Volby do AS FEL - studenti


AS FEE announced elections to AS FEE in student constituency. (Resolution of AS FEE 6/5.) According to the Electoral rules of AS FEE (Volební řád AS FEL), 5 new senators for the period from 1. January 2024 until 31. December 2025 are going to be elected.

Any student may run for senatorship in any announced elections, if they meet the requirements given by the respective Electoral rules (Volební řád AS FEL, Volební řád AS ČVUT.) In order to be registered as a candidate in the elections, you have to send your candidate list ("kandidátka") to the e-mail address volby@fel.cvut.cz. (If you run for multiple elections, you have to send each candidate list separately!) The candidate list has to be sent from your faculty e-mail username@fel.cvut.cz. The subject of the e-mail has to be "Candidature to the regular elections in AS FEE". Attach your candidate list as a file named likewise to "regular-elections-asfee-username.pdf". The candidate list needs to meet criteria stated in Electoral rules of AS FEE, Article 4, paragraph 2. (Volební řád AS FEL, Článek 4, odstavec 2.), namely:

  • Candidate list has to be one-paged document in A5 paper size oriented to landscape in PDF file format.
  • The document has to include candidate's name, surname, type of affiliation to the faculty, photograph and faculty's e-mail address.
  • The document may include further information such as proposed election manifesto or a link to a detailed information about the candidate.

The deadline to send your candidate list is fixed at 31. October 2023 at 23:59 CET.

A public discussion with the registered candidates will take place the in following week, details will be announced later.

The elections will occur on Tuesday 14. November 2023 and Wendesday 15. November 2023 electronically at the address https://volby.cvut.cz.

Elections committee: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D. (chair), doc. Mgr. Petr Habala, Ph.D. and Ing. Martin Zoula

Elections to AS FEE - students

AS FEE announced elections to AS FEE in student constituency. (Resolution of AS FEE 6/5.) According to the Electoral rules of AS FEE (Volební řád AS FEL), 5 new senators for the period from 1. January 2024 until 31. December 2025 are going to be elected.

Any student may run for senatorship if they meet the requirements given by the Electoral rules (Volební řád AS FEL). In order to be registered as a candidate in the elections, you have to send your candidate list ("kandidátka") to the e-mail address volby@fel.cvut.cz. (If you run for multiple elections, you have to send each candidate list separately!) The candidate list has to be sent from your faculty e-mail username@fel.cvut.cz. The subject of the e-mail has to be "Candidature to the regular elections in AS FEE". Attach your candidate list as a file named likewise to "regular-elections-asfee-username.pdf". The candidate list needs to meet the criteria stated in the Electoral rules of AS FEE, Article 4, paragraph 2. (Volební řád AS FEL, Článek 4, odstavec 2.), namely:

  • The Candidate list has to be a one-paged document in A5 paper size oriented to landscape in PDF file format.
  • The document has to include the candidate's name, surname, type of affiliation to the faculty, photograph and faculty's e-mail address.
  • The document may include further information, such as a proposed election manifesto or a link to detailed information about the candidate.

The deadline to send your candidate list is fixed at 31. October 2023 at 23:59 CET.

In-person meeting of candidates with academic community will take place on Wednesday 8.11 from 16:15 in room T2:D3-209. You may also ask the candidates anytime on-line on Discord.

The elections will occur on Tuesday 14. November 2023 and Wednesday 15. November 2023 electronically at the address https://volby.cvut.cz.

The election date has been postponed due to technical and security issues, the new elections will be held on 22.11.2023 and 23.11.2023 electronically at the address https://volby.cvut.cz.

Elections committee: Ing. Vladimír Janíček, Ph.D. (chair), doc. Mgr. Petr Habala, Ph.D. and Ing. Martin Zoula

Responsible person Bc. Michal Reiser