
prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.

All publications

Comparison of Frequency Cepstral Coefficients in Impulse Acoustic Events Detection

  • Authors: Ing. Jakub Svatoš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Olasoji, O.
  • Publication: Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems, 10th International Conference, MESAS 2023. Springer, Cham, 2025. p. 3-10. 1. vol. 14615 LNCS. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-71396-5.
  • Year: 2025
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-71397-2_1
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Various methods for acoustic impulse event detection and identification are available. They are usually based on time or frequency domain algorithms. Both these domains have their limitations and disadvantages. This article presents acoustic impulse events (such as gunshots) identification based on the Cepstral domain, combining the advantages of both frequency and time domains. It compares the efficiency of classification based on four different frequency Cepstral coefficients, namely Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Inverse Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (IMFCC), Linear-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (LFCC) and Gammatone-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (GFCC). These, originally speech features, showed to be promising in the other applications with good results. This work compares the classification accuracy of gunshots from several short and rifle guns and multiple impulse acoustic events (various types of slams, slaps, etc.) to represent false alarms. In total, more than four hundred acoustic event records have been acquired, where approx. 70% has been used for training, and the rest for validation. For a classification, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier with 26 frequency Cepstral Coefficients from each MFCC, IMFCC, LFCC, and GFCC served as features are used. Accuracy and Matthew's correlation coefficient measure the classification success rate. The results confirm the superiority of GFCC to other analyzed methods.

AI-based Acoustic Surveillance System for Smart Cities

  • DOI: 10.1109/RTSI61910.2024.10761338
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper provides an insight into current capabilities of artificial intelligence-based acoustic applications. The growth of machine learning, improvements in the dynamics and linearity of miniature microphones, and increased computational power of signal processors enable the development and deployment of applications that are capable of real-time, human-operator-free analysis of sounds in the environment and determination of selected phenomena, including their detailed identification and localization of the place of origin. As a detailed example described in the paper, a system for detecting, identifying, and localizing gunshot sources in public and indoors is presented. Being designed within the Internet of Things concept utilizing low-power sensors and AI-based signal processing, it provides information about the likely type of weapon and ammunition used, in addition to source localization for Smart-City infrastructures. The system ethical implications are also briefly discussed.

Cepstral Coefficients Effectiveness for Gunshot Classifying

  • DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad3c5d
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper analyses the efficiency of various frequency cepstral coefficients (fCC) in a non-speech application, specifically in classifying acoustic impulse events - gunshots. There are various methods for such event identification available. The majority of these methods are based on time or frequency domain algorithms. However, both of these domains have their limitations and disadvantages. In this article, an fCC, combining the advantages of both frequency and time domains, is presented and analyzed. These originally speech features showed potential not only in speech-related applications but also in other acoustic applications. The comparison of the classification efficiency based on features obtained using four different fCC, namely Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Inverse Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (IMFCC), Linear-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (LFCC), and Gammatone-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (GTCC) is presented. An optimal frame length for an fCC calculation is also explored. Various gunshots from short guns and rifle guns of different calibers and multiple acoustic impulse events, similar to the gunshots, to represent false alarms are used. More than six hundred acoustic events records have been acquired and used for training and validation of two designed classifiers, Support Vector Machine, and Neural Network. Accuracy, Recall and Matthew's correlation coefficient measure the classification success rate. The results reveal the superiority of GFCC to other analyzed methods.

Input Currents of CMOS SAR ADC in Microcontroller, their Measurement and Behavior Model from Users Point of View

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115143
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The article introduces possible issue of internal CMOS SAR microcontroller's ADC input currents. It describes a nature of the ADC input current and its dependence on a sampling frequency. Methods for measurement of parameters such as input charge, residual voltage, and equivalent capacitance of sample-hold circuits are presented and used in the proposed simplified model of ADC input behavior. These parameters, which are not listed in datasheets, if not respected in data acquisition designs, can adversely affect how the ADC is used when measuring signal sources with nonnegligible internal resistance. The article also explains how to solve a voltage measurement on a source with high internal resistance even in a situation where, according to datasheets, it should already have limitations. The proposed simplified CMOS SAR ADC input behavior model in an MCU can help users in MCU-based data acquisition system design.

Measuring systems, sensors, distributed, modular and wireless systems

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The book describes the types and properties of measuring systems for acquisition and processsing signals of typical physical quantity sensors. An overview of the properties of these sensors used in laboratory and industrial environments is provided. The following chapters describe the properties of computers used in measurement systems, including plug-in cards and the IEEE-488 protocol. The following chapters describe the types and properties of distributed and modular measuring systems and systems using data networks, including wireless measuring systems. The final chapters describe methods of digitization, reconstruction and signal processing in measurement systems in time and frequency domains. The book is intended for users and designers of digital measuring systems, working in industry, scientific and research workplaces and students of secondary and university relevant technical focus.


  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measen.2024.101420
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper deals with localizing an acoustic event source, e.g., gunshots, using two microphone systems. It briefly describes the properties of gunshot patterns and introduces possible methods based on acoustic signals from two microphones for gunshot localization. The localization method is based on the Time Difference of Arrival of an incoming acoustic wave, which is calculated using Phase-Based Delay Estimation. The presented method uses spectral analysis of signals recorded by both microphones to determine the delay in samples between the two signals. It has been shown that the frequency-based method can be, in certain cases, more reliable than commonly used cross-correlation methods.


  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measen.2024.101312
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper outlines teaching methods for analog and analog-to-digital electronic circuits used to process and digitize signals from common physical sensors at the Department of Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. The methods include using single-purpose functional units, a virtual instrumentation suite, and analog systems for teaching. The use of simulation programs supports the teaching of these circuits. It has proven to be very effective in laboratory classes. Class success rates and student survey ratings support the effectiveness of this teaching approach.

ADC Input Currents Measurement

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The contribution introduces the possible issue of internal CMOS Successive Approximation Register microcontroller's Analog-to-Digital Converters input currents. If the microcontroller also contains a multiplexer, it can lead to consequences caused by the sample-and-hold block that is part of a charge redistribution Analog-to-Digital Converter. The article presents its nature, the possibility of its measurement, and a simplified model of such an MCU analog inputs behavior. The simplified model and derived formulas can help the unacquainted user in a data acquisition system with the MCU design when measuring signal sources with non-negligible internal resistance. The introduced parameters, which cannot be found in datasheets, can be essential for users.

High-speed Equivalent-time Sampling Virtual Instrument Based on Microcontroller ADC

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113392
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes the utilization of high-speed Equivalent-Time Sampling (ETS) in Software-Defined Instruments used for virtual instrumentation - typically oscilloscopes. With the increasing performance and expansion of peripherals of microcontrollers (MCU), it is possible to realize measuring instruments only with MCU itself. A solution to MCUs' Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) maximal sampling frequency limitations in digitizing quick transient responses is presented. The principle of ETS with all derived equations is discussed and explained, as well as the ADC input model and real properties of software-defined oscilloscope from an ETS point of view. All the ideas are practically verified on different MCUs (Raspberry PI PICO, STM32, Arduino). The use of ETS for circuit behavior analysis where an MCU with internal peripherals (generator with pulse-width modulation and ADC) is used for a test signal generation and data digitization may increase the equivalent sampling rate of the internal ADC up to tens of MSa/s.

Human-Centered Design of Voice Communications: Gender Aspects

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Kowalczuk, Y.
  • Publication: IHIET-AI 2023 Conference Proceedings Edited Book. New York: Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International, 2023. p. 25-29. 9. vol. 70. ISSN 2771-0718. ISBN 978-1-958651-46-9.
  • Year: 2023
  • DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002926
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Perceiving the transmitted speech is a task that puts certain amount of cognitive load on the human brain. The degree of this load depends on several factors, e.g., the loudness of the perceived speech, the type and intensity of background noise, the quality and accent of the speech, familiarity with the topic of the message, etc. This load also varies between the native and non-native language (of the listener). Different levels of such load are manifested in longer duration workloads (e.g., during a work shift) by different levels of overall fatigue, which affects the decrease in the worker's action or decision error rate when performing other concurrent tasks (the so-called parallel-task paradigm). For technologies used in speech transmission or synthesis, e.g., in telecommunications, radio communications, and machine to human communications, the above implies a strong need to optimize the coding of human (or synthetic) voice to minimize listening effort during communication. Listening effort (LE) can be assessed by subjective tests following, e.g., ITU-T P.800 Recommendation, along with listening quality (LQ) as specified in P.800. A natural (but nowhere explicitely mentioned) requirement is that male and female voices are transferred with similar LQ and LE parameters; in other words, the transmission technology, including coding algorithms, frequency filters, or sampling rates, should not privilege one gender over the other to maintain similar working conditions and opportunities for all.The subjective test laboratory has performed gender analysis for all subjective test projects since 2018 to see how (mis)balanced the transmission quality between male and female speakers is. The identified misbalance can affect many professionals that deploy distant voice communication in their daily duties – think of female airport approach control dispatchers or other professionals (policewomen) who are principally handicapped by technological aspects of their job - worse voice transmission quality means higher listening effort is needed and may lead to consequent (subconscious) discomfort of their communication partners, or even intelligibility issues. Of course, this fact is not surprising for narrow-band or even old analog AM transmissions (as still used in AIRCOM). It can only be used as an argument to upgrade communication means to a suitable digital format. Unfortunately, some contemporary wide-band or even full-band digital communications also show statistically significant differences between quality of transferred male and female voices. The detailed results will be presented, including interesting systematic language dependencies (English, German, Mandarin).In the conclusions, suggestions for future codec designs considering the human-centric gender-balanced requirements are proposed. These include the minimum frequency response of the future coders, granularity of the perceptual frequency scaling, etc. Also, suggestions for gender neutrality of original (studio quality) recordings used to prepare the speech samples for the subjective tests are included.

Impulse Acoustic Event Detection, Classification, and Localization System

  • DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3252631
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    To point out dangerous events is more and more necessary not only in military applications but also in civil areas. In hazardous situations, to detect, localize, and classify a source of danger (e.g., gunshot), an automatic acoustic measurement detection system may be preferable in favor of visual detection. This paper presents an automatic acoustic system that can detect, localize and classify acoustic impulse events, such as gunshots. The presented system is based on standalone units, which continuously monitor its surrounding. If an acoustic event is detected, an algorithm based on Mel Frequency Transformation and classification using a Support Vector Machine is performed. If the gunshot is recognized, the system calculates, using the Levenberg-Marquardt iterative solution algorithm, the exact location of the event and can estimate the caliber of the used firearm. The detection system is designed to monitor the surroundings around objects of interest, like campuses, hospitals, or public areas. The system has been tested by .22, 6.35 mm, 7,65 mm, and 9 mm short guns, and .22, 5.56 NATO, and 7.62 mm rifle guns with various subsonic and supersonic ammunition. The sets of diverse impulse acoustic events, like different slams, glass breaking, dog barking, or similar, have been used to train the classifier to avoid false alarms. The presented acoustic system can reliably detect, localize and classify hazardous acoustic events.

A Novel Method of Subjective Sound and Audio Playback User Experience Evaluation in Multitasking Context: Two Case Studies

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Kowalczuk, Y., Schaefer, M., Reimes, J.
  • Publication: Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET-AI 2022, April 21–23, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland, Eds. T. Ahram and R. Taiar, AHFE International, Apr 22, 2022 - Technology & Engineering - 854 pages.. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022. ISSN 2771-0718. ISBN 978-1-7923-8989-4.
  • Year: 2022
  • DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100890
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Present-day telecommunication devices are rarely utilized by comfortably seated users who do not perform any other parallel task. The typical communication scenario includes walking, driving a car, watching TV, working on a PC, etc., during a conversation. However, transmission quality evaluation has traditionally taken place in ideal laboratory conditions. The authors of this paper have prepared a new standard for subjective transmission quality testing with a parallel task that has been approved as ETSI TR 103 503. The paper summarizes the most widely-used transmission quality testing methods, discusses their disadvantages, and in-troduces a new testing methodology with a parallel task. It also presents two ex-periments performed in parallel task scenarios and highlights some differences in human perception in these scenarios.

How the COVID-19 Changed the Hands-on Laboratory Classes of Electrical Measurement

  • DOI: 10.21014/actaimeko.v11i4.1301
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This article depicts how COVID-19 affected practical teaching at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Measurement. It introduces the subject of Electrical Measurement and its hands-on laboratory classes. The course applies to more than 100 undergraduate students per semester. Since COVID-19 mainly affected the teaching of the hands-on laboratory courses, the article narrates how the COVID-19 lockdown has changed classes. An experience with the rapid transformation of lectures during the lockdown focusing on the hands-on laboratory classes is discussed, and the improvements that have been done to preserve its objectives, but also to adapt them to another possible lockdown, and the need to switch to the distance teaching, is revealed. The changes have been inspired by the results of a survey carried out among more than 250 students. The outline of the laboratory tasks transformation with an emphasis on the possibility of switching the real face-to-face measurement to the distance teaching remote lectures is described. The change includes reducing the number of laboratory tasks taught while preserving most of the objectives. All 11 new laboratory tasks are described in detail, and it is discussed how the possible change from hands-on to remote classes will affect every task.

Increasing of Sampling Rate of Internal ADC in Microcontrollers by Equivalent-Time Sampling

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes the Equivalent-Time Sampling (ETS) in Software-Defined Instruments (SDI) - typically oscilloscopes. It introduces a possible solution of the microcontrollers drawback caused by the maximal sampling frequency and its limitations in digitizing quick transient responses. The principle of ETS used in microcontrollers is explained, and the jitter effect is taken into account. Analog-to-digital converter input model and real properties of software-defined oscilloscope from ETS point of view are introduced and explained. In the system for circuit behavior analysis as a step response, where a microcontroller with internal peripherals (pulse-width modulation and analog-to-digital converter) is used for a test signal generation and data digitization, the use of ETS may increase the equivalent sampling rate of the internal analog-to-digital converter up to tens of MSa/s.

Online Teaching of Practical Classes Under the Covid-19 Restrictions

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measen.2022.100378
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    COVID -19 pandemic and its restrictions bring new challenges to all aspects and phases of higher education. At universities, new remote formats have been developed and deployed for lectures and laboratory exercises. This article addresses challenges and introduces the new experience with lectures and laboratory classes during the pandemic time at the Department of Measurement of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Based on the student survey of more than 250 students describes the possibilities of how to adapt the lectures during the lockdown. The article also introduces the Home Lab, a tool developed in the department that helps in distance teaching practical electronic classes. Home Lab includes two parts with functional groups, a Laboratory Experimental Device and a System of Measurement Instruments. The article also shows the opportunity for suitable remote exercises and variants of circuits that can be easily assembled and measured using Software Defined Instrument based on various microcontrollers. A detailed description of all Software Defined Instruments is also present. During the Pandemic, the home lab model was successfully practically verified during distance learning in three subjects, with more than 150 students per semester. It has also been shown that the Home Lab can be successfully deployed for a semester project. The article also presents experience with the teaching software-oriented courses. At the end of the article, practical knowledge and an experience from distance teaching during a three-semester lockdown are shared.

Subjective Influence of Camera-Gaze Angular Offset

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Isabelle, S., Krylová, A., Avetisyan, H.
  • Publication: IEEE Access. 2022, 10(1), 9321-9327. ISSN 2169-3536.
  • Year: 2022
  • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3143814
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The study aimed to evaluate the difficulty in maintaining eye contact during a teleconference for different camera-gaze angular offsets. Videoconferencing systems may compromise the eye contact between participants due to imperfect angular alignment between the center of the screen and the camera. During a teleconference, difficulty maintaining eye contact may be perceived as uncomfortable or unsatisfying by participants in the call. An experiment deploying 33 test subjects was performed and evaluated. Groups of three test subjects performed a videoconference call. The effect of camera-gaze angular offset was quantified by assessing Effectiveness and Engagement ratings. It was shown that even 10 degrees of misalignment cause a statistically significant drop in Effectiveness for business-type teleconference calls. Camera-gaze angular offset is an important parameter to be considered during videoconferencing equipment design or setup. Higher misalignments may cause significant drops in perceived call quality (Quality of Experience). Our research results can be practical in conferencing equipment design and setup, modern telecommunication equipment design, workplace ergonomics, or distance learning equipment setup.

Evaluation of Digital Watermarking on Subjective Speech Quality

  • DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99811-x
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  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    New methods of securing the distribution of audio content have been widely deployed in the last twenty years. Their impact on perceptive quality has, however, only been seldomly the subject of recent extensive research. We review digital speech watermarking state of the art and provide subjective testing of watermarked speech samples. Latest speech watermarking techniques are listed, with their specifics and potential for further development. Their current and possible applications are evaluated. Open-source software designed to embed watermarking patterns in audio files is used to produce a set of samples that satisfies the requirements of modern speech-quality subjective assessments. The patchwork algorithm that is coded in the application is mainly considered in this analysis. Different watermark robustness levels are used, which allow determining the threshold of detection to human listeners. The subjective listening tests are conducted following ITU-T P.800 Recommendation, which precisely defines the conditions and requirements for subjective testing. Further analysis tries to determine the effects of noise and various disturbances on watermarked speech’s perceived quality. A threshold of intelligibility is estimated to allow further openings on speech ompression techniques with watermarking. The impact of language or social background is evaluated through an additional experiment involving two groups of listeners. Results show significant robustness of the watermarking implementation, retaining both a reasonable net subjective audio quality and security attributes, despite mild levels of distortion and noise. Extended experiments with Chinese listeners open the door to formulate a hypothesis on perception variations with geographical and social backgrounds.

Online teaching at CTU in Prague aka university under COVID restrictions

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.measen.2021.100121
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Covid-19 related restrictions bring new challenges to all aspects and phases of higher education. At universities, new remote formats are deployed or even developed both for lectures and laboratory exercises. This article addresses new challenges and describes the experience with lessons during the pandemic time at the Department of Measurement of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. It introduces the best practices exercised using the Home Lab, which helps in distance teaching of practical electronic classes. Home Lab includes two models with functional groups, a Laboratory Experimental Device and System of Measurement Instruments. The article also shows the possibilities of suitable remote exercises and variants of circuits that can be easily assembled and measured using Software Defined Instrument based on STM microcontrollers. During the pandemic, the home lab model was successfully practically verified during distance learning in three classes, with more than 150 students. The article also presents experience with the teaching of software-oriented courses. At first glance, their transformation can be viewed as straightforward. However, practical realization reveals few remarkable details.

Practical Courses Teaching methods During the COVID-19 at the Department of Measurement of FEE CTU

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed or even temporarily stopped teaching at many universities overnight. This situation was especially challenging for technical universities with a lot of practical activities and laboratory exercises, as it required the creation of a stable and full-fledged online education system. Everything that has taken place so far in the form of direct contact, from lectures, seminars, practical demonstrations, and laboratory exercises, through written tests to oral exams, had to be digitized, not to mention other legal and administrative processes for teaching. A significant advantage of FEE CTU was that the vast majority of teachers already had previous experience in providing online education and had a number of tools that could be used for this purpose. However, the rapid transition from full-time to distance learning required a reassessment of the concept of teaching organization and the provision of a number of related activities, especially in the field of communication, planning of educational activities and selection of appropriate methods.

Subjective Video QoE with a Hybrid Cognitive-motor Task

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Avetisyan, H., Lima, P.-V.
  • Publication: IEEE Access. 2021, 9 109605-109611. ISSN 2169-3536.
  • Year: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3101288
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper reports on the subjective video quality analysis with and without a parallel task. It aims to understand how the quality perceived by the human observer brain is affected when the subject is not entirely focused on the judgment task. For this purpose, two subjective video quality tests were performed according to the ITU-T P.910 recommendation - Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications. They consisted of two parts involving a total of 24 subjects. Unlike the first test, the second test included an additional (parallel) psychomotor task where subjects had to sort different colors of pasta into three bowls. Various analyses were provided, including preliminary analysis, group analysis, and RMSE analysis. Surprisingly, the results show that not all the spectrum of quality is affected equally by parallel task introduction.

System for an Acoustic Detection, Localization and Classification

  • DOI: 10.21014/acta_imeko.v10i2.1041
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    At present, acoustic detection techniques of gunshots (gunshot detection and its classification) are increasingly being used not only for military applications but also for civilian purposes. Detection, localization, and classification of a dangerous event such as gunshots employing acoustic detection is a perspective alternative to visual detection, which is commonly used. In certain situations, to detect and localize a source of a gunshot, an automatic acoustic detection system, which can classify the caliber, may be preferable. This paper presents a system for acoustic detection, which can detect, localize and classify acoustic events such as gunshots. The system has been tested in open and closed shooting ranges and tested firearms are 9 mm short gun, 6.35 mm short gun, .22 short gun, and .22 rifle gun with various subsonic and supersonic ammunition. As “false alarms,” sets of different impulse acoustic events like door slams, breaking glass, etc. have been used. Localization and classification algorithms are also introduced. To successfully classify the tested acoustic signals, Continuous Wavelet and Mel Frequency Transformation methods have been used for the signal processing, and the fully two-layer connected neural network has been implemented. The results show that the acoustic detector can be used for reliable gunshot detection, localization, and classification.

The Improved Automatic Control Points Computation for the Acoustic Noise Level Audits

  • DOI: 10.21014/acta_imeko.v10i3.1067
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The acoustic noise level in the interior is one of the quantities specified by a standard and is subject to audits to ensure a comfortable living environment. Currently, the noise level audits are performed manually by a skilled operator, who evaluates the floor plan and uses it to calculate the control points location in which the measurement is performed. The computation is proposed to automate the audit by formulating an optimisation problem for which an algorithm was designed. The algorithm computes the solution that satisfies all constraints specified in the standard, for example, the minimum distance among the control points and fixed obstacles (walls or columns). In the proposed optimisation problem, the fitness function was designed based on the measurement purpose, and two typical use-cases were analysed: (i) long-term stationary noise measurement and (ii) recurring short-term noise measurement. Although the set of control points for both use cases complies with the given standard, it is beneficial to distinguish the location of control points based on the measurement purpose. The number of control points is maximised for the stationary noise and for the immediate coverage area for the short-term noise. The proposed algorithms were tested in a simulation for several floor plans of different complexity.

A measurement system for the long-term diagnostics of the thermal and technical properties of wooden houses

  • DOI: 10.21014/ACTA_IMEKO.V9I3.762
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    To reduce the construction costs and to increase energy savings and the indoor environmental quality in a woodhouse, an energy consumption measuring system for diagnostics of thermal and technical properties of buildings envelope has been developed. At present, vast majority of calculations for the thermal and technical characteristics of buildings are based on simple mathematical models of building envelope behavior derived primarily from the thermal transmittance of individual materials. However, the thermal transmittance is measured in a stable laboratory environment. Therefore, the measured values may not match the real behavior of materials in continually changing climatic conditions. The Energy Consumption Measuring System has been installed to seven woodhouses in different climatic areas to diagnose the thermal and technical properties of a buildings envelope. The power consumption, temperature, and humidity of the air and of the wood, CO2 concentration, temperature of the individual layers of the envelope sandwich structure, and wind speed and direction are measured. Thanks to the sets of real measurements of the thermal and technical behavior, the actual dependence of the indoor environment quality on the outdoor climatic conditions can be obtained. The presented system can reveal imperfections in heat capacity and hygroscopicity of materials used for construction of a woodhouse. Based on this measurement, the materials can be revised to save the construction costs, energy savings, and to increase the indoor environment quality, together with environment impact reduction.

Automatic Control Points Computation for the Acoustic Noise Level Audits

  • Authors: Ing. Tomáš Drábek, Ph.D., Petrík, V., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 17th IMEKO TC 10 and EUROLAB Virtual Conference: “Global Trends in Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection for 2030”. Warsaw: IMEKO TC10, 2020. p. 374-379. ISBN 978-92-990084-6-1.
  • Year: 2020
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The acoustic noise level in the interior is one of the quantities specified by a standard and is subject to audits to ensure a comfortable living environment. Currently, the noise level audits are performed manually by a skilled operator, who estimates the floor plan and uses it to calculate the control points location in which the measurement is performed. We propose to automate the computation by formulating an optimization problem for which we designed an algorithm. Algorithm computes the solution that satisfies all constraints specified in the standard, for example, the minimum distance among the control points and fixed obstacles (walls or columns). In the proposed optimization problem, we designed the fitness function based on the measurement purpose, and we analysed two typical use-cases: (i) long-term stationary noise measurement and (ii) recurring short-term noise measurement. Although the set of control points for both use cases obeys the given standard, it is beneficial to distinguish the location of control points based on the measurement purpose. We maximize the number of control points for the stationary noise and maximize the immediate coverage area for the short-term noise. We tested the proposed algorithms in simulation for several floor plans of different complexity.

Low Bit-rate Coded Speech Intelligibility Testing in Czech Language using Parallel Task

  • Authors: Avetisyan, H., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O.
  • Publication: Journal of Audio Engineering Society. 2020, 2020(3), 284-291. ISSN 1549-4950.
  • Year: 2020
  • DOI: 10.17743/jaes.2020.0008
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This article deals with subjective tests of speech intelligibility. A set of samples in Czechlanguage, recorded by four different narrators, was distorted with different noise levels andencoded by a low bit-rate encoder. The subjective test consisted of two parts. The first part(45 participants) proceeded according to the ITU-T Recommendation P.807 - Subjective testmethodology for assessing speech intelligibility. The second part (70 participants) included anadditional (parallel) psychomotor task deploying a laser-shooting simulator, where subjectshad the roles of “shooters” and “counters”. The purpose of the parallel task is to bring thetesting closer to the real use of technology. Significant differences have been found in theresults of the intelligibility of samples from different speakers. There were also differences inevaluation with and without a parallel task. Samples from male narrators have a significantlyhigher intelligibility score in the standard laboratory test, but also show a greater decrease inintelligibility after engaging a parallel task.

Statistical-Based Control Points Selection for Indoor Illuminance Measurement

  • DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2020.2987635
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The distribution of indoor illuminance affects the health and the performance of humans, and is therefore subject to audits. Audits are performed after each modification of the light sources, and the currently adopted approach uses a human operator to perform measurements manually. This process is time-consuming, and we therefore aim to automate it with a mobile platform. In order to automate the process, we propose an online algorithm for selecting the control points. The algorithm is iterative, and it takes previous measurements into account in order to select the control points adaptively. We show how the proposed method can be combined with a mobile platform to perform the audit autonomously. Initially, the mobile platform, equipped with a laser range finder, is used to build the floor plan of the room. This floor plan is then used to restrict the area within which the control points can be selected. The whole measurement process is then executed without the presence or the intervention of a human operator, and this reduces the time needed for the audit. We have performed simulated and real experiments to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach.

System for Acoustic Detection

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    At present, acoustic detection techniques of gunshots (gunshot detection) are increasingly being used not only for military applications but also for civilian purposes. Detection, localization, and classification of gunshots employing acoustic detection is perspective alternative to visual detection, which is commonly used. In certain situations, to detect a source of a gunshot, an automatic acoustic detection system may be preferable. This paper presents a system for acoustic detection, which can detect localize and classify acoustic events such as gunshots. Tested firearms are 9 mm short gun, 6.35 mm short gun, .22 short gun, and .22 rifle gun with various subsonic and supersonic ammunition. As “false alarms,” sets of different impulse acoustic events like door slams, breaking glass, etc. have been used. To successfully classify the tested acoustic signals, Continuous Wavelet and Mel Frequency Transformation methods have been used for the signal processing, and the fully two-layer connected neural network has been implemented. The results show that the acoustic detector can be used for reliable gunshot detection, localization, and classification.

Acoustic Detection and Location of Gunshots

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Currently, detection techniques for acoustic pulse signals (detection of gunshots) are increasingly used not only for military applications but also for civilian purposes. With increasing attacks in schools, campuses, shopping malls, or hospitals, there is a requirement for automatic gunshot detection by other methods than camera systems in conjunction with the operator. Localization and classification of gunshots using acoustic detection are, therefore, becoming important for the safety of the population.

Characterization of the Solar Cells Under the Real Conditions

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    With an increasing number of wearable devices of all shapes and forms, which are equipped with new types of sensors to count steps, measure heart rate or even detect a fall, there is a requirement for more energy. Energy harvesting is one of the possible ways to increase the energy capability of such devices. The solar cells offer a renewable green source of energy to increase the power of wearable devices. At present, there is no binding uniform methodology for Solar Cell characterization under real light conditions of everyday life. The article presents a daily generation of energy in various daily life activity such as walking, car driving or office working with indoor illuminating. The solar cell, working in Maximum Power Point Tracking, attached to the hand of the person has been used. The presented results show expected amounts of generated energy in everyday life activities, which could be used for a better characterization of solar cells in the future.

F0-Lab - the simple tool for laboratory experiments in measurement and instrumentation

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2530621
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Platform F0-Lab including LEO (Little Embedded Oscilloscope) was designed and developed to substitute a professional set of instruments in experiments concerning electronics, measurement, and instrumentation. It is based on a microcontroller, which includes the sufficiently fast ADC. It enables to realize (in connection with PC) a simple DC voltmeter, a digitizing oscilloscope, a waveform recorder, and a PWM signal generator. The microcontroller can be placed in a solderless breadboard where the student realizes experimental circuits. The PC controls this virtual instrument, displaying results and supplying the power of the entire set using USB. F0-Lab is successfully used for three years and more than 300 various implementations have been already realized.

Laboratory exercise of digital measurement system based on Modbus protocol used for indoor environment monitoring

  • Authors: Ing. Jakub Svatoš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Pospíšil, T.
  • Publication: Photonics and Education in Measurement Science 2019. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2019. p. 1-5. vol. 11144. ISSN 1996-756X. ISBN 978-1-5106-2982-0.
  • Year: 2019
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2527892
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The proposed laboratory exercise is focused on the measurement of indoor environment quality (temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration) using digital measurement system based on Modbus protocol. Students acquire practical knowledge and general principles of the Modbus protocol, configuration and communication principles of smart sensors and measurement of temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration together with power consumption. The benefit for students in comparison with the old task is the improved quality of the laboratory task in the area of measurement circuits and fieldbus communication with the focus on industrial application.

Parallel task contexts in QoE testing. Can EEG help to understand the results?

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Pánek, D.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019. Dresden: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 2019. p. 6150-6157. ISSN 2226-7808. ISBN 978-3-939296-15-7.
  • Year: 2019
  • DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-238824
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Improved intelligibility of distorted speech has been observed after a parallel psycho-motor task has been introduced. Electroencephalographic activity has been recorded and analyzed for several test situations – neutral, a plain intelligibility test, an intelligibility test with parallel aimed shooting, and an intelligibility test with parallel hit counting. Our findings indicate increased brain activity in the area of the central auditory circles, which evaluate the content of audio information during a parallel cognitive and motor task when the complex motor parallel task is considered to be primary (more important).

Smart Acoustic Sensor

  • DOI: 10.1109/RTSI.2019.8895591
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    To automatically detect dangerous situations in public areas, systems based on visual detection are the most commonly used. In certain situations, to detect a source of danger, an automatic acoustic detection system may be preferable. This paper presents a smart acoustic sensor system, which automatically detects acoustic pulse events, such as gunshots, in public places, and localizes the position of the acoustic source. Tested firearms are 9 mm short gun, 6.35 mm short gun, .22 short gun with various subsonic and supersonic ammunition. Various sounds like door slams, human screams, etc. represent false alarms.

Solar Panel and Harvesting Systems - Use Cases, Measurements and Reporting Methodologies

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    With an increasing number of wearable devices of all shapes and forms, which are equipped with new types of sensors to count steps, measure heart rate or even detect a fall, there is a requirement for more energy. Energy harvesting is one of the possible ways to increase the energy capability of such devices. The solar cells offer a renewable green source of energy to increase the power of wearable devices. At present, there is no binding uniform methodology for Solar Cell characterization under real light conditions of everyday life. The article presents a daily generation of energy in various daily life activity such as walking, car driving or office working with indoor illuminating. The solar cell, working in Maximum Power Point Tracking, attached to the hand of the person has been used. The presented results show expected amounts of generated energy in everyday life activities, which could be used for a better characterization of solar cells in the future.

The new subject at the Czech Technical University in Prague: laboratories of industrial electronics and sensors

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2530690
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The subject of the Industrial Electronics and Sensors Laboratory has been designed to be focused on the practical part of the teaching. Here we describe its concept, used equipment and task examples. Experience gathered during subject first run is reported, including final students’ feedback.

Woodhouse Energy Consumption Measurement System for Diagnostics of Thermal and Technical Properties of Buildings Envelope

  • Authors: Ing. Jakub Svatoš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 23rd IMEKO TC4 Symposium Electrical & Electronic Measurement. Budapest: IMEKO TC4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities, 2019. p. 1-5. 23. ISBN 978-606-13-5238-8.
  • Year: 2019
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    To reduce the construction costs and to increase energy savings and the indoor environmental quality in a woodhouse, an energy consumption measuring system for diagnostics of thermal and technical properties of buildings envelope is introduced. At present, the vast majority of calculations for the thermal and technical characteristics of buildings are based on simple mathematical models of building envelope behaviour derived primarily from the thermal conductivity of individual materials. However, the thermal conductivity is measured in a stable laboratory environment. Therefore, the measured values may not match the real behaviour of materials in continually changing climatic conditions. The Energy Consumption Measuring System has been installed to eight woodhouses in different climatic areas to diagnose the thermal and technical properties of buildings envelope. The power consumption, temperature, and humidity of the air and of the wood, CO2 concentration, temperature of the individual layers of the envelope sandwich structure and wind speed and direction are measured. Thanks to the sets of real measurements of the thermal and technical behaviour, the actual dependence of the indoor environment quality on the outdoor climatic conditions are obtained.

Acoustic Detection of Gunshot (not only) in the City Streets

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    At present, acoustic pulse detection techniques, or gunshot detection, are used not only in military applications, but also in civilian areas such as gunshot detection in schools, campuses, shopping centers, or hospitals. Shooting detection, localization and classification is becoming increasingly important in terms of population safety.

Analysis of the Dependency of Call Duration on the Quality of VoIP Calls

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Wallbaum, M., Smith, N., Avetisyan, H.
  • Publication: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2018, 7(4), 638-641. ISSN 2162-2337.
  • Year: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2018.2806442
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper analyses call detail records of 16 million live calls over Internet-Protocol-based telecommunications networks. The objective is to examine the dependency between average call duration and call quality as perceived by the user. Surprisingly, the analysis suggests that the connection between quality and duration is non-monotonic.

Assessment of ECG and respiration recordings from simulated emergency landings of ultra light aircraft

  • Authors: Bruna, O., Levora, T., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Scientific Reports. 2018, 8(1038), ISSN 2045-2322.
  • Year: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-25528-z
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Pilots of ultra light aircraft have limited training resources, but with the use of low cost simulators it might be possible to train and test some parts of their training on the ground. The purpose of this paper is to examine possibility of stress inducement on a low cost flight simulator. Stress is assessed from electrocardiogram and respiration. Engine failure during flight served as a stress inducement stimuli. For one flight, pilots had access to an emergency navigation system. There were recorded some statistically significant changes in parameters regarding breathing frequency. Although no significant change was observed in ECG parameters, there appears to be an effect on respiration parameters. Physiological signals processed with analysis of variance suggest, that the moment of engine failure and approach for landing affected average breathing frequency. Presence of navigation interface does not appear to have a significant effect on pilots.

Low Bit-rate Coded Speech Intelligibility Tested with Parallel Task

  • DOI: 10.3813/AAA.919207
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    A speech intelligibility test in realistic environments has been designed and performed deploying 51 subjects. A single set of speech samples distorted by various background noises and low bit-rate coding techniques has been used - without and with additional (parallel) psychomotor tasks. The addition of psychomotor tasks to the test simulates realistic environments. The differences in intelligibility test results between standard laboratory and parallel task test methodology were identified. Overall, the intelligibility of regular tests was mainly higher than for tests with a parallel task. Intelligibility results of certain samples have been found counterintuitive, which is possibly explained by a different mode of thinking under parallel task conditions.

Subjective audio quality testing, with tasting and car driving as parallel task

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Sula, J., Soares, L., Slavata, O.
  • Publication: IEEE Access. 2018, 2018(2018), 60769-60775. ISSN 2169-3536.
  • Year: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873568
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The article reports subjective test results of two different test sets, always without and with parallel task. Based on the subjective test results, an objective estimator of speech quality assessed with a parallel task based on enhanced ITU-T P.863 (POLQA) algorithm has been derived. It provides more accurate estimate of the subjective test results with a parallel task the the original POLQA algorithm.

Subjective Speech Quality Measurement with and without Parallel Task: Laboratory Test Results Comparison

  • DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199787
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper focuses on a novel methodology of subjective speech quality measurement and repeatability of its results between laboratory conditions and simulated environmental conditions. A single set of speech samples was distorted by various background noises and low bit-rate coding techniques. This study aimed to compare results of subjective speech quality tests with and without a parallel task deploying the ITU-T P.835 methodology. Afterward, tests results performed with and without a parallel task were compared using Pearson correlation, CI95, and numbers of opposite pair-wise comparisons. The tests show differences in results in the case of a parallel task.

Subjective Testing of Car Audio Systems With and Without Parallel Task

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This contribution presents a comparison between listening tests that were conducted in two different simulated listening situations: listening only in a stationary, parked car and listening while driving a (simulated) car. In both tests, identical signals and identical playback configurations were used leaving the situation as only variable in the test.

Stress Measurement and Inducement in Experiments with Low Cost Flight Simulator for Testing of General Aviation Pilots

  • Authors: Bruna, O., Levora, T., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: HCI International 2017 – Posters' Extended Abstracts. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. p. 218-223. Communications in Computer and Information Science. vol. 713. ISSN 1865-0929. ISBN 978-3-319-58749-3.
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58750-9_31
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Full flight simulators are mainly a domain of airliner pilots. Such simulators with moving platform are high fidelity devices, which can reliably replicate real flight experience. Unfortunately the cost of a flight hour and maintenance is rather high and therefore not suitable for training of pilots of ultra-light aircraft. Yet there are accidents which might have been prevented with extended flight hours and additional training, like emergency landings, dealing with spiral spin, engine outage. Low cost simulators can be a viable solution for additional training and practice. This poster is based on data taken from stress inducing experiment. Poster presents analysis of physiological measurements taken from pilots interacting with a low cost 6DOF flight simulator of ultra-light aircraft with the goal to assess presence of stress and identify its generating factors. Proper identification and classification of these factors may help to generate such state during training and testing. The goal is to evaluate physiologically measurable response. The experiment attempts to generate stress with engine outage observing ECG and respiration signals.

Subjective speech quality measurement repeatability: comparison of laboratory test results

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Avetisyan, H., Isabelle, S.
  • Publication: International Journal of Speech Technology. 2017, 20(1), 69-74. ISSN 1381-2416.
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1007/s10772-016-9389-6
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This article reports on a multi-lab subjective listening experiment aiming at inter-lab and intra-lab test results repeatability verification. An identical set of speech samples corresponding to contemporary networks has been tested by three independent labs deploying ITU-T P.835 methodology. The tests results have been compared regarding Pearson correlation, RMSE, RMSE* and numbers of opposite pair-wise comparisons. The results show the level of inter-lab and intra-lab repeatability in the case of identical test speech samples utilization and thus confirm the subjective tests are highly repeatable in case they follow recommendation requirements strictly. The tests also show differences in results in case subject expectations are set differently using a wider set of test speech samples (as presented in one of the labs).

Emotion models for textual emotion classification

  • Authors: Bruna, O., Avetisyan, H., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2016. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596.
  • Year: 2016
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/772/1/012063
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with textual emotion classification which gained attention in recent years. Emotion classification is used in user experience, product evaluation, national security, and tutoring applications. It attempts to detect the emotional content in the input text and based on different approaches establish what kind of emotional content is present, if any. Textual emotion classification is the most difficult to handle, since it relies mainly on linguistic resources and it introduces many challenges to assignment of text to emotion represented by a proper model. A crucial part of each emotion detector is emotion model. Focus of this paper is to introduce emotion models used for classification. Categorical and dimensional models of emotion are explained and some more advanced approaches are mentioned.

Overview of existing algorithms for emotion classification. Uncertainties in evaluations of accuracies.

  • Authors: Avetisyan, H., Bruna, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2016. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596.
  • Year: 2016
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/772/1/012039
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    A numerous techniques and algorithms are dedicated to extract emotions from input data. In our investigation it was stated that emotion-detection approaches can be classified into 3 following types: Keyword based / lexical-based, learning based, and hybrid. The most commonly used techniques, such as keyword-spotting method, Support Vector Machines, Naïve Bayes Classifier, Hidden Markov Model and hybrid algorithms, have impressive results in this sphere and can reach more than 90% determining accuracy.

Impact of the Codec and Various QoS Methods on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice in an IP Network

  • Authors: Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2014 joint IMEKOTC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security. Madeira: IOPscience, 2015, ISSN 1742-6588. Available from:
  • Year: 2015
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/588/1/012011
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with an analysis of the relation between the codec that is used, the QoS method, and the final voice transmission quality. The Cisco 2811 router is used for adjusting QoS. VoIP client Linphone is used for adjusting the codec. The criterion for transmission quality is the MOS parameter investigated with the ITU-T P.862 PESQ and P.863 POLQA algorithms.

New Approach in Subjective and Objective Speech Transmission Quality Measurement in TCP/IP Networks

  • Authors: Souček, P., Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2014 joint IMEKOTC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security. Madeira: IOPscience, 2015. p. 1-4. ISSN 1742-6588.
  • Year: 2015
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/588/1/012020
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with problems of speech transmission quality measurement in modern telecommunication networks. It focuses on problems caused by specific types of distortions and errors caused present in transmissions using TCP/IP networks and proposes a new method for their consideration.

Portable System for Measuring Acoustic Reflectance Surface

  • Authors: Bruna, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Sympozium Energeticky efektivní budovy 2015. Praha: Společnost pro techniku prostředí, 2015, pp. 33-38. 1. vydání. ISBN 978-80-02-02615-0.
  • Year: 2015
  • Annotation:
    Acoustic reflectivity is a material property, which could be used to determine the type of material. This method could be used to determine the material and could prevent physical examination of the surface. This paper describes a new method to measure an acoustic reflectivity of material. Advantages of this method are flexibility and potential ability to measure directly on the spot. Equations to determine the reflectivity are described in the paper and results from the experiment using this method are presented.

The Innovation of the Autonomous System for Indoor Illuminance

  • Authors: Ing. Tomáš Drábek, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference LIGHT SVĚTLO 2015. Brno: Brno University of Technology, FEEC, Department of Electrical Power Engineering, 2015, pp. 273-276. ISBN 978-80-214-5244-2.
  • Year: 2015
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The goal of this report is to show the results we achieved in the field of autonomous indoor illuminance measurement. At the beginning of the paper the state of the art measurement methodology is shown. It is followed by the description of the robotic unit we designed for the purpose of automation of the measurement process. Moreover, the algorithm for measurement process is described in detail. The rest of the paper deals with possible improvements of the robotic platform mainly by adding new sensors and by adding the illuminance vector measurement unit.

Using long samples in subjective testing of voice transmission quality in IP network

  • Authors: Slavata, O., Souček, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2015 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). New York: IEEE, 2015. ISSN 1934-5070. ISBN 978-1-4799-6776-6.
  • Year: 2015
  • DOI: 10.1109/WTS.2015.7117260
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with problems of speech transmission quality measurement in TCP/IP networks. It focuses on problems caused by the inaccuracy of current methods for measuring the quality degradation caused by packet loss and jitter. The proposed solution is to use longer samples for listening tests. This article compares three evaluation methods for listening tests.

Determination of Material Acoustic Features Using Small Samples

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Desbos, B., Vacek, V., Kolísko, J.
  • Publication: Local Mechanical Properties X. Zurich: TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2014. pp. 111-114. ISSN 1013-9826. ISBN 978-3-03835-062-0.
  • Year: 2014
  • DOI: 10.4028/
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    One method to determine acoustic absorption in-situ is described in this paper. For practical consideration, this measurement can be performed on small samples (square of 60x60cm). This paper describes all the steps needed to obtain results: device setup, recording, signal processing.

Options of Assessment of Absorption Capacity of Noise Barrier

  • Authors: Vacek, V., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Advanced Materials Research. Uetikon-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2014. pp. 125-129. Proceedings of the Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings CRRB 2013. ISSN 1022-6680. ISBN 978-3-03835-083-5.
  • Year: 2014
  • DOI: 10.4028/
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The contribution deals with the possibilities of measuring the sound absorption coefficient of concrete panels. On the example of the modified concrete shows one of the possible methods that could be used to check for changes in the case of acoustic properties of restoration of the damaged panels. The issue of evaluation of the sound absorption coefficient is quite complex and difficult in the interpretation of the results, primarily due to the impact of the size of the tested element and parasitic interference in the surrounding environment.

Portable Device for Measurement of Acoustical Reflexion and Absorption of Surfaces

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O., Bruna, O., Vacek, V.
  • Publication: Sdělovací technika. 2014, 61(9), 43-45. ISSN 0036-9942.
  • Year: 2014
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Portable device for measurement of acoustical reflexion and absorption of surfaces is described.

Towards Layer Adaptation for Audio Transmission

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O., Souček, P., Zisimopoulos, O., Toumpakaris, D., Kotsopoulos, S.
  • Publication: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking. 2014, 6(4), 35-41. ISSN 1941-8663.
  • Year: 2014

Towards Layer Adaptation for Audio Transmission

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O., Souček, P., Zisimopoulos, O., Toumpakaris, D., Kotsoupoulos, S.
  • Publication: 2014 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). Piscataway: IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-4799-1297-1.
  • Year: 2014
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This contribution reports on a set of experiments on various combinations of channel conditions, constellation sizes and audio encoding used and on the final audio quality achieved. The Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is used for performance evaluation. The MOS values are generated using the ITU-T P.862 (PESQ) and P.863 (POLQA) algorithms, and are corroborated using tests by experts. The result support the common practice of adapting the physical layer parameters to changing channel conditions. However, in sime cases, it is possible to maintain a constant rate without impacting significantly the quality of the audio. This means that the complexity associated with physical layer and audio rate adaptation can be avoided keading to simpler and more robust designs.

Effect of speech activity parameter on PESQ's predictions in presence of independent and dependent loses

  • Authors: Počta, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Computer Standards & Interfaces. 2013, 1(36), 143-153. ISSN 0920-5489.
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2013.07.001
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper deals with the investigation of PESQ's (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality; also known as ITU-T Recommendation P.862) behavior under independent and dependent loss conditions from a speech activity parameter perspective. The results show that an increase in amount of speech in the reference signal (expressed by the activity parameter) may result in an increase of the PESQ sensitivity to packet loss change as well as PESQ's prediction accuracy improvement. On the other hand, it seems that human brain is a bit less sensitive to loss of some parts of words than PESQ. The reasons for those findings are particularly discussed.

Evaluation of Objective Speech Transmission Quality Measurements in Packet-based Networks

  • Authors: Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Computer Standards & Interfaces. 2013, 36(3), 626-630. ISSN 0920-5489.
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2013.09.003
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Paper presents an analysis of the relation between IP channel characteristics and final voice transmission quality. The NISTNet emulator is used for adjusting the IP channel network. The transmission quality criterion is an MOS parameter investigated using the ITU-T P.862 PESQ, future P.863 POLQA and P.563 3SQM algorithms. Jitter and packet loss influence are investigated for the PCM codec and the Speex codec.

Experimental Stress Assessment in Biomedical Measurement Class

  • Authors: Bruna, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Pavel Pačes, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: IDAACS 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems. Berlin: IEEE, 2013, pp. 99-102. pozn.: CD má na nálepce jiné ISBN: 978-1-4799-1427-2. ISBN 978-1-4799-1426-5.
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2013.6662648
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Classes at Czech Technical University in Prague focused on biomedical engineering are mainly working with physiological aspects of human body. Nowadays it becomes more common to include also psychological effects on human body, because a mental state of a person can affect the way he or she behaves and approaches problems. This paper describes a class which shows how human body can be affected by its state [1],[3],[4]. The aim is make students realize, that people’s mental state can influence state of body’s function. It is important, because the psychological state can affect decision making skills and erformance. In today’s society is very important to consider a human as a part of the loop.

Incorporating Human Stress Measurements into Biomedical Engineering Class

  • Authors: Bruna, O., Souček, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2013 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Across Physical and Behavioural Sciences. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2013, pp. 1-6. Journal of Physics Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6588.
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012011
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The topic of this paper is to describe the current course at Czech Technical University in Prague X38KLS (Construction of medical systems) and to describe proposed improvements and differences between novel and old approach. The changes and in a state of preparation and have not been fully implemented. The new course should take over the old in September 2013.

Innovation of Laboratory Exercises in Course "Distributed Systems and Computer Networks"

  • Authors: Souček, P., Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2013 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Across Physical and Behavioural Sciences. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2013, pp. 1-4. Journal of Physics Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6588. Available from:
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012012
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper is focused on innovation of laboratory exercises in course Distributed Systems and Computer Networks. These exercises were introduced in November of 2012 and replaced older exercises in order to reflect real life applications.

Management Conversational Quality Predictor

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Počta, J., Monfort, J.-F., Pomy, J.
  • Publication: PQS 2013. Vienna: Telecommunications Research Center Vienna FTW, 2013. pp. 147-150.
  • Year: 2013
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    In a majority of modern networks traditional end-to-end transmission planning is no longer possible, but popular field testing in technologies such as UMTS, NGN and LTE, typically reveals only one quality component of the QoS. This paper describes an operational quality estimator developed within ETSI STF 436 project called Management Conversational Quality Predictor (MCQP) which can combine results from field trials with other impairments such as one-way delay, echo loss, type of conversation, etc. Potential areas for an extension of the designed model are outlined in a conclusion of the paper.

New Concept of Laboratory Exercise on Temperature Measurements Using Thermocouple

  • Authors: Slavata, O., Souček, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 2013 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Across Physical and Behavioural Sciences. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2013, pp. 1-6. Journal of Physics Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6588. Available from:
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012059
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The proposed exercise is focused on the measurement of temperature using thermocouple, students acquire theoretical knowledge of the Seebeck effect, the design and application of thermocouples including the differences between their various types. The students measure the voltage at the thermocouple by various methods: directly with a compensation box, using operational amplifiers and USB module. The exercise explains also general principles of low voltage measurements, error compensation and uncertainty evaluation.

Shift in Speech Quality and Acceptability Level between 2008-2012

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Souček, P.
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2013 - Papers and Presentations. Piscataway: IEEE, 2013.
  • Year: 2013
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents results of quality and acceptability level tests, performed on similar groups of listeners with two years span in years 2008, 2010 and 2012. It shows shift in both quality and acceptability level and compares them. The tests were conducted according to P.800.

Shift in Speech Quality and Acceptability Level between 2008-2012

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Souček, P.
  • Publication: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking. 2013, 5(3), 63-68. ISSN 1941-8663.
  • Year: 2013
  • DOI: 10.4018/jitn.2013070107
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents results of quality and acceptability level tests, performed on similar groups of listeners with two years span in years 2008, 2010 and 2012. It shows shift in both quality and acceptability level and compares them. The tests were conducted according to P.800.


  • Authors: Vacek, V., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví 2013. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2013. pp. 135-140. VUT Brno. ISBN 978-80-214-4777-6.
  • Year: 2013
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper deals with one possible measurement of sound absorption panels. The described procedure is carried out on small plates, in order to get to the smaller sample results comparable to that of large panels, available in their development.

Evaluation of a Flight-guidance System for Ultra-Light Aircraft

  • Authors: Bruna, O., Levora, T., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: HCI-Aero 2012 Proceedings - "Transition of Science into Reality". Brussels: Honeywell (USA), Eurocontrols (France), 2012. pp. 1-4.
  • Year: 2012
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This early stage research paper describes the methodology for evaluation of a flight guidance system of an emergency landing decision support system for ultra-light aircraft. This system is intended to be used in small sport aircraft in order to help pilots cope with critical situations such as engine failure. Paper is focused on evaluation of first dry-run round, where four different metaphors were tested. As a result a hypothesis is formed and a direction of future research is proposed.

Evaluation of ITU-T P.863 POLQA in Chinese

  • Authors: Souček, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: IDAACS-SWS\'2012. Piscataway: IEEE, 2012. pp. 124-126. 1. ISBN 978-1-4673-4677-1.
  • Year: 2012
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The main goal of this experiment is to evaluate performance of ITU-T P.863 POLQA in case of low-bitrate coders, namely MELPe, and Chinese language. Performance of POLQA is compared to its predecessor ITU-T P.862 PESQ.

Impact of IP Channel Parameters on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O.
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2012 Papers and Presentation. Pomona (CA): California State Polytechnic University, 2012. p. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4577-0580-9.
  • Year: 2012
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with analysis of relation between IP channel characteristics and final voice transmission quality. For adjusting of IP channel network emulator NISTNet is used. Criterion of transmission quality is a MOS parameter investigated with an algorithms ITU-T P.862 PESQ, future P.863 POLQA and P.563 3SQM. The following characteristics have been explored: codec PCM, codec Speex, jitter and packet loss.

Impact of Jitter and Jitter Buffer on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice

  • Authors: Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Hübner, P.
  • Publication: IDAACS-SWS\'2012. Piscataway: IEEE, 2012. pp. 120-123. 1. ISBN 978-1-4673-4677-1.
  • Year: 2012
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper deals with analysis of relation between packet delay variations (jitter), length of jitter buffer and final voice transmission quality. For adjusting of IP channel network emulator NISTNet is used. For adjusting of buffer length VoIP client Linphone is used. Criterion of transmission quality is a MOS parameter investigated with an algorithms ITU-T P.862 PESQ and P.863 POLQA.

Small Aircraft Emergency Landing Decision Support System - Pilots' Performance Assessment

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the methodology for investigating the usability of an emergency landing decision support system for ultra-light aircraft pilots. The introduction covers the aim of the device, while section methodology describes what the goal was and how it was achieved. The evaluation discusses the interpretation of the data measured and interviewed outputs. This paper is concluded with our learning and suggests future work.

Subjective Testing and Objective Modelling of Influence of Different Social Classes to Voice Call Quality Perception

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Analysis of subjective testing and objective modelling of influence of different social classes to voice call quality perception is described in the article.

User-Centric Service Model in Wireless Networks: The Transition from Technical Excellence to Customer Experience Excellence in Wireless Networks

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2012 Papers and Presentation. Pomona (CA): California State Polytechnic University, 2012, pp. 1-37. ISBN 978-1-4577-0580-9. Available from:
  • Year: 2012
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Network operators realized the technical excellence is not enough and even worse might be unnecessarily expensive. User-centric approach enables to target different parts of customer portfolio with different service quality levels, keeping both capex and opex conveniently optimal but even discovering faults that are not easily visible just using purely technical approach.

How the Perceived Speech Quality and Acceptability Level Shift during Time

  • Authors: Souček, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Quality in Networks 2011. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2011. pp. 31-33. ISBN 978-80-01-04848-1.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper presents results of quality and acceptability level tests, performed on same group of listeners with two years span. It shows how it shifted in both quality and acceptability level. The tests were conducted according to P.800.

Objective Quality Measurements of Low Bit-Rate Coded Speech

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: MCC 2011 - Military Communications and Information Technology: A Comprehensive Approach Enabler. Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2011. pp. 441-445. ISBN 978-83-62954-20-9.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    New results of speech transmission quality measurements obtained by a recently developed algorithm POLQA - ITU-T P.863 are presented. Our research shows acceptable accuracy for databases containing significant portion of low bit-rate coded samples, namely by MELPe 2.4 kbit/s. The POLQA results are compared with subjective test results based on ITU-T P.800.

Predicting the Quality of Synthesized and Natural Speech Impaired by Packet Loss and Coding Using PESQ and P.563 Models

  • Authors: Počta, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA. 2011, 97(5), 852-868. ISSN 1610-1928.
  • Year: 2011
  • DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918465
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper investigates the impact of independent and dependent losses and coding on speech quality predictions provided by PESQ (also known as ITU-T P.862) and P.563 models, when both naturally-produced and synthesized speech are used.

Subjective Measurement and Objective Modeling of Voice Quality in a Conference Call for a Stressed Listener

  • Authors: Slavata, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Quality in Networks 2011. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2011, pp. 14-19. ISBN 978-80-01-04848-1.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper verifies the effect of delay of voice information between the participants in a conference telephone call on the subjective assessment of the quality of the conversation. And evaluate changes in the assessment of individual respondents based on their mental state. Criterion of transmission quality is a parametr MOS obtained from respondents of subjective tests before and after the stressful situation.

Validation of ITU-T P.863 for Low Bit-rate Coded Speech Quality Measurements

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: WTS 2011 - Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2011. New York: IEEE, 2011, pp. 1-2. ISSN 1934-5070. ISBN 978-1-4577-0162-7.
  • Year: 2011
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper presents new results of speech transmission quality measurements obtained by a recently developed algorithm POLQA - ITU-T P.863. Even though the algorithm is declared by its authors as not intended for coding technologies under 4kbit/s, our research shows acceptable accuracy for databases containing significant portion of low bit-rate coded samples, namely by MELPe 2.4 kbit/s.

Impact of Different Active-Speech-Ratios on PESQ`s Predictions in Case of Independent and Dependent Losses

  • Authors: Počta, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Vlčková, H., Polková, Z.
  • Publication: Radioengineering. 2010, 19(1), 79-88. ISSN 1210-2512.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The relation between Active-Speech-Ratio of input speech sample and PESQ (ITU-T P.862) estimation accuracy is described. It was shown that increasing the ASR may lead to decreasing the PESQ quality prediction accuracy.

Impact of IP Channel Parameters on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Slavata, O.
  • Publication: MESAQIN 2010. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 18-22. ISBN 978-80-01-04569-5.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Impact of IP Channel Parameters on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice is presented.

Intelligibility in Case Non-native Listeneres and its Dependence on their Language Proficiency

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Souček, P.
  • Publication: MESAQIN 2010. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. pp. 23-25. ISBN 978-80-01-04569-5.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Intelligibility in Case Non-native Listeneres and its Dependence on their Language Proficiency is described.

Transmitted Speech Quality versus Perceptual Annoyance and Service Acceptibility Thresholds

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Počta, P.
  • Publication: Third International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems. Bochum: ISCA - International Speech Communication Association, 2010. pp. 100-102. ISSN 1680-8908.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Transmitted Speech Quality versus Perceptual Annoyance and Service Acceptibility Thresholds is described.

Voice Transmission Quality Measurement Algorithm with Non-native Listener Emulation Capability

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2010. Pomona, California: IEEE Communications Society, 2010. ISSN 1934-5070. ISBN 978-1-4244-6557-6.
  • Year: 2010
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Voice transmission quality measurement algorithm with non-native listener emulation capability is described.

Dependency of Subjective Echo Perception on Echo Quality

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Dušek, J.
  • Publication: MESAQIN 2009 Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Quality in Networks. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2009. ISBN 978-80-01-04361-5.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper presents new subjective results of talking quality (TQ) dependency on echo quality for defined return loss and echo delay.

End-to-End Network Simulator for Conversational Quality Measurements

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Veřmiřovský, R.
  • Publication: Digital Technologies 2009. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2009, ISBN 978-80-554-0150-8.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    End-to-end telecommunication network simulator design and realization is described in the paper. The main applications of the simulator are conversational tests e.g. as per ITU-T P.800 and impairment demonstrations.

End-to-End Network Simulator for Conversational Quality Measurements

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Mička, J.
  • Publication: WTS 2009 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2009 Papers and Presentations. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2009. ISSN 1934-5070. ISBN 978-1-4244-2588-4.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    End-to-end telecommunication network simulator design and realization is described in the paper. The main applications of the simulator are conversational tests e.g. as per ITU-T P.800 and demonstrations. The simulator can be also used as a replacement of telecommunication chain part that is missing during end-to-end testing or measurements. Examples of achieved subjective test results are presented.

Impact of Different Active-Speech-Ratios on PESQ's Predictions in Simulated VoIP Environment

  • Authors: Počta, P., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Mrvová, M.
  • Publication: ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA. 2009, 95(5), 950-958. ISSN 1610-1928.
  • Year: 2009
  • DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918225
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    In this work, we experimentally study how behaviour of the PESQ predictions varies with reference signal characteristic. In particular we investigate the impact of different Active-Speech-Ratios on speech quality prediction in simulated VoIP environment from objective and subjective testing point of view.

Speech Quality Aspects and Issues in NNEC

  • Authors: Blašková, L., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Novák, J.
  • Publication: MCC 2009 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference. Brno: Univerzita obrany, 2009, ISBN 978-80-7231-678-6.
  • Year: 2009
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The first part describes the test methodology and results of speech transmission quality testing in interoperating telecommunication networks where multiple voice coders are in the communication chain (voice transcoding or coder tandeming). The second part focuses on the fact that users are different than regular users of traditional radio networks, namely the language used for the communication is not native either for the speaker and/or for the listener, or the users are under heavy physical or mental stress.

Technical and Phonetic Aspects of Speech Quality Assessment: The Case of Prosody Synthesis

  • Authors: Tučková, J., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Duběda, T.
  • Publication: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 2009, 5641(2009931057), 126-132. ISSN 0302-9743.
  • Year: 2009
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03320-9_13
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The present paper proposes a discussion of methods used for subjective assessment of speech quality in technical sciences and in linguistics. Stressing the fact that purely mathematical evaluation of synthetic speech is not sufficient, we try to show that the perspectives and approaches used in the two scientific domains are not necessarily the same. Next we proceed to a pilot experiment consisting in the assessment of synthetic sentences as generated by five different prosodic models, by means of the MOS formalism (ITU-T P.800). The two groups of listeners involved (students of engineering vs. linguistics) provide rather similar results.

How do Non-native Listeners Perceive Quality of Transmitted Voice?

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Blašková, L.
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Quality in Networks 2008. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2008. p. 22-26. ISBN 978-80-01-04193-2.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the test methodology and results of speech transmission quality testing in the environment of non-native listeners. The subjective tests results confirm systematic and repeatable shift in subjective quality assessment performed by non-native listeners.

How Do Non-native Listeners Perceive Quality of Transmitted Voice?

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes test methodology and results of speech tranmsission quality testing in the environment of non-native listeners. The tests were carried out based on ITU-T P.800 recommendation on a database of English speech samples affected by various coding distortions and background noise conditions.

Objective and Subjective Degradations of Transcoded Voice - Heterogeneous Radio Networks Interoperability

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: DAGA 2008. Dresden: DAGA, 2008. pp. 245-246. ISBN 978-3-9808659-4-4.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The objective tests using ITU-T P.862 and P.563 algorithms and subjective tests based on ITU-T P.800 are presented for different transcoded voice cases in coder tandem arrangements.

Transcoded Speech Contemporary Objective Quality Measurements Reliability

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Blašková, L.
  • Publication: WTS 2008 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium. Pomona, California: IEEE Communications Society, 2008. ISSN 1934-5070. ISBN 978-1-4244-1869-5.
  • Year: 2008
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Speech transcoding (coder tandeming) is unavoidable source of transmission quality degradation for ad-hoc or permanently interoperating networks. Test methodology and results of voice transmission quality measurement for transcoded voice in coder tandem arrangement is described. The objective tests have been performed using ITU-T P.862 (PESQ) and P.563 (3SQM) algorithms. The subjective tests results based on ITU-T P.800 are also presented. The objective results confirm additional degradations caused by abovementioned transcodings, highlighting coder combinations causing extreme impairments. The subjective tests quantify objective measurement accuracy.

Delay Effect on Conversational Quality in Telecommunication Networks: Do We Mind?

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Kastner, M., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2007. Pomona, California: IEEE Communications Society, 2007.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Transmission delays are unwanted effects of every day telecommunication systems. These effects influence the overall quality of a telephony connection as perceived by end users. This article summarizes known subjective experiments testing the influence of delays on the perceived quality. In order to find a possible explanation for the differences in the results of those experiments a new conversational test was conducted. The new subjective tests are also presented and compared to already existing experiment results.

Intrusive Speech Transmission Quality Measurement in Chinese Environment

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Liu, J.J.
  • Publication: Sixth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing ICICS 2007. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, 2007. ISBN 1-4244-0983-7.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes testing of speech transmission quality measurement algorithm in Chinese environment, comparing ITU-T P.862 PESQ-LQ and subjective listening quality results for various types of contemporary speech coders and distortions.

Non-monotonicity in Perceived Quality of Delayed Talker Echo

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Quality in Networks. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2007. p. 67-68. ISBN 978-80-01-03734-8.
  • Year: 2007
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Transmission delays are unwanted effects of every day telecommunication systems. These effects influence the overall quality of a telephony connection as perceived by end users. This article summarizes known subjective experiments testing the influence of delays on the quality perceived by end-users. In order to find a possible explanation for the differences in the results of those experiments a new conversational test was conducted. The new subjective tests are also presented and compared to already existing experiment results.

A Novel Non-Intrusive Voice Transmission Quality Measurement Algorithm

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Street, M., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: WTS 2006 - Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2006. Piscataway: IEEE, 2006. ISBN 1-4244-0046-5.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    A new, wavelet-based, non-intrusive method for speech transmission quality measurements is described in the abstract. The Discrete Wavelet Transform, unlike a Fourier Transform, enables a significant reduction in the computational power required. In comparison with standardized methods (based on ITUT P.563 algorithms), the described method saves about 90% of the operations needed, achieving about 90% of the results of P.563. Thus, it is suitable for continuous assessment, or even for applications embedded in the mobile terminal.

Computationally Efficient Non-Intrusive Algorithm for Speech Transmission Quality Measurement

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Street, M., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: IMEKO - XVIII World Congress and IV Brazilian Congress of Metrology. Rio de Janeiro: IMEKO, 2006.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    A new, wavelet-based, non-intrusive method for speech transmission quality measurements is described in the abstract. It models human perception of quality of transmitted speech signal. The deployed Discrete Wavelet Transform, in comparison with Fourier Transform, enables to reduce the computational power. In comparison with standardized methods (based on ITU-T P.563 algorithms), the described method saves about 90% of operations needed, achieving about 90% of the results of P.563. Thus, it is suitable for operational continuous assessment, or even for applications embedded in the mobile terminal.

Conversation Quality Assessment

  • Authors: Tomíška, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov VIII. - Zborník príspevkov medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Tatranské Zruby: Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika, 2006. pp. 305-309.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The only way how to estimate conversation quality today is performing subjective conversation test. This test has been performed in CVUT, FEE, K13838. A proprietary end-to-end DSP-based network simulator has been developed to enable the performance of these tests. The test results can be directly used for design and verification of objective estimator of conversational quality.

Conversation Quality Assessment

  • Authors: Tomíška, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov VIII. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. Tatranské Zruby: Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika, 2006. pp. 305-309. ISBN 80-8040-294-9.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The only way how to estimate conversation quality today is performing subjective conversation test. This test has been performed in CVUT, FEE, K13838. A proprietary end-to-end DSP-based network simulator has been developed to enable the performance of these tests. The test results can be directly used for design and verification of objective estimator of conversational quality.

Non-Intrusive Voice Transmission Quality Objective Estimator for Devices with Limited Computational Power

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Tomíška, O.
  • Publication: Digital Signal Processing and its Applications. Moskva: IEEE, 2006. p. 623-626.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The developed algorithm is suitable for operational quality measurement where massive amount of call records must be evaluated. Due to the low computational power required by the algorithm, it is possible to embed such an application directly in mobile terminals (where the computational power as well as battery life and available memory space are limited).

Objective Assessment of Speech Distribution Quality by means of Unconventional PESQ Application - A Case Study

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The article describes non-traditional deployment of ITU-T P.862 (PESQ) algorithm for quality assessment of speech distribution. Subjective and objective results are presented and compared.

Proprietary Low Bit-rate Radio-communication Network - Objective and Subjective Speech Transmission Quality Assessment

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Drozdová, A.
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2006. p. 63-66. ISBN 80-01-03262-0.
  • Year: 2006
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Test design and results of subjective, PESQ and 3SQM testing in low-bit rate network is given.

Measurements of ADCs Effective Resolution

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Neškudla, J., doc. Ing. Josef Vedral, CSc.,
  • Publication: ADDA 2005 - The 5th IEE International Conference on Advanced A/D and D/A Conversion Techniques and their Applications. Limerick: The IEE Measurement, Sensors, Instrumentation and NDT Professional Network, 2005. p. 255-257. ISBN 0-86341-542-3.
  • Year: 2005
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The article describes some aspects of understanding, defining and measurements of high effective resolution of ADC in Microconvertor ADUC834. The disadvantages and misleading results of commonly used definition are shown and possible solutions are discussed. Finally, one new solution is given and arguments for its correctness and usability are collected.

Methodology for Voice Transmission Measurement Systems Verification

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Set of tests designed for VTQOS system verification is proposed, including examples and practical reasons for this selection.

Mobile Network Voice Transmission Quality Estimation based on Radio Path Parameters

  • Authors: Doležalová, B., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Street, M.
  • Publication: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2005 - Proceedings. Pomona, California: IEEE Communications Society, 2005. ISBN 0-7803-8857-7.
  • Year: 2005
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The article describes design, development and test results of a voice transmission quality estimating algorithm that offers results (MOS estimates) comparable to intrusive speech quality measurements but which employs different techniques - analyzing radio path parameters only.

Speech Quality Measurement in Special Networks

  • Authors: Tomíška, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Sdělovací technika. 2005, 53(10), 10-11. ISSN 0036-9942.
  • Year: 2005
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Speech quality measurement in special network leads to new problems and issues which need to be token into account by Objective speech quality estimator. In this article is introduced speech quality estimator which has been developed at Department of Measurement, CTU FEE.

Testing of ADCS with Noise Signal

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    High-linearity and high-resolution AD converters that are difficult to test by standard methods using deterministic signal [1] can be tested by means of stochastic test methods. Histogram test can use various input signals and principally allows use noise as the input signal. To overcome difficulties related to generation of large-scale uniformly distributed stochastic signal, a method based on superposition of Gaussian noises with equidistantly spaced DC shifts has been proposed and theoretical analysis has been provided in [2]. In current development stage, it can host the following 16-bits ADCs with SAR transfer technology.

3D microscopy for evaluation of morphological reactions of spinal ganglia

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    The paper describes the methods of obtaining three dimensional pictures of the object from 2D image observed by optical microscope. The result of digital processing of image signal is complete 3D sharp image of the object obtained as combination of focused segments of particular images. The methods will be applied for research of morphological reactions of spinal ganglia to application of neurotoxical substances.

A Dependence between Average Call Duration and Voice Transmission Quality: Measurement and Applications

Dynamic Parameters Testing of 24-bit Resolution ADCs

High Resolution ADC Data Acquisition System

Impact of End to End Encryption on GSM Speech Transmission Quality - a Case Study

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Street, M.D.
  • Publication: The 2nd IEE Secure Mobile Communications Forum. London: IEE, 2004. p. 6/1-6/4. ISSN 0537-9989. ISBN 0-86341-461-3.
  • Year: 2004

Measurements of Effective Resolution of ADC in Microconverter ADUC834

  • Authors: doc. Ing. Josef Vedral, CSc., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: DDECS - Proceedings of 7th IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop. Stará Lesná: Institute of Informatics, Slovak Akademy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2004. pp. 255-258. ISBN 80-969117-9-1.
  • Year: 2004

Processing Power Optimisation for PESQ

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This article identifies several areas of possible reduction of processing power requirements of the PESQ algorithm (ITU-T P.862). As a result, PDA-based implementation of PESQ-based speech transmission quality measurement system for GSM networks is presented and required computational times are discussed.

Step Gauss Test - New Method for Testing of ADCs

Stochastic Test of 24 bit-AD Converter - Case Study

Stochastic Test of 24 bit-AD Converter - Case Study

Stochastic Testing of ADC - Step-Gauss Method

Application of Noise Signal for Testing High Resolution ADCs

Child Listeners as the Test Subject - Comparison with Adults and P.862

Dynamic Testing of 16 bit ADC with Sinewave and Stochastic Signals

IN-based Measurements of Voice Transmission Quality in Mobile Networks

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2003. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003, pp. 472-473. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Year: 2003

Intrusive Speech Transmission Quality Measurements for Low Bit-Rate Coded Audio Signals

Low Bit-rate Networks - A Challenge for Intrusive Speech Transmission Quality Measurements

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Street, M.D.
  • Publication: Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003, pp. 47-49. ISBN 80-01-02822-4.
  • Year: 2003

Step-Gauss Stochastic Testing Method Application for Transportable Reference ADC Device

Stochastic Test Method Application for 16-Bit Reference ADC Device

Stochastic Test Method Application for 16-Bit Reference ADC Device

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Komárek, M., Kříž, M., doc. Ing. Josef Vedral, CSc.,
  • Publication: Measurement 2003 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Measurement Science, 2003. pp. 95-98. ISBN 80-967402-6-1.
  • Year: 2003

Testing of High Resolution ADCs with Deterministic and Stochastic Signals

Voice Transmission Quality Measurement Based on Wavelet Transformation

Voice Transmission Quality Measurement Based on Wavelet Transformation

Wavelet Transform in Voice Transmission Quality Measurements

A Novel Intrusive Voice Transmission Quality Test System for Mobile Networks

Aspects of ADC Effective Resolution: Definitions and Measurements

Aspects of ADC Effective Resolution: Definitions and Measurements

Comparison of Methods for Testing of Analog-to-Digital Converters

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Kubín, M.
  • Publication: ETW'02 - 7th IEEE European Test Workshop. Athens: University of Athens, 2002. pp. 207-208.
  • Year: 2002

Comparison of Parameters of Systems Used for AD Converters and Modules Testing

Data Processing and Dither Enhancement of ADC Parameters - Trends, Applications, Limits

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Aumala, O.
  • Publication: ADDA & EWADC 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 127-134. ISBN 80-01-02540-3.
  • Year: 2002

Data Processing and Dither Enhancement of ADC Parameters - Trends, Applications, Limits

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Aumala, O.
  • Publication: ADDA & EWADC 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 127-134. ISBN 80-01-02540-3.
  • Year: 2002

Echo Measurement in Mobile Networks

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Prošek, D.
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 444-445. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
  • Year: 2002

High Resolution ADC Testing by Means of Standard Test Methods

Histogram Test of Sigma Delta ADC

Improvement of Step-Gauss ADC Stochastic Test Method

  • Authors: Kubín, M., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 458-459. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
  • Year: 2002

Improvement of Stepp-Gauss ADC Stochastic Test Method

Improvement of Stepp-Gauss ADC Stochastic Test Method

Intrusive Measurements of Voice Quality Transmission in Mobile Telecommunication Networks

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov VI - kniha 1. Liptovský Mikuláš: Vojenská akadémia, 2002, pp. 104-107. ISBN 80-8040-180-1.
  • Year: 2002

Intrusive Speech Quality Measurements in Czech Environment

Methods for Testing of High Resolution ADC

Standard Serial Interface for Programmable Instrumentation

Stochastic Testing Signals in ADC Testing

Time versus Frequency-Domain Methods for High Resolution ADC Testing

Voice Transmission Quality - On-line Workshop

Voice Transmission Quality Measurement

ADC Testing by Means of Stochastical Signal

Advanced Measurements in Mobile Networks

Combined Testing Signal for ADC Histogram Test

Complex Measurement Laboratory Exercising

Digital Oscilloscopes Testing System

Electronic Measuring Circuits Laboratory Exercises at Dept. of Measurement of FEE CTU

Evaluation of Frequency Dependence of Effective Number of Bits by means of Stochastic Testing Signal

Evaluation of Frequency Dependence of Effective Number of Bits by means of Stochastic Testing Signal

How to Exercise Complex Measurements

How to Exercise Complex Measurements

Measurement of Voice Transmission Quality in Mobile Networks

Measuring System for Testing of Digital Oscilloscopes

Metrological Aspects of Digital Oscilloscopes

Oscilloscope Testing by Means of Stochastic Signal

Sensors Linearity Improvement by Means of Dithering: Feasibility and Limits

Sensors Linearity Improvement by Means of Dithering: Feasibility and Limits

Stochastic Testing of A/D Converters-Step-Gauss Method

Voice Transmission Assesment in Telecom Networks

Voice Transmission in Modern Telecom Networks - Quality Measurement

ADC Testing Using Combined Test Signal

Analog Inputs of the Microcomputer 80552

Information Transfer of Dithered A/D Converters

  • Authors: Aumala, O., prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: XVI IMEKO World Congress IMEKO 2000 - EWADC'2000. Wien: TU Wien, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik, 2000. pp. 45-50. ISBN 3-901888-12-8.
  • Year: 2000

Large Scale Error Reduction in Dithered ADC

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Aumala, O.
  • Publication: XVI IMEKO World Congress IMEKO 2000 - EWADC'2000. Wien: TU Wien, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik, 2000. pp. 171-176. ISBN 3-901888-12-8.
  • Year: 2000

Measuring of Effective Resolution of Sigma-Delta ADC

Measuring of Effective Resolution of Sum-Delta ADC

Mobile Networks: Advanced Measurements and Special Applications

New Results in Testing of Dynamic Characteristics of AD Modules

Practical Experience with Linearity Improvement in Dithered ADC

Signal Source for Statistical Testing of ADC

Statistical Method for Testing of Sigma-Delta Converters

Statistical Testing of Sigma Delta ADCs

Stochastic Methods for ADC Testing

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: EE - Odborný časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku. 2000, 6 74-76. ISSN 1335-2547.
  • Year: 2000
  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Deterministic and stochastic methods for ADC testing are compared in the paper. A new type of input signal for ADC testing using histogram test is presented. It is theoretically described and practical results are given as well.

Stochastic Testing of Analog-to-Digital-Converters

Stochastic Testing Signals in ADC Testing

Testing of Digital Oscilloscopes

The Applications of WAP Protocol and WML Script in Measurement and Control Technology

Various Scale Errors in Dithered Quantizers. Visualisation and Reduction

A New Time-Saving Method for ADC Testing

A Quadrature Bridge for QHE-Based Calibration of Capacitance Standards

Application of Sensor Fusion Principle for Positioning System Improvement

Aspects of Quantization in Digital Measurement

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 99. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 211.
  • Year: 1999

Chirp Based Method for ADC Testing: Simulation and Evaluation

High-Resolution Multiplexing Analog-to-Digital Module

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Josef Vedral, CSc.,
  • Publication: 8th Scientific Conference Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurement. Košice: Dep. of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and El. Measurement FEI TU of Košice, 1999. pp. 109-116.
  • Year: 1999

Introduction to New Trends in ADC Testing

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Poster 1999. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 1999. pp. 50-51.
  • Year: 1999

Intrusive Measurement and Testing in GSM Networks

Measurement of Voice Quality in GSM Networks

Measurement on GSM Radio Interface

Nonintrusive Measurement and Testing in GSM Networks

Statistical Method for Testing of Sigma-Delta Converters

Testing of High-Resolution Multiplexing A/D Converters

Three-Dimensional Measurement and Shape Description for Microscopy of Biological Samples

Using MATLAB in Teaching of Signal Processing at Department of Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague

A Novel Low-Cost Dithering Application for ADC in Single-Chip

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Dithering in Measurement: Theory and Applications. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra měření, 1998, pp. 29-33. ISBN 80-01-01806-7.
  • Year: 1998

Dithering Design for Measurement of Slowly Varying Signals

Dithering in Measurement: Theory and Applications

Full-Test of Performance of ADC Input in Single-Chip Microcontrollers

Internet - Medium for Virtual Conference

Linearization of Transfer Characteristics of A/D Converters Using Dithering

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    Linearizace převodních charakteristik A/D převodníků přídavným signálem

Metrologic Parameters Improvement of ADC in Single-Chip Microcontroller

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Poster 1998. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 1998. pp. 13-14.
  • Year: 1998

Pros and Cons of On-line Workshop Held Using Internet Technology

Testing of Dynamic Performance of ADC Input in Single-Chip Microcontrollers

Visualisation and Reduction of Various Scale Errors in Dithered Quantizers

Visualisation of Errors of Dithered Quantizer Using Continuous Wavelet Transform

Application of Dithering for ADC Plug-in Cards Accuracy Enhancement

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Measurement '97 Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Measurement Science, 1997, pp. 39-42. ISBN 80-967402-1-0.
  • Year: 1997

Computer Aided Designing of Integrated Filters

Dithered Quantizer of ADC Plug-In Card: Theoretical Model and Practical Testing

Enhancement of Resolution of AD Converter Using Dithering

Measuring System Equipped with Nonlinearity Correction and Adaptive Resolution Based on Plug-in Card for PC

Metrological Reliability of Dithered Quantizer of Plug-in Card for PC

  • Authors: prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Poster 1997. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 1997. pp. 23-24.
  • Year: 1997

Využití spínaných filtrů v měřicí technice

Shift in speech quality and acceptability level between 2008-2012

  • Department: Department of Measurement
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents results of quality and acceptability level tests, performed on similar groups of listeners with two years span in years 2008, 2010 and 2012. It shows shift in both quality and acceptability level and compares them. The tests were conducted according to P.800.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk