Nanostructures defined by the local oxidation of the ferromagnetic GaMnAs layer
- Autoři: doc. RNDr. Jan Voves, CSc., Šobáň, Z., Janoušek, M., Komarnitskyy, V., Cukr, M., Novák, V.
- Publikace: Microelectronics Journal. 2009, 40(4-5), 697-705. ISSN 0026-2692.
- Rok: 2009
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2008.07.039
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
The results of local anodic oxidation (LAO) on the thin GaMnAs layers are reported. The ferromagnetic GaMnAs layers were prepared by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth in a Veeco Mod Gen II machine. The LAO process was performed with the atomic force microscope (AFM) Smena NT-MDT placed in the sealed box with the controlled humidity in the range 45-80%. The oxide was grown in the semi-contact mode of the AFM. The sample was positively biased with respect to the AFM tip with the bias from 6 to 24V. The conductive diamond-coated AFM tips with the radius 30nm were utilized for the oxidation. The tip speed during the oxidation was changed from 400 nm/s to 1.5 mm/s. The tip force was also changed during the oxidation. The height of oxide nanolines increases with applied voltage from 3 to 18 nm. The width of these lines was approximately 100 nm at half-maximum.
Influence of capping layer thickness on electronic states in self assembled MOVPE grown InAs quantum dots in GaAs
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., Oswald, J., Komarnitskyy, V., Kuldová, K., Hospodková, A., Hulicius, E., Pangrác, J.
- Publikace: Superlattices and Microstructures. 2009, 46(1), 324-327. ISSN 0749-6036.
- Rok: 2009
- DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2008.12.002
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
The paper investigates the influence of capping layer thickness on electronic states in self assembled MOVPE grown InAs quantum dots in GaAs. The structures were investigated by means of atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
The AFM LAO lithography on GaMnAs layers
- Autoři: doc. RNDr. Jan Voves, CSc., Cukr, M., Novák, V.
- Publikace: Microelectronic Engineering. 2009, 86(4-6), 561-564. ISSN 0167-9317.
- Rok: 2009
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2008.11.035
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
atomic force microscope (AFM). These oxide lines, produced by the negatively biased AFM tip, formed the electrical barrier to the conducting holes in the layer. The constricted samples were characterized at low temperature (12 K). They showed magnetoresistance effect specific for nanoconstrictions during in-plane magnetic field sweep in both polarities for the different mutual orientation of magnetic field and current. The LAO appears to become a useful patterning technique for research of ferromagnetic semiconductor nanostructures. Further optimization of LAO parameters for reaching better homogeneity of the oxide lines is needed.
Hydrogenation of Platinum Introduced in Silicon by Radiation Enhanced Diffusion
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., Komarnitskyy, V., Buršíková, V.
- Publikace: Materials Science and Engineering: B. 2009, 159(160), 342-345. ISSN 0921-5107.
- Rok: 2009
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2008.11.038
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
The paper deals with hydrogenation of platinum atoms introduced in silicon by radiation enhanced diffusion. The interaction of defects and arising deep levels are investigated by means of deep level transient spectroscopy.
Influence of Radiation Defects on Formation of Thermal Donors in Silicon Irradiated with High Energy Helium Ions
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., Komarnitskyy, V.
- Publikace: Materials Science and Engineering: B. 2009, 159(160), 346-349. ISSN 0921-5107.
- Rok: 2009
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2008.10.008
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
The paper investigates the influence of radiation defects on formation of thermal donors in silicon irradiated with high energy helium ions. Defect interacion were studied by deep level transient spectroscopy.
Dynamic avalanche in diodes with local lifetime control by means of palladium
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Jan Vobecký, DrSc., prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc.,
- Publikace: Microelectronics Journal. 2008, 39(6), 878-883. ISSN 0026-2692.
- Rok: 2008
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2007.11.003
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
The paper shows both theoretically and experimentally the increase of the static breakdown voltage and reduction of the dynamic avalanche after radiation enhabced diffusion of palladium into the n-base of power diode.
InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures covered by InGaAs strain reducing layer characterised by photomodulated reflectance
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., Oswald, J., El-Sayed Abd-Elaal, M., doc. RNDr. Jan Voves, CSc., Kuldová, K., Hospodková, A., Hulicius, E., Pangrác, J.
- Publikace: E-MRS Spring Meeting 2007 - Book of Abstracts. Strasbourg: E-MRS, 2007. p. 7 15.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures covered by InGaAs strain reducing layer characterised by photomodulated reflectance
Optical characterisation of MOVPE grown vertically correlated InAs/GaAs quantum dots
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., doc. RNDr. Jan Voves, CSc., Oswald, J., Kuldová, K., Hospodková, A., Hulicius, E., Pangrác, J.
- Publikace: European Nano Systems 2006. Grenoble: TIMA, 2006. pp. 9-13. ISBN 2-916187-05-7.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
Paper deals with optical characterisation of MOVPE grown vertically correlated InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Ultrathin InAs and modulated InGaAs Layers in GaAs grown by MOVPE studied by photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., doc. RNDr. Jan Voves, CSc., Hulicius, E., Pangrác, J., Šourek, Z.
- Publikace: Applied Surface Science. 2006, 253(1), 85-89. ISSN 0169-4332.
- Rok: 2006
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.05.074
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
Paper deals with ultrathin InAs and modulated InGaAs Layers in GaAs grown by MOVPE studied by photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy
Lifetime control in silicon power P-i-N diode by ion irradiation: Suppresion of undesired leakage
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Pavel Hazdra, CSc., Komarnitskyy, V.
- Publikace: Microelectronics Journal. 2006, 37(3), 197-203. ISSN 0026-2692.
- Rok: 2006
- DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2005.09.010
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra mikroelektroniky
Paper deals with lifetime control in silicon power P-i-N diode by ion irradiation and suppresion of undesired leakage