regime, the duration of the discharge voltage pulses decreases with increasing current. Using the combination of the airflow and magnetic field we were therefore able to stabilize the discharge and to increase the volume of the discharge chamber occupied by the non-equilibrium plasma.

Experimental study of surface dielectric barrier discharge in air and its ozone production

  • DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/7/075201
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    For surface dielectric barrier discharge in air we studied the effects of frequency of the driving voltage on dissipated power, asymmetry of amplitudes of the discharge voltage, discharge UV emission, ozone production, ozone production of the discharge with TiO2 and of the discharge in magnetic field. We found that intensity of the discharge UV emissions for wavelengths of 320-420 nm is for both frequencies a linear function of power; maximum ozone concentration for the frequency of the driving voltage of 26.3 kHz is obtained with smaller power than for the frequency of 10.9 kHz; placement of TiO2 particles into the discharge chamber increases for both frequencies of the driving voltage maximum ozone concentration produced by the discharge and for the frequency of the driving voltage of 26.3 kHz increases ozone production yield. Finally there is no observable effect of magnetic field on concentration of ozone produced by the discharge as well as on production yield.

Ozone production using a power modulated surface dielectric barrier discharge in dry synthetic air

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-012-9382-z
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The measurements of electrical and optical characteristics of the discharge and concentrations of produced ozone and nitrogen oxides were performed to evaluate the efficiency of ozone production in an AC surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) in dry synthetic air at atmospheric pressure. The discharge was driven in an amplitude-modulated regime with driving AC frequencies of 1, 5 and 10 kHz, variable discharge duty cycle of 0.02-0.8 and air flow rate of 2-10 slm. The highest calculated ozone production yield reached ~ 90 g/kWh with a corresponding energy cost of about 20 eV/molecule.

Atmospheric Air Needle to Cylinder DC Discharges in Magnetic Field

  • DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2011.2129529
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We investigated the effect of a magnetic field on atmospheric air DC discharges in cylindrical configuration. We found that for the negative corona discharge in a streamer regime application of the magnetic field causes rotation of streamers around the axis of the discharge chamber, spreading of the discharge and consequently its homogenization. Similar results were obtained for the atmospheric pressure glow discharge.

Effect of catalysts location on performance of DC corona discharge

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The processes of ozone and nitrogen oxides production by DC corona discharge can be affected by location of catalysts in the discharge chamber. For the DC hollow needle to mesh corona discharge enhanced by the flow of air through the needle electrode we studied the effect of location of TiO2 or ZMS-5 catalysts on the mesh electrode on ozone and nitrogen monoxide/dioxide production. We found that production of NO2 is strongly influenced by the position of any of these catalysts on the mesh electrode.

Effect of Catalysts on DC Corona Discharge Poisoning

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-10246-4
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The term poisoning refers to the situation when the discharge ozone formation completely breaks down. This effect can be affected by placing various catalysts in the discharge chamber. We studied the effect of titanium dioxide TiO2, ZSM-5 zeolite or Cu++ZSM-5 zeolite on discharge poisoning by monitoring the ozone, nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide discharge production. We found that energy density of the onset of discharge poisoning is smallest for a discharge with TiO2.

Ozone generation by surface dielectric barrier discharge with TiO2

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The objective of our work was to investigate experimentally ozone production of the surface dielectric barrier discharge in synthetic air without and with titanium dioxide TiO2 photocatalyst in the discharge chamber. We found that addition of TiO2 into the discharge chamber not only increases concentration of ozone produced by the discharge, but for small values of discharge power almost two times increases ozone production yield. The experiments were performed for the frequency of the driving voltage 11 kHz

Air-Jet Power Ultrasonic Field Applied to Electrical Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2010.01.099
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  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We describe a new setup of the Hartmann air-jet ultrasonic generator combined with electrical discharge in the nozzle-resonator gap. Using the schlieren visualization of air jet and ultrasonic field we investigated the shape and structure of the discharge and we determined relationship among the acoustic field in the nozzle-resonator gap, generator ultrasonic emission and discharge behavior.

DC Corona discharge ozone production enhanced by magnetic field

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2009-00276-4
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Enhancement of ozone production from air by a corona discharge can be achieved by a magnetic field. We found that application of a stationary magnetic field on a corona discharge increases its ozone production without any additional energy requirements.

Effect of the magnetic field on electrical characteristics of the dc corona discharge

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2010. pp. 561-564. ISBN 978-80-89186-71-6.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Stationary magnetic field affects electrical characteristics of the dc corona discharge.

Influence of Power Modulation on Ozone Production Using an AC Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Oxygen

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11090-010-9245-4
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The measurements of electro-optical discharge characteristics and the concentration of produced ozone were performed to evaluate the efficiency of ozone production in an AC surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) in pure oxygen at atmospheric pressure. The highest ozone production yield reached 170 g/kWh.

Non traditional approaches leading to enhanced ozone generation

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2010. pp. 287-290. ISBN 978-80-89186-71-6.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Using the catalysts or other fields it is possible to enhance generation of ozone by electrical discharges.

Effect of Polarity and Photocatalyst on DC Corona Discharge Ozone Production

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We studied the effect of polarity and photocatalyst TiO2 on DC corona discharge ozone production. For the discharge with mesh without TiO2 the discharge with the needle positive is more efficient source of ozone than the discharge with the needle negative. For particular energy density addition of TiO2 on the mesh electrode increases discharge ozone production for both polarities of the coronating electrode. This effect is however stronger for the needle negative.

Hartmann Ultrasound Generator Combined with Electrical Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441514
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We describe a new setup of the Hartmann gas-jet ultrasonic generator combined with the electrical discharge with reduced gas flow rate. Our idea involves a rod along the nozzle-resonator axis. New nozzle construction also enables to control electric field in the nozzle-resonator gap and creates high power ultrasoud field in volume in front of the resonator. Apart of the fact that the discharge is stabilized along the resonator orifice circumference, it becomes more uniform and it increases its volume.

DC Corona Ozone Generation Enhanced by TiO2 Photocatalyst

  • DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2008-00216-x
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Electrical discharges in air at atmospheric pressure are sources of ozone, other oxygen based reactive species and also ultraviolet radiation. We studied the role of this radiation on discharge ozone production by placing TiO2 photocatalyst into the discharge region. We found that for the negative corona addition of TiO2 into the discharge chamber increases discharge ozone production.

Innovative Advanced Oxidation Processes for Organic Micropollutants

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2008. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2008. pp. FYZ008-FYZ2008. ISBN 978-80-01-04016-4.
  • Year: 2008

Ozone production by a DC corona discharge in air contaminated by n-heptane

  • DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/2/025204
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Beneficial purposes of ozone such as elimination of odors, destroying bacteria and mildew can be used for transportation of food, fruits and vegetables with the aim to extend their storage life. At present combination of cooling together with the supply of ozone into containers with these commodities is considered. We studied the effect of air contamination by n-heptane (part of automotive fuels) on ozone production by DC corona discharge. We found that addition of n-heptane to air decreases ozone production and causes the discharge poisoning to occur at lower current than for air.

Some Ecological Aspects of Electrical Discharges at Atmospheric Pressure

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Podzimní škola, 12. ročník. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra fyziky, 2008. pp. 151-158. ISBN 978-80-01-04195-6.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Non-thermal plasma generated by electrical discharges at atmospheric pressure can be used for decomposition of volatile organic compounds, toxic pollutants, for decrease of aerodynamic friction of airfoil, or for combustion processes enhancement. The key role is played by the fact, that eneergy supplied to the discharge is used for plasma generation and not for the heating of the bulk gas.

Ultrasonic Field Effects on Corona Discharge in Air

  • DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.920222
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The application of ultrasonic waves on corona discharge causes existence of pressure gradients in the discharge gap. According to Meek´s criterion formation of streamers in the discharge and therefore the discharge profile is affected by these pressure gradients. We calculated the distribution of ultrasonic pressure in the interelectrode gap and we demonstrated experimentally that the discharge profile is affected by this ultrasonically induced pressure distribution.

Volatile Organic Compounds Decomposition and Role of Ozone in Decomposition Process

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2008. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2008. pp. FYZ001. ISBN 978-80-01-04016-4.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Volatile organic compounds. Decomposition process. Ozone.

Atmospheric-pressure DC corona discharge in N2-NO mixtures: efficiency and energy cost of nitric oxide removal

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Prague: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., 2007. pp. 1449-1452. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    This paper focuses on de-NOX efficiency of the DC atmospheric pressure positive corona discharge enhanced by the flow of the mixture of nitrogen with traces of NO. The experimental findings indicate that the transformation of nitric oxide is controlled by the production of atomic nitrogen. For a particular energy density the NO decomposition increases with flow rate and higher NO removal is obtained for lower initial NO concentrations.

Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compounds by Plasma Enhanced Photocatalyst

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2007. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2007. pp. FYZ020-Fyz020. ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compounds by Plasma Enhanced Photocatalyst

Electrical discharges at atmospheric pressure

Experimental Studies Leading to Enhanced de-NOx Processes in Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Discharges

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2007. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2007. pp. FYZ0026-FYZ026. ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    De-NOx Processes in Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Discharges

Non-thermal plasma decomposition of volatile organic compounds - influence of ozone

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    This work was focused on the study of the role of ozone on n-heptane decomposition efficiency. It was found that ozone is involved in n-heptane decomposition for low energy densities, while for higher energy densities the discharge is practically in the state of discharge poisoning. Thus for higher energy densities the n-heptane decomposition can be attributed mainly to the presence of OH radicals.

Non-Thermal Plasma Ecological Applications

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Pospíšil, M., Leys, C.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2007. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2007. pp. FYZ015. ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9.
  • Year: 2007

Non-thermal plasma n-heptane decomposition enhanced by supplementary addition of active species

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Prague: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., 2007. pp. 1289-1292. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We investigated the increase of n-heptane decomposition by the hollow needle to mesh electrical discharge with a layer of TiO2 photocatalyst on the mesh when additional ozone and other active species were supplied to the discharge. In this way we were able to increase the n-heptane decomposition efficiency from 47 % to 53 %.

Ozone interaction with a stainless steel and a PtRhPd/Al2O3 honeycomb catalyst

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J., Khun, J., Pospíšil, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Prague: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., 2007. pp. 1367-1370. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    We studied ozone decomposition by a stainless steel and by a PtRhPd/Al2O3 honeycomb catalyst. It was found that in case of stainless steel chamber ozone decomposition does not substantially depend on temperature. Contrary to this in case of the chamber with PtRhPd/Al2O3 catalyst ozone decomposition is strongly influenced by the temperature.

Ultrasonic Resonator with Electrical Discharge Cell for Ozone Generation

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The effect of ultrasound waves in an ultrasonic resonator cell on ozone generation by a hollow needle to plate electrical discharge enhanced by the airflow through the needle is experimentally investigated. It was found that the application of ultrasound waves increases ozone generation for discharge when the needle is negatively biased, and has no effect on ozone generation for the discharge when the needle is biased positively. We try to explain the influence of ultrasound on the discharge mechanisms.

De-NOx Efficiency of Positive/Negative DC Corona Discharge: a Comparative Study

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M., Khun, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the XVI-th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Xi´an: Xi´an Jiaotong University, 2006. pp. 533-536. ISBN 0-9539105-3-9.
  • Year: 2006

Dynamic Characteristics of Positive Hollow Needle to Plate Atmospheric Pressure Discharge

  • Authors: Khun, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M., Schmidt, J.
  • Publication: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 2006, 56(Suppl.B), 830-836. ISSN 0011-4626.
  • Year: 2006

Effect of Humidity and Ozone on n-Heptane Decomposition by Atmospheric Pressure Electrical Discharge with and without Photocatalyst TiO2

Effect of ultrasound waves on a hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in air or mixture of air with VOCs

Gas Flow Enhanced DC Corona Discharge for de-NOx Processes in N2-NOx Mixtures

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2006. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2006. pp. 46-47. ISBN 80-01-03439-9.
  • Year: 2006

Non Thermal Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure for Ozone Generation and VOC Decomposition

Non-Thermal Plasma and TiO2 Assisted n-Heptane Decomposition

Non-Thermal Plasma Enhanced PtRhPd/Al2O3 Honeycomb Catalyst for n-Heptane Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Khun, J., Pospíšil, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the XVI-th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Xi´an: Xi´an Jiaotong University, 2006. pp. 489-492. ISBN 0-9539105-3-9.
  • Year: 2006

Optical and electrical characteristics of hollow needle to plate atmospheric pressure discharge in nitrogen

  • Authors: Šimek, M., Schnmidt, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Khun, J.
  • Publication: Bulletin of The American Physical Society. 2006, 51(5), 27. ISSN 0003-0503.
  • Year: 2006

Polarity Effects of DC Corona Discharge

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Khun, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2006. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2006. pp. 50-51. ISBN 80-01-03439-9.
  • Year: 2006

Power ultrasound interaction with DC atmospheric pressure electrical discharge

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The effect of power ultrasound application on DC hollow needle to plate atmospheric pressure electrical discharge enhanced by the flow of air through the needle electrode was studied experimentally. It was found that applying ultrasound increases discharge volume. In this volume take place plasmachemical processes, used in important ecological applications such as the production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.

Research at the Department of Physics of the FEE CTU

The Effect of Ultrasound on Hollow-Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    The effect of ultrasound standing waves at a frequency of 20.3 kHz on hollow-needle to plate electrical discharge enhanced by the flow of air through the needle is described. It was found that the suitable application of ultrasound increases discharge volume in cylindrical one wavelength ultrasonic resonator excited by solid piston with only a slightly smaller diameter than the resonator diameter. This discharge-spread is connected with radial pressure distribution as a result of ultrasound interaction with the airflow from the needle. Efficient mixing in infinitesimal layer of the air created along vibrating electrode and other complex processes, which are caused by electrical and aerodynamic interactions can be used for environmental applications such as production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.

Ultrasound and Airflow Induced Thermal Instability Suppression of DC Corona Discharge: an Experimental Study

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Thermal instability, electrical discharge, ultrasound, airflow

Effect of N2-NO Mixture Composition on Basic Electrical Characteristics of Hollow Needle to Plate Atmospheric Pressure Discharge

Experimental Study of De-NOx Processes in Non-Equilibrium Electrical Discharges

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2005. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2005. pp. 166-167. ISBN 80-01-03201-9.
  • Year: 2005

Hybrid Plasmachemical System for VOC Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2005. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2005. pp. 164-165. ISBN 80-01-03201-9.
  • Year: 2005

Mechanism of Gas Flow Enhanced DC Corona Discharge

  • Authors: Šimek, M., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings 2nd CAPPSA 2005. Gent: University of Gent, 2005. pp. 206-209. ISBN 90-80-86692-X.
  • Year: 2005

Nitric Oxide Decomposition by Hollow-Needle to Plate Atmospheric Discharge in N2-NO Mixtures

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: Proceeeings of the 17th International Symphosium on Plasma Chemistry. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2005. pp. 1-6.
  • Year: 2005

Plasma Technologies for Ecological Applications

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Khun, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2005. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2005. pp. 72-73. ISBN 80-01-03201-9.
  • Year: 2005

Plasma Technologies for Ecological Applications

Two hollow needles to mesh electrical discharge with TiO2 catalyst for VOC decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Neirynck, D., Leys, C., Pospíšil, M., Krýsa, J.
  • Publication: Proceeeings of the 17th International Symphosium on Plasma Chemistry. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2005. pp. 1-5.
  • Year: 2005

Ultrasound Induced Thermal Instability Suppression of Electrical Discharge for Ecological Applications

Effect of ultrasound waves on electrical characteristics of hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in air or in mixture of air with VOC

Gas flow effects on ozone production by hollow needle to plate electrical discharge

Gas Flow Enhanced Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge for Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compounds

N-heptane Decomposition by Non-Thermal Electrical Discharge

Optical Diagnostics of the Hollow Needle to Plate Discharge in Air

Ozone Generation by Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge in Ultrasound Field

Ozone Generation Enhanced by Ultrasound Waves in Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

Ozone Generation from Two Hollow Needles to Plate Electrical Discharges Enhanced by Airflow

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J., Khun, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. Paris: CEA, 2004. pp. x-y.
  • Year: 2004

Ozone Production by Non-Thermal Electrical Discharges

Relationship between rotational temperature and energy density in atmospheric pressure hollow needle to plate electrical discharge

Efficiency of ozone production in non-thermal plasma electrical discharges in synthetic air - comparative study

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M., Člupek, M., Šimor, M., Ráhel, J., Černák, M.
  • Publication: ISPC 16 Contributed papers CD-ROM. Bari: Institute for Inorganic Methodology and Plasma, 2003. pp. 1-6.
  • Year: 2003

Generation of Ozone by Electrical Discharges

  • Authors: Rosenkranz, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2003. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 158-159. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Year: 2003

Generation of Ozone by Electrical Discharges

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2003 (online). Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 158-159. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Year: 2003

N-heptane decomposition in multi-needle to plate electrical discharge

Non Thermal Plasma Ozone Generation

Non Thermal Plasma Technologies for VOC Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2003. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 62-63. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Year: 2003

Non-Thermal Plasma Technologies for VOC Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2003 (online). Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 62-63. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Year: 2003

Electrical Discharge Enhanced by Gas Flow for Ozone Generation and VOC Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Rosenkranz, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 66-67. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
  • Year: 2002

Multi Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge in Mixture of Air with n-heptane

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Liverpool: GD2002 Local Organizing Committee, 2002. pp. 80-83. ISBN 0-9539105-1-2.
  • Year: 2002

Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides Generation in Gas Flow Enhanced Hollow Needle to Plate Discharge in Air

Toluene and n-heptane decomposition by multi-hollow needle to plate electrical discharge

Application of plasma techniques for exhaust aftertreatment

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Pospíšil, M., Viden, I., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: International Journal of Vehicle Design. 2001, 27(1-4), 306-313. ISSN 0143-3369.
  • Year: 2001

Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge Enhanced by Gas Flow

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Rosenkranz, J., Hanitz, F.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2001. pp. 50-51. ISBN 80-01-02335-4.
  • Year: 2001

Multi Hollow Needle to Plate Plasmachemical Reactor for Pollutant Decomposition

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Pospíšil, M., Viden, I.
  • Publication: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2001, 34(22), 117-121. ISSN 0022-3727.
  • Year: 2001
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Non thermal plasma decomposition of volatile hydrocarbons

Ozone Generation in Gas Flow Enhanced Hollow Needle to Plate Discharge in Air

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Rosenkranz, J., Mason, N.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 15th Ozone World Congress. London: International Ozone Association, 2001. pp. 57-64.
  • Year: 2001

Ozone Production Efficiency of Non Thermal Electrical Discharges - Comparative Study

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M., Kříha, V., Rosenkranz, J., Člupek, M.
  • Publication: 15 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Symposium Proceedings. Orleans: Organizing Committees of the 15 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 2001. pp. 3115-3120.
  • Year: 2001

Application of electrical discharges for pollution control of stationary and mobile sources

  • Authors: Pospíšil, M., Víden, I., Šimek, M., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: Moderní technologie čištění odpadních plynů. Praha: KONEKO, 2000. pp. 125-127. ISBN 80-238-4.
  • Year: 2000

Application of Plasma Techniques for Exhaust Aftertreatment

  • Authors: Pospíšil, M., Víden, I., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: 9th International Symposium "Transport and Air Pollution". Contributed Papers. Avignon: INRETS, 2000. pp. 523-528. ISBN 2-85782-533-1.
  • Year: 2000

Application of the low temperature plasma for the automotive exhaust aftertreatment

Application of the low temperature plasma for the automotive exhaust aftertreatment

  • Authors: Víden, I., Pospíšil, M., Šimek, M., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: 10. odborná konference "Znečištění ovzduší a zdraví". Praha: Sdružení pro ochranu kvality ovzduší, 2000. pp. 28-32.
  • Year: 2000

DC Electrical Discharge in Hollow Needle-to-Plane Electrode Configuration at Atmospheric Pressure

Electromagnetic emission from electrical discharges at atmospheric pressure

GC-MS Analysis of Products from Degradation of Toluene Vapors by Electrical Discharge

  • Authors: Víden, I., Pospíšil, M., Janda, V., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: 23rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography Contributed papers. Torino: IMEKO, 2000. pp. j13.
  • Year: 2000

Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge Enhanced by Gas Flow

Multineedle-to-Plane Corona Discharge

  • Authors: Aubrecht, L., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Koller, J., Staněk, Z.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the HAKONE VII. Greifswald: TU Greifswald, 2000. pp. 73-76.
  • Year: 2000

Non-thermal plasma methods for pollutants decomposition

Ozone Generation in Gas Flow Enhanced Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

Atmospheric Pressure Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge in Nitrogen

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Šimek, M., Kříha, V., Hanitz, F.
  • Publication: Proceedings Contributed Papers XXIV ICPIG. Warsaw: IPPLM, 1999. pp. 125-126.
  • Year: 1999
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Studium emisnich spekter výboje stabilizovaného prouděním dusíku

Atmospheric Pressure Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge in Nitrogen and Air

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Šimek, M.
  • Publication: Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Praha: AV ČR, Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 1999. pp. 1003-1008. ISBN 80-902724-2-8.
  • Year: 1999

Electrical discharge at atmospheric pressure in configuration hollow needle-plate

  • Authors: Kříha, V., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc.,
  • Publication: 13. konferencia slovenských a českých fyzikov: Zborník abstraktov. Bratislava: Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnosť, 1999. pp. 16.
  • Year: 1999

Hollow Needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure

  • DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/8/3/321
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Typical sources of non-equilibrium plasmas are barrier discharge, direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) gliding arc, pulsed or DC corona and DC atmospheric pressure discharge stabilized by a fast gas flow (APD-GFS). In case of APD-GFS the gas flows in a rectangular channel, the top wall of which serves as the anode and the multi-needle cathode is built into the bottom wall of the channel. In order to prevent the transition to a spark and to stabilize this type of discharge the velocity of the gas should be about 100-200 m s-1 or the discharge current must be limited. To avoid the problem connected with the acceleration of the primary (polluted) gas at such a velocity, the external flow of the primary gas around the needle electrodes can be superimposed by a flow of a secondary gas through the needles. Thus the primary gas need not be accelerated to high velocity and in order to stabilize the discharge a relatively small amount of a secondary gas supplied through the needle is required. This work is therefore focused on the study of the DC APD-GFS in hollow needle-to-plane geometry. The basic electrical characteristics, magnetic noise and integral emission spectra of this type discharge with the flow of nitrogen or air through the needle are given.

Internally Cooled Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

Magnetic Noise of Atmospheric Corona Discharge

Magnetic Noise of Atmospheric Pressure Electrical Discharge

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Magnetický šum elektrického výboje při atmosférickém tlaku

Needle-to Plate Electrical Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure for Ecological Applications

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V., Rosenkranz, J., Hanitz, F.
  • Publication: 1998 ICPP Contributed Papers. Eindhoven: European Physical Society, 1998. pp. 2722-2725.
  • Year: 1998
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    Netermální plasma může být použito pro rozklad škodlivých látek

Professor Janča Anniversary - Personal Account

Atmospheric Pressure Electric Discharge in Fast Flowing Air

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J., Hanitz, F., Kříha, V.
  • Publication: Proceedings Contributed Papers XXIII ICPIG. Toulouse: Université Paul Sabatier, 1997. pp. 226-227.
  • Year: 1997

Breakdown Voltage of the Surface Glow Discharge

Electical Characterics of a Discharge in Fast Flowing Air

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J., Hanitz, F., Kříha, V.
  • Publication: Proceedings of 18th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra fyziky, 1997. pp. 203-205. ISBN 80-01-01641-2.
  • Year: 1997

2-D Particle Simulation of the Glow Discharge

Atmospheric Pressure Discharge in Fast Fluid Flow

  • Authors: Kříha, V., Hanitz, F., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996. pp. 335-338. ISBN 80-01-01514-9.
  • Year: 1996

Experimental Study of NO Generation in Electric Discharge

  • Authors: Kříha, V., Hanitz, F., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J.
  • Publication: Workshop 96. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996. pp. 101-102.
  • Year: 1996

Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge in Air Flow for Ecological Applications

  • Authors: Rosenkranz, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Kříha, V.
  • Publication: Workshop 95. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1995. pp. 87-88.
  • Year: 1995

Electric Discharge in Air Flow at Atmospheric Pressure

  • Authors: Rosenkranz, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Hanitz, F., Kříha, V.
  • Publication: 17th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra fyziky, 1995. pp. 322-334. ISBN 80-01-01344-8.
  • Year: 1995

Electrotechnic and Environment

Numerical Modelling of the Surface Glow Discharge

Numerical Modelling of the Surface Glow Discharge

Breakdown Voltage of the Surface Glow Discharge in Small Volume

  • Authors: Rosenkranz, J., prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Žáček, M.
  • Publication: Workshop 93. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993. pp. 87-88.
  • Year: 1993

Electric Discharges for Enviromental Applications

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Stanislav Pekárek, CSc., Rosenkranz, J.
  • Publication: Proceedings Environmental Impact Assesment of ACC ECONOMICAL ACTIVITIES. Vol. 2. Praha: Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR, 1993. pp. 79-82.
  • Year: 1993

Electrical Discharges for Ecological Applications

Non -Thermal Plasma Techniques for Pollution Control

A Fast Acting All-Metal Gas Valve for Plasma Research.

  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Annotation:
    A fast acting all-metal gas valve has been developed for injection pulses of neutral gases into a high valcuum. The design of the valve makes it possible to change the length of time the valve is open and thus vary the number of atoms admitted.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk