There is currently a strong demand for information technology professionals, which - given current trends - will continue for some time to come. Knowing how to program is now an essential engineering skill. In the KyR program, you will learn to understand the functional principles of electronic components, which will facilitate your study of computer science.
Characteristics of the KyR study programme
The Cybernetics and Robotics (KyR) program emphasizes theoretical knowledge and practical insight in robotics, automatic control, cybernetic systems, machine learning, digital manufacturing, dynamic networks, autonomous cars, aircraft and spacecraft. Graduates of this programme can not only invent, but also design electronic systems and sophisticated devices with the help of logical reasoning, and put them into real-life operation. This is why they are in such demand across the engineering disciplines.

Top level informatics

Deepen your mathematical and physical thinking
Technology is moving forward in leaps and bounds, and what is modern today may be prehistoric tomorrow. Students in the KyR program are systematically taught to keep up with the times, adapt to change at lightning speed, and respond appropriately. In the KyR program, you will experience identifying, formulating, and solving complex engineering problems using cybernetic, engineering, and scientific principles.

Detailed knowledge of algorithms for both the real and cyber worlds
KyR offers students a great job perspective, extensive knowledge, as well as a wealth of learning opportunities. As a result of their studies, they gain a broad theoretical knowledge and practical insight into cybernetic systems, machine learning, digital fabrication and dynamic networks.

What hasn't seen the light of day yet
We don't just teach the latest technologies - that would be an understatement. We teach to invent technologies that don't yet exist. Studying with us isn't just about regurgitating facts. That's why you'll still appreciate it fifty years from now, even if life eventually takes you far from your original field.
Working with big names
We work with a number of major technology companies, and many thesis assignments stem from their real needs. Porsche Engineering Services, Honeywell, Valeo, STMicroelectronics or BTL - this is just a list of the companies that the KyR programme has worked with over the years.

How do we teach?
We focus on both theory and practice. From the necessary theory you will soon get to practical tasks at KyR. We equip students with the knowledge to design and program algorithms for the real and cyber world, mathematical and physical thinking, and methods for solving real-world problems. We will teach them how to use current and create future technologies to abstract and analyze underlying structures, recognize sources of uncertainty, and use appropriate models, engineering tools, and evaluation methods to develop their own solutions.
What will you learn?
Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems using cyber, engineering and scientific principles and practices.
Invent, create, implement and evaluate automated, robotic, electronic and learning systems and networks.
Interact and collaborate independently with various engineering disciplines.
Approach future problems and challenges with technical orientation, critical thinking, engineering creativity, and cybernetic insight.
Develop self-awareness, integrity, originality, flexibility, open-mindedness and innovative thinking.
"KyR students receive an excellent technical university education, which they can also apply in a wide range of master's degree programmes at domestic and foreign universities. Thanks to the practical experience gained and developed in specialised laboratories and project work, he can immediately join several prestigious companies."
What else does KyR offer?
Systematic preparation for the independent creation of new technologies that do not yet exist and cannot be foreseen.
Richly equipped laboratories with modern instruments and experiments.
Tutorials in mathematics, physics and programming before the start of the course.
Opportunities to join research groups that train in the latest technologies.
A chance to get your bearings even without previous experience. KyR's curriculum is designed so that anyone can learn to program even without prior knowledge.
Labs for almost all professional subjects, offering the opportunity to try things you would otherwise find hard to get to.

Why study at FEE CTU
We combine electronics and computer science in all study programmes of our faculty. Soldering irons, ones and zeros. We teach you how to invent, build and program things. With an emphasis on individual approach, timeless education and 100% employment immediately after graduation.