prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.
All publications
IT Sharkie – Modern Approach to Teaching Informatics at Secondary Technical Schools
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Švecová, L., Andres, P., Mynaříková, L., Červený, I., Šulc, K., Svoboda, P., Dvořáková, Z.
- Publication: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019). Paris: Atlantis Press, 2019. p. 295-299. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. ISSN 2352-5398. ISBN 978-94-6252-758-4.
- Year: 2019
- DOI: 10.2991/essd-19.2019.65
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper focuses on transferring the knowledge from current research into the education of pupils and adults. Educational models that shift radically from the traditional approach focused on the teacher and the amount of transmitted information, to a student-centered approach and students´ ability to apply the issues discussed will be put into practice. We focus on how to prepare the future generation of pupils for the needs of industry 4.0 and the needs of the digital economy.
Laboratory Measurement Instrument for Testing Broadband Image Sensor
- Authors: Šusta, M., Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Elektrorevue. 2019, 21(6), 162-165. ISSN 1213-1539.
- Year: 2019
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In the development of a unique broadband camera based on carbon nanotubes, a proprietary testing system was designed. This system is suitable for testing, measuring and calibration of parameters of functional blocks of the camera in laboratory conditions including its essential part which is the broadband MEMS microbolo-meter based array sensor. This article deals with the methodology and the way of solving the electrical and mechanical aspects of the construction of the measuring instrument. It also explains the principle of the block structure of the computing part for the data processing and its links to the structure of the control circuitry with the application of a digital signal processor.
Approximation of Equiripple Low-pass FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: 2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Piscataway: IEEE, 2018. p. 285-290. ISBN 978-1-5386-3678-7.
- Year: 2018
- DOI: 10.1109/CCE.2018.8465751
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel approximating polynomial of an equiripple low-pass FIR filter is presented. It represents an optimal equiripple polynomial approximation of two constants in two disjoint intervals. It also provides an insight into the nature of the approximation prblem. The developed equiripple approximation is illustrated in two examples.
Cascade Structure of Narrow Equiripple Bandpass FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2017, 64(4), 407-411. ISSN 1549-7747.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2016.2574243
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This brief introduces a novel closed-form method for a robust evaluation of partial impulse responses in a cascade structure of narrow equiripple (ER) bandpass finite-impulse-response filters. The approach presented here is based on a generating polynomial for an ER approximation. The importance of the method is seen in its inherent robustness, which significantly outperforms the existing numerical approach. Consequently, much longer filters can be represented in their cascade form. Two examples demonstrate the functionality, performance, and usefulness of the method, as well as its superiority in terms of robustness over the existing approach.
Digital Broadband Camera based on a Line Scanning Sensor
- Authors: Šusta, M., Zahradník, P., Klof, R., Záleský, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2017. Piscataway: IEEE Conference Publications, 2017. p. 355-358. Slovak Computer Sciences and Informatics Journal. vol. Volume 1. ISSN 2585-7614. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1109/DT.2017.8024322
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper we present a concept of a camera based on a line scanning sensor. The core of the camera is a proprietary broadband MEMS-based row imaging sensor and a powerful multiprocessor chip. We present here the architecture of the camera as well as selected subblocks of the system.
Early Support of Technical Education
- Authors: Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Spiesová, D., prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Recent Global Research and Education: Technological Challenges. Cham: Springer, 2017. p. 459-465. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 519. ISSN 2194-5357. ISBN 978-3-319-46489-3.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46490-9_61
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An international project realized by 9 partners from 4 EU countries (CZ, ES, SK, DE) will be introduced in the paper. The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of education at schools using a form that will be highly attractive. Topics are based on 20 different subjects (telecommunications, electronics, automation and related areas). The following types of new-generation learning objects have been developed for students and teachers: explanatory modules, worksheets, tests, explanatory dictionary, and multimedia translation dictionary. These learning objects are described in the paper. Also the quality management of a large international team, as well as the social impact and expectations will be discussed.
Robust Design of Optimal Equiripple Cascade Narrow-band FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: 2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks. Noida (Uttar Pradesh): Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering and Management, 2017. p. 221-226. ISBN 978-1-5090-6710-7.
- Year: 2017
- DOI: 10.1109/TEL-NET.2017.8343527
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents a robust evaluation of partial subfilters in a cascade representation of equiripple narrow band-pass FIR filters. The presented procedure is based on an approximating equiripple polynomial. We demonstrate its functionality and robustness.
21st Century Lecturer - from University to Secondary and Primary Schools
- Authors: prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Advanced Mechatronics Solutions. Cham: Springer, 2016. p. 231-236. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. ISSN 2194-5357. ISBN 978-3-319-23923-1.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23923-1_35
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Cedupoint (TM) (Continuing Education Point) is an integral part of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Due to its mission, it provides a lot of activities focused on promotion of university education techniques and technologies to primary and secondary schools. The activity presented in this paper is based on introduction of touchscreen devices (tablets) into education at small- and medium-sized primary and secondary schools. The paper presents a summary of all related activities and provides an overview of relevant technologies and technical solutions as well as fundamental ideas of the designed education program; nevertheless, it is focused on the major activity related to classroom management systems designed for teachers of these schools.
A Simple Echo Attenuation in Signals
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Aynakulov, E.B., Klof, R., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Neural Network World. 2016, 26(3/2016), 305-315. ISSN 1210-0552.
- Year: 2016
- DOI: 10.14311/NNW.2016.26.017
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A simple yet powerful procedure for an echo attenuation in signals is introduced. The presented method involves no external refere nce signal. It is based on comb FIR filtering. To the advantages of the described me thod belong the simplicity and performance which are beneficial in real time impleme ntations. For illustration, a simulation of the procedure is included. The efficiency of the presented method is demonstrated by a real time implementation on a digital signal processor.
Improved Design of Optimal Notch FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: IEEE ICCE 2016. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2016. pp. 302-305. ISBN 978-1-5090-1800-0.
- Year: 2016
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents an improved design of optimal equiripple notch FIR filters. In contrast to previous achievements, the notch FIR filters are additionally specified by the stop-band properties which are reflected by a novel degree equation. The degree equation relates the filter specification and the lowest possible filter length. An enhanced filter design is presented. Two examples demonstrate its functionality and robustness.
Degree of Equiripple Narrow Bandpass FIR Filter
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Šusta, M., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2015, 62(8), 771-775. ISSN 1549-7747.
- Year: 2015
- DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2433333
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents the degree equation of an equiripple narrow bandpass finite-impulse response filter, which follows from the filter approximation rather than from empirical data. The degree equation relates the filter specification and the corresponding filter degree. It completes the closed-form filter design, and it is useful in numerical design procedures as well. Two examples demonstrate its functionality and usefulness.
Improved Design of Optimal Narrow Band-Pass FIR F ilters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Recent Advances in Circuits. Athens: World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, 2015. pp. 111-114. ISSN 1790-5117. ISBN 978-1-61804-319-1.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents an improved design of optimal narrow band-pass FIR filters. In contrast to previous works, the narrow band-pass FIR filters are additionally specified by the pass-band properties which are reflected by a novel degree equation. The degree equation relates the filter specification and the filter length. The enhanced filter design procedure is presented. One example demonstrates its functionality and robustness.
Narrowest Band-pass Digital FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., Šusta, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: ECCTD2015 PROCEEDINGS. Piscataway: IEEE, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4799-9876-0.
- Year: 2015
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A closed form design of narrowest possible band-pass finite impulse response filters is presented. The underlaying generating polynomial has equiripple behaviour in two separate intervals. A novel degree equation is introduced. One example demonstrates the robustness of the design procedure.
Implementation of Morse Decoder on the TMS320C6748 DSP Development Kit
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: EDERC2014 Proceedings. Houston: Texas Instruments, 2014. p. 128-131. ISBN 978-1-4799-6841-1.
- Year: 2014
- DOI: 10.1109/EDERC.2014.6924373
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents a real-time implementation of a Morse code decoder based on the TMS320C6748 signal processor. The hardware platform is the TMS320C6748 DSP development kit LCDK. The decode processes a noisy audiosignal, detects Morse signal, selects the strongest one, extracts its dots and dashes, decodes the Morse code and displays the decoded symbols on the VGA monitor in real-time.
Closed Form Design of Nearly Equiripple Low-Pass FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: LASCAS 2013. Piscataway: IEEE, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4244-9485-9.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A closed form design of nearly equiripple low-pass finite impulse response filters is introduced. The approximation is based on the generating polynomial, which is related to the iso-extremal polynomials. Formulas for the evaluation of the impulse response of the filter has been developed. The practical design procedure based on this approximation is presented. One example is included.
Inversed Matrixes in Electric Circuits Parameters Estimation by Oriented Graphs
- Authors: Pavlíková, S., prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Communications. 2013, 15(2A), 118-123. ISSN 1335-4205.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The base of electric circuit analysis is often set up on numerical methods. When taking a look into the principle of any numerical method, a matrix calculus always rises out. The larger the problem is, the larger is the size of the matrix, representing the logical structure of the solved problem. The problem (especially from the mathematical point of view) is in acquiring the inverse matrix, which can be solved with some of a large scale of available numerical (or analytical; based on the size of matrixes) methods. This paper shows another possible approach to obtaining the inverse matrix. The graph theory has already been successfully used to invert the matrixes; although, the idea of evaluating the alternating paths, presented by authors, is completely new and had not been used before. The utilization of the designed procedure is demonstrated on a part of an analogue signal processing filter. This technology gives a new tool to software designers and could speed up the numerical solutions; or, in case of impossible analytical and/or diverge numerical technique can lead to a successful and reasonable solution.
More Accurate Modelling of Digital Subscriber Lines with Inhomogeneity
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Jareš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Communications. 2013, 15(2A), 129-133. ISSN 1335-4205.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The digital subscriber lines are still base of access network to provide Internet connectivity to the public. The transmission capacity is continually increased and performance of digital subscriber lines must be estimated for network provider use. This paper describes two ways for correction of digital subscriber line modelling. The resulting bitrates are calculated with respect to the length of the line and the number of disturbance sources. The article brings new ideas for simulations and calculations of transmission function for line with inhomogeneity and calculations new value of code gain.
Narrow-Band FIR Filter Sets
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: LASCAS 2013. Piscataway: IEEE, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4244-9485-9.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Filter sets based on narrow band-pass finite impulse response filters are introduced. The presented filter sets consist of inner and lateral filters. The inner filters are equiripple narrow band-pass finite impulse response filters based on isoextremal polynomials. They are complemented by the lateral narrow low-pass and high-pass finite impulse response filters. The filter sets presented here enable the perfect decomposition of the input signal.
Optimal FIR Filters for DTMF Applications
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: ICN 2013: The Twelfth International Conference on Networks. Wilmington: IARIA, 2013. pp. 163-168. ISSN 2308-4413. ISBN 978-1-61208-245-5.
- Year: 2013
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A fast and robust analytical procedure for the design of high performance digital optimal band-pass finite impulse response filters for dual-tone multi-frequency applications is introduced. The filters exhibit equiripple behavior of the frequency response. The approximating function is based on Zolotarev polynomials. The presented closed form solution provides formulas for the filter degree and for the impulse response coefficients. Several examples are presented.
Band-Pass Filters for Direct Sampling Receivers
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M., Kopp, M.
- Publication: ICN 2012 - The Eleventh International Conference on Networks. Wilmington: IARIA, 2012. pp. 44-49. ISBN 978-1-61208-183-0.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A robust analytical design procedure for high performance digital equiripple band-pass finite impulse response filters for direct sampling receivers is introduced. The filters are optimal in Chebyshev sense. The closed form solution provides a straightforward evaluation of the filter degree and of the impulse response coefficients from the filter specification.
Cooperation between Universities and Secondary Schools in the Czech Republic
- Authors: prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Valsag es novekedes. Tatabánya: Edutus College, 2012, pp. 43-52. Acta Periodica. ISBN 978-963-8445-34-6.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
"Crisis and Progress" is the head-line of the upcoming conference in Tatabanya, Hungary. Maybe these terms are originally focused on recent processes passing through the industry and economics; nevertheless, they are very up-to-date even in the sphere of university education. This paper gives brief information about trends and recent situation in ranking the scientific outputs in the Czech Republic and gives an overview on university activity focused on cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, and secondary schools in the republic.
Correction of Model for Advanced Digital Subscriber Lines Throughput Estimation
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Jareš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technologies Conference proceedings and Workshop. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2012. pp. 15-18. ISBN 978-80-554-0570-4.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper describes two ways for correction of digital subscriber line modelling. The specific variant of very-high-speed digital subscriber line (VDSL2) for access network in the Czech Republic is considered. The resulting bitrates are calculated with respect to the length of the line and the number of disturbance sources. The paper brings new ideas for simula-tions and calculations of transmission function for line with inhomogeneities and calculations new value of code gain.
Delay Estimator and Improved Proportionate Multi-Delay Adaptive Filtering Algorithm
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Radioengineering. 2012, 21(1), 182-189. ISSN 1210-2512.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper pertains to speech and acoustic signal processing, particularly to the determination of echo path delay and operation of echo cancellers. To cancel long echoes, the number of weights in a conventional adaptive filter must be large. The length of the adaptive filter will directly affect both the degree of accuracy and the convergence speed of the adaptation process. We present a new adaptive structure which is capable to deal with multiple dispersive echo paths. An adaptive filter according to the present invention includes means for storing an impulse response in a memory, the impulse response being indicative of the characteristics of a transmission line. It also includes a delay estimator for detecting ranges of samples within the impulse response having relatively large distribution of echo energy. These ranges of samples are being indicative of echoes on the transmission line. An adaptive filter has a plurality of weighted taps, each of the weighted taps having an associated tap weight value. A tap allocation/control circuit establishes the tap weight values in response to said detecting means so that only taps within the regions of relatively large distributions of echo energy are turned on. Thus, the convergence speed and the degree of estimation in the adaptation process can be improved.
Education in Real-Time Digital Signal Processing using Digital Signal Processors
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 35th International Conference Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012. pp. 625-628. ISBN 978-1-4673-1118-2.
- Year: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2012.6256372
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An advanced education in the real-time digital signal processing is presented. A practical training based on implementation of algorithms on digital signal processors is emphasized. Three laboratory tasks are presented. The long-year experience is summarized. Several recommendations are presented.
Graph Based Inversed Matrix in Electric Circuits Solutions
- Authors: Pavlikova, S., prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of 9th International Conference Elektro 2012. Žilina: Žilinská universita, Elektrotechnická fakulta, 2012. p. 443-447. ISBN 978-1-4673-1178-6.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The matrix calculus is very frequently used in electrical engineering to calculate the different parameters of (but not only) electric circuits. One of the most important points of mathematical background of this analysis is the calculation of inverse matrix. This can be realised by numerous well-known algebraic methods (unit/identity matrix, different algebraic supplements, etc.) or numerical techniques. Inverting of matrixes is a well-known method; nevertheless, idea of alternating paths (presented in the paper) is completely new and unpublished. The electric circuit can be represented in the form of a graph and this graph structure rewritten into the form of matrixes. The paper shows the inverse matrix acquisition without using any algebraic technique - directly from graph structure. The presented technology can further be used as an input for any numerical method used for circuit parameters analysis or on- and off-line simulation. Practically, this is based on the following steps: the electric circuit is transformed into the graph structure. A new graph structure is created using the presented algorithm. The matrix system describing this graph structure, obtained without use of any conventional technique, is the inverse matrix of the original graph. The proposed utilization of alternative paths essentially differs from work of other authors.
Support of Technical Education at Primary and Secondary Level
- Authors: prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, Ph.D., Ďuďák, J., Pavliková, S., Ing. Jiří Hájek, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of 15th Mechatronika 2012. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012. pp. 195-198. ISBN 978-80-01-04987-7.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The unique project based on cooperation of universities and primary or secondary schools is transformed to Czech Republic. The project, realized at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering is focused on support of technical education and knowledge between primary and secondary schools' students (and teachers). The main idea is based on "Engineer Olympics" realized at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava [1], and "Technical Olympics - Science-Research-Development" realized at Faculty of Mechatronics in Trencin, Slovakia (both projects started at 2008), and project "Science-Research-Development in a View of Children".
Two-dimensional Non-MEMS Pointing Mirror for Free Space Communication
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Pintér, E.
- Publication: Proceedings of 15th Mechatronika 2012. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012. pp. 174-176. ISBN 978-80-01-04987-7.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A two-dimensional pointing mirror for a laser beam deflection is presented. The mirror is primarily aimed for the pointing of a laser beam in the free space communication. The deflection of the mirror is accomplished by means of three voice coil actuators used in hard disk drives.
Two-dimensional notch FIR filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Kopp, M.
- Publication: 35th International Conference Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012. p. 621-624. ISBN 978-1-4673-1118-2.
- Year: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2012.6256371
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An advanced design of two-dimensional linear phase notch FIR filters is presented. The completely analytical design method is based on Zolotarev polynomials. A closed form solution of the design of two-dimensional notch FIR filters is presented.
Very Long Band-pass FIR Filters on the Eight-core DSP TMS320C6678
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M., Šadlák, T.
- Publication: EDERC2012 Proceedings. Houston: Texas Instruments, 2012. p. 67-70. ISBN 978-0-9573832-0-3.
- Year: 2012
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Implementation of high-performance linear phase FIR filters is presented. The filters are implemented on a high-performance eight-core digital signal processor TMS320C6678. Selected aspects of the filter implementation are discussed.
Advanced Education in Digital Signal Processing
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Vlček, M.
- Publication: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Technology for Education and Learning. Anaheim: ACTA Press, 2011. pp. 85-89. ISBN 978-0-88986-890-8.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.2316/P.2011.750-017
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Advanced education in the digital signal processing at the Department of Telecommunication Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague is introduced. The practical training based on digital signal processors is emphasized. Three laboratory tasks are presented. The long-year experience is summarized. Intentions for further improvements of the education are outlined. Several recommendations are presented.
Advanced Education in Digital Signal Processing
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Zahradník, P.
- Publication: 13th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2011. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2011. pp. 224-227. ISBN 978-80-214-4283-2.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Education in the digital signal processing at the Department of Telecommunication Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague is introduced. Our long-year experience is summarized. The practical training using digital signal processors is emphasized. Three laboratory tasks are presented. Intentions for further improvements of the laboratory education are outlined.
Comb Filters for Communication Technology
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: GlobeNet 2011. Silicon Valley: International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), 2011. pp. 363-367. ISBN 978-1-61208-002-4.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An extension of the design of digital equiripple comb FIR filters is presented. We introduce the fifth type of comb FIR filter which complements the existing four standard types. The design runs from the filter specifications through the degree formula to the impulse response coefficients, which are evaluated by an efficient recursive algorithm. One example is included.
Combined Block Sparse PNLMS/NLMS Algorithms
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 2011 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo, 2011. pp. 333-337. 1. ISBN 978-9958-9966-1-0.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents a study on proportionate, partially and sparse partial updated algorithms, and provides their generalization to the Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Squares algorithm. Computer simulations show a reasonable performance of the algorithm with applications, which require an identification of sparse regions within long echo paths.
Design of Half-Band FIR Filters for Signal Compression
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Kopp, M., Vlček, M.
- Publication: International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications. 2011, 4(3 & 4), 240-248. ISSN 1942-2601.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An efficient design of equiripple half-band FIR filters for signal compression is presented. Solution of the approximation problem in terms of generating function and zero phase transfer function for the equiripple half-band FIR filter is shown. The equiripple half-band FIR filters are optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The closed form solution provides an efficient computation of the impulse response of the filter. Two examples are included. The robustness of the design is emphasized. The Matlab code of the design procedure is included.
Echo Delay Estimation Using Algorithms Based on Cross-correlation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2011, 6(4), 1-1. ISSN 2233-9299.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.4156/jcit.vol6.issue4.1
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The paper introduces a study on correlation-based time delay estimation algorithms. Its main purpose is to suggest a number of algorithms, which are the most suitable for real-time processing of speech signals. Time delay estimation is an important topic during transmission of voice signals over packet-switching telecommunication systems. An echo delay problem associated with IPbased transport networks is discussed in the text. An experimental comparison of the performance of several methods based on cross-correlation, normalized cross-correlation and generalized crosscorrelation to estimate the true time delay between two speech signals is presented, too.
Fifth Type of Comb FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: 2011 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing - CISP 2011. Piscataway: IEEE, 2011. pp. 2289-2293. ISBN 978-1-4244-9305-0.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An extension of the design of digital equiripple comb FIR filters is presented. We introduce the fifth type of comb FIR filter which complements the existing four standard types. The design runs from the filter specifications through the degree formula to the impulse response coefficients, which are evaluated by an efficient recursive algorithm. One example is included.
Half-band FIR Filters for Signal Compression
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: GlobeNet 2011. Silicon Valley: International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), 2011. pp. 359-362. ISBN 978-1-61208-002-4.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An efficient design of equiripple half-band FIR filters for signal compression is presented. Solution of the approximation problem in terms of generating function and zero phase transfer function for the equiripple half-band FIR filter is shown. The equiripple half-band FIR filters are optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The closed form solution provides an efficient computation of the impulse response of the filter. One example is included.
ICT and eHealth Projects
- Authors: Lhotská, L., Štěpánková, O., prof. Dr. Michal Pěchouček, MSc., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Chod, J.
- Publication: Telecom World (ITU WT), 2011 Technical Symposium at ITU. Piscataway: IEEE, 2011, pp. 57-62. ISBN 978-1-4577-1148-0. Available from:
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Computer Science
Information and communication technologies have already become inseparable part of healthcare sector activities. In the paper we present existing solutions of eHealth and ambient assisted living systems developed by researchers of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague and their industrial partners. We also touch the issue of interoperability that is crucial for correct interconnection of medical and other devices and information systems. We propose a high level functional architecture of a system that can satisfy the requirements of interoperability.
Improvement of handover prediction in mobile WiMAX by using two thresholds
- Authors: prof. Ing. Zdeněk Bečvář, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Pavel Mach, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Computer Networks. 2011, 55(16), 3759-3773. ISSN 1389-1286.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2011.03.020
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
One of the most important challenges in mobile wireless networks is to provide full mobility together with minimum degradation of quality of service. This can be ensured by handover prediction. Handover prediction means a determination of the next station that will serve a mobile station. This paper proposes a prediction technique based on monitoring the signal quality between the mobile station and all base stations in its neighborhood. The proposed technique utilizes two different thresholds for selection of the most likely target base station. Further, the potential improvement of the prediction efficiency via techniques originally proposed for minimizing the number of redundant handovers is analyzed. The efficiency of the proposed prediction technique is evaluated and compared with other prediction techniques based on channel characteristics in scenarios according to IEEE 802.16m. The proposed technique achieves a prediction hit rate of up to 93%.
Noise Reduction Based on Modified Spectral Subtraction Method
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 2011, 38(1), 82-88. ISSN 1819-9224.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper, we propose a method for enhancing of speech corrupted by broadband noise. The method is based on the spectral subtraction technique. Performance of spectral subtraction, its limitations, artifacts introduced by it, and spectral subtraction modifications for eliminating these artifacts are discussed in the paper in details.
Partial Update Algorithms and Echo Delay Estimation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Communications. 2011, 13(2), 14-19. ISSN 1335-4205.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this article, we introduce methods for extracting an echo delay between speech signals using adaptive filtering algorithms. We discuss proportionate and partial-update adaptive techniques and consider their performance in terms of delay estimation.
Perceptual Echo Control and Delay Estimation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Adaptive Filtering Applications. Rijeka: InTech, 2011. p. 85-120. ISBN 978-953-307-306-4.
- Year: 2011
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This chapter presents a study on proportionate, partially and sparse partial updated algorithms, and provides their generalization to the multi-delay block frequency domain filter. Computer simulations show a reasonable performance of the algorithm with applications, which require an identification of sparse regions within long echo paths.
Time Delay Estimation Algorithms for Echo Cancellation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011, 9(1), 21-28. ISSN 1336-1376.
- Year: 2011
- DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v9i1.36
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This case study describes how to eliminate echo in a VoIP network using delay estimation algorithms. It is known that echo with long transmission delays becomes more noticeable to users. Thus, time delay estimation, as a part of echo cancellation, is an important topic during transmission of voice signals over packetswitching telecommunication systems. An echo delay problem associated with IP-based transport networks is discussed in the following text. The paper introduces the comparative study of time delay estimation algorithm, used for estimation of the true time delay between two speech signals. Experimental results of MATLab simulations that describe the performance of several methods based on cross-correlation, normalized crosscorrelation and generalized cross-correlation are also presented in the paper.
Enhanced Spectral Subtraction Method for Noise Reduction with Minimal Speech Distortion
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2010 Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro: EdUFF - Editora da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2010. pp. 61-64. ISBN 978-85-228-0565-5.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper, we propose a method for enhancing speech corrupted by broadband noise. The method is based on the spectral subtraction technique. Besides reducing the noise conventional spectral subtraction introduces an annoying residual musical noise. To eliminate the musical noise we propose to introduce reduced varying scaling factor of spectral subtraction, with a following application of weighted function. Weighting function, used in the proposed algorithm, attenuates frequency spectrum components lying outside identified formants regions. Algorithm effects a substantial reduction of the musical noise without significantly distorting the speech. Listening tests were performed to determinate the subjective quality and intelligibility of speech enhanced by our method.
Method for Comfort Noise Generation and Voice Activity Detection for use in Echo Cancellation System
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2010 Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro: EdUFF - Editora da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2010. ISBN 978-85-228-0565-5.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper relates to communications systems, and more particularly, to principles of comfort noise generation for echo cancellers in a bidirectional communications link. According to the invention, noise model parameters are computed during periods of speech inactivity (i.e., when only noise is present) and frozen during periods of speech activity. Prevailing noise model parameters are then used to generate high quality comfort noise which is substituted for actual noise whenever the actual noise is muted or attenuated by an echo suppressor. Since the comfort noise closely matches the actual background noise in terms of both character and level, far-end users perceive signal continuity and are not distracted by the artifacts introduced by conventional methods.
Novel Design of Equiripple Half-Band FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2010 Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro: EdUFF - Editora da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2010. pp. 53-56. ISBN 978-85-228-0565-5.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel design procedure of equiripple halfband FIR filters is developed. Solution of the approximation problem in terms of generating function and zero phase transfer function for the equiripple halfband FIR filter is presented. The equiripple half-band FIR filters are optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The generating function for the equiripple half-band FIR filter is presented. The closed form solution provides an efficient computation of the impulse response of the filter. One example is included.
Spectral subtractive type speech enhancement methods
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2010, 8(3), 66-72. ISSN 1336-1376.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper spectral subtractive method and some of its modification are compared. Performance of spectral subtraction, its limitations, artifacts introduced by it, and spectral subtraction modifications for eliminating these artifacts are discussed in the paper in details. The algorithms are compared based on SNR improvement introduced by them. Spectrograms of speech enhanced by the algorithms, which show the algorithms performance and degree of speech distortion, are also presented.
Speech Distortion Minimized Noise Reduction Algorithm
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 - Proceedings. Hong Kong: Newswood Limited - International Association of Engineers, 2010. pp. 581-584. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. ISSN 2078-0958. ISBN 978-988-17012-0-6.
- Year: 2010
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper, we propose a method for enhancing of speech corrupted by broadband noise. The method is based on the spectral subtraction technique. Besides reducing the noise conventional spectral subtraction introduces an annoying residual musical noise.
Approach for Energy-Based Voice Detector with Adaptive Scaling Factor
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 2009, 36(4), 36_4_16. ISSN 1819-9224.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents an alternative energy-based algorithm to provide speech/silence classification. The algorithm is capable to track non-stationary signals and dynamically calculate instantaneous value for threshold using adaptive scaling parameter. It is based on the observation of a noise power estimation used for computation of the threshold can be obtained using minimum and maximum values of a short-term energy estimate. The paper presents this novel voice activity detection algorithm, its performance, its limitations, and some other techniques which deal with energy estimation as well.
Dynamical Energy-Based Speech/Silence Detector for Speech Enhancement Applications
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: WCE 2009 Proceedings. Hong Kong: Newswood Limited - International Association of Engineers, 2009. p. 801-806. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. ISBN 978-988-17012-5-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents an alternative energy-based algorithm to provide speech/silence classification. The algorithm is capable to track non-stationary signals and dynamically calculate instantaneous value for threshold usány adaptive scaling parameter. It is based on the observation of a noise power estimation used for computation of the threshold can be obtained using minimum and maximum values of a short-term energy estimate. The paper presents this novel voice activity detection algorithm, its performance, its limitations, and some other techniques which deal with energy estimation as well.
Filter Design for Image Preprocessing in Image Communication
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: The Eighth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2009). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2009. p. 40-45. ISBN 978-1-4244-3470-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An effective approach in the design of two-dimensional notch FIR filters for image preprocessing useful in image communication is presented. The completely analytical design method is based on Zolotarev polynomials. Closed form formulas for the filter design are presented. One example demonstrates the design procedure. An application of the 2-D notch FIR filter for image preprocessing is presented.
Innovation of Subject "Implementation of DSP Algorithms in Telecommunications"
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: International Workshop wRTT 2009. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 0125_0079. ISBN 978-80-01-04411-7.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The project "Innovation of the subject Implementation of DSP algorithms in Communication" makes the subject more up to date and efficient. It makes the students familiar with implementation of the algorithms of digital signal processing using digital signal processors and newly using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The innovation of the subject is focused to get practical skills in the implementation of DSP algorithms using starter kits based on modern FPGAs.
Low-complexity Voice Activity Detector Using Periodicity and Energy Ratio
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2009 - 16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Chalkida: TEI of Chalkida, 2009. pp. 128948. ISBN 978-1-4244-4530-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An alternative low-complexity method to identify voice and silence regions in a speech signal is introduced in this paper. Its performance, limitations, and some other voice classification techniques which deal with energy estimation are presented as well. The proposed algorithm uses periodicity measure, high-frequency to low-frequency signal energy ratio, and total voice-band signal energy to provide voice/silence classification. According to the experiments results the algorithm is less susceptible to variable acoustic environment. Furthermore, it is possible to use this voice detection scheme for very low-energy speech, which in turn makes the detection more robust in situations where a poor-quality microphone is used or where the microphone recording level is low.
Performance Evaluation of Pitch Detection Algorithms
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Access server. 2009, 7.(200906), 0001. ISSN 1214-9675.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper presents the comparative study of performance of four pitch detection algorithms. The algorithms have been evaluated with a speech database, consisting of utterances spoken in Czech language by five males and five females. The set of measurements was made on speech signals to quantify various types of errors, which occur in each of the above pitch detection algorithms.
Pitch Detection Algorithms and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification for Noisy Speech
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2009 - 16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Chalkida: TEI of Chalkida, 2009. pp. 284329. ISBN 978-1-4244-4530-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper describes pitch tracking techniques, which combine voiced/unvoiced classification and pitch estimation based on cepstral analysis, time autocorrelation, spectro-temporal autocorrelation (STA) and average magnitude difference function (AMDF). Pre- and post processing techniques improving performance of pitch detection algorithms (PDAs) are also presented. PDAs have been evaluated by telephone speech signals, corrupted by additive noise, in order to provide comparison and demonstrate thein performance and robustness. Speech signals used for evaluation were taken from the Czech telephone speech database consisted of 5 male and 5 female speakers.
Proportionate Adaptation Paradigms and Application in Echo Cancellation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 11th International Conference RTT 2009. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 0106_0065. ISBN 978-80-01-04410-0.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The objective of this paper was to compare a number of least mean squares based echo removal algorithms used in echo cancellers; present proportionate method for performing adaptive filtering; produce evaluation performance as well as compare algorithm's behavior under stationary and non-stationary conditions (analyze convergence speed, rate of echo suppression, stability, and complexity of each algorithm). And also try to perform analysis with various control parameters set up and find out their optimal values.
Robust Voice Activity Detection Algorithm for Noisy Speech
- Authors: Verteletskaya, E., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 11th International Conference RTT 2009. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 0056_0032. ISBN 978-80-01-04410-0.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An alternative low-complexity method to identify voice and silence regions of a speech signal is introduced in this paper. The algorithm performance is compared with some other voice classification techniques which are based on energy thresholding. To detect the voice proposed algorithm uses periodicity measure and ratio of high-frequency signal energy to low-frequency signal energy. Total signal energy is also used for voice/silence classification. However, no initial decision about voice detection is based on the total energy level alone. This makes the algorithm less susceptible to variable acoustic environment. Furthermore, it is possible to use this voice detection scheme for very low-energy speech, which in turn makes the detection more robust in situations where a poor quality microphone is used or where the microphone recording level is low.
Starter Kits for Practical Education of Digital Signal Processing in Communication
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Workshop 09 CTU REPORTS. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 148-149. ISBN 978-80-01-04286-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper introduces several simple daughter cards useful in the education of digital image and video processing in communication technology. The daughter cards complement the popular Texas Instruments DSP starter kits based on the high performance DSP family TMS320C6x, preferably TMS320C6713, TMS320C6416 and TMS320C6455.
Transmission Methods for Multi-point Radio Link
- Authors: Ing. Zbyněk Kocur, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Workshop 09 CTU REPORTS. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2009. pp. 114-115. ISBN 978-80-01-04286-1.
- Year: 2009
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In 2006, the project -Research and development the multipoint microwave systems- was initiated with support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Team from the Department of Telecommunications Engineering FEE, Czech Technical University in Prague participates in the project with main SVM Microwaves Ltd. The project is an industrial research in the field of microwave distribution systems, primary research and development of a new type of highspeed multipoint microwave links.
Concept of informatics education on CTU FEE
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Dr. Michal Pěchouček, MSc.,
- Publication: ICTM 2008 - Sborník přednášek konference. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2008. pp. 47-51. ISBN 978-80-01-04070-6.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Cybernetics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague prepares the new informatics curricula for accreditation - Open Informatics. The programme is GRE-CS compliant, research oriented and provides foundations for specializations like computer graphics, computer vision, artificial intelligence or embedded hardware.
Digital Subscriber Lines xDSL - Part 2
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Praha: Sdělovací technika, 2008. ISBN 80-86645-16-9.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Transmission environment, second generation of ADSL and VDSL, measurements on subscriber lines
Extended Analytical Design of Equiripple Comb FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2008. pp. 282-287. ISBN 978-1-4244-1687-5.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel analytical design method for highly selective digital optimal equiripple comb FIR filters is presented. The equiripple comb FIR filters are optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The number of notch bands, the width of the notch bands and the attenuation in the passbands can be independently specified. The degree formula and the differential equation for the generating polynomial of the filter is presented. Based on the differential equation, a fast simple algebraic recursive procedure for the evaluation of the impulse response of the filter is described. Its arithmetic robustness outperforms by far the known analytical design method. Highly selective equiripple comb FIR filters with thousands of coefficients can be designed. One example demonstrates the efficiency of the filter design.
Fast and Robust Analytical Design of Equiripple Comb FIR Filters for Communication Purposes
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: ICN 2008: Seventh International Conference on Networking, Proceedings. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2008. pp. 588-593. ISBN 978-1-4244-4234-8.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel analytical design method for highly selective digital optimal equiripple comb FIR filters is presented. The equiripple comb FIR filters are optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The number of notch bands, the width of the notch bands and the attenuation in the passbands can be independently specified. The degree formula and the differential equation for the generating polynomial of the filter is presented. Based on the differential equation, a fast simple algebraic recursive procedure for the evaluation of the impulse response of the filter is described. Its arithmetic robustness outperforms by far the known analytical design method. Highly selective equiripple comb FIR filters with thousands of coefficients can be designed. One example demonstrates the efficiency of the filter design.
On Robust Control of Adaptive Algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellers
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Access server. 2008, 6.(2009010001), 1-8. ISSN 1214-9675.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The main purpose of the paper was to investigate robust adaptive echo cancellation algorithms in hands-free scenarios to achieve an understanding of its performance and also its effects on Double-talk (DT).
Performance Evaluation of LMS based Algorithms used in Echo Cancellation
- Authors: Sakhnov, K., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT 2008. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2008. ISBN 978-80-227-2939-0.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The objective of this paper was to compare a number of least mean squares (LMS) based echo removal algorithms used in echo cancellers; produce evaluation performance as well as compare algorithm's behavior under stationary and non-stationary conditions (analyze convergence speed, rate of echo suppression, stability, and complexity of each algorithm). And also try to perform analysis with various control parameters set up and find out their optimal values.
Simple Daughter Cards for TI DSP Starter Kits for the Education in Image and Video Processing
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: European DSP Education and Research Symposium - Proceedings and Literature. Houston: Texas Instruments, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9552047-2-2.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
In this paper we present five simple daughter cards useful in the education of digital image and video processing. The described daughter cards are useful for black-and-white graphic VGA output, color graphic VGA output, monochrome video VGA output, monochrome PAL/NTSC video input and color image and video input using web camera. They are intentionally based on a simple hardware which can be built even in non-industrial environment.
Starter Kits for Digital Signal and Image Processing in Communication
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT 2008. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2008. ISBN 978-80-227-2939-0.
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The paper describes Starter Kits for digital signal and image processing in communications that have been practically used in education at the Department of Telecommunication Engineering.
Analytical Design of an Equiripple DC-Notch FIR Filter
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Piscataway: IEEE, 2007. pp. 2060-2063. ISBN 978-1-4244-0920-4.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An extremely robust analytical procedure for the effective evaluation of the impulse response of a highly selective optimal equiripple DC-notch FIR filter is presented. The DCnotch filter is optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The computational superiority of presented procedure over the standard approach is emphasized.
DC-Notch FIR Filters for Zero-IF Receivers
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Sixth International Conference on Networking (ICN 2007). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. pp. 069. ISBN 0-7695-2805-8.
- Year: 2007
- DOI: 10.1109/ICN.2007.33
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel extremely robust analytical procedure for the effective evaluation of the impulse response of a highly selective optimal equiripple DC-notch FIR filter is presented. The DC-notch filter is optimal in the Chebyshev sense. The computational superiority of presented procedure over the standard approach is emphasized.
Innovation of the Subject Microprocessor Technology in Telecommunication
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT 2007. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2007. pp. 373-374. ISBN 978-80-8070-735-4.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The paper deals with the innovation of the subject "Microprocessor technology in the telecommunication engineering" at the Dept. of Telecommunication Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.
Results of University-Industry Cooperation
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 18th EAEEIE Annual Conference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2007. pp. 0187_0082. ISBN 978-80-01-03745-4.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Cooperation with industry is undoubtedly of crucial importance for education at technical universities. This paper offers several examples of such cooperation, quoting its major results and benefits for education and research.
RFID Disc Antenna
- Authors: doc. Ing. Lukáš Vojtěch, Ph.D., Ensenat Porcel, T., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT 2007. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2007. pp. 455-458. ISBN 978-80-8070-735-4.
- Year: 2007
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The antenna presented in this paper operates within the 2.45GHz frequency band, occupies a die area of approximately 400mm2 and is fabricated in a 35um copper foil layer.
Scene Change Detection Using DCT Features in Transform Domain Video Indexing
- Authors: Primechaev, S., Frolov, A., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: IWSSIP 2007 & EC-SIPMCS 2007. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2007. pp. S13-02. ISBN 978-961-248-029-5.
- Year: 2007
- DOI: 10.1109/IWSSIP.2007.4381118
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The paper presens an approach to scene change detection using DCT coefficients. Furthermore, the DCT coefficients are used to detect only necessary regions of interest for subsequent image processing steps.
Analytical Design of Bandstop FIR Filters for Image Processing
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M., Zahradník, P.
- Publication: ISCCSP 2006 Proceedings. Monterey: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2006. pp. cr1182. ISBN 2-908849-17-8.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Novel approach in the design of 2-D extremely narrow bandstop FIR filters
Design of Maximally Flat Notch FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: IWSSIP 2006 and COST 292. Košice: HARLEQUIN s.r.o., 2006. pp. 357-360. ISBN 80-89082-09-2.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A fast analytical design procedure for maximally flat notch FIR filters with precise notch frequency
Fast Design of Precise Equiripple Notch FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: Proceedings ICN 2006 / ICONS 2006 / MCL 2006. Piscataway: IEEE, 2006. pp. 157. ISSN 1063-6382. ISBN 0-7695-2570-9.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel analytical procedure for the tuning of equiripple notch FIR filters is introduced. The tuning procedure adjusts a single fre quency of the frequency response to the desired value while preserving the attenuation in the passband. The impulse responses of the original and of the final filter are related by the transfor mation matrix.
Improvements of the Subject Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunication
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2006 - Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2006. p. 174-175. ISBN 80-214-3243-8.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Innovation of the subject Digital signal processing in Telecommunication
Integration of Education Modules for the Area of Communication Technologies
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2006 - Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2006. pp. 46-49. ISBN 80-214-3243-8.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Integration of Education Modules for the Area of Communication Technologies to learning gateway on Czech Technical University in Prague.
Nearly Equiripple Half-Band FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing. Anaheim: ACTA Press, 2006. pp. 465-468. ISSN 1482-7921. ISBN 978-0-88986-583-9.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Based on Chebyshev polynomials a novel analytical design procedure of nearly equiripple half-band FIR filters was developed. The closed form solution provides a direct evaluation of the impulse response of the filter. One example is included.
Scienec and Research at a Technical University
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Jaroslav Burčík, Ph.D., LL.M.,
- Publication: Telekomunikace. 2006, XLIII(5/2006), 27-29. ISSN 0040-2591.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
STROM Centre Arranges University Student Research
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Czech Business and Trade. 2006, 5(3/2006), 12. ISSN 1211-2208.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Successful Project - Localization of Blind Persons
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Pražská technika. 2006, 6(3/2006), 13. ISSN 1213-5348.
- Year: 2006
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Analytical Design of IIR Equiripple Filters
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: Digital Technologies 2005. Žilina: Slovenská elektrotechnická společnost, 2005. pp. 73-75. ISBN 80-8070-486-4.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Analytic method for design of recursive digital filters with equiripple response
Analytical Design of Maximally Flat Notch FIR Filters for Communication Purposes
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Networking - ICN 2005. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005. pp. 392-400. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-540-25338-6.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A novel fast analytical design procedure for the maximally flat notch FIR filters is introduced.
Design of IIR Equiripple Filters in z-Domain
- Authors: Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool". Belgrade: IEEE, 2005. pp. SS_48. ISBN 1-4244-0049-X.
- Year: 2005
- DOI: 10.1109/EURCON.2005.1629893
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The analytical solution in the z domain is presented for an IIR complementary filter pair which exhibits optimum equiripple behaviour of the frequency response over both bands. The solution gives a direct decomposition of the transfer function into two all-passes and provides an easy access to the design formulae for lattice wave digital filters refraining from the continuos-time counterparts. The multiplier coefficients are obtained in a simple algebraic form comprising the zeros and real pole of the transfer function only. The bireciprocal case represented by the transfer function with purely imaginary poles is also included. Design examples and computer simulations of wave digital lattices are presented.
Digital Subscriber Lines xDSL - Part 1
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Svoboda, J.
- Publication: Praha: Sdělovací technika, 2005. ISBN 80-86645-07-X.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Improvement of the Subject Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Digital Technologies 2005. Žilina: Slovenská elektrotechnická společnost, 2005. pp. 71-72. ISBN 80-8070-486-4.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Innovations and changes in the subject Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications, new sylabus of lectures and seminars
Improvements of the Subject Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT 2005 Proceedings. Ostrava: VŠB - TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroniky a telekomunikační techniky, 2005. ISBN 80-248-0897-8.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Innovation of the subject Digital signal processing in Telecommunications
Modern Forms of Education - Perspectives and Visions
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Leoš Boháč, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Bažant, I., Ing. Robert Bešťák, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 4th International Conference on Emerging E-learning Technologies and Applications - Conference proceedings. ( Information and Telecommunications Technologies in Education ). Košice: ELFA, 2005. p. 421-424. ISBN 80-8086-016-6.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The current stage of modern education forms in technical field with regard to further development
Theoretical Limits of DSL Lines
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Communication and Information Technologies - Conference Proceedings. Liptovský Mikuláš: Akadémia ozbrojených síl, 2005. pp. 243-246. ISBN 80-8040-269-8.
- Year: 2005
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Classifications of the Wavelet-Based Still Image Coders
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 204-205. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Cooperation - LMS and 3rd Party Programs
- Authors: Bažant, I., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Local Identity, Global Awareness (Engineering Education Today). Fribourg: University of Applied Sciences, 2004. pp. 391-396. ISSN 0724-8873. ISBN 2-940156-28-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper shortly describes the functions of a Learning Management System (LMS). LMS is, besides other things, designed to create and distribute learning resources. These ones may contain objects (e.g. Java applets, Macromedia Flash) created in other applications. For communication between these objects and LMS, the standard Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) was created, which is introduced in this paper. End of this paper is aimed at our experience with cooperation between Macromedia Authorware and Microsoft Class Server.
Cooperation of Commercial Companies Upon Development of e-Learning
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: E-learning 2004 - Sborník příspěvků. Brno: ECON publishing, 2004.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The paper describes main aspects of e-learning and introduces the CELN (Czech E-Learning Network) association and its activities.
Fast Design of 2-D Extremely Narrow Bandstop FIR Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: MWSCAS 2004. Piscataway: IEEE, 2004. p. II-69-II-72. ISBN 0-7803-8347-8.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Two-dimensional narrow band-stop FIR filters play important role in the image and video enhancement/restoration tasks. They are frequently used in order to remove disturbing frequency components from the spectrum of the image. In our paper we are concerned with completely analytical design of 2-D band-stop FIR filters with extremely narrow circularly symmetrical stop bands.
General Description of the JPEG2000 Standard
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 202-203. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Learning Management Systems and Their Implementations
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Bažant, I., Nevosad, M., Ing. Robert Bešťák, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Conference Proceedings ICETA 2004. Košice: ELFA, 2004. pp. 487-491. ISBN 80-89066-85-2.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Principles of Voice Processing in Traditional and IP Telephony
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Teorie a praxe IP telefonie. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra telekomunikační techniky, 2004. pp. 37-47.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The aim of this paper is to make the readers familar with basic technical principles of voice signal coding for telecommunication applications.
Stellar Image Interpretation System Using Artificial Neural Networks: II - Bi-Polar Function Case
- Authors: El-Bassuny Alawy, A., El-Nagahy, F., Haroon, A.A., Azzam, Y.A., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2004, 44(1), 24-30. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Support of Distance Learning within the Research Activity of CESNET
- Authors: Pitner, T., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Sborník příspěvků ze semináře a soutěže eLearning 2004. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2004. pp. 351-355. ISBN 80-7041-798-6.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The aim of this paper is to introduce the "Support of Distance Learning" (shortly "E-learning") activity of the CESNET consortium.
Testing of PLC System and Its Co-existence with Other Transmission Systems
- Authors: Vančata, P., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 720-721. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Wavelet-Based Astronomical Digital Image Compression
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 208-209. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Wavelet-Based Embedded Rate Scalable Still Image Coders: A Review
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2004, 44(1/2004), 3-17. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
What's the Embedded Image Coding?
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 206-207. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
An Algorithm for Wavelet-Based Rate Scalable Image Compression
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Recent Trends in Multimedia Information Processing. Praha: Sdělovací technika, 2003. pp. 24-27. ISBN 80-86645-05-3.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Education in Mobile Communications
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Radioelektronika 2003 - Conference Proceedings. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, Ústav radioelektroniky, 2003. pp. I-4-I-5. ISBN 80-214-2383-8.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Laboratory of the Communication Technology
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Ivan Pravda, Ph.D.,
- Publication: RTT 2003 - Proceedings. Bratislava: FEI, Slovak University of Technology, 2003. pp. 129-130. ISBN 80-227-1934-X.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Research and Development Center - An Incubator of Young Scientists
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: ČVUT v evropském výzkumném a vzdělávacím prostoru. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 176-178. ISBN 80-01-02909-3.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Support of Online Education
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 14th EAEEIE International Conference on Innovations in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. Gdańsk: PTETiS, 2003. pp. A57. ISBN 83-918622-0-8.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Výzkumné a vývojové centrum pro mobilní komunikace ČVUT-FEL
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Technologies & Prosperity. 2003, 8(Special), 32-33. ISSN 1213-7162.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Wave Digital Band-Pass Filter Implementation
- Authors: Concha Dimas, A., Antošová, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Pšenička, B.
- Publication: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2003. pp. 283-286. ISSN 1482-7921. ISBN 0-88986-363-6.
- Year: 2003
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A Low-complexity Wavelet Based Algorithm for Inter-frame Image Prediction
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2002, 42(2), 30-34. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Equiripple FIR Triple Narrow Band Filters
- Authors: Zahradník, P., Vlček, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: APCCAS 2002 Proceedings. Monterey: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2002. p. 218. ISBN 0-7803-7691-9.
- Year: 2002
- DOI: 10.1109/APCCAS.2002.1114913
- Link:
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Novel design method for the digital optimal equiripple FIR triple narrow bandpass and triple narrow bandstop (notch) filters is presented. The filters are optimal in Chebyshev sense.
Experience with e-Learning
- Authors: Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Book of Abstracts - 13th EAEEIE International Conference on Innovations in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. York: University of York, 2002. pp. 2. ISBN 1-85911-009-6.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Experience with e-Learning
- Authors: Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 13th EAEEIE Annual Conference on Innovations in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. York: University of York, 2002. pp. 22. ISBN 1-85911-008-8.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Inter-Frame Image Prediction in the Presence of Speckle Noise Related to Adaptive Filter
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: 2002,(1.5.2002), 1/5/2002. ISSN 1213-161X.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
PDSL - Another System for Access Networks
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: COFAX - Telekomunikácie 2002. Bratislava: D&D STUDIO, 2002. ISBN 80-967019-5-9.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Stellar Image Interpretation System using Artificial Neural Networks: Unipolar Function Case
- Authors: El-Nagahy, F., El-Bassuny Alawy, A., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ella, M.S., Madkour, M.
- Publication: Acta Polytechnica. 2002, 42(6), 33-38. ISSN 1210-2709.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The Transmission Effectivity and Rate Enhancement of a Cable Media in an Access Network
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Leoš Boháč, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 202-203. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Wireless Internet
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Poupa, M.
- Publication: Radiokomunikace 2002 - sborník přednášek. Pardubice: UNIT, 2002. pp. 85-94.
- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Education in the Area of Networked Multimedia Applications
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2001 - Zborník prednášok. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2001. pp. 108-111. ISBN 80-968042-3-5.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Innovative Forms of Education in Multimedia Technology
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: EAEEIE 2001 Nancy. Nancy: EAEEIE, 2001. pp. 339-341. ISBN 2-9516740-0-7.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
International Cooperation in Distance Learning
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Bezpalec, Ph.D.,
- Publication: RTT 2001 - Research in Telecommunication Technology - Proceedings. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 2001. pp. 60-62. ISBN 80-214-1938-5.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
International Cooperation in Teleeducation
- Authors: Ing. Pavel Bezpalec, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2001 - Zborník prednášok. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2001. pp. 112-116. ISBN 80-968042-3-5.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimedia Distance Courses for Professional Educaion
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Svoboda, J.
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2001 - Zborník prednášok. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2001. pp. 104-107. ISBN 80-968042-3-5.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Problems of ADSL Implementation and Its Importance for Education
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: EAEEIE 2001 Nancy. Nancy: EAEEIE, 2001. pp. 221-223. ISBN 2-9516740-0-7.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Processing of Audio and Video Signals Transferred over ATM Networks
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Koška, K.
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2001. pp. 314. ISBN 80-01-02335-4.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
State Space Filter Implementation Using TMS320C30
- Authors: Pšenička, B., Herrera, A., Karpf, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Signal and Image Processing. Calgary: Acta Press, 2001. pp. 360-363. ISSN 1482-7921. ISBN 0-88986-297-4.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Teleeducation within Europe
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Bezpalec, Ph.D.,
- Publication: EAEEIE 2001 Nancy. Nancy: EAEEIE, 2001. pp. 281-284. ISBN 2-9516740-0-7.
- Year: 2001
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
A Comparison among Motion Estimation Algorithms under Influence of Salt-and-Pepper Noise
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Preprints of IFAC Workshop PDS2000. Ostrava: VŠB-TUO, 2000. p. 227-230. ISBN 0-08-043620-X.
- Year: 2000
A Novel Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm for Noisy Sequences
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2000. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2000. pp. 111-114. ISBN 80-968042-7-8.
- Year: 2000
Accuracy of Motion Estimation Algorithms Related to Filtering Process
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., Pšenička, B., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: ICT 2000. Mexico City: UNAM, 2000. pp. 1129-1132.
- Year: 2000
Distance Education Using Communication Schemes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the EAEEIE. Ulm: Mikrowellentechnik der Universitaet Ulm, 2000. pp. 255-257. ISBN 3-00-005965-2.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Distance Education with Exploitation of Communication Schemes
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2000. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2000. pp. 128-130. ISBN 80-968042-7-8.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Distance Learning and Global Videoconferencing
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2000. Ostrava: VŠB-TUO, 2000. pp. 143-145. ISBN 80-7078-817-8.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Influence of Controlling Parameters on Split-and-Merge Algorithm in Connection with Segmentation-Based Image Coding
- Authors: Karpf, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Research in Telecommunication Technology 2000. Ostrava: VŠB-TUO, 2000. pp. 27-34. ISBN 80-7078-817-8.
- Year: 2000
Influence of Noise on Segmentation-Based Image Coding
- Authors: Karpf, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conf. Signal and Image Processing. Calgary: IASTED, 2000. pp. 46-51. ISBN 0-88986-308-3.
- Year: 2000
Local and Global Networking in Practice
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the EAEEIE. Ulm: Mikrowellentechnik der Universitaet Ulm, 2000. pp. 228-230. ISBN 3-00-005965-2.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multiresolution Motion Estimation based on Three-step Search for Noisy Sequences
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of Workshop 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 189. ISBN 80-01-02229-3.
- Year: 2000
Performance Evaluation of Motion Estimation Algorithms in Conjunction with Adaptive Filter
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings IWSSIP 2000. Maribor: IWSSIP 2000, 2000. pp. 139-142. ISBN 86-435-0333-9.
- Year: 2000
Performance Evaluation of Motion Estimation Interframe Prediction Under influence of noise
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceeding of fifth Joint Conference on Information sciences JCIS, (CVPRIP'2000). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000. pp. 171-175.
- Year: 2000
Practical Exploitation of Local and Global Networks
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie 2000. Bratislava: ADAPT, 2000. pp. 131-133. ISBN 80-968042-7-8.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Salt & Pepper Noise Impact on Image Coding Based on Image Splitting
- Authors: Karpf, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Communications. 2000, 2(2), 16-20. ISSN 1335-4205.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Salt and Pepper Noise and Segmentation Image Coding Based on Quadtree Decomposition
- Authors: Karpf, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Proceedings of ICT 2000, International Conference on Communications. Mexico City: ITESM, 2000. pp. 253-257. ISBN 968-36-7762-2.
- Year: 2000
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Simulation Comparsion among the Performance of Motion Estimation Algorithms
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Poster 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2000. pp. C21.
- Year: 2000
"Distance Interactive Education in Telecommunication Technology" Course
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings - IWSSIP'99. Bratislava: Slovak Telecommunications Users Group in FABER, 1999. pp. 103-104. ISBN 80-968125-7-2.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
2-D Motion Estimation of Video Sequences With Influence of Zero-Mean Gaussian Noise
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: Radioengineering. 1999, 8(4), 35-40. ISSN 1210-2512.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Radioelectronics
This paper presents the performance of four motion estimation algorithms with present of zero-mean Gaussian noise. The performance of full search (FS) algorithm, three-step search (TSS) algorithm, new three-step search (NTSS)algorithm, and four-step search (4SS) algorithm with influence of Gaussian noise has been described for three of famous video sequences. The critical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is introduced for each algorithm. The worst performance is often in case of full search algorithm (FS).
56K Voice Faxmodem
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1999, 9(2), 25-30. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Analysis of Motion Estimation Algorithms Under Influence of Speckle Noise
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT'99 - Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 39-48. ISBN 80-01-02124-6.
- Year: 1999
Continuing Professional Development Programs in University-Industry Co-operations
- Authors: Fink, F.K., Tongeren, S.V., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Nemeth, G., Mazet, L., Ramos, F.
- Publication: Proceedings for FIE '99. Piscataway: IEEE, 1999. pp. 1230. ISBN 0-7803-5646-2.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Critical Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Motion Estimation Algorithms with Influence of Gaussian Noise
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP 99. Brno: VUT v Brně, 1999. pp. 125-128. ISBN 80-214-1154-6.
- Year: 1999
Impact of Speckle Noise with Motion Estimation Inter-frame Image Prediction
- Authors: Usama Sayed, M., prof. Ing. Miloš Klíma, CSc., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP 99. Brno: VUT v Brně, 1999. pp. 121-124. ISBN 80-214-1154-6.
- Year: 1999
Multimedia and Hypermedia in Practice
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: RTT'99 - Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 135-137. ISBN 80-01-02124-6.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimedia Education at the Czech Technical University
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Proceedings - IWSSIP'99. Bratislava: Slovak Telecommunications Users Group in FABER, 1999. pp. 105-106. ISBN 80-968125-7-2.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Netradiční přístup k výuce v oblasti multimédií
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie '99. Bratislava: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 1999. pp. 199-200. ISBN 80-233-0429-1.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Curriculum on Multimedia and Telematic Services
- Authors: Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT'99 - Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 107-109. ISBN 80-01-02124-6.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Telematic Course: Multimedia and Hypermedia Services
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 10th EAEEIE Annual Conference - Educational Innovations in EIE. Nancy: European Association EAEEIE, 1999. pp. 163-164.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Perspectives of Multimedia Services
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Architektura a služby pevných telekomunikačních sítí. Liberec: Česká vědecko-technická společnost spojů sekce telekomunikací, 1999. pp. 33-37.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Perspectives of Multimedia: Innovation in Education
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Svoboda, J., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 10th EAEEIE Annual Conference - Educational Innovations in EIE. Nancy: European Association EAEEIE, 1999. pp. 252-254.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Problémy přístupových sítí při realizaci procesu vzdělávání na dálku
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie '99. Bratislava: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 1999. pp. 86-89. ISBN 80-233-0429-1.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Project-Oriented Course: Multimedia and Telematic Services
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Engineering Education: Rediscovering the Centre. Zürich: Hochschulverlag, 1999. pp. 165-168. ISBN 3-7281-2524-5.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Use of Real Systems Simulation by Teaching of Technical Subjects
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Engineering Education: Rediscovering the Centre. Zürich: Hochschulverlag, 1999. pp. 169-172. ISBN 3-7281-2524-5.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Virtual Environment and Simulation in Technical Education
- Authors: doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: RTT'99 - Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 103-105. ISBN 80-01-02124-6.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Výuka v oblasti multimediálních a hypermediálních služeb
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Svoboda, J., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telekomunikácie '99. Bratislava: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 1999. pp. 83-85. ISBN 80-233-0429-1.
- Year: 1999
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Advantageous Cooperation with Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturers
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Vodrážka, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Enhancement of Education in Electrical and Information Engineering through Industry Co-operation and Research. Nancy: European Association EAEEIE, 1998. pp. 269-272. ISBN 972-97738-0-7.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Cooperation of the Department of Telecommunications Engineering with the Industry
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: Transfer 98. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1998. pp. 149-150.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimedia in an ATM Environment
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Svoboda, J., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Enhancement of Education in Electrical and Information Engineering through Industry Co-operation and Research. Nancy: European Association EAEEIE, 1998. pp. 141-144. ISBN 972-97738-0-7.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimedia Transmissions via ATM Networks
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Šaroch, J.
- Publication: Workshop 98. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1998. pp. 285-286.
- Year: 1998
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimediální přenosy prostřednictvím ATM sítí
Data Converters for Data Transmission in Telephone Networks
- Authors: Svoboda, J., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Šaroch, J.
- Publication: LANcom. 1997, 7(11), 35-39. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
ISDN Course - Multimedia Teaching Tools
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 97. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1997. pp. 925-926.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Kurz ISDN - multimediální výukový nástroj
ISDN Multimedia Course
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Innovations and Quality in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. Edinburgh: Napier University, 1997. pp. 216-220.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
ISDN: A Multimedia Teaching Tool
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Zborník konference ELEKTRO '97. Žilina: VŠDS, 1997. pp. 116-118. ISBN 80-7100-420-0.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Methods and Tools for Teaching Teleinformatics and EMC
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: RUFIS '97. Proceedings for International Part of the Conference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1997. pp. 103-106. ISBN 80-01-01710-9.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Ways for Teaching Teleinformatics and EMC
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: TET 97. Praha: ETIC Foundation, 1997, pp. 194-198. ISBN 80-238-0782-X.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Preparing of the Project for Educational Programs and Information Data-Bases and Their Distribution in the Territory of the Czech Republic
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Innovations and Quality in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. Edinburgh: Napier University, 1997. pp. 111-114.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Scanium DA427 - A Cable Tester
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1997, 7(10), 37-39. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Teachers' Activities at the TI Education and Consultative Centre at the CTU in Prague
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Innovations and Quality in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. Edinburgh: Napier University, 1997. pp. 218-221.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Will You Help Us in Education of Engineers for Telecommunications?
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: T & P. Telekomunikace a podnikání. 1997, 2(12), 16-19. ISSN 1211-5525.
- Year: 1997
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Converters for Data Transmissions in Telephone Networks - Part 1
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(1-2), 22-29. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Converters for Data Transmissions in Telephone Networks - Part 2
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(3), 15-16. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Converters for Data Transmissions in Telephone Networks - Part 3
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(4), 6-9. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Converters for Data Transmissions in Telephone Networks - Part 4
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Šaroch, J.
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(5), 5-8. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Converters for Data Transmissions in Telephone Networks - Part 5
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Šaroch, J.
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(7), 29-31. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Development of Telematic Services in the Czech Republic and its Support at FEE-CTU in Prague
- Authors: Svoboda, J., Sýkora, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telematics for Future Education and Training - Proceedings. Bologna: EAEEIE, 1996. pp. 201-204. ISBN 951-42-4411-7.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Digital Telecommunications Technology (XI) - Telematic Services and Data Networks
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: 3 ed. Praha: TTC Marconi, 1996.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Educational Activities of the CTU Prague Team in EMC and Support of the EMC Development Problems in the Czech Republic
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Electromagnetic Compatibility 1996. Wroclaw: Wroclaw Symposium on EMC, 1996. p. 208-211. ISBN 83-901999-4-7.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
This paper gives a short overview of the long-time activity of the members of The Department of Telecommunication Engineering at FEE-CTU in Prague (The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University) in the field of EMC, following the research and educational programmes. It's aim is to inspire the cooperation with some partners in this field.
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.,
- Publication: LANcom. 1996, 6(6), 32-34. ISSN 1210-2997.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Multimedia System for Data Base Applications
- Authors: Půlpán, M., Penková, S., Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Telematics for Future Education and Training - Proceedings. Bologna: EAEEIE, 1996. pp. 191-194. ISBN 951-42-4411-7.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Multimedia Technologies at the Department of Telecommunications at FEE-CTU in Prague
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 96. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996. pp. 727-728.
- Year: 1996
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Development of Teaching and Cooperation with the Industry at the Department of Telecommunications Engineering
- Authors: Sýkora, J., Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Hypš, P.
- Publication: The Technology Transfer in Electrical and Information Engineering. Bologna: EAEEIE, 1995. pp. 170-174.
- Year: 1995
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Multimedia Workplaces
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Vondrák, M., Hypš, P., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 95. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1995, pp. 901-902.
- Year: 1995
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Support of EMC Development Problems in Czech Republic by the Team of CTU in Prague
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Hrad, Ph.D., Kuchta, P.
- Publication: The Technology Transfer in Electrical and Information Engineering. Bologna: EAEEIE, 1995. pp. 230-233.
- Year: 1995
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Education of EMC Experts
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vondrák, M., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: CTU Seminar 94. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1994, pp. 159-160.
- Year: 1994
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
New Educational Ways for Engineers of Telecommunication
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vondrák, M., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: EAEEEIE Annual Conference. Reims: EAEEIE, 1994. pp. 47-48.
- Year: 1994
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Activity of CTU in Electromagnetic Compatibility Branch
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vondrák, M., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 93. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993, pp. 189-190.
- Year: 1993
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Experience with Computer Aided Education Programs Production in the Field of Teleinformatics and EMC
- Authors: Svoboda, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vondrák, M., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Multimedia and Computer Tools: The Future for Engineering. Fourth Annual Conference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993. pp. 107-108.
- Year: 1993
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
Modern Digital Communication in Researches and Education
- Authors: prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Sýkora, J., Svoboda, J., Ing. Tomáš Zeman, Ph.D.,
- Publication: Workshop 93. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993, pp. 187-188.
- Year: 1993
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering
The System Approach to Education in Digital Signal Processing for Telecommunications
- Authors: Sýkora, J., prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc., Vlček, M.
- Publication: Second European Congress on Systems Science. Volume IV. Praha: Systems Science and Information, 1993, pp. 1357-1360.
- Year: 1993
- Department: Department of Telecommunications Engineering