
doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.

Všechny publikace

DC-driven atmospheric pressure pulsed discharge with volume-distributed filaments in a coaxial electrode system

  • DOI: 10.1063/1.5113950
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    A nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma source based on a dc-driven intermittent spark discharge in a coaxial electrode configuration with volumetrically distributed discharge filaments is presented. Spreading the intermittent spark discharge over the volume of the cylindrical discharge chamber is achieved owing to the mutual action of acoustic and magnetic fields on the discharge. The magnetic field scans discharge filaments over the cross section of the cylindrical electrode, while the acoustic field spreads the discharge along the electrode. Electrical parameters and characteristics of the developed nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma source with volumetrically distributed plasma microchannels are presented.

Acoustic Waves Effect on the Generation of Nitrogen Oxides by Corona Discharge in Air

  • DOI: 10.1088/1361-6595/aad10d
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    We studied the interaction of acoustic waves with negative corona discharge in air at atmospheric pressure. The application of acoustic waves on the discharge causes a mixing of ambient air with the gas between the electrodes, which results in cooling of the gas in the inter-electrode gap. As a rough indirect indicator of the discharge cooling, we used a concentration of nitrogen oxides generated by the discharge. We chose these oxides because they exhibit antibacterial properties. We showed that for a particular discharge power with increasing amplitudes of acoustic displacements, the concentration of generated nitrogen mono/dioxide decreases, and that this decrease could be attributed mainly to the temperature. We also found that application of acoustic waves on the discharge for a particular power substantially decreases transient spark frequency, increases the magnitude of the streamer onset voltage, and increases the difference between the streamer and spark onset voltage.

Acoustic field effects on a negative corona discharge

  • DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/23/3/035005
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    For a negative corona discharge under atmospheric pressure in different regimes, we investigated the effects of an acoustic field both on its electrical parameters and on the change in its visual appearance. We found that the application of an acoustic field on the true corona discharge, for particular currents, decreases the discharge voltage. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge in the filamentary streamer regime substantially extends the range of currents for which the discharge voltage remains more or less constant, i.e. it allows a substantial increase in the power delivered to the discharge. The application of an acoustic field on the discharge causes the discharge to spread within the discharge chamber and consequently, a highly reactive non-equilibrium plasma is created throughout the inter-electrode space. Finally, our experimental apparatus radiates almost no acoustic energy from the discharge chamber.

Acoustic plane waves in a gas-filled duct with an axial temperature gradient

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Description and analysis of acoustic waves in ducts with a temperature gradient represents a signifi- cant problem of science and practical interest. This problem is induced by the need of understanding how temperature fields affect acoustic processes which leads to a better possibility to design and con- trol systems in which interactions between the acoustic and temperature fields occur. This includes for instance thermo-acoustic devices and engines, combustors, automotive mufflers, measuring methods of impedances of high temperature systems, investigation of thermo-acoustic and combustion instabil- ities etc. Most of the works dealing with these problems requires either the weak temperature gradient or temperature gradients, which are not fully consistent with the imposed physical conditions. In our work we deal with investigating of the behavior of plane acoustic waves that enter a region with arbitrarily spatially varying temperature gradient. This temperature region smoothly verges into the remaining regions in which the temperature gradient is constant. The one-dimensional wave equa- tion for ducts with an axial mean temperature gradient is solved analytically. The derived solutions extend the class of published analytical solutions of model wave equations taking into account the temperature gradient of medium by solutions that assume a smooth temperature distribution.

Acoustically Stabilized Edge to Wire Electrode Electrical Discharges

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    We describe acoustical stabilization of the negative corona discharge in air with razor blade electrode against grounded wire electrode placed axially in a cylindrical resonator in the pressure node of the acoustic standing waves. When the standing waves are applied the discharge becomes more uniform and its volume is substantially increased along entire edge of the blade electrode. Images of the discharges for various acoustic field strengths are presented.

An acoustical resonator for stabilization of electrical discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This work deals with study of a device for an efficient generation of standing acoustic field with high amplitude of acoustic particle displacement. The device is intended to be used for acoustic sta- bilization of electrical discharges for enhancement of plasma-chemical reactions in ecological applica- tions. It consists of two out-of-phase-driven loudspeakers interconnected with a symmetrically shaped waveguide forming together a low-frequency electro-mechano-acoustical resonant system. A theoret- ical model based on lumped-element circuits is proposed for description of the device, its tuning capabilities and optimization. An analysis of the model is performed resulting in an experimental sample realization. Acoustic measurements based on two-microphone method are conducted to prove functionality of the device even in case of high-amplitude acoustic fields.

Interaction between two nonlinear acoustic resonators

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This work is dedicated to problems connected with an interaction between two nonlinear acoustic cylindrical resonators. The resonators are closed and interact due to an elastically mounted wall which is placed between them. This wall represents a one-degree-of-freedom mechanical oscillator that is described by the linear equation of motion. Acoustic fields inside the resonators are generated by vibrating pistons which are located at their ends. The pistons are capable to excite nonlinear standing waves. For description of the waves model equations were derived, which represent the modified inhomogeneous Burgers equations. Nonlinear acoustic fields are coupled linearly by the elastically mounted wall. This resonant system enables to set a lot of configurations which is due to many optional parameters, e.g. frequency and amplitude of the vibrating pistons, detuning, characteristic frequency of the mechanical oscillator and its damping. This paper contains interesting analysis of chosen configurations and demonstrates possibility of using of the coupled inhomogeneous Burgers equations for these purposes.

The Acoustic Resonator Combined with Electrical Discharges

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). New York: IEEE, 2012. pp. 531-534. ISSN 1948-5719. ISBN 978-1-4577-1252-4.
  • Rok: 2012
  • DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2011.0128
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The important factors in industrial applications are discharge power and volume. In order to increase those and to prevent a discharge transition into sparks, we designed a discharge stabilization of multi-needle to axial-wire electrode system, which is situated in the pressure node of the acoustic resonator. The discharge streamers are strongly spread. The discharges are stabilized at all needles even if they are connected to the same potential. The needle tips are effectively cooled by the acoustic wave. Several multi-needle electrodes can be placed around the resonator diameter centered at the node plane so that the considerable resonator node volume is filled with the discharges. The stabilization may be applied to different regimes of discharges; e.g. corona, glow and streamer.

Ultrasonic Measurement of Skin Surface Deformation

  • Autoři: Tokar, D., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: SPMS 2012 Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2012. pp. 201-208. ISBN 978-80-01-05130-6.
  • Rok: 2012
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This paper describes a development of a system for ultrasonic measurement of a human skin surface deformation in-vivo. A measuring method is based on pulse-echo measurements of an ultrasonic wave propagating in the skin surface. The ultrasonic wave is transmitted and received using a pair of piezoceramic transducers that are fifixed on the skin surface. The deformation of the skin surface is evaluated from changes of a distance between the ultrasonic transducers. The developed measuring system is microprocessor controlled and consists of self designed transmitting and receiving circuits for evaluation of the distance between ultrasonic transducers. Measured data are transfered via USB interface. The system has been tested and considered as the working prototype. Further development will be focused on improvement of the measuring method and technique of the joint flexure range evaluation.

Air-Jet Power Ultrasonic Field Applied to Electrical Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2010.01.099
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    We describe a new setup of the Hartmann air-jet ultrasonic generator combined with electrical discharge in the nozzle-resonator gap. Using the schlieren visualization of air jet and ultrasonic field we investigated the shape and structure of the discharge and we determined relationship among the acoustic field in the nozzle-resonator gap, generator ultrasonic emission and discharge behavior.

High-Amplitude Standing Waves Between Collateral Discs

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The paper is concerned with study of behaviour of high-amplitude standing acoustic waves between two collateral discs whose dimensions are comparable with the wavelength. The work is motivated by research of possibilities of acousto-optical imaging in gases. Firstly, the system was numerically modeled in linear approximation using the Finite Elements Method in order to assess its Q-factor and resonant frequencies for different discs' radius-wavelength ratios. An approximate formula was found for calculation of resonance frequency for given geometry. Secondly, high-amplitude waveforms and generation of higher harmonics was studied using time-domain numerical integration of Navier-Stokes equations. It was observed that typical shock-wave does not develop in spite of considerable amplitudes of acoustic pressure that is caused by irregular distribution of resonant frequencies for individual modes.

Stabilization of Multi-needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharges in a High-intensity Sound Field

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The efficiency of different chemical reactions can be improved by a power sound field in an acoustic resonator and by ionization of the reactant medium by electrical discharges. The important factors in the industrial applications are discharge power and volume. To increase the discharge volume and to prevent a discharge transition into sparks, we designed a new stabilization of multi-needle-to-plate electrode system. Stabilization factors are: the gas particles that are swung on the pressure node plane; the sound pressure gradient, which strongly influences breakdown conditions. With the abatement of sound pressure the discharge is strongly spread and stabilized at all needles even if they are connected to the same potential. The needle tips are effectively cooled by the sound wave. The stabilization may be applied to different regimes of discharges.

Hartmann Ultrasound Generator Combined with Electrical Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441514
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    We describe a new setup of the Hartmann gas-jet ultrasonic generator combined with the electrical discharge with reduced gas flow rate. Our idea involves a rod along the nozzle-resonator axis. New nozzle construction also enables to control electric field in the nozzle-resonator gap and creates high power ultrasoud field in volume in front of the resonator. Apart of the fact that the discharge is stabilized along the resonator orifice circumference, it becomes more uniform and it increases its volume.

High-amplitude acoustic field in a disc-shaped resonator

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The work is concerned with study of high-amplitude acoustic fields in thin cylindrical discs, where the transversal mode is driven using a vibrating piston. Due to the fact that higher eigenfrequencies are not integer multiples of the eigenfrequency fundamental, excitation of shock-wave is avoided and nonlinear dissipation is supressed. The problem is described using a set of modified Navier-Stokes equations that are integrated numerically.

Ultrasonic Field Effects on Corona Discharge in Air

  • DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.920222
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The application of ultrasonic waves on corona discharge causes existence of pressure gradients in the discharge gap. According to Meek´s criterion formation of streamers in the discharge and therefore the discharge profile is affected by these pressure gradients. We calculated the distribution of ultrasonic pressure in the interelectrode gap and we demonstrated experimentally that the discharge profile is affected by this ultrasonically induced pressure distribution.

Fyzika ultrazvuku

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Článek pojednává o výzkumu ultrazvuku na ČVUT FEL na katedře fyziky.

Numerical Simulation and Schlieren Visualization of Ultrasonic Field Generated by a Piston Transducer in Gas

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Numerically simulated ultrasonic density and pressure fields are compared with the schlieren pictures of the same field. The results are used to explain the interaction of the gas flow with the ultrasonic field generated by the piston. Knowledge of these density distributions is required for the description of more complex processes, which take place if an electrical discharge is formed between the nozzle and the ultrasonic transducer. Such combined electrical and aerodynamic phenomena are presented in environmental applications such as production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.

Schlieren Visualization of Ultrasound Wave against the Gas Flow through the Nozzle

  • DOI: 10.3728/ICUltrasonics.2007.Vienna.10
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The schlieren visualization of ultrasonic standing waves interacting with the propane-butane gas flow through the nozzle (hollow-needle) is described. The interaction takes place in one-wavelength ultrasonic resonator excited by a solid piston with only a slightly smaller diameter than the resonator cross-section. The attempt to explain the observed effects like disturbing the gas layer along the vibrating surface as well as efficient mixing of gas is presented.

Ultrasonic Resonator with Electrical Discharge Cell for Ozone Generation

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The effect of ultrasound waves in an ultrasonic resonator cell on ozone generation by a hollow needle to plate electrical discharge enhanced by the airflow through the needle is experimentally investigated. It was found that the application of ultrasound waves increases ozone generation for discharge when the needle is negatively biased, and has no effect on ozone generation for the discharge when the needle is biased positively. We try to explain the influence of ultrasound on the discharge mechanisms.

Ultrazvuk v průmyslu a medicíně

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Podzimní škola Praha 2007. Praha: ČEZ, 2007. pp. 36-48. ISBN 978-80-01-03910-6.
  • Rok: 2007
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Příspěvek seznamuje s novými trendy aplikací ultrazvuku v průmyslu a medicíně.

Effect of ultrasound waves on a hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in air or mixture of air with VOCs

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Ultrasound, electrical discharge, VOC

Power ultrasound interaction with DC atmospheric pressure electrical discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The effect of power ultrasound application on DC hollow needle to plate atmospheric pressure electrical discharge enhanced by the flow of air through the needle electrode was studied experimentally. It was found that applying ultrasound increases discharge volume. In this volume take place plasmachemical processes, used in important ecological applications such as the production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.

The Effect of Ultrasound on Hollow-Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    The effect of ultrasound standing waves at a frequency of 20.3 kHz on hollow-needle to plate electrical discharge enhanced by the flow of air through the needle is described. It was found that the suitable application of ultrasound increases discharge volume in cylindrical one wavelength ultrasonic resonator excited by solid piston with only a slightly smaller diameter than the resonator diameter. This discharge-spread is connected with radial pressure distribution as a result of ultrasound interaction with the airflow from the needle. Efficient mixing in infinitesimal layer of the air created along vibrating electrode and other complex processes, which are caused by electrical and aerodynamic interactions can be used for environmental applications such as production of ozone, VOC decomposition and de-NOx processes enhancement.

The Measurement of High Power Ultrasonic Field in Cylindrical Resonator

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This paper deals with the analysis of ultrasonic waves inside cylindrical resonator. These waves behave nonlinearly, so it is not easy to describe theoretically their behaviour. Therefore, we started with an experimental determination of acoustic pressure. We chose two methods of measurement - by a microphone and by an optical interferometric probe. A harmonic power ultrasonic wave at a base frequency of 20.3 kHz was generated by a piston. The glass cylindrical resonator with an internal diameter of 17 mm and adjustable reflector was used. The dependence of the harmonic components of the acoustic pressure on the distance from the source of the power ultrasound was measured. The data measured by the microphone and by the interferometer were compared.

Ultrasound and Airflow Induced Thermal Instability Suppression of DC Corona Discharge: an Experimental Study

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Thermal instability, electrical discharge, ultrasound, airflow

Use of the application of heterodyne laser interferometer in power ultrasonics

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.163
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    We are particularly interested in the measurement of nonlinear acoustic waves in air, within the range of the Raman-Nath diffraction regime. We used a heterodyne laser interferometric system with a Bragg cell frequency of 80 MHz. A harmonic power acoustic wave with a frequency in the range of 20 kHz was generated, but higher harmonics appear when nonlinear propagation occurs in restricted volumes or waveguides.

Výzkum na katedře fyziky elektrotechnické fakulty ČVUT

Zobrazování ultrazvukových polí v proudícím plynu z jehly

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Vizualizace poruch či nehomogenit v transparentním mediu je potřebná v mnoha situacích. Jednou z možností je šlírová metoda zobrazování. Tato technika umožňuje vidět neviditelné, v tomto příspěvku je popsaná interakce ultrazvukového pole s plynem proudícím z konce jehly. Byly popsány optické a elektronické součásti aparatury, která má vysoké rozlišení. Výsledku jsou prezentovány na fotografiích prostoru mezi koncentrátorem ultrazvukového generátoru a koncem jehly, pro zvyšující se tok plynu jehlou a pro případ zapnutého a vypnutého generátoru.

A comparison measurement of nonlinear ultrasonic waves in tubes by a microphone and by an optical interferometric probe

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.163
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This paper deals with the analysis of ultrasonic fields inside waveguides generated by ultrasonic waves of high amplitude. These waves behave nonlinearly, so it is not possible to use standard linear equations to describe their behaviour. Therefore, we started with an experimental determination of the acoustic pressure of air in glass tubes. We chose two methods of measurement-by a microphone and by an optical interferometric probe. The conventional method by a microphone creates numerous problems, which can be avoided by using an optical method, a heterodyne laser interferometer.

Měření velkých akustických tlaků a výchylek laserovým interferometrem

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Práce řeší problém zpracování širokopásmového signálu, vznikajícího na výstupu laserového interferometru při měření velkých akustických tlaků a výchylek.

Poznatky z měření polí ultrazvukových měničů určených pro fyzioterapii

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Cílem měření bylo zjistit parametry ultrazvukových měničů dle normy ČSN EN 60601-2-5.

Ultrasound Induced Thermal Instability Suppression of Electrical Discharge for Ecological Applications

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Thermal instability, ultrasound

Effect of ultrasound waves on electrical characteristics of hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in air or in mixture of air with VOC

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Elektrický výboj, ultrazvuk, těkavé uhlovodíky

Optical Measurement of Acoustic Fields in Air Inside Glass Tubes

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Bartáková, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of ICA 2004. Kyoto: Acoustical Society of Japan, 2004. pp. 1619-1622. ISSN 0001-4966. ISBN 4-9901915-6-0.
  • Rok: 2004
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Measurement of acoustic pressure of harmonic components inside tubes

Optical Measurement of Acoustic Pressure and Vibration

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Bartáková, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2004. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2004. pp. 335-338. ISBN 80-01-03055-5.
  • Rok: 2004
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Měření laserovým heterodynním interferometrem

Ozone Generation by Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge in Ultrasound Field

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Ozone, Electrical Discharge, Ultrasound

Ozone Generation Enhanced by Ultrasound Waves in Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Ozone, Electrical Discharge, Ultrasound Waves

Phase-Demodulation in Heterodyne Laser Interferometer

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Bartáková, Z.
  • Publikace: Workshop 2004. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2004. pp. 152-153. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
  • Rok: 2004
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Fázový demodulátor, založený na principu vyváženého diodového směšovače.

Study of Acousto-Optic Properties of Plumbic Halides

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Bartáková, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of ICA 2004. Kyoto: Acoustical Society of Japan, 2004. pp. 1615-1618. ISSN 0001-4966. ISBN 4-9901915-6-0.
  • Rok: 2004
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Measurement of velocity of propagation, impedance, attenuation, acousto-optic coefficient

A Comparison of Acoustic Field Measurement by a Microphone and by an Optical Interferometric Probe

Laser Interferometry in Ultrasonic Physics

  • Autoři: Šlegrová, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2003 (online). Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 118-119. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Rok: 2003

Problémy při měření akustického pole v plynu ve vlnovodech

  • Autoři: Šlegrová, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Audio Technologies and Processing 2003. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2003. pp. 53-57. ISBN 80-214-2391-9.
  • Rok: 2003

Ultrasonic System for Identification of Fluids in Closed Containers

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2003 (online). Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003. pp. 140. ISBN 80-01-02708-2.
  • Rok: 2003

Interferometric Determination of Harmonic Components of Acoustic Pressure

  • Autoři: Šlegrová, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Audio Technologies and Processing ATP 2002. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 2002. pp. 97-103. ISBN 80-214-2128-2.
  • Rok: 2002

Měření akustického pole mikrofonem a optickým interferometrickým senzore

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: 65. akustický seminář. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2002. pp. 5-10. ISBN 80-01-02638-8.
  • Rok: 2002

Pulse Echo Reflectometer for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Acousto-optic Crystals

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 128-129. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
  • Rok: 2002

Study of Photoacoustic Phenomena for Detection of Gases

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2002. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2002. pp. 94-95. ISBN 80-01-02511-X.
  • Rok: 2002

Interferometric Measurement of Acoustic Pressure

  • Autoři: Šlegrová, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Czech Student AES. Brno: Technical University, 2001. pp. 41-45. ISBN 80-214-1950-4.
  • Rok: 2001

Měření akustického tlaku v tenké trubici

Noncontact Motion Measurement of Rough Surfaces

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2001. pp. 128-129. ISBN 80-01-02335-4.
  • Rok: 2001

Optical Determination of Acoustic Pressure in a Tube

  • Autoři: Šlegrová, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Poster 2001. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2001. pp. NS36.
  • Rok: 2001

Světový problém kvality životního prostředí a situace v ČR

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Elektroenergetika a životní prostředí. Praha: Český svaz zaměstnavatelů v energetice, 2001. pp. 1-6.
  • Rok: 2001

Technical University Environmental Education

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 2.International Seminar on ECS. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2001. pp. 143-145. ISBN 80-01-02473-3.
  • Rok: 2001

Back-Face Electrical Connections of Piezoelectric Transducers

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 44. ISBN 80-01-02229-3.
  • Rok: 2000

Hollow Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge Enhanced by Gas Flow

Modeling and Measurement Laser Induced Surface Displacement

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Book of Abstracts: Elastic Wawes in Nondestructive Testing. Praha: AV ČR, Ústav termomechaniky, 2000. pp. 32. ISBN 80-85918-57-9.
  • Rok: 2000

Modeling and Measurement of Thermoelastics Surface Displacement

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 64. ISBN 80-01-02229-3.
  • Rok: 2000

Netermální plazmatické metody rozkladu škodlivin

Výuka a výzkum v oblasti životního prostředí na ČVUT FEL

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings 4th Int. Conf. EIA. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2000. pp. 358-363. ISBN 80-01-02239-0.
  • Rok: 2000

Využití optoakustického jevu pro detekci plynů

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Sborník 60. akustického semináře & 36. akustické konference. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 9-12. ISBN 80-01-02179-3.
  • Rok: 2000

Vyzařování elektromagnetických vln z elektrických výbojů za atmosférického tlaku

Determination of Photodisplacement Excited by Different Modulation of Thermal Source

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 99. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999. pp. 86.
  • Rok: 1999

Determination of Photodisplacement Excited by Different Modulation of Thermal Source

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 99. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999, pp. 86.
  • Rok: 1999
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Stanovení amplitudy fotovýchylky při různých modulacích teplotního zdroje

Hollow Needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure

  • DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/8/3/321
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Typical sources of non-equilibrium plasmas are barrier discharge, direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) gliding arc, pulsed or DC corona and DC atmospheric pressure discharge stabilized by a fast gas flow (APD-GFS). In case of APD-GFS the gas flows in a rectangular channel, the top wall of which serves as the anode and the multi-needle cathode is built into the bottom wall of the channel. In order to prevent the transition to a spark and to stabilize this type of discharge the velocity of the gas should be about 100-200 m s-1 or the discharge current must be limited. To avoid the problem connected with the acceleration of the primary (polluted) gas at such a velocity, the external flow of the primary gas around the needle electrodes can be superimposed by a flow of a secondary gas through the needles. Thus the primary gas need not be accelerated to high velocity and in order to stabilize the discharge a relatively small amount of a secondary gas supplied through the needle is required. This work is therefore focused on the study of the DC APD-GFS in hollow needle-to-plane geometry. The basic electrical characteristics, magnetic noise and integral emission spectra of this type discharge with the flow of nitrogen or air through the needle are given.

Internally Cooled Needle to Plate Electrical Discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Netermální plasmatické technologie pro ekologii

Magnetic Noise of Negative Corona Discharge

  • Autoři: Aubrecht, L., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Koller, J., Staněk, Z.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Workshop 99. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1999, pp. 64.
  • Rok: 1999
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Magneticky sum zaporneho koronoveho vyboje

Tloušťkově kmitající piezoelektrické měniče s nekontaktovanou čelní plochou

Another Approach to Photodisplacement Imaging by Laser Interferometer

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: 35. Ultrazvuk a akustická emise - program abstraktů. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra fyziky, 1998. pp. 7.
  • Rok: 1998

Another Approach to Photodisplacement Imaging by Laser Interferometer

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Šlegrová, Z.
  • Publikace: Ultrasonics and Acoustics Emission - Proceedings. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 1998. pp. 3-6. ISBN 80-01-02065-7.
  • Rok: 1998

Detection of Photothermal Displacement

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Workshop 98. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1998, pp. 103-104.
  • Rok: 1998
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Detekce fotonicky vybuzených teplotních vln.

Magnetic Noise of Atmospheric Corona Discharge

Magnetic Noise of Atmospheric Pressure Electrical Discharge

  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Magnetický šum elektrického výboje při atmosférickém tlaku

Vysokofrekvenční šum z koronového výboje

  • Autoři: Aubrecht, L., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Koller, J., Staněk, Z.
  • Publikace: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetické pole. Praha: ČVUT FEL, Katedra elektromagnetického pole, 1998. pp. 1-6. ISBN 80-01-01821-0.
  • Rok: 1998
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Vliv elektromagnetických vln z koronového výboje na životní prostředí

Defektoskopie povrchu využitím fotonicky vybuzených teplotních vln

Nedestruktivní zkoušení kolejnic

Ultrasonic Testing System for High Attenuation Material

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Workshop 97. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1997. pp. 927-928.
  • Rok: 1997
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Ultrazvuková defektoskopie materiálů s vysokým útlumem

Zařízení pro defektoskopii kolejnic a jeho aplikace v terénu

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Krejča, J.
  • Publikace: VII. Medzinárodná škola defektoskopie. Bratislava: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 1997. pp. 46-50. ISBN 80-233-0387-2.
  • Rok: 1997

Generace elektromagnetických polí a nabitých částic při destrukci látek

  • Autoři: Aubrecht, L., Koller, J., Staněk, Z., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996, pp. 311-319. ISBN 80-01-01514-9.
  • Rok: 1996
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Generace elektromagnetických polí

Laser Probe for Optical Detection of Ultrasonic Transient Displacements

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Workshop 96. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996. pp. 833-834.
  • Rok: 1996

Monitorování škodlivin v ovzduší pomocí dřevin

  • Autoři: Staněk, Z., Koller, J., Aubrecht, L., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Čermák, J.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996, pp. 326-334. ISBN 80-01-01514-9.
  • Rok: 1996
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Monitorování škodlivin v ovzduší pomocí dřevin

Podmínky úspěšné aplikace bytových a průmyslových ionizátorů

  • Autoři: Koller, J., Staněk, Z., Aubrecht, L., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996, pp. 339-344. ISBN 80-01-01514-9.
  • Rok: 1996
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Podmínky úspěšné aplikace ionizátorů.

Rozptylová magnetická pole elektrizovaných dopravních prostředků

  • Autoři: Kulhánek, P., Staněk, Z., Aubrecht, L., Koller, J., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996, pp. 351-358. ISBN 80-01-01514-9.
  • Rok: 1996
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Rozptylová magnetická pole elektrizovaných dopravních prostředků.

System for Ultrasonic Rails Testing One Year's Utilisation Conclusion

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Janoušek, P., Krejča, J.
  • Publikace: Workshop 96. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996. pp. 751-752.
  • Rok: 1996

Výuka životního prostředí na FEL ČVUT

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Chalupová, V., Staněk, Z., Koller, J., Aubrecht, L.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th Regional Conference IUAPPA - 3rd International Conference, Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.3. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1996, pp. 597-599. ISBN 80-01-01515-7.
  • Rok: 1996
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Výuka životního prostředí na FEL ČVUT

Zařízení pro optické snímání impulsního ultrazvukového vlnění

Ultrasonic System for Defectoscopy of Brake Lining

Ultrazvukový systém pro defektoskopii brzdových obložení

Elektrotechnika a životní prostředí

Užití laserové zobrazovací metody pro defektoskopii povrchu

Poznatky z výuky problémů životního prostředí na FEL ČVUT Praha

  • Autoři: Chalupová, V., doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993. pp. 171.
  • Rok: 1993

Ultrazvukový systém pro nedestruktivní kontrolu kolejnic

  • Autoři: doc. Ing. Rudolf Bálek, CSc., Janoušek, P., Krejča, J.
  • Publikace: Defektoskopie 93. České Budějovice: Agentura Courses & Meetings, 1993. pp. 50-56.
  • Rok: 1993

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk