
doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D.

All publications

Self-injection locked laser via a hollow-core fiber Fabry–Perot resonator

  • DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.530157
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In a hollow-core fiber (HCF), light propagates through an air/vacuum core rather than a solid material, resulting in a low thermo-optic coefficient and ability to handle high powers. Here, we demonstrate a laser locked to a hollow-core fiber reference, which thanks to the low HCF thermal sensitivity, shows long-term stability an order of magnitude better than compact commercially available low-noise lasers. The laser frequency variation within +-600 kHz was measured over 50 h. The stability of our proof-of-concept laser is ensured via a strong self-injection ratio of -15 dB, enabled by the high-power handling and low loss of the hollow-core fiber’s resonator. Moreover, our results show appealing performance parameters, including a fractional frequency stability of 4 x 10^-13 at 1 s averaging time and a Lorentzian component of the linewidth of 0.2 Hz.

Connecting Hollow-Core and Standard Single-Mode Fibers With Perfect Mode-Field Size Adaptation

  • DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3329738
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We propose an approach to interconnect a hollow-core fiber (HCF) of arbitrary core size with standard single-mode fiber with perfect mode-field size adaptation and experimentally achieve for the first time insertion loss agreeing with that predicted by simulations. We demonstrate this using three low-loss HCFs, including 1st window nested antiresonant nodeless fiber (NANF), 2nd window NANF and the state-of-the-art double NANF (DNANF). The connection with a minimum achieved insertion loss of 0.079 dB was permanently secured via gluing and did not degrade during 4 weeks of continuous measurement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the lowest reported value and is comparable to or lower than the connection between dissimilar single-mode fibers (e.g., standard single-mode fiber and dispersion-compensating fiber). We also show that such connection leads to excellent suppression of higher-order modes coupling, of importance to all applications sensitive to multi-path interference. Importantly, obtaining agreement between simulations and experiments validates for the first time the accuracy of the simulations and opens the door to further optimization via simulations with the ability to subsequently achieve the same result experimentally.

End-Capping Hollow-Core Fibers With Suppressed Coupling Into Higher-Order Modes

  • DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2024.3381797
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We propose a hollow-core fiber (HCF) end-cap that incorporates a short segment of a single-mode fiber (SMF) that serves as a modal filter. To adapt the end-cap input and output beam to the desired size, the SMF was fusion spliced with short segments of mode-field adapting graded index (GRIN) fibers on both sides. The end-cap is anti-reflective coated to minimize insertion loss and parasitic reflections. The presented proof-of-concept experiments show its ability to suppress coupling into HCFs' higher-order modes. For example, without any end-cap, the extinction ratio between the LP 11 and the fundamental mode was found to be as low as 9 dB when coupling light from a free-space beam that was misaligned by as little as 1.1 ∘ . This was improved to 23 dB when inserting the developed end-cap. Such small angle misalignment often exists when aligning the input beam with 3-axis (x,y,z) stages only (rather than 5-axis that also include pitch and yaw). Finally, we glued the end-cap with the HCF, providing hermetic sealing to the HCF input/output. This is of interest for stable operation in applications that use free-space light launch or require HCF output into free space.

Experimental evaluation of wearable LED strip and side-emitting fiber for optical camera communications systems

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.521967
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents an experimental evaluation of two types of light-emitting diode (LED)-based distributed transmitters, namely an LED strip and an LED-coupled side-emitting optical fiber, in both laboratory and wearable optical camera communication (OCC) systems. We study the system performance in terms of success of reception (SoR) with regard to the transmission distance. The best value of SoR is achieved when the camera is facing directly to the transmitter (Tx) from a close distance of 1 m. Additionally, we compare the power consumption, the signal-to-noise ratio performance (SNR) and all the obtained values under optimal conditions are better than the forward error correction (FEC) limit in OCC systems.

Gas-Stop Design Towards Low-Loss Connection for Reliable Hollow-Core Fiber Networks

  • DOI: 10.1109/SUM60964.2024.10614549
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A gas-stop is designed to enable low-loss and hermetic connection between hollow-core fibers. This design enhances robustness of hollow-core fiber networks as it provides efficient connectivity and prevents fiber degradation when it comes to fiber interruption. Furthermore, the proposed gas-stop allows real-time distributed fiber characterization.

Optical Camera Communication Based on Side-Emitting Fibers Using Wavelength Division Multiplexing

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP60683.2024.10636524
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Optical camera communication (OCC) using side-emitting fibers offers new transmission possibilities, as side-emitting fibers gradually emit light along the fiber length, thus acting as a distributed light source. In this paper, we explore side-emitting fiber-based OCC architecture, focusing on the integration of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). WDM enabled us to achieve simultaneous transmission of two data streams over a single 1-m long side-emitting fiber, effectively doubling data throughput. Results indicate successful data transmission with minimal bit error rates (BER) under the forward error correction (FEC) limit of 3.8. 10 -3 , demonstrating the potential of side-emitting fibers and WDM in enhancing OCC systems by adding additional transmission channels.

All-fiber hollow-core fiber gas cell

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2023.103513
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a hollow-core fiber (HCF) gas cell with light launched and collected via standard solid-glass core single-mode fibers (SMFs). Gas delivery is realized via a gap between the SMF and HCF with light low-loss coupling optimized for such a gap. Coupling into higher-order modes as well as the Fresnel reflections at the SMF-HCF interface are strongly suppressed to minimize unwanted multi-path interference. The assembled HCF gas cell including the gas inlet is encapsulated in a conventional metallic T-piece for easy gas filling, venting, and sealing. Thanks to its numerous features, such as alignment-free design (once fabricated), above-described promising optical performance, and compactness, we believe it will be of interest for applications in gas sensing and as gas references.

Coupling Light Into a Hollow-Core Fiber with Mitigated Excitation of Higher-Order Modes

Direct and Low-loss Connection Between a Hollow-core Optical Fiber and a Dispersion Compensating Fiber for Dispersion-free Delivery of Short Optical Pulses in Hollow-core Fiber

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2648720
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Hollow-core fibers (HCFs) have been under intense research interest thanks to their many advantages including low latency, low nonlinearity, and temperature insensitivity. The most recent progress on the double nested antiresonant nodeless fiber (DNANF) demonstrated fiber losses of only 0.174 dB/km. Transmission of ultra-short, high-peak-power pulses can greatly benefit from low nonlinearity of HCFs. However, the waveguide dispersion in HCFs such as DNANF is typically 2-3 ps/(nm·km) in the low-loss transmission region, still causing unwanted pulses broadening. Here, we demonstrate a low-loss interconnection between HCF and a dispersion-compensating fiber (DCF), enabling to obtain HCF+DCF link with zero-net dispersion. To adapt the relatively small mode-filed diameter (MFD) of DCF (4.9 μm) to the MFD of the HCF, we first splice a short segment of graded-index (GRIN) multi-mode fiber on the DCF. The GRIN fiber is then polished to a specific length to obtain an optimal MFD adaptation to our HCF, which was a nested antiresonant nodeless fiber (NANF) with 26.3 μm MFD at 1550 nm. We obtained a loss of only 0.55 dB for the whole DCF-GRIN-NANF component. By depositing an anti-reflective coating on the mode-field adapter end-face, the interconnection loss can be further reduced to 0.39 dB.

Directly-Modulated 1310 nm Laser TOSA Developed for Seamless Millimeter Wave Radio Over Fiber Transmission

  • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3288281
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present for the first time a directly-modulated high-frequency laser transmitter optical sub-assembly (TOSA) in a commercially-available TO-can packaging working in the 1310nm band capable of digital transmission at 25Gb/s and analog transmission up to 25GHz. We show a step-by-step assembly procedure starting from the TO-can package high-frequency characterization, followed by a bare laser chip analysis and the supporting PCB evaluation to the final TOSA assembly step. We verify the developed TOSA long-term stability by shock and aging tests which had no impact on the TOSA bandwidth or output optical power. We reveal the optimal forward current for digital transmission at 60mA, and for analog transmission, we operate below the forward current of 40mA to suppress unwanted laser side modes. We test the TOSA performance by a successful 25Gb/s on-off keying (OOK) data transmission over a passive optical network with BER of 3.2E-3 and 2.0E-8 for 25Gb/s, and 10.3Gb/s, respectively. Finally, we demonstrate analog millimeter wave radio transmission at 25GHz of a 16-QAM orthogonally frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal with 20MHz bandwidth over a 5km-long optical fronthaul with a seamless wireless link providing EVM below the 12.5% limit to show real-case scenario performance.

Gap design to enable functionalities into nested antiresonant nodeless fiber based systems

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.480760
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    By modifying the interconnection design between standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) and nested antiresonant nodeless type hollow-core fiber (NANF), we create an air gap between SSMF and NANF. This air gap enables the insertion of optical elements, thus providing additional functions. We show low-loss coupling using various graded-index multimode fibers acting as mode-field adapters resulting in different air-gap distances. Finally, we test the gap functionality by inserting a thin glass sheet in the air gap, which forms a Fabry-Perot interferometer and works as a filter with an overall insertion loss of only 0.31 dB.

Interconnectivity between effectively single-moded antiresonant hollow core fibres and conventional single-mode fibres

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2023.103541
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We review the topic, focusing first on a discussion of the key parameters, limits of coupling loss, and measurement techniques. We then follow by reviewing the literature, including mode-field adaptation methods, and assembly approaches. Finally, we briefly cover the topic of hollow core fibre connection with non-standard single mode fibres, and finish with a review of components that can be made directly within the connection. We conclude with a summary of key achievements and present our view on key remaining challenges.

Long-distance indoor optical camera communication using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.495805
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a design approach for a long-distance optical camera communication (OCC) system using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters. We demonstrate our approach feasibility by increasing the transmission distance by two orders up to 40 m compared to previous works. Furthermore, we explore the effect of the light-emitting diode (LED) modulation frequency and rolling shutter camera exposure time on inter-symbol interference and its effective mitigation. Our proposed OCC-fiber link meets the forward-error-correction (FEC) limit of 3.8 · 10−3 of bit error rate (BER) for up to 35 m (with BER= 3.35 · 10−3) and 40 m (with BER=1.13 · 10−3) using 2-mm and 3-mm diameter side-emitting fibers, respectively. Our results at on-off keying modulation frequencies of 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz pave the way to moderate-distance outdoor and long-distance indoor highly-reliable applications in the Internet of Things and OCC using side-emitting fiber-based distributed transmitters.

Measurement of chromatic dispersion in hollow core fibers using optical frequency comb

  • Authors: Ding, M., Dousek, D., Ing. Ailing Zhong, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Davidson, I., Jasion, G., Poletti, F., Slavík, R.
  • Publication: Proceedings of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. Beijing: IEEE, 2023. p. 1-3. ISBN 979-8-3503-1261-4.
  • Year: 2023

Pilot Experiments of Side-Emitting Fiber-Based Optical Camera Communication for Wearable Applications

  • DOI: 10.1109/SACVLC59022.2023.10347578
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We demonstrate for the first time the application of LED-based optical camera communication using a side-emitting fiber in wearable applications. A 1.2-m long plastic side-emitting fiber with a 4-mm outer diameter acts as a distributed transmitter. The side-emitting fiber is attached to a T-shirt over the shoulder with a 50-cm section of the fiber both on the front and back side of the T-shirt. This expands the possibilities of data detection by the rolling shutter camera. The light from a white LED is coupled into the side-emitting fiber with LED on-off keying (OOK) modulation frequencies of 2.64 kHz, 3.54 kHz, and 5.31 kHz. The results show bit error rate bellow 3.8 • 10 −3 for up to 200 cm fiber to camera distance.

Side-emitting fiber-based distributed receiver for visible light communication uplink

  • DOI: 10.1364/OL.503114
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a distributed receiver for visible light communication based on a side-emitting optical fiber. We show that 500 kbps data rate can be captured with a bit-error rate below the forward-error correction limit of 3.8·10−3 with a light-emitting diode (LED) transmitter 25 cm away from the fiber, whereas by increasing the photodetector gain and reducing the data rate down to 50 kbps, we improve the LED-fiber distance significantly up to 4 m. Our results lead to a low-cost distributed visible-light receiver with a 360° field of view for indoor low-data rate, Internet of Things, and sensory networks.

Thulium-doped fiber amplifier optimized for wavelengths beyond 1800 nm

  • Authors: Aubrecht, J., Pokorný, J., Jiříčková, B., doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Peterka, P.
  • Publication: Proc. SPIE 12573, Specialty Optical Fibres. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12573. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6266-7.
  • Year: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2666464
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this contribution, we focus on development of a thulium-doped fiber-optic amplifier working in spectral range from 1800 to 2050 nm. The amplifier is core-pumped using an erbium-doped fiber laser emitting at 1565 nm with maximum output power of ~2 W. We use in-house developed and manufactured silica-based thulium-doped fibers and commercially available optical components in the setup. A tunable thulium-doped fiber laser was used as signal source allowing us to cover the whole spectral range of interest. The basic parameters of the amplifier with respect to used configuration, fiber lengths, and spectral wavelength are presented and discussed.

Advances in Hollow-core to Standard Fiber Interconnection Technology

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2624102
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The attenuation of hollow-core fibers (HCFs) is predicted to surpass the minimum intrinsic attenuation of standard single-mode fibers (SMFs) in the near future. Recent advances in HCF performance and drawing technology have motivated their application not only in telecommunications but also in sensing and high-power delivery. Among HCFs, nested antiresonant nodeless fibers (NANFs) have shown the lowest attenuation values with 0.28 dB/km at 1550 nm and 0.22 dB/km at 1625 nm. Furthermore, the latest generation of NANFs effectively mitigates higher-order modes, which in some applications introduces a significantly limiting factor. As HCFs are becoming more available, their incorporation into standard SMF-based systems needs to be efficiently addressed. Various solutions to the HCF-SMF interconnection have already been proposed, such as the commonly employed fusion splicing with bridge fibers, using tapers to match the mode-fields, employing micro-optics, or using the fiber-array approach. Based on the fiber-array approach we have recently demonstrated losses of only 0.16 dB per interconnection and back reflection below -60 dB. But what if the interconnection itself can provide some additional functionality beyond low loss and low back reflection? Such an approach was already proposed in the micro-optics interconnection providing a function as an optical isolator or a wavelength-division multiplexer. Still, the relatively high complexity of such a device might limit its wider application. In this talk, I will overview current trends in HCF-SMF interconnection techniques which are enabling their incorporation into current SMF-based fiber-optic systems. I will present a future outlook of providing additional functionality to the HCF-SMF interconnection. I will focus on an interconnection technique we developed, based on the fiber-array approach. I will show how components such as an optical filter, a gas cell, or a Fabry-Perot cavity can be easily formed by simple tailoring of the HCF-SMF interconnection.

Fabry-Perot Cavity based on Large-Core Graded-Index Multimode Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We demonstrate design of fiber F abry-Perot c avities b ased o n large-core graded-index multimode fibers. Smallest full width at half maximum along with maximum transmission is reached for core diameters over 200mm core and reflectivity above 99%.

Hollow-core Optical Fibers for 5G Networks

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    With the onset of 5G networks and growing demands on data capacity, fiber-optics and fiber-optic systems are drawing more attention. Their fundamental element being the optical fiber. The conventional optical fiber is a result from decades of technological evolution. Up to now, optical fibers have been used not only in telcom but also for sensing, fiber lasers and high-power delivery. Still conventional optical fibers are made of glass, mostly silica, which limits their performance, e.g. in achieving zero attenuation. Using hollow-core optical fibers brings many advantages as light propagates in air. Currently we are on the verge of commercial application of hollow-core optical fibers which will have significant impact on telecommunications but also on sensory networks, interferometry and lasers from visible to mid-infrared regions.

Hollow-core to Standard Fiber Interconnection with Customized Air-gap Distance

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    By modifying the design of the interconnection between standard and hollowcore fibers, we achieved low insertion loss while creating a gap in between. This will allow for insertion of thin optical elements such as filters.

Low loss and broadband low back-reflection interconnection between a hollow-core and standard single-mode fiber

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.460635
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We report simultaneous low coupling loss (below 0.2 dB at 1550 nm) and low back-reflection (below −60 dB in the 1200-1600 nm range) between a hollow core fiber and standard single mode optical fiber obtained through the combination of an angled interface and an anti-reflective coating. We perform experimental optimization of the interface angle to achieve the best combination of performance in terms of the coupling loss and back-reflection suppression. Furthermore, we examine parasitic cross-coupling to the higher-order modes and show that it does not degrade compared to the case of a flat interface, keeping it below −30 dB and below −20 dB for LP11 and LP02 modes, respectively.

Optical time domain backscattering of antiresonant hollow core fibers

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.461873
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Today’s lowest-loss hollow core fibers are based on antiresonance guidance. They have been shown both theoretically and experimentally to have very low levels of backscattering arising from the fiber structure – 45 dB below that of traditional optical fibers with a solid silica glass core. This makes their longitudinal characterization using conventional reflectometric techniques very challenging. However, it was recently estimated that when filled with air, their backscattering coefficient increases to about 30 dB below that of standard solid core fibers. This level should be measurable with commercially available high performance optical time domain reflectometers (OTDR). Here we demonstrate – for the first time to the best of our knowledge – the measurement of backscattering from the air inside a hollow core fiber. We show that the characterization of multi-km long hollow core fibers with 15 m spatial resolution is possible using a commercial OTDR instrument. To benefit from its full dynamic range, we strongly suppress the 4% back-reflections that ordinarily occur at the OTDR’s standard fiber output when directly-connected to a hollow core fiber. Furthermore, low coupling loss into the hollow core fiber (0.3 dB in our experiment) also helps to maximize the achievable OTDR signal-to-noise ratio. This approach enables distributed characterization and fault-finding in low-loss hollow core fibers, a topic of increasing importance as these fibers are now starting to be installed in commercial optical communication networks.

Performance Evaluation of Seamless 5G Outdoor RoFSO Transmission at 39 GHz

  • DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2021.3134559
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This letter presents results of an experimental measurement campaign involving the deployment of combined radio over the fiber and radio over free space optics (FSO) technology in the cloud-based fifth generation (5G) fronthaul network operating in the millimeter wave (mmW) area. For this purpose, we have used 10 km of optical fiber, 50 m long outdoor FSO link and 1 m long antenna seamless radio frequency transmission at 39 GHz. The results show excellent performance in terms of the phase noise and the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. The error vector magnitude performance depends on the modulation format and are below the standard limits for the 5G new radio signals, with 400 MHz QPSK and 64-QAM showing almost identical results for SNR of up to ~19 dB whereas 256-QAM signal offering the best spectral efficiency. Moreover, we investigate the received mmW signal deterioration due to the atmospheric conditions in the FSO channel.

Towards Compact Hollow-Core Fiber Gas Cells

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We demonstrate a 3-way interconnection device (hollow-core fiber, standard single-mode fiber and gas inlet) that is compact, low-loss, and easy-to-use.We demonstrate its performance on fibre purging, observing water vapor via infrared spectroscopy

Towards Illuminating Optical Fiber based Visible Light Communication Uplink

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9907971
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a novel concept of visible light communication (VLC) uplink by introducing a distributed receiver (Rx) formed by an illuminating optical fiber (IOF) connected to the photodetector. The major functionality of IOF-distributed Rx is to sense/detect the light signal along the fiber span at a range of modulation frequencies coming from an on-off keying modulated light-emitting diode (LED) transmitter. We show that our proposed proof-of-concept of distributed Rx performs below the forward error correction limit of 3.8⋅10−3 at frequencies up to 400kHz. We unveil the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limit of 19dB must be maintained for successful data reception. Higher data rates are predicted once the concept is optimized, especially in terms of SNR. The proposed IOF-based scheme can be considered as a solution to the current challenges of VLC uplink.

Towards Optical Camera Communications Using a Shape-tailored Illuminating Optical Fiber

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9907989
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We have recently presented a novel concept of optical camera communications (OCC) based on illuminating optical fibers (IOF) as transmitter (Tx). In this paper, we further investigate this concept of IOF-based OCC system by replacing a straight IOF by an L-shaped IOF as the transmitter. An intensity modulated light from a white light emitting diode in the on-off keying format at frequencies of 1800 and 2400Hz is launched into the IOF. We experimentally investigate the impact of IOF bending as well as horizontal and vertical orientations of camera-based receiver on the performance of the IOF-based OCC system. The results depict 100% success of reception is achieved over a transmission distance of 50cm for the IOF bending angle in the range of 0 to 90°, and horizontal and vertical orientations of the camera.

Angled Interconnection Between Standard Single-mode Fiber and Nested Modeless Antiresonant Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present angled interconnection between standard single-mode fiber and nested nodeless antiresonant fibers achieving an insertion loss of 0.45 dB and return loss below -60 dB over a wide (1450-1650 nm) spectral range.

Experimental Characterization of Fiber Optic Lighting - Optical Camera Communications

  • DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC50174.2021.9569280
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  • Department: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we study the novel idea of fiber optic lighting - optical camera communications. We carry out analyses of the proposed scheme employing a light emitting diode (LED) illuminated plastic optical fiber (POF) and a rolling-shutter-based camera as the transmitter and the receiver (Rx), respectively in an indoor static environment. We also provide optical and electrical characterization of the LED and LED coupled POF illumination sources. The experiment results demonstrate that, despite the small diameter of the illuminating POF, flicker-free wireless communications at modulation frequencies of 300 and 600 Hz over the transmission distances of 50 and 75 cm can be achieved. Consequently, we show that a 100 % reception success rate is achieved for the camera-based optical Rx with the exposure time and the gain of 400 µs and 25 dB, respectively.

Experimental comparison of DSB and CS-DSB mmW formats over a hybrid fiber and FSO fronthaul network for 5G

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.434334
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The telecommunication world is experiencing the 5th generation (5G) networks deployment including the use of millimeter wave (mmW) frequency bands to satisfy capacity demands. This leads to the extensive use of optical communications, especially the optical fiber connectivity at the last mile access and the edge networks. In this paper we outline fiber and free space optics (FSO) technologies for use as part of the 5G optical fronthaul network. We investigate two different mmW transmission schemes based on (i) the conventional analog radio over fiber transmission using one Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) with double sideband (DSB) optical modulation, and (ii) an optical-based frequency doubling with one MZM biased at the null point to introduce carrier suppression DSB (CS DSB) transmission and second MZM used for data modulation. Both systems are assessed in terms of the error vector magnitude, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range and phase noise. We consider a configuration for the fronthaul network in the frequency range 2 (FR2) at 27 and 39 GHz with the scale of bandwidth up to 400 MHz with M-quadrature amplitude modulation and quadrature phase shift keying. Results are also shown for FR1 at 3.5 GHz. Moreover, we investigate for the first time the 5G new radio signal transmission under strong turbulence conditions and show the turbulence-induced FSO link impairment. We finally demonstrate the CS DSB scheme performs well under chromatic dispersion-induced fading for the frequency up to 40 GHz and single mode fiber length of 30 km, whereas the DSB format seems more appropriate for an antenna seamless transmission.

Experimental demonstration of a microwave photonic link using an optically phased antenna array for a millimeter wave band

  • DOI: 10.1364/AO.414069
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a hybrid radiofrequency and microwave photonic link at 25 GHz using the chromatic dispersion of an optical fiber to steer the beam of a three-element planar dipole-based phased antenna array (PAA). Our team has designed and developed an in-house built PAA, experimentally verified its parameters, and successfully demonstrated optically controlled beam steering as measured in an anechoic chamber.Moreover, a detailed analysis of the optically based beam steering in the proposed microwave photonics system has been carried out, with data transmission achieving an error vector magnitude as low as 5.6% for the frequency of 25 GHz and 20 MHz bandwidth.

Femtosecond Laser Plane-by-Plane Inscribed Cavity Mirrors for Monolithic Fiber Lasers in Thulium-Doped Fiber

  • Authors: Theodosiou, A., Aubrecht, J., Kašík, I., Dousek, D., doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Kalli, K.
  • Publication: Sensors. 2021, 2021(21), 1-12. ISSN 1424-8220.
  • Year: 2021
  • DOI: 10.3390/s21061928
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A monolithic fiber laser operating in the short wavelength infrared that is suitable for CO2 gas sensing applications is proposed and presented. The current study reports a laser design based on the direct inscription of a monolithic Fabry–Perot (FP) cavity in a thulium-doped optical fiber using the femtosecond laser (FsL) plane-by-plane inscription method to produce the cavity mirrors. The FP cavity was inscribed directly into the active fiber using two wavelength-identical fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), one with high and one with low reflectivity. Initially the effective length of the fiber was defined using a single high reflectivity FBG and subsequently a very weak FBG was inscribed at the other end of the fiber in order to demonstrate a fully monolithic fiber laser. All fiber lasers were designed for continuous wave operation at 1950 nm and characterized with respect to the power output, slope efficiency, stability, and effective resonator length. The performance of the presented monolithic laser cavities was evaluated using the same active fiber as a reference fiber spliced to FBGs inscribed in passive fiber; an improvement exceeding 12% slope efficiency is reported for the presented monolithic laser.

Interconnecting Hollow-core Fibers

  • DOI: 10.1109/SUM48717.2021.9505978
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Low-loss hollow-core fiber interconnection to standard optical fibers paves the way for high-finesse resonators, low-noise sensors, high-power delivery and next-generation fiber-optic communications. We will present main interconnection principles, discuss how back-reflection and higher-order mode excitation can be mitigated, and provide application perspectives.

Long-term stability of hollow core to standard optical fiber interconnection

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2592377
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electrotechnology, Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this paper, we present results of long-term stability tests of a low-loss (<0.55 dB) hollow core fiber (HCF) to standard optical fiber interconnection prepared by modified gluing-based fiber-array technology. We measured insertion loss of three interconnected HCF samples over a period of 100 days at room temperature, observing a variation in insertion loss of less than 0.02 dB. Subsequently, we placed the HCF samples in a climatic chamber and heated to +85°C in four cycles. Maximum insertion loss variation of 0.10 dB was observed for HCF samples with angled 8° interconnections and only 0.02 dB for a HCF sample with a flat interconnection.

Low loss and high performance interconnection between standard single‑mode fiber and antiresonant hollow‑core fiber

  • DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-88065-2
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We demonstrate halving the record-low loss of interconnection between a nested antiresonant nodeless type hollow-core fiber (NANF) and standard single-mode fiber (SMF). The achieved interconnection loss of 0.15 dB is only 0.07 dB above the theoretically-expected minimum loss. We also optimized the interconnection in terms of unwanted cross-coupling into the higher-order modes of the NANF. We achieved cross-coupling as low as −35 dB into the LP11 mode (the lowest-loss higher-order mode and thus the most important to eliminate). With the help of simulations, we show that the measured LP11 mode coupling is most likely limited by the slightly imperfect symmetry of the manufactured NANF. The coupling cross-talk into the highly-lossy LP02 mode (>2000 dB/km in our fiber) was measured to be below −22 dB. Furthermore, we show experimentally that the anti-reflective coating applied to the interconnect interface reduces the insertion loss by 0.15 dB while simultaneously reducing the back-reflection below −40 dB over a 60 nm bandwidth. Finally, we also demonstrated an alternative mode-field adapter to adapt the mode-field size between SMF and NANF, based on thermally-expanded core fibers. This approach enabled us to achieve an interconnection loss of 0.21 dB and cross-coupling of −35 dB into the LP11 mode.

Optical camera communications link using an LED-coupled illuminating optical fiber

  • DOI: 10.1364/OL.428077
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  • Department: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this Letter, we propose and demonstrate a novel wireless communications link using an illuminating optical fiber as a transmitter (Tx) in optical camera communications. We demonstrate an indoor proof-of-concept system using an illuminating plastic optical fiber coupled with a light-emitting diode and a commercial camera as the Tx and the receiver, respectively. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we experimentally demonstrate flicker-free wireless transmission within the off-axis camera rotation angle range of 0–45° and the modulation frequencies of 300 and 500 Hz. We also show that a reception success rate of 100% is achieved for the camera exposure and gain of 200 µs and 25 dB, respectively.

Optical Fiber Delay Lines in Microwave Photonics: Sensitivity to Temperature and Means to Reduce it

  • DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3052609
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    One of the key functionalities in microwave photonics is to be able to define controllable time delays during the signal processing. Optical fibers are often used to achieve this functionality, especially when a long delay or a widely-tunable delay is needed. However, the stability of this delay in the presence of environmental changes (e.g., temperature) has not, to the best of our knowledge, been reviewed yet. Here, we firstly discuss the impact of temperature-induced variations on the signal propagation time in optical fibers and its implications in microwave photonics. We compare the impact of the thermal sensitivity of various delay lines for applications in which the signal is transported from point A to point B, as well as for applications in which the propagation time through a fiber or the fiber dispersion is used to create a fixed or tunable delay. In the second part of the article we show the impact of fiber thermal sensitivity on a narrow-band microwave photonics filter made of standard single mode fiber (SSMF) and a hollow core fiber (HCF), which has significantly lower thermal sensitivity of propagation time to temperature. The central frequency of the band-pass filter changes almost 16 times more in the filter made of SSMF as compared to that of HCF, dictating very tight (0.05 °C) temperature stabilization for SSMF-based filters. On the basis of our thermal sensitivity analysis we conclude that HCFs are very promising for environmentally stable microwave photonics applications.

Polarization Stable Hollow Core Fiber Interferometer With Faraday Rotator Mirrors

  • DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2021.3129591
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We report the fabrication of a hollow core fiber (HCF) coupled Faraday rotator mirror component with a total insertion loss below 1.1 dB and demonstrate its use in a polarization-stable all-fiber Michelson interferometer. The signal split into the two interferometer arms is performed using a standard 2×2 fused fiber coupler. One of the coupler output ports is permanently and directly connected to the HCF with a low return loss (below −40 dB) and negligible signal coupling into higher-order modes. The demonstrated polarization-insensitive interferometer shows residual peak-to-peak polarization-induced power variations as low as 0.04 dB. The device will be of interest in interferometric applications requiring low thermal sensitivity as the phase drift of light propagating through an HCF is over an order of magnitude less sensitive to temperature than in standard fiber. Moreover, the fiber nonlinearity is almost three orders of magnitude lower in HCFs as compared to standard solid optical fibers.

Antenna Phased Array Beamforming at 26 GHz Using Optical True Time-Delay

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249587
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Multi-element antenna beam steering in freelicence higher frequency bands is one of the crucial features of 5G networks enabling better tracking of the users. In this paper, we present an experimental microwave photonics transmission system operating at 26 GHz where beamforming is fully realized in the optical domain. The system is designed to be deployed as a part of the mobile fronthaul network with an optical fiber span of 15 km. As a proof of concept, a planar 3-element antenna array has been developed and radiation patterns were measured in an anechoic chamber with high agreement between experimental and simulation results.

Exact modeling of photonic crystal fibers for determination of fundamental properties

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2020.102177
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a simple but highly accurate modeling technique for real photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) characterization. We determine the influence caused by idealized model parameters. Our technique can be applied to arbitrary PCF air-hole structures, as it takes into account all structural distortions. It requires only an image of the PCF cross-section to create an accurate PCF model. Model outputs are presented in comparison with the measurement of chromatic dispersion curve and the effective mode area. We provide a study on the impact of imprecise determination of glass refractive index on the PCF model accuracy. We demonstrate how the simplification of the air-hole deformations can influence the chromatic dispersion curve. Finally, we show the effect of precise PCF modeling on example of supercontinuum generation.

Experimental validation of a 64-QAM LTE radio-over-fiber and free-space optics link at the 2000 nm band

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249581
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Radio over fiber (RoF) transmission systems have been developing rapidly, especially for applications in 5G networks. In scenarios unsuitable for fiber-optics, radio over free-space optics (RoFSO) presents a suitable solution. Nevertheless, free-space optics (FSO) suffers from atmospheric conditions. The use of the 2000 nm band offers several advantages over the commonly used 1550 nm region. We focus on proof-of-concept evaluation of such a 2000 nm RoFSO transmission system. Measured characteristics are compared with a similar 1550 nm RoFSO system. We demonstrate both systems for QPSK and 64-QAM LTE formats, at 5 GHz and 10 GHz with a 20 MHz bandwidth.

Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot Interferometry for High-resolution Motion Detection

Hollow-Core Optical Fibers

  • DOI: 10.13164/re.2020.0417
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Today hollow-core optical fibers (HCF) are on the verge of surpassing the attenuation benchmark of silica single-mode optical fibers used in optical communication. Compared to solid-core optical fibers, HCFs exhibit ultra-low nonlinearity, high damage threshold, low latency and temperature insensitivity, making them ideal candidates for high-speed data communication, high-resolution sensing, high-power delivery and precise interferometry. The main challenges of low insertion loss, suppressed back-reflections and fundamental mode coupling must be addressed to incorporate HCFs into existing fiber-optic systems to fully exploit their potential. This paper provides an overview of the HCF history, from early papers in the 1980s, over the invention of photonic-bandgap HCFs, to the recent achievements with antiresonant HCFs. Then light guiding mechanisms are presented and key HCF properties are discussed. Interconnection techniques to standard optical fibers are compared with respect to possible HCF applications. Fusion splicing results are presented with an~alternative interconnection solution based on a modified fiber-array technique newly developed by our team. Finally, cutting-edge HCF applications that take advantage of our HCF interconnection, are discussed.

Impact of Thermal-Induced Turbulent Distribution Along FSO Link on Transmission of Photonically Generated mmW Signals in the Frequency Range 26–40 GHz

  • DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2019.2959227
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Microwave photonics is a promising solution to transmit millimeter wave (mmW) signals for the 5th generation (5G) mobile communications as part of a centralized radio access network (C-RAN). In this paper, we experimentally evaluate the impact of turbulent free space optics links on photonically generated mmW signals in the frequency range of 26−40 GHz . We analyze the remote generation of mmW signals over hybrid links based on free-space optics (FSO) and standard single mode optical fiber (SSMF) with −39.97dBm received electrical power and phase noise level at 100kHz as low as −95.92dBcHz at 26GHz . Different thermal distributions along the FSO link have been implemented and Gamma-Gamma model has been employed to estimate the thermally induced turbulence. The results show high electrical power decrease and fluctuation of the generated mmW signal according to the particular level of the turbulence in terms of refractive index structure parameter and thermal distribution along the FSO link. 8Gb/s 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) data transmission at 42GHz has been demonstrated over the hybrid link with minimal error vector magnitude (EVM) value of 5% whereas turbulent FSO link introduced up to 5dB power penalty.

Long-Length and Thermally Stable High-Finesse Fabry-Perot Interferometers Made of Hollow Core Optical Fiber

  • DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.2973576
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We made and characterized two Fabry-Perot interferometer samples made of the latest-generation hollow core fiber with sub-1-dB/km loss. Thanks to this low transmission loss, we achieved a finesse of over 140 and 120, for interferometer lengths of 5 and 23 m, respectively. This resulted in transmission peaks as narrow as 47 kHz. Our all-fiber Fabry-Perot interferometers have standard single-mode fiber pigtails (for easy integration in conventional fiber optic systems) and employ fiber mode field adapters to enable low-loss coupling between the pigtails and the low-loss hollow core fiber. The high-reflectivity mirrors (>98%) were deposited directly on the fiber mode field adapters, which were glued to the hollow core fiber, resulting in permanently-aligned Fabry-Perot interferometers. We also measured how the position of the transmission peaks change with temperature (an important performance metrics for most applications, e.g., when used as a narrow-band band-pass filter) and found that it changed 14.5 times less in our Fabry-Perot interferometer relative to a similar device made of standard single mode fiber.

Polarization Division Multiplexing-Based Hybrid Microwave Photonic Links for Simultaneous mmW and Sub-6 GHz Wireless Transmissions

  • DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3036440
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A new hybrid microwave photonic link based on a polarization division multiplexing Mach-Zehnder modulator (PDM-MZM) is proposed. The link enables co-transmission of millimeter-wave (mmW) and sub-6 GHz wireless signals over a seamless single-mode fiber (SMF) and free-space optics (FSO) channels. Optimization of the chromatic dispersion (CD)-induced power fading regardless of the power fading due to the non-deterministic atmospheric turbulence (AT) is simultaneously demonstrated. Extensive simulation analysis is first presented to examine (i) the impact of CD on mmW (25 GHz) and sub-6 GHz (2.6 GHz) signals, envisioned for the 5th generation networks, and (ii) optimization of CD-induced power fading by changing the phase relations between the optical carrier and optical sidebands in each polarization channel using single tunable polarization controller. A proof-of-concept experiment is finally performed to simultaneously deliver 25 GHz and 2.6 GHz signals with 4/16/64-quadrature amplitude modulation over (i) 20 km SMF and 2 m radio wireless link and (ii) 20 km SMF, 4.2 m FSO (with AT) and 2 m radio wireless links. The optimization of the CD-induced power fading is experimentally verified and link performance shows high tolerance to CD with no power penalties and the measured error vector magnitudes well below the required limits. The predicted bit error rates are also below the forward error correction threshold of 2×10−4

Transmitters for Combined Radio Over a Fiber and Outdoor Millimeter-Wave System at 25 GHz

  • DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2997976
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In the modern wireless networks, millimeter-wave radio-frequency (RF) bands are becoming more attractive as they provide larger bandwidth and higher data rates than the today-used systems operating at frequencies below 6 GHz. In addition, according to the fact that coaxial cables exhibit extremely high attenuation for millimeter-wave RF signals, analog radio over fiber techniques (RoF) form a promising technology for delivering unaltered radio waveform to a remote antenna. This paper experimentally analyzes three types of RoF modulations, namely a directly modulated laser, an electro-absorption modulator, and a Mach-Zehnder Modulator. The primary focus is on the implementation of each RoF transmitter in an RoF system, such as those in 5G networks. The experimental study includes a detailed characterization of an RoF system with a 50-m long outdoor free-space RF channel operating in the frequency band of 25 GHz. Frequency response (S-parameters) and third-order nonlinear distortion are investigated in detail. Tests of EVM performance were conducted using an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signal modulated with 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM) with a long-term evolution signal. It is demonstrated that the transmitters studied can operate under a 13.5% EVM limit given for 16-QAM. Apart from the detailed system performance, the considerable power fluctuations in the 25 GHz free-space RF outdoor channel are reported.

Ultra-wideband mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in liquid-filled circular photonic crystal fiber

  • DOI: 10.1117/1.JNP.14.026016
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We numerically demonstrate ultra-wideband mid-infrared supercontinuum (SC) generation in a liquid-filled arsenic–selenide circular photonic crystal fiber (C-PCF). The inner ring air-holes are filled with two different nonlinear liquids: chloroform (CHCl3) and carbon disulfide (CS2). Based on simulation results, we show that ultra-wideband SC spectra spanning from 1 to 20 μm can be achieved using only 5-mm long CHCl3 liquid filling with a pump optical pulse of 10-kW peak power at the wavelength of 2.55 μm. In addition, using 5-kW peak power, SC spectrum spanning up to 12 μm is obtained in the case of the CS2 liquid-filled C-PCF.

All-optical relay-assisted FSO systems

  • DOI: 10.1049/PBTE078E_ch8
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this chapter, an all-optical FSO relay-assisted system is proposed to mitigate the destructive effects of the distance-dependent AT-induced fading. Relays are inserted directly in the link in order to reduce the AT-induced link loss, thus extending the link span and ensuring higher link availability as well as improving the overall system performance. Two all-optical relaying schemes are proposed and investigated, namely all-optical amplify-and-forward (AOAF) and all-optical regenerate-and-forward (AORF) FSO relay-assisted approaches. For the AOAF approach, the performance analysis of triple-hop AOAF FSO communications is done under the impact of nonhomogeneous atmospheric turbulence. The AORF relaying approach is then proposed to overcome the limitation imposed by AOAF system, where the signal and noise are accumulated at each relay, thus limiting the number of relay nodes that can be used.

Experimental all-optical relay-assisted FSO link with regeneration and forward scheme for ultra-short pulse transmission

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.022127
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents experimental results for an all-optical free-space optical (FSO) relay-assisted system by employing an all-optical regenerate and forward (AORF) scheme in order to increase the transmission link span. The ultra-short pulse (i.e., 2 ps) regeneration technique based on Mamyshev method is adopted. We have developed a dedicated experimental test-bed composed of optical fiber components and FSO links to demonstrate the proposed scheme and evaluate its performance in terms of the Q-factor and bit error rate (BER) under turbulence regimes for both single and dual-hop network architectures. We show that, using the AORF a hundred times improvement in the BER performance is achieved compared to the amplify-and-forward scheme for a fixed signal-to-noise ratio under turbulence conditions.

Experimental analysis of a triple-hop relay-assisted FSO system with turbulence

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2017.11.002
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper outlines experimental investigation of the performance of the wireless optical network based on an all-optical triple-hop free space optical (FSO) communications employing amplify-and-forward relaying under the influence of atmospheric turbulence. We present new results for the bit error rate (BER) performance for seven possible turbulence network scenarios for relay-assisted FSO link and validate them with numerical simulations based on Gamma-Gamma turbulence model showing a good agreement between them. We also show results, which elucidate the impact of non-homogeneous turbulence along the entire transmission link span for the multiple-hop relay-assisted FSO system. More specifically we show that the BER performance considerably deteriorates for the case where turbulence is near to the receiver end. We outline that for a target BER of 10−4 the signal-to-noise ratio penalty can be as high as 9 dB compared to the case with no turbulence.

Highly-efficient and low return-loss coupling of standard and antiresonant hollow-core fibers

  • DOI: 10.1364/FIO.2019.FW5B.2.pdf
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We show results on adopting our new technique, developed for connecting solid-core fibers with hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers, to connect solid-core with antiresonant hollow core fibers. We achieved insertion loss below 0.5 dB per connection.

Low-Loss and Low-Back-Reflection Hollow-Core to Standard Fiber Interconnection

  • DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2019.2902635
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a new approach to permanently inter-connect hollow-core fiber (HCF) to solid-core fiber, which does not involve fusion splicing. Our approach is based on a modification of the glue-based fiber-array technology routinely used for fiber pigtailing of planar lightwave circuits. The resulting interconnection provides for a low insertion loss due to the fact that the HCF microstructure is not deformed during the gluing (low temperature) process that is almost impossible to achieve with the standard (high temperature) fusion splicing method. Furthermore, this low-temperature technique enables the deposition and preservation of thin films deposited at the solid-to-hollow core fiber interface, allowing for additional functionality without the introduction of extra losses or any increase in complexity. To demonstrate this, we have applied an anti-reflection (AR) coating. A further feature of our approach is the ability to control very precisely the length of the graded-index (GRIN) fiber mode field (MF) adapter inserted in between the standard single-mode fiber (SMF-28) and the HCF. We show experimentally how the length of the GRIN fiber MF adapter influences the coupling between the SMF-28 and the fundamental as well as the higher-order modes of the HCF. We coupled between SMF-28 [10μm mode field diameter (MFD)] and the fundamental mode of a 19-cell hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber (HC-PBGF, 21.1μm MFD) with the lowest-ever reported insertion loss of 0.30dB per interface.

M-QAM transmission over hybrid microwave photonic links at the K-band

  • DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.033745
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Two experimental configurations of a hybrid K-band (25 GHz) microwave photonic link (MPL) are investigated for seamless broadband wireless access networks. Experimental configurations consist of optical fiber, free-space optics (FSO) and radio frequency (RF) wireless channels. We analyze in detail the effects of channel impairments, namely fiber chromatic dispersion, atmospheric turbulence and multipath-induced fading on the transmission performance. In the first configuration, transmission of the 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signal with 5, 20 and 50 MHz bandwidths over 5 km standard single-mode fiber (SSMF), 2 m turbulent FSO and 3 m RF wireless channels is investigated. We show that, for QAM with a high bandwidth, the link performance is being affected more by atmospheric turbulence. In the second configuration, the 20 MHz 4/16/64-QAM signals over a 50 km SSMF and 40 m FSO/RF wireless links are successfully transmitted with the measured error vector magnitude (EVM) values of 12, 9 and 7.9%, respectively. It is shown that, for all transmitted microwave vector signals, the bit error rate is lower than the hard-decision forward-error-correction limit of 3.8×10−3. Moreover, an extended FSO link span of 500 m for 25 GHz hybrid MPL with 16-QAM at 10 Gb/s under the weak and strong turbulence regimes is evaluated via simulation analysis to mimic a practical outdoor system.

Optical Hybrid Fiber/Free-Space and 25 GHz Wireless Transmission using LTE M-QAM Signals

  • DOI: 10.1109/WPMC48795.2019.9096169
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We experimentally demonstrate a seamless hybrid transmission of radio-over-fiber (RoF), radio-over-free-space optics (RoFSO) and millimeter wave wireless link using long-term evolution (LTE) 4/16/64-QAM signals for broadband wireless access applications. The signals are transmitted and evaluated over the hybrid channel consisting of 5 km of standard single-mode fiber (SMF), 2 m FSO under the turbulence level up to 3.2×10-11 m-2/3 and 3.3 m 25 GHz wireless channel. The performance shows that, the error vector magnitudes (EVM) are below the 3GPP standard for 4/16/64-QAM signals. We show that, the bit error rate (BER) for all signals is below the forward error correction limit of 10-3. We also perform simulation analysis at higher bit rates of 10 and 15 Gb/s for the hybrid link of SMF (5 km) and FSO (extended up to 500) m under the turbulence level of 1.3×10-15 m-2/3 for the practical outdoor scenario. We achieved acceptable performance for 4- and 16-QAM at 10 and 15 Gb/s.

Precise Measuring Test Bed for Characterization of Mode Field Distribution in Different types of Multimode Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In this paper we present experimental results from precise measurements of mode field distribution in various commercial multimode (MM) fiber types. We characterize the mode field distribution by the encircled flux (EF) parameter. EF determines optimal launch conditions in the core of the MM fiber, which is crucial especially for accurate characterizing of insertion losses at fiber connections, e.g. in data centers. For the purpose of EF measurement, a universal testbed enabling mode field characterization, integral optical power estimation or fiber connector cleanness evaluation has been proposed and experimentally verified. The uniqueness of the proposed testbed lies in backlighting of the tested MM fiber. This backlighting enables accurate positioning of the MM fiber end-face with the collimating lens to measure in the near-field area. The testbed allows the deployment of variable MM fibers and is also wavelength independent. Therefore it has the high potential within growing usage of plastic or large core fibers for short-range communications, e.g. in automotive or avionics. The obtained results are discussed within a selected real application. Moreover, since the mode field distribution is evaluated even for fibers, which do not have available any standards for EF characterization, we present new recommendations for optimal launch conditions in such fibers.

Seamless 25 GHz Transmission of LTE 4/16/64-QAM Signals Over Hybrid SMF/FSO and Wireless Link

  • DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2019.2945588
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a photonics-assisted converged radio-over-fiber (RoF), radio-over-free-space optics (RoFSO) and millimeter-wave (MMW) wireless transmission system for use in broadband wireless access (BWA) networks. The focus is at the emerging frequency band of 25 GHz, as recommended for fifth-generation networks. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, all-optical up-converted long-term evolution test models with 4-, 16- and 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) are transmitted and evaluated over the proposed hybrid link under weak-to-strong atmospheric turbulence regimes. Link performance shows that, the error vector magnitudes are below the 3GPP standard for 4-, 16- and 64-QAM. We also show that, for all QAM signals under turbulence conditions, the bit error rate performance is below the forward error correction limit of ${10^{ - 3}}$ . Simulation analysis is also performed for the 10 Gb/s hybrid systems under turbulence for an extended FSO link up to 500 m to emulate a practical outdoor environment. Furthermore, we analytically estimate the attainable MMW wireless range for different rain rates in Prague, Czech Republic. The obtained experimental and simulation results confirm the feasibility and potential of the proposed hybrid system for next-generation last mile BWA networks.

Structurally-modified tapered optical fiber sensors for long-term detection of liquids

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2018.11.010
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present an improvement of tapered optical fiber (TOF) sensor’s response for the detection of liquids, which is achieved by TOF surface structural modification. Our TOF sensors utilize the refractometric principle with enhanced evanescent-wave overlap due to the wavelength of 1550 nm and TOF waist diameters of 4–6 μm. The structural modification is achieved by long-term TOF exposition to hygroscopic liquid analytes and ambient atmosphere. To analyze the structural modification process, long-term as well as proof-of-principle tests have been carried out to evaluate TOF sensors stability in terms of sensitivity and resolution. Maximum sensitivity of over 2100 dB/RIU has been reached when TOF is used to detect a liquid analyte with refractive index of 1.415. Increase of more than 1400 dB/RIU is attributed to the enhanced sensitivity. Sample TOF sensors were then linearly calibrated and have been tested in more than one year-long continuous measurement campaign. Resolution better than 7x10^-4 for a refractive index range of from 1.405 to 1.425 with working point drift below 2x10^-4 over 12 months period has been achieved. Our results and observations are suitable for reliable, low-cost and application-tailored TOF sensor development.

24-26 GHz radio-over-fiber and free-space optics for fifth-generation systems

  • DOI: 10.1364/OL.43.001035
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This Letter outlines radio-over-fiber combined with radio-over-free-space optics (RoFSO) and radio frequency free-space transmission, which is of particular relevance for fifth-generation networks. Here, the frequency band of 24–26 GHz is adopted to demonstrate a low-cost, compact, and high-energy-efficient solution based on the direct intensity modulation and direct detection scheme. For our proof-of-concept demonstration, we use 64 quadrature amplitude modulation with a 100 MHz bandwidth. We assess the link performance by exposing the RoFSO section to atmospheric turbulence conditions. Further, we show that the measured minimum error vector magnitude (EVM) is 4.7% and also verify that the proposed system with the free-space-optics link span of 100 m under strong turbulence can deliver an acceptable EVM of <9% with signal to noise ratio levels of 22 dB and 10 dB with and without turbulence, respectively.

Application of Conventional G.652 Optical Fibers with Increased Evanescent-wave Overlap for Detection of Liquids

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471779
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The paper discusses conventional telecommunication silica single-mode optical fiber tapers acting as sensors of liquids based on the refractometric principle. Wavelength of 1550 nm is exploited not only due to the facile system integration but especially for the increased evanescent-wave overlap. Based on the simulation results, numerous sensor samples with waist diameters ranging from 4 to 6 um were prepared in precisely controlled conditions. Proof-of-principle tests were carried out to prove sensitivity enhancement of more than 1400 dB/RIU. Sensitivity enhancement was achieved by a structural modification of the tapered fiber surface. A maximum sensitivity of over 2000 dB/RIU was reached. Our results are essential for reliable, low-cost application of developed sensors, in particular, those used for monitoring of gasoline quality. Furthermore the observed long-term attenuation increase can also be critical for many telecommunication components, especially for those exposed to varying ambient atmosphere.

Experimentally and analytically derived generalized model for the detection of liquids with suspended-core optical fibers

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2018.08.005
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A generalized model for the detection of liquids within suspended-core microstructured optical fibers has been experimentally and theoretically derived. The sensor detection is based on the refractometric principle of transmission losses due to the overlap of the evanescent field with the liquid analyte. A number of parameters, including fiber core diameter and filling length, have been included in the general model. Specially tailored suspended-core fibers were manufactured with the core diameters within the range of 2.4 um to 4.0 um. Five selected liquid analytes were used to cover the refractive index range of 1.35 to 1.42. Based on experiments, the characteristics of the parameters of the semi-empirical model have been determined by a genetic algorithm using 283 measurement data sets. The model can be used to design sensors for the detection of liquid analytes as it provides a set of parameters allowing to optimize the sensor’s sensitivity for a wide scale of applications. Finally, numerical simulations of the system were carried out by an eigenmode routine to support the results of the generalized model.

High-efficiency coupling to small-core microstructured fibers for broadband dispersion characterization

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2289783
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    n this paper we investigate several silica-based suspended core microstructured fibers optical (SC-MOFs) in regards to providing the high efficiency coupling for broadband dispersion measurement. We present free-space optic and butt coupling setup capable of coupling signal from standard single mode fibers (SMF) into SC-MOF with core diameter of less than 4 μm and coupling efficiency over 50%. We then investigate SC-MOF’s effective mode area, nonlinearity coefficient and chromatic dispersion curve, using both modeling of the fibers and measurements. Lastly, we have investigated the effects of the aspheric lens on broadband coupling for the chromatic dispersion measurement.

Hybrid RoF-RoFSO System Using Directly Modulated Laser for 24 – 26 GHz 5G Networks

  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471867
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present an experimental hybrid radio over fiber (RoF) and radio over free space optics (RoFSO) system employing a directly modulated laser (DML) for a radio frequency band of 24 – 26 GHz. Moreover, a 3.6 m long radio free space link is combined with a pair of wideband antennas. We outline the specific settings of the proposed high-frequency system for deployment in the centralized fronthaul networks as part of the 5th generation wireless technologies. We show a potential extension in terms of the added optical loss when using a 100 MHz signal bandwidth. In order to determine the optimum system performance, the setting of directly-modulated laser bias current is investigated. Measured results illustrate that the performance of the proposed system is less susceptible for up to medium turbulence conditions by maintaining an error vector magnitude (EVM) value below the limit of 9 %, given for 64- quadrature amplitude modulation (64-QAM). The lowest recorded EVM of the whole system for 64-QAM and a 100 MHz bandwidth at a frequency 24 GHz is 4.1 % while using a band pass filter to reduce amplified spontaneous emission noise in the system.

Impact of Precise Measurements of Multi-Mode fiber components for Data Centers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Multi-mode fiber (MMF) networks are under higher pressure with the wide deployment of high data-rate transmission systems. Reachable distance and system reliability in particular is essential for MM fiber usage in strategic areas like avionics or big data centers. Therefore, knowledge of the mode-field distribution within MMFs is crucial for proper design and optimization of such MMF systems. An optimally excited mode-field in MMFs leads to lower insertion losses (IL) at MMF connections and also contributes to achieving a higher effective modal bandwidth (EMB). To properly measure IL in a MM network and characterize the network for high data rates, the encircled flux (EF) parameter determines an ideal mode distribution in a MMF. This paper studies all above-mentioned aspects, to fully describe mode behavior in MM fiber connections. Moreover, potential accidents in terms of MM fiber offset in adaptors are tested and completed with simulations. Behavior of different optical sources on EF is presented.

Modified Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Residual Dispersion Compensation over Telecommunication Bands

  • DOI: 10.13164/re.2018.0010
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A modified octagonal photonic crystal fiber (MO-PCF) is proposed and numerically investigated for the purpose of residual dispersion compensation in the optical transmission link. The results show that the proposed fiber with optimized parameters exhibits ultraflattened negative dispersion over the 300 nm band (1380 nm to 1680 nm) with an average dispersion of –506 ps/(nm·km) and an absolute dispersion variation of 11.3 ps/(nm·km). In addition to large negative dispersion, the proposed MO-PCF also exhibits high birefringence in the order of 0.0207 at the 1550 nm wavelength. The proposed MO-PCF can be advantageously used especially for residual chromatic dispersion compensation in the wavelength-division-multiplexing optical fiber transmission system. The proposed fiber design is easy to draw and is tolerant to manufacturing imperfections.

Polarization-maintaining Fiber-optic Gyroscope Using a Closed-loop with Kalman Filtering

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents results from the development of a fiber-optic gyroscope based exclusively on polarization-maintaining (PM) components. The main element represents the gyroscope coil, which consists of a 400m-long depressed-cladding PM fiber. To reduce temperature and stress effects, the gyroscope coil is wound in a quadrupolar fashion, which significantly reduces the inhomogeneous distribution of temperature and mechanical stress over the entire fiber coil. This results in mitigation of the so-called Shupe effect. We have employed a super-fluorescent fiber source to overcome the limiting effect of nonlinearities in order to improve the gyroscope performance. We compared the performance of a commercial super-luminescent LED and two types of in-house built super-fluorescent fiber sources realized by PM Erbium-doped fibers. We studied the effect of fiber doping, pumping powers and fiber length on the performance of the fiber-optic gyroscope. Using a digital feedback loop a gyroscope’s dynamic range can be dramatically increased and precision improved as well. In addition, Kalman filtering is proposed to further reduce parasitic drift effects. Conventional tools such as Allan variance are presented, depicting our long-term fiber-optic gyroscope development.

Adaptation of transmitting signals over joint aged optical fiber and free space optical network under harsh environments

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.08.004
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Over the last two decades, a large amount of optical fiber (OF) cables has been deployed as part of the global communication networks. Both the aging of OFs as well as the need to increase transmission data rates, particularly in the backbone, have become hot topics. We present the study of the aged OF deployment in various optical networks including free space optics (FSO) link as a part of modern optical communication networks. Here, we show extended results obtained using a dedicated OF testbed focusing on the long-term monitoring of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) because of its time-varying nature. The adaptation of polarization multiplexed radio over fiber (RoF) and radio over FSO (RoFSO) systems as well as 10 Gbps on-off-keying (OOK) non-return-to-zero (NRZ) intensity modulation with the direct detection system, which is common cost-effective transmission system in passive networks, are demonstrated. Moreover, simulation of 100 and 200 Gbps return-to-zero (RZ) differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) with direct detection is outlined to verify the impact of aged OF network connected with FSO under turbulence conditions. Results reveal more than 6 dB of power penalty with the aged OF route for 100 Gbps systems. In addition, there is a 0.8 dB power penalty due to the strong seasonal induced PMD fluctuations. The influence of scintillations in terms of Rytov variance for the FSO link is also investigated for weak to moderate turbulence. Finally, we derive an expression for the long-term mean PMD value determined over one-month measured frequency response.

Detailed Analysis of Multi-Mode Optical Components for Utilization in Data Centers

  • DOI: 10.1109/GIIS.2017.8169800
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Due to the high demands for the reliability of data centers, the determination of properly excited optical field inside the multimode (MM) fiber core belongs to the key parameters while designing such a MM optical system architecture for data centers. Appropriately excited mode field of the MM fiber provides optimal power budget in connections, leads to the decrease of insertion losses (IL) and achieves effective modal bandwidth (EMB), which is essential for high data rates. Crucial is especially the encircled flux (EF) parameter, which should be properly defined for combinations of variable optical sources and MM fiber infrastructure to provide proper mode-field distribution. In this paper, we present detailed investigation and measurements of the mode field distribution for short MM optical data center links with the emphasis on their reliability. Such characterization is essential for the design of large MM networks. Various scenarios were tested in terms of IL and mode-field distribution to reveal potential problematic scenarios. Furthermore, we focused via simulations and experiments on the estimation of particular defects and errors, which can realistically occur like eccentricity or connector misalignment. Their dependence on EF statistics and functionality of data center infrastructure was evaluated. Finally, we provide recommendations for data center systems and networks, using OM3 MM fiber connections

Development and Characterization of Highly Nonlinear Multicomponent Glass Photonic Crystal Fibers for Mid-infrared Applications

  • Authors: Němeček, T., doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Suslov, D., Peterka, Pavel, Pysz, D., Buczynski, R., Nelsen, B., prof. Ing. Stanislav Zvánovec, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: Proc. SPIE 10232, Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres V. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2017. Proceeding of SPIE. vol. 10232. ISSN 1996-756X. ISBN 978-1-5106-0966-2.
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2265722
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a detailed chromatic dispersion characterization of heavy-metal oxide (HMO) glass photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) suitable for mid-infrared applications. Based on previous work with hexagonal and suspended-core fibers the focus was placed on determination of the chromatic dispersion curve to reach precise correlation between simulation model and real fiber based on both a post-draw model correction and broadband chromatic dispersion measurement. The paper covers the fiber design, discusses fiber manufacturing, presents measurements of fiber chromatic dispersion, provides the simulation model correction and finally proposes further applications. Selected fiber designs from simulation model were fabricated by the stack-and-draw technique. The dispersion measurement setup was based on an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The influence of optical elements on the measurement results and broadband coupling is discussed. We have proved that the critical factor represents the accuracy of the refractive index equation of the HMO glass and real fiber structure. By improved technique we reached the zero-dispersion wavelength with a reasonable precision of less than 30 nm.

Experimental Investigation of All-Optical Relay-Assisted 10 Gbps FSO Link over the Atmospheric Turbulence Channel

  • DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2629081
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents novel experimental results for a 10 Gbps triple-hop relay-based all-optical free space optical (FSO) system by employing the amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying scheme. We provide a mathematical framework for the end-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the bit-error rate (BER) performance and confirm that the derived analytical results reasonably match experimental results especially at relatively high SNR. The evaluated BER performances under different atmospheric turbulence regimes (modeled by the Gamma-Gamma distribution) show that the considered relay-assisted FSO system offers a significant performance improvement for weak to strong turbulence regimes, even without knowledge of the channel state information. More precisely, at a target BER of 10-5 the proposed scheme offers ~ 5 dB and ~4 dB of SNR gain compared to the direct transmission for turbulence strengths C_n^2 of 3.8×10^(-10) m-2/3 and 5.4 ×10^(-12) m-2/3, respectively.

Long-term Polarization Mode Dispersion Evolution and Accelerated Aging in Old Optical Cables

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Today's optical networks are composed of thousands of kilometers of aging optical cables. Many of these cables are located in harsh environments which contribute to induced birefringence of the fibers and a corresponding increase of polarization mode dispersion (PMD). This paper introduces derived statistics from the longest-known running evaluation of a PMD measuring campaign and an investigation into how higher optical power affects these aging systems. Results indicate strong seasonal dependence of PMD on temperature for an optical cable testbed exposed to atmospheric changes, leading to a 16 % increase of mean PMD value in summer. This fluctuation causes bit error rate (BER) limits to be exceeded for 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signals which is a critical issue for applications where high reliability is required. Moreover, due to the high optical power load within old optical infrastructures, a more than 0.15 dB increase of relative loss per year in tested routes, compared to reference routes, has been observed.

Multimode chalcogenide fibers for evanescent wave sensing in the mid-IR

  • Authors: Romanova, E., Korsakova, S., doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Němeček, T., Velmuzhov, A., Shiryaev, V., Sukhanov, M.
  • Publication: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2017, 23(2), ISSN 1077-260X.
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2016.2630846
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Evanescent wave spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (MIR) is a powerful tool for remote real-time sensing. Chalcogenide fibers transparent in MIR are considered as a base for creation of a fiber-optical platform for the MIR sensing. In this paper, a rigorous theoretical approach has been applied for analysis of evanescent modes propagation in a multimode chalcogenide fiber surrounded by an absorbing medium. A role of particular evanescent mode in power delivering through the fiber has been revealed. Strong absorption of water in this spectral range has been shown to be a main factor limiting sensitivity of the evanescent wave sensor. Possibilities of sensitivity enhancement by using waveguiding properties of the fiber have been discussed. The analysis is supported with an experimental measurement of a [GeSe 4 ] 95 I 5 glass fiber partially immersed in an aqueous acetone solution, in the wavelength range of 2-5 μ m.

On the dispersion and mode-field characterization of photonic crystal fibers for nonlinear application

  • DOI: 10.1109/ICACOMIT.2017.8253404
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present a detailed procedure of precise chromatic dispersion and mode field characterization of unknown photonics crystal fibers for their further utilization in nonlinear applications. To verify our methods an Endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber (ESM-PCF) was used. A finite-element method simulation software was utilized for mode field distribution and chromatic dispersion simulation based on the particular fiber structure. Subsequently, a measurement setup for dispersion characterization was proposed, based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Experiment results include as well the influence of various optical elements in the configuration on the measured fiber parameters. Second experimental setup was realized with the possibility of parallel mode-field diameter measurement and visualization of the fiber core structure. Effective area and dispersion measurements results were compared to the simulation outputs. We achieved up to 5 nm accuracy of zero-dispersion wavelength for a 28 cm long ESM-PCF and maximum mismatch of 2 μm2 with effective mode-field area determination. Our procedures and characterization outputs could be applied to specialty optical fiber design and characterization mainly for nonlinear applications such as supercontinuum generation.

Refractometric Detection of Liquids Using Tapered Optical Fiber and Suspended Core Microstructured Fiber: A Comparison of Methods

  • DOI: 10.1364/AO.56.002388
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Detecting explosive, flammable or toxic industrial liquids reliably and accurately is a matter of civic responsibility which cannot be treated lightly. Tapered optical fibers (TOFs) and suspended core microstructured optical fibers (SC MOFs) were separately used as sensors of liquids without being compared to each other. We present a highly-sensitive time-stable TOF sensor incorporated in the pipeline system for in-line regime of measurement. The paper is furthermore focused on the comparison of this TOF and SC MOF of similar parameters for detection of selected liquids. A validated method that incorporates TOF and SC MOF of small core (waist) diameter for refractometric detection is presented. The principle of detection is based on the overlap of an enhanced evanescent wave with a liquid analyte which either fills the cladding holes of the SC MOF, or surrounds the waist area of the TOF. Optical power within the evanescent wave for both sensing structures and selected liquid analytes is analyzed. Measurement results concerning TOF and SC MOF are compared. Calculations to ascertain the limit of detection (LOD) for each sensor and the sensitivity (S) to refractive indices of liquid analytes in the range of 1.4269 to 1.4361 were performed at a wavelength of 1550 nm with the lowest refractive index step of 0.0007. Results affirming that S = 600.96 dB/RIU and LOD = 0.0733 RIU for the SC MOF and S = 1143.2 dB/RIU and LOD of 0.0026 RIU for the TOF sensor were achieved, clearly illustrating that TOF based sensors can reach close to two times greater sensitivity and 30-times higher limit of detection. The paper extends the comparison of the fiber sensors by discussing the potential applications.

Thulium pulsed laser for nonlinear applications in specialty optical fibers: Design and experimental verification

  • Authors: doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Chvojka, P., Němeček, T., Suslov, D., prof. Ing. Stanislav Zvánovec, Ph.D., Redwan, A.
  • Publication: 2nd International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro-­Mechanical System, and Information Technology (ICACOMIT). San Francisco: American Institute of Physics and Magnetic Society of the IEEE, 2017. p. 142-146. ISBN 978-1-5386-0510-3.
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICACOMIT.2017.8253403
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present results from the development of an pulsed thulium laser for near-infrared and mid-infrared nonlinear applications utilizing specialty optical fibers. The laser is based on a gain-switched seed-laser and three amplification stages, where output pulse peak powers in order of kilowatts maximum are expected. The laser is at first analyzed in a simulation software. Pre-amplification stage is discussed, with focus on low-noise signal amplification. Following the pre-amplification stage setting the second gain stage is evaluated incorporating a thulium-fiber of 3m length with increased rare-earth dopant ratio. Finally, a power-booster stage is analyzed in simulation environment to reach peak power of kilowatts. Based on the developed thulium pulsed laser, results from nonlinear phenomena modelling and experiments in the vicinity of 2000 nm are presented. Specialty optical fibers based on fluoride and chalcogenide glass are evaluated.

VLC with Organic Photonic Components

  • DOI: 10.1201/9781315367330
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    In recent years, organic small molecule and polymer light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors (PDs) have been used as optoelectronic components in visible light communications (VLC). The first study appeared in [1] which demonstrated data transmission rates in the hundreds of kb/s region is possible. This was further improved by using advanced modulation formats such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [2]. Ethernet transmission speeds were reported for the first time in [3] and was achieved using the multilayer perceptron artificial neural network equalization technique. The current state-of-the-art transmission speeds available in organic VLC (OVLC) transmission is 55 Mb/s using aggregated wavelength multiplexed data streams [4]. This chapter gives an overview of organic based VLC focusing on the LED technology trends, organic LED (OLED) based devices, the organic semiconductors, and visible light photodetectors. To enhance the OLED-based VLC links blue filtering and a number of equalization schemes including artificial neural network equalizer, decision feedback equalizer, and linear equalizer are discussed and their performance are compared and contrasted. Finally an experimental allorganic VLC system employing both OLED and organic photodetectors employing artificial neural network base equalizer is introduced and its performance is evaluated. The chapter is completed with concluding remarks.

Wavelength Conversion of the 100 kHz, 100 W Picosecond Thin-disk Laser from Deep-UV to Mid-IR

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The 100-kHz picosecond 100-W thin-disk laser has been developed. The application potential of the laser is extended by wavelength conversion which spans from deep-ultraviolet into mid-infrared. The fundamental wavelength of 1030 nm was converted into second (515 nm), third (343 nm), fourth (257.5 nm), and fifth (206) harmonics by cascaded second harmonic and sum frequency generation. Generation of longer wavelengths by optical parametric generation and amplification covers the region from 1.8 μm to 2.4 μm.

Circular Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber for Mid-IR Supercontinuum Generation

  • DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2016.2615657
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This letter introduces specific design features of a proposed chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber for ultra-wideband supercontinuum generation in the mid-infrared region. The fiber is optimized to include a circular photonic crystal lattice having tremendous potential in the fields of spectroscopy, food quality control, pulse compression, gas sensing and various nonlinear applications. By tailoring the zero-dispersion wavelength up to 2.0 μm and 2.5 μm, we have reached supercontinuum generation in the anomalous dispersion regime with the entire design hinging upon fibers based on two types of chalcogenide glass - arsenic-selenide and arsenic-sulfide, where supercontinuum broadening from 1.2 μm to 9.3 μm is made possible.

Detection of liquids in the near and mid-infrared based on lead-silicate suspended-core microstructured fibers

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2237887
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper reports on our recent progress with lead-silicate suspended-core microstructured optical fibers (SC- MOFs) for the detection of liquids. Simulations for SC-MOFs with one micrometer core diameter and of two different glass compositions with refractive indices of 1.67 and 1.89 at 1550 nm are discussed. Mode-field area study is performed for liquid analytes within refractive index range of 1.65-1.75. Experimental results of evanescent-wave refractometry are presented, with an impact study of uneven analyte-filling impact on the sensor performance. Studied SC-MOFs can find their application as monitoring sensors of various liquid quality especially when spectroscopic approach is pursued.

Fiber Optic Refractometric Sensors Using a Semi-ellipsoidal Sensing Element

  • DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.002574
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We present theoretical and experimental results for the fiber optic refractometric sensor employing a semiellipsoidal sensing element made of polymethyl methacrylate. The double internal reflection of light inside the element provides sensitivity to the refractive index of the external analyte. We demonstrate that the developed sensor, operating at a wavelength of 632 nm, is capable of measurement within a wide range of refractive indices from n=1.00 to n=1.47 with sensitivity over 500 dB/RIU. A comparison of the developed sensor with two more complex refractometric sensors, one based on tapered optical fiber and the other based on suspended-core microstructure optical fiber, is presented.

Optical Switching Based on Arsenic-Selenide and Lead-Silicate Fibers

  • Authors: doc. Ing. Matěj Komanec, Ph.D., Němeček, T., Suslov, D., Ahmad, R., Ing. Tomáš Martan, Ph.D.,
  • Publication: 10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing - Proceeding. Piscataway: IEEE, 2016. ISBN 978-1-5090-2526-8.
  • Year: 2016
  • DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2016.7573953
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The paper reports our progress on soft-glass fibers for optical switching purposes based on four-wave mixing. Specific development of connectorized nonlinear modules for switching application is presented. For the arsenic-selenide fiber we present a novel solid joint technology, with connection losses of only 0.25 dB, which is the lowest value presented up-to-date. We have carried out conversion efficiency simulations, conversion efficiency of -16.1 dB was obtained with arsenic-selenide fiber of length reduced to 5 m. Finally experimental tests are included employing our developed optical switch testbed. Measurement results with a 26 m and a 4.5 m long arsenic-selenide nonlinear modules are presented.

Preparation and Testing of Fiber Tapers for Repeatable Detection of Selected Hydrocarbons

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Tapered optical fibers were prepared by heating of a section of the single-mode optical fiber using the tapering apparatus equipped by hydrogen-oxygen flame. Prepared samples of taper waist diameter of 6.1 μm and 3.4 μm were characterized and used as sensors working on refractometric principle of detection at a wavelength of 1550 nm. The repeatability of sensitivity measurement for selected liquids (hydrocarbons) was successfully tested with maximum of deviation of 0.1 dB from the mean value. The samples returned to baseline after purifying very well. Maximum of deviation of 0.05 dB from the mean value was calculated from measured data. OCIS codes: 280.0280

Suspended-core silica and lead-silicate fibers for nonlinear application and sensing purposes

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2227105
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We report development of suspended-core silica and lead-silicate microstructured optical fibers for detection of liquids and supercontinuum generation. Theoretical analysis of effective mode area, dispersion curve, nonlinear coefficient and mode-field overlap is presented. For a specific lead-silicate fiber we determinated the zero dispersion wavelength at 1113 nm with a nonlinear coefficient of 1321 W-1km-1. For detection of liquids both silica and lead-silicate fibers are found to be suitable in different refractive index ranges 1.38-1.44 and 1.68-1.74 respectively. Coupling efficiency into all studied fibers over 40%; fiber attenuation was measured by the cut-back technique and is approximately 2 dB/m for silica glass fibers and over 3 dB/m for lead-silicate fibers.

10 Gbps All-Optical Relay-Assisted FSO System Over a Turbulence Channel

  • DOI: 10.1109/IWOW.2015.7342268
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Relay-assisted free space optics (FSO) communications becomes one of the promising solutions to improve the FSO link capabilities by implicitly reducing the transmission distance and exploiting distance-dependent fading variance of turbulence. Highly motivated by the capabilities of the system, this paper presents bit error rate (BER) performance of an all-optical 10-Gbps FSO relay based system using amplify-andforward signaling is investigated through numerical simulations and experimental implementation. Results show that BER improves up to several orders of magnitudes when using relay based links over the same turbulent distance.

Experimental verification of an all-optical dual-hop 10 Gbit/s free-space optics link under turbulence regimes

  • DOI: 10.1364/OL.40.000391
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This Letter presents original measurement results from an all-optical 10 Gbit/s free-space optics (FSO) relay link involving two FSO links and an all-optical switch. Considering the fact that reported analyses of relay links are dominated by analytical findings, the experimental results represent a vital resource for evaluating the performance of relay FSO links in the presence of atmospheric turbulence. Bit-error-rate (BER) performance of the relay system is tested for single and dual-hop links under several turbulence regimes. Furthermore, results from this measurement are used to ascertain real parameters of the outdoor links and to improve the accuracy of simulation results. Results show that using a dual-hop FSO link against a single FSO link could result in up to four orders of magnitude improvement in BER in the presence of atmospheric turbulence.

Liquid Analytes Filling Process in Suspended-core Silica Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Liquid filling into silica suspended-core microstructured optical fiber capillaries is studied for the application as a liquid sensor. Liquid analytes with various refractive index are theoretically and experimentally compared with respect to their density, viscosity and repeatable measurement. Maximum filling lengths are derived and their dependence on filling time is analyzed. Degradation effects on suspended-core microstructured optical fiber are observed for particular liquid analytes.

Multimode fiber tapers for reproducible refractometric liquid detection

  • DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.54.4.047102
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  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper describes the refractometric detection of liquids based on silica multimode optical fibers which were tapered to increase the evanescent-wave overlap for higher sensor sensitivity. By precisely monitoring the production process, consistent sample parameters were achieved. More than 200 tapers with a taper waist diameter range from 6.0 to 76.3 μm were prepared from polymer-clad silica and gradient-index multimode fibers. U-shaped fiber taper sensitivities were analytically compared with straight tapers with resulting intensity sensitivities of over 200%/RIU. Crucial parameters for real sensor applications, such as measurement repeatability, reproducibility, and long-term stability, were further studied for polymer-clad silica straight tapers. Longterm stability was monitored showing stable measurement results over a 6 months long interval. Measurement repeatability and reproducibility with standard deviations of 0.55%/RIU and 2.26%/RIU, respectively, were achieved.

Soft-glass Fiber Modules for NIR/MIR High-power Lasers, Supercontinuum Sources and Sensing Applications

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents results from the development of soft-glass fiber modules for near- and mid-infrared applications. They can be utilized especially in applications such as high-power lasers, supercontinuum generation and spectroscopy. The technology of fiber processing, preparation and connectorization has been mastered in cooperation with SQS Fiber optics in the frame of joint cooperation in several co-running projects; the high-power lasers and supercontinuum generation is prepared with the IPE Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. We have studied soft-glass fibers including chalcogenide arsenic-selenide, lead-silicate and zirconium-fluoride glass materials. Crucial optical signal factors for specific purposes such as operational wavelength, insertion-loss on the soft-glass-silica-glass boundaries, back-reflected optical power reduction to prevent lasing, power-induced heat generation issues and mode-field mismatch must be taken into account. Technological aspects then include bending radii, glass fragilities and glass toxicities. Results from laboratory measurements will be shown to verify the theoretical dispersion calculation. Results from technological tests of chalcogenide arsenic-selenide fiber module, lead-silicate microstructured fiber free-space optic coupling and zirconium-flouride glass processing challenges will be as well presented more in detail.

Suspended-core microstructured fiber for 2 refractometric detection of liquids

  • DOI: 10.1364/AO.54.008899
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    A silica suspended-core microstructured optical fiber sensor for detection of liquids, operating at 1550 nm, is analyzed. The sensing principle is based on the evanescent wave overlap into a tested analyte, which is filled via capillary forces into the cladding holes. Validations for analytes in the refractive index range of 1.35–1.43 are carried out with liquid-analyte-filling-length limits being studied both theoretically and experimentally. We prove, for the first time to our knowledge, that an extreme sensitivity of 342.86 dB/RIU and resolution of 4.4 × 10−5 can be achieved. This sensor represents a high-quality alternative for applications requiring a facile, low-cost solution.

Data Transparent and Polarization Insensitive All-Optical Switch based on Fibers with Enhanced Nonlinearity

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    We have developed a data transparent optical packet switch, working at optical powers conventional in telecommunications. Polarization sensitivity of only 0.6 dB was achieved. The optical packet switch exploited wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing. To achieve higher switching efficiencies, Ge-doped silica suspended-core and chalcogenide arsenic-selenide singlemode fibers were employed and compared to conventional highly-nonlinear fibers. Improved connectorization technology has been developed for both fibers to reduce overall component insertion loss, where we achieved connection losses of 0.9 dB. For the arsenic-selenide fiber we present the lowest attenuation up-to-date of 0.58 dB/m. Pump power limits for optical packet switching were set to 23 dBm, as limited by most thin-film components. Conversion efficiency of -16 dB was obtained for the highly-nonlinear fiber utilizing pump peak powers of 16 dBm. Arsenic-selenide fiber of 26 m length was evaluated, providing conversion efficiency lower than -38 dB with component insertion loss of -16.5 dB, thus further optimization was carried out according to simulated results. Conversion efficiency of -20 dB was observed with arsenic-selenide fiber length reduced to one meter.

Polymer-Clad Silica Tapers for Liquid Sensing: Long-term Measurement Repeatability and Production Imperfections

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Polymer-clad silica fiber tapers for refractometric detection of liquids are presented. Experimental study of sensor stability and measurement reproducibility is carried out, providing stable sensitivities with respect to production imperfections.

Analyses of Optical Packet Switch Based on Enhanced Nonlinearity Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    This paper presents final results from an optical packet switch developed in a joint project of CTU in Prague, SQS Fiber optics, Czech Republic and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Conventional highly nonlinear fibers were theoretically and experimentally evaluated and confronted with novel extremely nonlinear soft-glass nonlinear fibers and microstructured fibers developed in the framework of the project. Fiber characterization was carried out with respect to nonlinearity, attenuation and stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold limitations. Nonlinear switching technique based on four-wave mixing was evaluated with respect to switching parameters such as modulation format insensitivity, polarization insensitivity and conversion efficiency. BER tests were performed at 10Gbps, verifying optical packet switch functionality with further simulations for advanced modulation formats.

Tapered Optical Fibers for Reproducible Detection of Liquids

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Fiber taper refractometric sensors for detection of liquids are presented. Almost one hundred tapers of a wide waist diameter range were reproducibly prepared from multimode and polymer-clad silica fibers. Sensitivity above 400%/RIU was achieved.

Analyses of Optical Packet Switching Techniques Based on Nonlinear Materials with Respect to Various Label Formats

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.907767
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    All-optical networks introduce the indisputable solution for future networking especially due to discarding slow and power-demanding electronic processing. Ultrafast data communications ultimately head towards all-optical packet data transfer and optical IP routing. In this paper, nonlinear switching techniques are evaluated with respects to particular types of nonlinear fibers with regards to their specific parameters. Optical packet labeling is discussed, considering label allocation between ITU-grid defined data wavelengths. Possible aspects of a highly-nonlinear fiber, untapered and tapered chalcogenide fibers integration into the optical switch were investigated both theoretically and experimentally.

Optical Packet Switch Development and Switching Technique Analysis

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Future of data networks indisputably stands in all-optical processing, components and communication. Ultrafast data transfers of enormous capacity head towards IP-routed optical packet networks. This paper focuses on the routing process and the switching matrix with respect to novel modulation formats appearing in optical data communication. Four-wave mixing switching technique is evaluated to achieve packet switching insensitive to data speed, modulation format and state of polarization. Best up to date peak-to-peak ratio for the routed signal in respect to the original was achieved exploiting the four-wave mixing effect in a highly-nonlinear fiber, with 12dB peak-to-peak ratio, whereas obtaining flat conversion profile from 1535 to 1565nm. Application of chalcogenide fibers promises even better results according to simulation models and achieved chalcogenide taper parameters. Frequency plan is presented proposing two variants with more possible outputs in a high-cost model and vice-versa.

Development of an optical packet switch based on a chalcogenide fiber taper

  • DOI: 10.5716/2251-2233_NTC12
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Development of a novel optical packet switch for future all-optical packet switching, IP routing and highly-sophisticated label formats is presented. Chalcogenide-based nonlinear fabrics were analyzed for utilization in the proposed switching configuration. Particular results from simulations and measurements during research of the optical packet switch will be introduced. The future essential research challenges of such a system development are discussed as well.

Future All-Optical Packet Switched Networks Based on Highly Nonlinear Components

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Novel optical packet switch for future all-optical packet switched networks and IP routing is presented. Chalcogenide-based nonlinear glass fabrics are evaluated for the proposed switching configuration. Particular research results of the optical packet switch development will be introduced. Future major research challenges are discussed as well, focusing on sophisticated labeling techniques.

Investigation of Pulse Regimes of a Fiber Ring Laser

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    The exploitation of particular nonlinear effects in optical materials often requires higher light densities. One of attractive solutions stands in concentrating light into ultra-short pulses by utilizing fiber lasers either with active or passive mode-locking. A fiber laser was developed for the wavelengths close to the upper edge of the telecommunication C-band (around 1565 nm). The pulse regime of the fiber laser in the scale of picoseconds was achieved by the nonlinear polarization rotation effect. The proper polarization states in the ring cavity were adjusted by polarization controllers. Various laser regimes were investigated.

Parametric and Raman Amplification in Optical Highly Nonlinear Fibers

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Broadband amplification has recently drawn attention, as higher data bit rates are to be propagated and the C-band capacity is limited. Therefore a simulation program for hybrid amplifier combining parametric and Raman effects was developed. Femtosecond passively mode locked laser was created to provide signal source for experimental part. Various delay-lines were studied to provide single-shot measurement techniques.

Analysis of Fiber Pulse Replicators for Single-Shot All-Optical Measurements

  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    Several approaches of ultra-short optical pulse replication in a fiber are analyzed in the paper. Aspects of one pulse replication as well as a pulse-pair replication are discussed more in detail. Based on measurement and simulation results the specifics for replicator utilization in the regenerative resonator configuration are proposed.

Single-shot All-optical Sampling Oscilloscope using a Polarization-maintaining Resonator for Pulse Replication

  • DOI: 10.1002/mop.25509
  • Link:
  • Department: Department of Electromagnetic Field
  • Annotation:
    An all-optical single-shot sampling oscilloscope with a picosecond resolution is developed. An innovative approach for data pulse replication using a polarization-maintaining resonator is employed. Pulses are sampled in a highly nonlinear fiber. Acquired data are used for pulse shape reconstruction. Proposed setup eliminates the need of a delay line.

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk