
MAFIA seminar: Sallah Eddine Boutiah (University Ferhat Abbas Setif)

Termín: 19. 3. 2024
Odkaz: Odkaz na web
Elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients

Abstract: In recent years there have been substantial developments in the theory of
second order elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients, see for example and the references therein.
In this talk I will discuss various recent results related to the following second-order elliptic operator A = q(x)Δ + F(x) · ∇x − V (x) defined in the whole RN. This kind of operators arise as a model in many field of science, especially in stochastic analysis (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators), mathematical finance (Black-Scholes equation and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model), in physics (in non-relativistic quantum mechanics the Schr¨odinger operator). In particular, we are interested in studying quantitative and qualitative properties in Lp(RN), 1

19.03.2024, 12.00 - 13.00, online: https://mafia.fjfi.cvut.cz/index.php?str=seminar

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk