Ongoing projects:
- H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) project “VisIoN” (Visible light based Interoperability and Networking),
- COST Project CA16620 European Network for High Performance Integrated Microwave Photonics.
- COST project MP1401 Advanced Fibre Laser and Coherent Source as Tools for Society, Manufacturing and Lifescience.
- Combined Radio Frequency and Visible Light Bands for Device-to-Device communication (in cooperation with 5Gmobile (5GM) research lab), GACR grant 17-17538S.
- High-speed optical source modules for data centers, (in cooperation with Argotech a.s.), Ministry of industry and trade project MPO TRIO FV40089
- Analyzer of modal structure in optical components (in cooperation with PROFiber Networking CZ s.r.o.), Ministry of industry and trade project MPO TRIO FV10519.
- Radio-optical transmission terminal for 5G networks, MPO grant TRIO FV30427.
- High-precision fiber collimator arrays MPO grant TRIO FV30136.
- TACR – Centre of competence TE02000202 Advanced sensors and sensor data processing methods (our team – leading Working Package 6), external academic participants from University of West Bohemia, Brno University of Technology and industrial participants from AZD Praha, Honeywell International s.r.o., SQS Fiber optics, LESIKAR, a.s. and Safibra.
- MEMS sensors with optical scanning, TACR project TH03010205 with SQS Fiber optics, Honeywell International s.r.o. and VUT Brno.
- Development of optical sensors and systems and microwave biomedical technologies, ČVUT projekt SGS17/182/OHK3/3T/13.
Selected finished projects:
- COST project IC1101 Optical Wireless Communications – An Emerging Technology, OPTICWISE,
- Wideband Optical Source Based on Soft-glass Fibers (in cooperation with SQS, fiber optics a.s), TACR grant TA04010220
- Fiber optic detection of liquids (in cooperation with SQS, fiber optics a.s), TACR grant TA03010060
- Optical packet switch (in cooperation with SQS, fiber optics a.s, IFE AV ČR), TAČR grant TA01011105
- Research of Ambient Influences on Novel Broadband Optical Wireless Systems – RAINBOWS, MŠMT COST_CZ project LD12058
- Centre for quasi-optical systems and terahertz spectroscopy, project LC06071 (with VŠCHT and VUT)
- Quadrupole Interactions as a Powerful Tool for the Conformational and Structural Analyses of Biochemically and Astrophysically Important Molecules (with VŠCHT), GAČR project GAP206/10/2182
- The Influence of the Atmosphere on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation for Broadband Stratospheric Links, GAČR project GP102/08/P346