
Excelentní výsledky výzkumu na FEL

Expertní panely RVVI vybraly v II. pilíři Hodnocení výsledků výzkumných organizací RVVI 2014 276 nejlepších výsledků českého výzkumu za období 2010-2014. V tomto prestižním seznamu se objevilo z celkem 31 výsledků celého ČVUT 14 publikací či patentů autorů z FEL.

Expertní panely RVVI vybraly v II. pilíři Hodnocení výsledků výzkumných organizací RVVI 2015 276 nejlepších výsledků českého výzkumu  za období 2010-2014. Kritériem v tomto pilíři je excelence výsledku, jež se posuzuje u publikačních výsledků jejich ohlasem a u výsledků aplikačních průmyslovým dopadem. Optimálním kandidátem tedy může být např. vynález chráněný mezinárodním licencovaným patentem nebo  vysoce citovaný článek, jehož autor či autoři získali další ocenění. Některé naše výsledky mají atributy dokonce obou příkladů současně.

V tomto prestižním seznamu se objevilo z celkem 31 výsledků celého ČVUT 14 publikací či patentů autorů z FEL Sečtou-li se autorské podíly na výsledcích, dopadla FEL v rámci ČVUT s podílem téměř 60% ještě lépe, viz tabulka. Podíl FEL na nejkvalitnějších výsledcích ČVUT oproti výsledku loňského roku zůstal v podstatě nezměněn. Jak FEL tak ČVUT dosáhla lepšího výsledku s publikacemi, kde má menší podíl, tj. jsou výsledkem spoluprací s jinými výzkumnými organizacemi.

Fakulta Počty výsledků % podíl autorů Podíl na ČVUT (autor)
FSv 3 200 % 13.83 %
FS 2 61 % 4.22 %
FEL 14 863 % 59.68 %
FJFI 7 219 % 15.15 %
FD 1 1 % 0.07 %
FBMI 2 50 % 3.46 %
ÚTEF 2 52 % 3.60 %
ČVUT 31 1446 % 100.00 %

L Neumann, J Matas: A method for text localization and recognition in real-world images - Computer Vision–ACCV 2010, Springer LNCS

A new method for text detection in real-world image is proposed. The method has become a backbone of many text detection pipelines. As a consequence the authors were invited to present a keynote talk at a international workshop on robust reading, The result lead to receiving a Google Award (40 000 Eur) and a Google Fellowhip,, an extremely selective (one fellowhip in a discipline per year) award, see, the recepients are exclusively from top-level universities (and CVUT), see The fellowship brought 40 000 EUR in three consequitive years. The method is highly cited, with 160 Google Scholar citations. The WOS citation count differs if obtained via "cited reference search" (66) and by the number of citations linked to the publication. The further development of the method lead to a prize winning approach (best paper at ICDAR in 2015,

Comment by Selection panel

Both theoretical and practiccal result with a clear impact on the real world. shown. Many awards received including Google Award.

Kálal,Z., Mikolajczyk,K., Matas,J.: Tracking-Learning-Detection, . IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 34(7): 1409-1422 (2012)

A seminal paper that introduced the long-term tracking problem and showed that solutions to the problem must include tracking, learning and detection components. The paper has been published in the #1 journal in the field. A framework based on a novel learning method called P-N learning is introduced. Extensive quantitative evaluation showed a significant improvement over state-of-the-art approaches. The core of the idea is presented in a YouTube video which has been seen more than 800 000 times. For the work, the PhD student Zdenek Kalal has been awarded the UK ICT Pioneers 2011 prize. The paper has been cited more than 900 times in Google Scholar and more than 280 times in the Web of Science. The result is the foundation of which Zdenek Kalal built his successful start-up, TLD Vision,, which is based in Tabor, Czech Republic.

Comment by Selection panel

Excellent results published in a top journal with an excellent scientific response. Practical implementation and success of the company startup testify for its actuality and commercialization potential.

Hanzálek, Z. - Jurčík, P.: Energy Efficient Scheduling for Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks With Time-Bounded Data Flows: Application to IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee. Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on. 2010, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 438-450. ISSN 1551-3203.

Published in Q1 WoS journal. 35 hetero-citations in WoS (4x more than IF of the journal, which is 8.785), mostly from other journals. 49 citations according to Scopus. 61 hetero-citations in Scholar.This method for optimal setting of parameters in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless network was further extended by a parameter setting in IEEE 802.11p wireless networks used in Car-to-Car communication, which was contracted (47600,- EURO in 2013-2015) as a Linux implementation by Volkswagen Wolfsburg. The total amount of our contracts with Volkswagen in the area of vehicular communication protocols was 186000,- EURO in 2010-2015.

Comment by Selection panel

Very good paper with relevant scientific impact and industrial applications.

Zhao, G. - Ahonen, T. - Matas, J. - Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2012, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 1465-1477. ISSN 1057-7149.

The paper presents a novel approach to compute rotation invariant features from histograms of local, noninvariant patterns with multiple applications such as texture recognition and video description. The method has become widely used and cited. The journal in which it was published is #1 in the field of image processing. The paper has been cited more than 50 times in the Web of Science collection and 140 times in Google Scholar.

Comment by Selection panel

Excellent paper with a good practical impact and many citations.

Široký, Jan - Oldewurtel, Frauke - Cigler, J. - Prívara, S.: Experimental analysis of model predictive control for an energy efficient building heating system. Applied Energy. 2011, vol. 88, no. 9, p. 3079-3087. ISSN 0306-2619.Buildings. 2012.

Q1 journal, 80 hetero-citations in WoS, over 150 at Scholar. This article is one of a series of articles published about the topic of model predictive control of heating and ventilation in buildings. Other related articles are e.g.: (1) Cigler, J., Privara, S., Vana, Z., Zacekova, E., Ferkl, L. Optimization of Predicted Mean Vote index within Model Predictive Control framework: Computationally tractable solution. Energy and Buildings. 2012. - 13 citations in WoS (2) Prívara, S. - Váňa, Z. - Žáčeková, E. - Cigler, J.: Building Modeling: Selection of the Most Appropriate Model for Predictive Control. Energy and Buildings. 2012, vol. 55, no. 12, p. 341-350. ISSN 0378-7788. - 11 citations in WoS.

Low energy buildings have attracted lots of attention in recent years. Most of the research is focused on the building construction or alternative energy sources. In contrary, this paper presents a general methodology of minimizing energy consumption using current energy sources and minimal retrofitting, but instead making use of advanced control techniques. We focus on the analysis of energy savings that can be achieved in a building heating system by applying model predictive control (MPC) and using weather predictions. The basic formulation of MPC is described with emphasis on the building control application and tested in a two months experiment performed on a real building in Prague, Czech Republic

Comment by Selection panel

Excellent paper in a good journal with a very significant impact.

Novák, A. - Simon, L. - Kadlec, F. - Lotton, P.: Nonlinear System Identification Using Exponential Swept-Sine Signal. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2010, vol. 59, no. 8, p. 2220-2229. ISSN 0018-9456.

The work is the result of the Antonin Novak's double degree Ph.D. in collaboration between the Czech Technical University in Prague and Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine (LAUM).

In this paper, a method for nonlinear system (NLS) identification using a swept-sine input signal was proposed. The method uses a nonlinear model, namely, the generalized Hammerstein model made of power series associated with linear filters. Simulation results showed that the method identifies the nonlinear model of the system under test and estimates the linear filters of the unknown NLS. The method has also been tested on a real-world system: an audio limiter. Once the nonlinear model of the limiter is identified, a test signal can be regenerated to compare the outputs of both the real-world system and its nonlinear model. The results showed good agreement between both model-based and real-world system outputs.

Although the published method has been originally designed for the field of audio engineering, its efficiency and simplicity represent a high potential for nonlinear systems identification in many field of physics. For instance, the method has been successfully used for non-destructive testing of diverse materials.The method is now used not only in field of science and research, but it has also found its place in industrial application. A French company Orkida Audio (, a start-up dealing with an innovative loudspeaker technology, has adapted the method as a main measurement tool.

Comment by Selection panel

Very good result published in an average journal yet received numerous citations. Good application potential

Sýkora, D. - Sedláček, D. - Jinchao, S. - Dingliana, J. - Collins, S.: Adding Depth to Cartoons Using Sparse Depth (In)equalities. Computer Graphics Forum. 2010, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 615-623. ISSN 016

a) The paper presents a revolutionary new approach to an open problem of adding depth information into existing hand-drawn artwork. The technique enables to quickly transfer important semantic knowledge about depth in the scene using pair-wise relations which are easy to specify for the user. The presented method opened new possibilities and research directions that concentrate now on a combination of hand-drawn and computer generated animations.b) The paper was initially presented at Eurographics 2010 conference (premier European event in the field of Computer Graphics) where it got Günter Enderle Best Paper Award. It was then published in a special (conference) issue of Computer Graphics Forum, one of the world leading journals in the area. The paper has received 23 hetero-citations (in WoS) till 2015.c) The technique was already applied by leading movie producer (USA) for stereo conversion of classical hand-drawn feature movies (subject of NDA).

Comment by Selection panel

Innovative result, great scientific and practical impact.

Vandemeulebroucke, J. - Rit, S. - Kybic, J. - Clarysse, P. - Sarrut, D.: Spatio-Temporal Motion Estimation for Respiratory-Correlated Imaging of the Lungs. Medical Physics. 2011, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 166-178. ISSN 0094-2405.

3D+time computed tomography can provide patient-specific motion information for radiotherapy planning. The motion is extracted through image registration. We have improved the robustness of the image registration by using a global problem formulation. The work has been done in collaboration with the Leon Berard Cancer Center, Lyon, which permits us to test our methods on real patient data. The importance of this problem for the clinical practice is also attested by the number of citations (32 according to WoS, 54 according to Google Scholar).

Comment by Selection panel

Very good paper with serious impact confirmed by numerous citations

Hanzálek, Z. - Burget, P. - Šůcha, P.: Profinet IO IRT Message Scheduling With Temporal Constraints. Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on. 2010, vol. 6, n

Published in WoS-Q1 journal with 11 citations in WoS (more than IF of the journal, which is 8.785) including citiations in 4 other IEEE Transactions. 28 heterocitations by Scholar. The article describes an algorithm to create a message schedule for Profinet IRT, which was unique at the time of the publication. This was the primary work on Profinet IRT, which continued in a series of other activities such as the establishment of the Certified Profinet Training Centre (certified by Profibus & Profinet International) in 2011. The related Certified Profinet Engineer course has been provided for more than 50 participants from Czech Republic, Austria, Turkey, India and the total turnover in terms of commercial agreements has been more than 1 million CZK since then. In 2014 another commercial project for 0,5 million CZK has been done for Profibus Nutzerorganisation, whose objective was to develop a tool, which is called IRTcheck, to check the Profinet IRT message schedule with respect to other parameters describing the characteristics of the involved devices. This tool has been used by major automation manufacturers like Siemens, WAGO, Phoenix Contact, Beckhoff, Molex, Hilscher whose development teams have been using the tool. From the point of view of PI an important fact is that the parameters generated by different Profinet IO Controllers, i.e. from different manufacturers, comply with the Profinet standard and thus the interoperability of the devices and the controllers is ensured. The tool is available for the members of PI for free.

Comment by Selection panel

The proposed algorithm is novel, original, the first in its class at the time of its publication, with a wide application potential. It has obtained numerous citations showing its high impact.

Holub, J.: System for Tariffication Control in Telecommunication Networks Based on Quality of Transmitted Call. Patent European Patent Office, EP2541883. 201

The European Patent (EPO) presents completely new and unique approach to manage billing in a commercial telecommunication network, based on quality of the transmitted call. The ability of removing the calls of compromised quality from customer final invoice improves telecommunication service vendor image and is used as a strong marketing factor. The patent licence has been purchased (as a yearly-paid single licence grant fee) by German telecommunication company and the invented principle is sucessfully implemented and commercially available in their monitoring system for IP-based voice networks. The recurring licence grant fee is paid annually and has generated 24.000,-€ until today.

Comment by Selection panel

Novel result, protected by a European patent, successfully commercialized.

Uherčík, M. - Kybic, J. - Liebgott, H. - Cachard, C.: Model Fitting Using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2010, vol. 57, no. 8, p. 1907-1916. ISSN 0018-9294.

We present a method to localize a thin surgical tool such as a biopsy needle or a microelectrode in a 3-D ultrasound image. This is an important practical problem, with application in computer guided surgery and medical robotics. The method is both faster and more robust then previously known alternatives, by combining shape an intensity modeling, random sampling and consensus (RANSAC), and local optimization. The work has 17 heterocitations according to WoS (35 according to Google Scholar). It is a result of a collaboration with the CREATIS team at INSA, Lyon, France and an ultrasound equipment manufacturer GE Medical Systems.

Comment by Selection panel

A new method with practical applications in medicine. Sufficiently high number of citations.

T. Polcar, F. Gustavsson,  T. Thersleff, S. Jacobson, A. Cavaleiro: Complex frictional analysis of self-lubricant W-S-C/Cr coating, Faraday Discuss 156 (2012) 383–401

The paper presented at prestigious Faraday Discussions conference (conference with 100 years tradition; 5 minutes of presentation is followed by 30 min discussion, which is recorded and published; IF of journal 4.6) deals with tribological behaviour of novel smart low-friction coatings with self-adaptive nanostructure. We have used combination of advanced surfaces characterization to describe and understand frictional mechanism of the coatings in different environment. Alloying of WSC self-adaptive film with chromium significantly reduces its performance in humid air. Based on our experimental findings, we question the role of doping metal as oxygen getter during deposition or sliding in humid air. In discussion, we challenge historical model of friction reduction with load based on material shear strength; we believe that nanoscale tribochemistry is key factor controlling tribological behaviour. Our finding indicate that ultrathin tribolayer (nanometer scale) is responsible for low friction. It opens new possibilities for theoretical simulations, since we can downscale problem to few atomic layers (see our last work on simulation, e.g. Levita et al, J Phys Chem C 118 (2014) 13809–13816 or Cammarata&Polcar, Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 5739–5744). 

Comment by Selection panel

Important result, presented at most prestigious Faraday Discussions conference, successfully commercialized

T. Polcar, A. Cavaleiro,: Review on self-lubricant transition metal dichalcogenide nanocomposite coatings alloyed with carbon, Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 686-695

The paper is a summary of T. Polcar’s habilitation thesis on novel solid lubricant coatings. Our research corrected some older speculation of behaviour of complex solid lubricant coatings based on transition metal dichalcogenides and indicated new design routes to produce radically new solid lubricant coating. The results were presented in 7 invited talks so far with number of group following our ideas. Proposed functional design of solid lubricants was used in successful EU grant application; T. Polcar is coordinator of H2020 Marie Curie ITN project Solution (€3.5m, 2016-2021).

Comment by Selection panel

Although a review paper, it contains good original results of the authors, a good number of citations.

Dvořák, M. - Havel, P.: Combined heat and power production planning under liberalized market conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012, vol. 43, no. SI, p. 163-173.

Comment by Selection panel

Good with proven impact in a real application. The described methodology is sold to a company, applied in six cogeneration plants and its benefits are well proven

M.Fabian, P.Habala, P.Hajek, V.Montesinos, V.Zizler: Banach Space Theory. The basis for linear and nonlinear analysis, 1. vyd. New York: Springer. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4419-7514-0

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk