
doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D.

Disertační témata

Metody aktivního vnímání v částečně neznámém prostředí.

  • Program: Informatika – Katedra kybernetiky
  • Katedra: Katedra kybernetiky
    • Popis:
      Accurate local 3D perception is an essential component for many fundamental capabilities such as emergency braking, active damping or self-localization from offline maps. Consequently, all autonomous vehicles require a sensor providing high resolution and long range 3D measurements. Since state-of-the-art rotating lidars are very expensive, heavy and contain moving parts prone to mechanical wear, several manufacturers have announced development of cheaper, lighter, smaller and motionless Solid State Lidars (SSL). SSLs should become available before the end of 2017 with target cost of $250 at automotive scale production, which make them affordable for ordinary cars in a close future. In contrast to rotating lidars, the SSL can independently steer pulses of light by shifting and focus its attention on the parts of the scene important for the current task. Task-driven reactive control of hundreds of thousands rays per second using only an on-board computer is a challenging problem, which calls for highly efficient parallelizable algorithms. We are looking for students who want to cooperate with us in the research of active mapping/segmentation/detection methods, which simultaneously (i) learns to reconstruct a dense 3D map from sparse depth measurements and (ii) optimize the reactive control of depth-measuring rays in order to minimize reconstruction error. Další informace lze nalézt na

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk