About group

Our Research

We are researching the applications and diagnostics of materials and nanomaterials in the field of power electronics and electronics. We are particularly focused on the following areas:

  • Electrically conductive interconnection, where we deal with the issue of lead-free solder joints and electrically conductive adhesives
  • The problem of power capacitors based on polypropylene film, which exhibit a self-healing effect, addressing the question of how self-healing and long-term pulsed exposure of these capacitors will affect their lifetime
  • Magnetic nanofluids and their applicability as working substances in heat pipes, whose ability to transport heat (thermal conductivity) can be controlled by an external magnetic field
  • Biologically inspired transducers developed on the basis of muscle cells with efficiency significantly higher than conventional transducers



Soldering and electrically conductive bonding are among the basic technologies used in electrical engineering to create a conductive connection between two metallic materials using a solder alloy or electrically conductive adhesive.

Power polypropylene capacitors are widely used in power electronics devices and it is imperative for designers of these devices to know the long-term behavior of these components under various exposure conditions.

Magnetic nanofluids are advanced materials with unique properties. The idea of using these liquids in heat pipes with the possibility of controlling the efficiency of the pipes by magnetic field is very interesting and opens the possibility of further use of these interesting materials.

Biologically inspired transducers are components whose function to some extent mimics the function of a muscle cell, which significantly increases their efficiency.

What we are working on

  • In the field of soldering, we focus on monitoring the reliability of solder joints with regard to their resistance to mechanical, climatic and electrical influences. Among other things, we also deal with unconventional soldering methods that can be used to contact metal to other materials, such as glass or ceramics. Such applications are required in the automotive industry, among others, along with the formation, distribution and minimization of voids in the solder joint.
  • In the field of PP capacitors, the aim is to find a methodology for estimating the lifetime of these components. The capacitors are aged by sinusoidal current, or by current pulses, and changes in their basic properties (capacitance, loss factor) are monitored. Moreover, and this approach is new, the nonlinearity of the VA characteristics of the capacitors is measured. The nonlinearity is indicative of electrode degradation and significant changes are already evident at the beginning of aging.
  • In the field of magnetic nanofluids as a filling for heat pipes, we investigate theoretically and experimentally the properties of these nanofluids at temperatures close to ambient temperature. The possibility of controlling the heat transport capabilities by means of an external static magnetic field is also being investigated.
  • In the field of biologically inspired transducers, functional samples are prepared by 3D-printing technology. We use our own AC and DC high voltage sources up to 30 kV, pulse generators and a special Polystat 1 rotating disk generator to simulate the electromagnetic interactions of the functional parts of the transducers. Experiments using nanofibres, produced by electrospinning or spontaneous growth by vapour condensation in a vacuum, are being prepared.

Our Funding Sources

  • MOE

  • Industrial entities

  • COST MP1003 European Scientific Network for Artificial Muscles (ESNAM)

  • PreSEED CZ.1.05/3.1.00/14.0301

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk