
RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.

Všechny publikace

P1AC: Revisiting Absolute Pose From a Single Affine Correspondence

  • Autoři: Ventura, J., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Sattler, T., Baráth, D.
  • Publikace: ICCV2023: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision. Piscataway: IEEE, 2023. p. 19694-19704. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 979-8-3503-0719-1.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.01809
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Affine correspondences have traditionally been used to improve feature matching over wide baselines. While recent work has successfully used affine correspondences to solve various relative camera pose estimation problems, less attention has been given to their use in absolute pose estimation. We introduce the first general solution to the problem of estimating the pose of a calibrated camera given a single observation of an oriented point and an affine correspondence. The advantage of our approach (P1AC) is that it requires only a single correspondence, in compar ison to the traditional point-based approach (P3P), significantly reducing the combinatorics in robust estimation. P1AC provides a general solution that removes restrictive assumptions made in prior work and is applicable to large-scale image-based localization. We propose a minimal solution to the P1AC problem and evaluate our novel solver on synthetic data, showing its numerical stability and performance under various types of noise. On standard image-based localization benchmarks we show that P1AC achieves more accurate results than the widely used P3P algorithm. Code for our method is available at https: //

Partially calibrated semi-generalized pose from hybrid point correspondences

  • Autoři: Bhayani, S., Sattler, T., Larsson, V., Heikkila, J., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Proc. of the 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). Piscataway: IEEE, 2023. p. 2881-2890. ISSN 2642-9381. ISBN 978-1-6654-9346-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1109/WACV56688.2023.00290
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    We study the problem of estimating the semi-generalized pose of a partially calibrated camera, i.e., the pose of a perspective camera with unknown focal length w.r.t. a generalized camera, from a hybrid set of 2D-2D and 2D-3D point correspondences. We study all possible camera configurations within the generalized camera system. To derive practical solvers to previously unsolved challenging configurations, we test different parameterizations as well as different solving strategies based on state-of-the-art methods for generating efficient polynomial solvers. We evaluate the three most promising solvers, i.e., the H51f solver with five 2D-2D correspondences and one 2D-3D match viewed by the same camera inside the generalized camera, the H32f solver with three 2D-2D and two 2D-3D correspondences, and the H13f solver with one 2D-2D and three 2D-3D matches, on synthetic and real data. We show that in the presence of noise in the 3D points these solvers provide better estimates than the corresponding absolute pose solvers.

Privacy-Preserving Representations are not Enough: Recovering Scene Content from Camera Poses

  • Autoři: Chelani, K., Sattler, T., Kahl, F., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2023. p. 13132-13141. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 979-8-3503-0129-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.01262
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Visual localization is the task of estimating the camera pose from which a given image was taken and is central to several 3D computer vision applications. With the rapid growth in the popularity of AR/VR/MR devices and cloud based applications, privacy issues are becoming a very im portant aspect of the localization process. Existing work on privacy-preserving localization aims to defend against an attacker who has access to a cloud-based service. In this paper, we show that an attacker can learn about details of a scene without any access by simply querying a localization service. The attack is based on the observation that modern visual localization algorithms are robust to variations in ap pearance and geometry. While this is in general a desired property, it also leads to algorithms localizing objects that are similar enough to those present in a scene. An attacker can thus query a server with a large enough set of images of objects, e.g., obtained from the Internet, and some of them will be localized. The attacker can thus learn about object placements from the camera poses returned by the service (which is the minimal information returned by such a ser vice). In this paper, we develop a proof-of-concept version of this attack and demonstrate its practical feasibility. The attack does not place any requirements on the localization algorithm used, and thus also applies to privacy-preserving representations. Current work on privacy-preserving repre sentations alone is thus insufficient.

Visual Localization using Imperfect 3D Models from the Internet

  • Autoři: Pánek, V., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Sattler, T.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2023. p. 13175-13186. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 979-8-3503-0129-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.01266
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Visual localization is a core component in many applications, including augmented reality (AR). Localization algorithms compute the camera pose of a query image w.r.t. a scene representation, which is typically built from images. This often requires capturing and storing large amounts of data, followed by running Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithms. An interesting, and underexplored, source of data for building scene representations are 3D models that are readily available on the Internet, e.g., hand-drawn CAD models, 3D models generated from building footprints, or from aerial images. These models allow to perform visual localization right away without the time-consuming scene capturing and model building steps. Yet, it also comes with challenges as the available 3D models are often imperfect reflections of reality. E.g., the models might only have generic or no textures at all, might only provide a simple approximation of the scene geometry, or might be stretched. This paper studies how the imperfections of these models affect localization accuracy. We create a new benchmark for this task and provide a detailed experimental evaluation based on multiple 3D models per scene. We show that 3D models from the Internet show promise as an easy-to-obtain scene representation. At the same time, there is significant room for improvement for visual localization pipelines. To foster research on this interesting and challenging task, we release our benchmark.

MeshLoc: Mesh-Based Visual Localization

  • Autoři: Pánek, V., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Sattler, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ECCV 2022, Part XXII. Springer, Cham, 2022. p. 589-609. LNCS. vol. 13682. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-20046-5.
  • Rok: 2022
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-20047-2_34
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Visual localization, i.e., the problem of camera pose estimation, is a central component of applications such as autonomous robots and augmented reality systems. A dominant approach in the literature, shown to scale to large scenes and to handle complex illumination and seasonal changes, is based on local features extracted from images. The scene representation is a sparse Structure-from-Motion point cloud that is tied to a specific local feature. Switching to another feature type requires an expensive feature matching step between the database images used to construct the point cloud. In this work, we thus explore a more flexible alternative based on dense 3D meshes that does not require features matching between database images to build the scene representation. We show that this approach can achieve state-of-the-art results. We further show that surprisingly competitive results can be obtained when extracting features on renderings of these meshes, without any neural rendering stage, and even when rendering raw scene geometry without color or texture. Our results show that dense 3D model-based representations are a promising alternative to existing representations and point to interesting and challenging directions for future research.

Relative Pose from a Calibrated and an Uncalibrated Smartphone Image

  • Autoři: Ding, Y., Baráth, D., Yang, J., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Proceeding 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Piscataway: IEEE, 2022. p. 12756-12765. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 978-1-6654-6946-3.
  • Rok: 2022
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR52688.2022.01243
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    In this paper, we propose a new minimal and a non-minimal solver for estimating the relative camera pose together with the unknown focal length of the second camera. This configuration has a number of practical benefits, e.g., when processing large-scale datasets. Moreover, it is resistant to the typical degenerate cases of the traditional six-point algorithm. The minimal solver requires four point correspondences and exploits the gravity direction that the built-in IMU of recent smart devices recover. We also propose a linear solver that enables estimating the pose from a larger-than-minimal sample extremely efficiently which then can be improved by, e.g., bundle adjustment. The methods are tested on 35654 image pairs from publicly available real-world and new datasets. When combined with a recent robust estimator, they lead to results superior to the traditional solvers in terms of rotation, translation and focal length accuracy, while being notably faster.

Relative Pose from SIFT Features

  • Autoři: Baráth, D., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Computer Vision – ECCV 2022, Part XXXII. Cham: Springer, 2022. p. 454-469. LNCS. vol. 13692. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-19823-6.
  • Rok: 2022
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-19824-3_27
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper derives the geometric relationship of epipolar geometry and orientation- and scale-covariant, e.g., SIFT, features. We derive a new linear constraint relating the unknown elements of the fundamental matrix and the orientation and scale. This equation can be used together with the well-known epipolar constraint to, e.g., estimate the fundamental matrix from four SIFT correspondences, essential matrix from three, and to solve the semi-calibrated case from three correspondences. Requiring fewer correspondences than the well-known point-based approaches (e.g., 5PT, 6PT and 7PT solvers) for epipolar geometry estimation makes RANSAC-like randomized robust estimation significantly faster. The proposed constraint is tested on a number of problems in a synthetic environment and on publicly available real-world datasets on more than 800 00 image pairs. It is superior to the state-of-the-art in terms of processing time while often leading more accurate results. The solvers are included in GC-RANSAC at

Calibrated and Partially Calibrated Semi-Generalized Homographies

  • Autoři: Bhayani, S., Sattler, T., Baráth, D., Beliansky, P., Heikkilä, J., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: ICCV2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision. Piscataway: IEEE, 2021. p. 5916-5925. ISSN 2380-7504. ISBN 978-1-6654-2812-5.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.00588
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    n this paper, we propose the first minimal solutions for estimating the semi-generalized homography given a perspective and a generalized camera. The proposed solvers use five 2D-2D image point correspondences induced by a scene plane. One group of solvers assumes the perspective camera to be fully calibrated, while the other estimates the unknown focal length together with the absolute pose parameters. This setup is particularly important in structure from-motion and visual localization pipelines, where a new camera is localized in each step with respect to a set of known cameras and 2D-3D correspondences might not be available. Thanks to a clever parametrization and the elimination ideal method, our solvers only need to solve a univariate polynomial of degree five or three, respectively a system of polynomial equations in two variables. All proposed solvers are stable and efficient as demonstrated by a number of synthetic and real-world experiments.

Computing stable resultant-based minimal solvers by hiding a variable

  • Autoři: Bhayani, S., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Heikkilä, J.
  • Publikace: 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2021. p. 6104-6111. ISSN 1051-4651. ISBN 978-1-7281-8808-9.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9411957
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Many computer vision applications require robust and efficient estimation of camera geometry. The robust estimation is usually based on solving camera geometry problems from a minimal number of input data measurements, i.e., solving minimal problems, in a RANSAC-style framework. Minimal problems often result in complex systems of polynomial equations. The existing state-of-the-art methods for solving such systems are either based on Gröbner bases and the action matrix method, which have been extensively studied and optimized in the recent years or recently proposed approach based on a resultant computation using an extra variable. In this paper, we study an interesting alternative resultant-based method for solving sparse systems of polynomial equations by hiding one variable. This approach results in a larger eigenvalue problem than the action matrix and extra variable resultant-based methods; however, it does not need to compute an inverse or elimination of large matrices that may be numerically unstable. The proposed approach includes several improvements to the standard sparse resultant algorithms, which significantly improves the efficiency and stability of the hidden variable resultant-based solvers as we demonstrate on several interesting computer vision problems. We show that for the studied problems, our sparse resultant based approach leads to more stable solvers than the state-of-the-art Gröbner basis as well as existing resultant-based solvers, especially in close to critical configurations. Our new method can be fully automated and incorporated into existing tools for the automatic generation of efficient minimal solvers.

Globally Optimal Relative Pose Estimation With Gravity Prior

  • Autoři: Ding, Y., Baráth, D., Yang, J., Kong, H., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2021. p. 394-403. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 978-1-6654-4509-2.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00046
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Smartphones, tablets and camera systems used, e.g., in cars and UAVs, are typically equipped with IMUs (inertial measurement units) that can measure the gravity vector accurately. Using this additional information, the y-axes of the cameras can be aligned, reducing their relative orientation to a single degree-of-freedom. With this assumption, we propose a novel globally optimal solver, minimizing the algebraic error in the least squares sense, to estimate the relative pose in the over-determined case. Based on the epipolar constraint, we convert the optimization problem into solving two polynomials with only two unknowns. Also, a fast solver is proposed using the first-order approximation of the rotation. The proposed solvers are compared with the state-of-the-art ones on four real-world datasets with approx. 50000 image pairs in total. Moreover, we collected a dataset, by a smartphone, consisting of 10933 image pairs, gravity directions and ground truth 3D reconstructions. The source code and dataset are available at

Homography-based Egomotion Estimation Using Gravity and SIFT Features

  • Autoři: Ding, Y., Baráth, D., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: ACCV 2020: Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part I. Cham: Springer, 2021. p. 278-294. LNCS. vol. 12622. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-69524-8.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69525-5_17
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Camera systems used, eg, in cars, UAVs, smartphones, and tablets, are typically equipped with IMUs (inertial measurement units) that can measure the gravity vector. Using the information from an IMU, the y-axes of cameras can be aligned with the gravity, reducing their relative orientation to a single DOF (degree of freedom). In this paper, we use the gravity information to derive extremely efficient minimal solvers for homography-based egomotion estimation from orientation-and scale-covariant features. We use the fact that orientation-and scale-covariant features, such as SIFT or ORB, provide additional constraints on the homography. Based on the prior knowledge about the target plane (horizontal/vertical/general plane, wrt the gravity direction) and using the SIFT/ORB constraints, we derive new minimal solvers that require fewer correspondences than traditional approaches and, thus, speed up the robust estimation procedure significantly. The proposed solvers are compared with the state-of-the-art point-based solvers on both synthetic data and real images, showing comparable accuracy and significant improvement in terms of speed. The implementation of our solvers is available at https://github. com/yaqding/relativepose-sift-gravity.

Image Stitching with Locally Shared Rotation Axis

  • Autoři: Baráth, D., Ding, Y., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Larsson, V.
  • Publikace: 3DV 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Soc., 2021. p. 1382-1391. ISSN 2475-7888. ISBN 978-1-6654-2688-6.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/3DV53792.2021.00145
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    We consider the problem of stitching image sequences with cameras undergoing pure rotational motion. We leverage the assumption of a locally constant rotation axis, i.e., neighboring frames have a shared but unknown rotation axis. This assumption holds in many common image capturing scenarios, e.g., panoramic sweeping motions. Using this additional constraint, we develop techniques for three-view camera rotation estimation; a minimal solver for the two-view estimation with a known rotation axis; and a globally optimal robust estimator for the two-view case. We show on publicly available datasets that the proposed methods lead to camera rotation estimation superior to the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy with comparable run-time. The source code will be made available.

Minimal solutions for panoramic stitching given gravity prior

  • Autoři: Ding, Y., Baráth, D., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: ICCV2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision. Piscataway: IEEE, 2021. p. 5579-5588. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-6654-2813-2.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.00553
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    When capturing panoramas, people tend to align their cameras with the vertical axis, i.e., the direction of gravity. Moreover, modern devices, e.g. smartphones and tablets, are equipped with an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) that can measure the gravity vector accurately. Using this prior, the y-axes of the cameras can be aligned or assumed to be already aligned, reducing the relative orientation to 1-DOF (degree of freedom). Exploiting this assumption, we propose new minimal solutions to panoramic stitching of images taken by cameras with coinciding optical centers, i.e. undergoing pure rotation. We consider six practical camera configurations, from fully calibrated ones up to a camera with unknown fixed or varying focal length and with or without radial distortion. The solvers are tested both on synthetic scenes, on more than 500k real image pairs from the Sun360 dataset, and from scenes captured by us using two smartphones equipped with IMUs. The new solvers have similar or better accuracy than the state-of-the-art ones and outperform them in terms of processing time.

Minimal Solvers for Rectifying from Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations

  • DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2992261
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper introduces minimal solvers that jointly solve for radial lens undistortion and affine-rectification using local features extracted from the image of coplanar translated and reflected scene texture, which is common in man-made environments. The proposed solvers accommodate different types of local features and sampling strategies, and three of the proposed variants require just one feature correspondence. State-of-the-art techniques from algebraic geometry are used to simplify the formulation of the solvers. The generated solvers are stable, small and fast. Synthetic and real-image experiments show that the proposed solvers have superior robustness to noise compared to the state of the art. The solvers are integrated with an automated system for rectifying imaged scene planes from coplanar repeated texture. Accurate rectifications on challenging imagery taken with narrow to wide field-of-view lenses demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solvers.

A sparse resultant based method for efficient minimal solvers

  • Autoři: Bhayani, S., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Heikkilä, J.
  • Publikace: 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2020. p. 1767-1776. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-7281-7169-2.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00184
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Many computer vision applications require robust and efficient estimation of camera geometry. The robust estimation is usually based on solving camera geometry problems from a minimal number of input data measurements, i.e. solving minimal problems in a RANSAC framework. Minimal problems often result in complex systems of polynomial equations. Many state-of-the-art efficient polynomial solvers to these problems are based on Groebner basis and the action-matrix method that has been automatized and highly optimized in recent years. In this paper we study an alternative algebraic method for solving systems of polynomial equations, i.e., the sparse resultant-based method and propose a novel approach to convert the resultant constraint to an eigenvalue problem. This technique can significantly improve the efficiency and stability of existing resultant-based solvers. We applied our new resultant-based method to a large variety of computer vision problems and show that for most of the considered problems, the new method leads to solvers that are the same size as the the best available Groebner basis solvers and of similar accuracy. For some problems the new sparse-resultant based method leads to even smaller and more stable solvers than the state-of-the-art Groebner basis solvers. Our new method can be fully automatized and incorporated into existing tools for automatic generation of efficient polynomial solvers and as such it represents a competitive alternative to popular Groebner basis methods for minimal problems in computer vision

From Two Rolling Shutters to One Global Shutter

  • Autoři: Albl, Č., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Larsson, V., Polic, M., Pajdla, T., Schindler, K.
  • Publikace: 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2020. p. 2502-2510. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-7281-7169-2.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00258
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Most consumer cameras are equipped with electronic rolling shutter, leading to image distortions when the camera moves during image capture. We explore a surprisingly simple camera configuration that makes it possible to undo the rolling shutter distortion: two cameras mounted to have different rolling shutter directions. Such a setup is easy and cheap to build and it possesses the geometric constraints needed to correct rolling shutter distortion using only a sparse set of point correspondences between the two images. We derive equations that describe the underlying geometry for general and special motions and present an efficient method for finding their solutions. Our synthetic and real experiments demonstrate that our approach is able to remove large rolling shutter distortions of all types without relying on any specific scene structure.

Infrastructure-Based Multi-camera Calibration Using Radial Projections

  • Autoři: Lin, Y., Larsson, V., Geppert, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pollefeys, M., Sattler, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, Part XVI. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 327-344. LNCS. vol. 12361. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-58516-7.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58517-4_20
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Multi-camera systems are an important sensor platform for intelligent systems such as self-driving cars. Pattern-based calibration techniques can be used to calibrate the intrinsics of the cameras individually. However, extrinsic calibration of systems with little to no visual overlap between the cameras is a challenge. Given the camera intrinsics, infrastructure-based calibration techniques are able to estimate the extrinsics using 3D maps pre-built via SLAM or Structure-from-Motion. In this paper, we propose to fully calibrate a multi-camera system from scratch using an infrastructure-based approach. Assuming that the distortion is mainly radial, we introduce a two-stage approach. We first estimate the camera-rig extrinsics up to a single unknown translation component per camera. Next, we solve for both the intrinsic parameters and the missing translation components. Extensive experiments on multiple indoor and outdoor scenes with multiple multi-camera systems show that our calibration method achieves high accuracy and robustness. In particular, our approach is more robust than the naive approach of first estimating intrinsic parameters and pose per camera before refining the extrinsic parameters of the system. The implementation is available at

Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation

  • Autoři: Baráth, D., Polic, M., Förstner, W., Sattler, T., Pajdla, T., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, Part XI. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 723-740. LNCS. vol. 12356. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-58620-1.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58621-8_42
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Local features e.g . SIFT and its affine and learned variants provide region-to-region rather than point-to-point correspondences. This has recently been exploited to create new minimal solvers for classical problems such as homography, essential and fundamental matrix estimation. The main advantage of such solvers is that their sample size is smaller, e.g ., only two instead of four matches are required to estimate a homography. Works proposing such solvers often claim a significant improvement in run-time thanks to fewer RANSAC iterations. We show that this argument is not valid in practice if the solvers are used naively. To overcome this, we propose guidelines for effective use of region-to-region matches in the course of a full model estimation pipeline. We propose a method for refining the local feature geometries by symmetric intensity-based matching, combine uncertainty propagation inside RANSAC with preemptive model verification, show a general scheme for computing uncertainty of minimal solvers results, and adapt the sample cheirality check for homography estimation. Our experiments show that affine solvers can achieve accuracy comparable to point-based solvers at faster run-times when following our guidelines. We make code available at

Minimal Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Albl, C., Sugimoto, A., Schindler, K., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, Part V. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 698-714. LNCS. vol. 12350. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-58557-0.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58558-7_41
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    The internal geometry of most modern consumer cameras is not adequately described by the perspective projection. Almost all cameras exhibit some radial lens distortion and are equipped with electronic rolling shutter that induces distortions when the camera moves during the image capture. When focal length has not been calibrated offline, the parameters that describe the radial and rolling shutter distortions are usually unknown. While, for global shutter cameras, minimal solvers for the absolute camera pose and unknown focal length and radial distortion are available, solvers for the rolling shutter were missing. We present the first minimal solutions for the absolute pose of a rolling shutter camera with unknown rolling shutter parameters, focal length, and radial distortion. Our new minimal solvers combine iterative schemes designed for calibrated rolling shutter cameras with fast generalized eigenvalue and Groebner basis solvers. In a series of experiments, with both synthetic and real data, we show that our new solvers provide accurate estimates of the camera pose, rolling shutter parameters, focal length, and radial distortion parameters. The implementation of our solvers is available at

Minimal Solvers for Rectifying from Radially-Distorted Scales and Change of Scales

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11263-019-01216-x
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from the image of rigidly-transformed coplanar features. The solvers work on scenes without straight lines and, in general, relax strong assumptions about scene content made by the state of the art. The proposed solvers use the affine invariant that coplanar repeats have the same scale in rectified space. The solvers are separated into two groups that differ by how the equal scale invariant of rectified space is used to place constraints on the lens undistortion and rectification parameters. We demonstrate a principled approach for generating stable minimal solvers by the Gröbner basis method, which is accomplished by sampling feasible monomial bases to maximize numerical stability. Synthetic and real-image experiments confirm that the proposed solvers demonstrate superior robustness to noise compared to the state of the art. Accurate rectifications on imagery taken with narrow to fisheye field-of-view lenses demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed method. The method s fully automatic.

Rolling Shutter Camera Absolute Pose

  • Autoři: Albl, Č., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Larsson, V., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2020, 42(6), 1439-1452. ISSN 1939-3539.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2894395
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    We present minimal, non-iterative solutions to the absolute pose problem for images from rolling shutter cameras. The absolute pose problem is a key problem in computer vision and rolling shutter is present in a vast majority of today’s digital cameras. We discuss several camera motion models and propose two feasible rolling shutter camera models for a polynomial solver. In previous work a linearized camera model was used that required an initial estimate of the camera orientation. We show how to simplify the system of equations and make this solver faster. Furthermore, we present a first solution of the non-linearized camera orientation model using the cayley parameterization. The new solver does not require an initial camera orientation estimate and therefore serves as a standalone solution to the rolling shutter camera pose problem from six 2D-to-3D correspondences. We show that our algorithms outperform P3P followed by non-linear refinement using rolling shutter model.

Uncertainty Based Camera Model Selection

  • Autoři: Polic, M., Steidl, S., Albl, C., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2020. p. 5990-5999. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-7281-7169-2.
  • Rok: 2020
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00603
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    The quality and speed of Structure from Motion (SfM) methods depend significantly on the camera model chosen for the reconstruction. In most of the SfM pipelines, the camera model is manually chosen by the user. In this paper, we present a new automatic method for camera model selection in large scale SfM that is based on efficient uncertainty evaluation. We first perform an extensive comparison of classical model selection based on known Information Criteria and show that they do not provide sufficiently accurate results when applied to camera model selection. Then we propose a new Accuracy-based Criterion, which evaluates an efficient approximation of the uncertainty of the estimated parameters in tested models. Using the new criterion, we design a camera model selection method and fine-tune it by machine learning. Our simulated and real experiments demonstrate a significant increase in reconstruction quality as well as a considerable speedup of the SfM process.

Homography From Two Orientation- and Scale-Covariant Features

  • Autoři: Baráth, D., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D.,
  • Publikace: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2019). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2019. p. 1091-1099. ISSN 2380-7504. ISBN 978-1-7281-4803-8.
  • Rok: 2019
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2019.00118
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper proposes a geometric interpretation of the angles and scales which the orientation- and scale-covariant feature detectors, e.g. SIFT, provide. Two new general constraints are derived on the scales and rotations which can be used in any geometric model estimation tasks. Using these formulas, two new constraints on homography estimation are introduced. Exploiting the derived equations, a solver for estimating the homography from the minimal number of two correspondences is proposed. Also, it is shown how the normalization of the point correspondences affects the rotation and scale parameters, thus achieving numerically stable results. Due to requiring merely two feature pairs, robust estimators, e.g. RANSAC, do significantly fewer iterations than by using the four-point algorithm. When using covariant features, e.g. SIFT, this additional information is given at no cost. The method is tested in a synthetic environment and on publicly available real-world datasets.

Linear Solution to the Minimal Absolute Pose Rolling Shutter Problem

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Albl, Č., Sugimoto, A., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: ACCV 2018: Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part III. Cham: Springer, 2019. p. 265-280. LNCS. vol. 11363. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-20892-9.
  • Rok: 2019
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-20893-6_17
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents new efficient solutions to the rolling shutter camera absolute pose problem. Unlike the state-of-the-art polynomial solvers, we approach the problem using simple and fast linear solvers in an iterative scheme. We present several solutions based on fixing different sets of variables and investigate the performance of them thoroughly. We design a new alternation strategy that estimates all parameters in each iteration linearly by fixing just the non-linear terms. Our best 6-point solver, based on the new alternation technique, shows an identical or even better performance than the state-of-the-art R6P solver and is two orders of magnitude faster. In addition, a linear non-iterative solver is presented that requires a non-minimal number of 9 correspondences but provides even better results than the state-of-the-art R6P. Moreover, all proposed linear solvers provide a single solution while the state-of-the-art R6P provides up to 20 solutions which have to be pruned by expensive verification.

Radial Distortion Triangulation

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Larsson, V.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2019. p. 9673-9681. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 978-1-7281-3293-8.
  • Rok: 2019
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2019.00991
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents the first optimal, maximal likelihood, solution to the triangulation problem for radially distorted cameras. The proposed solution to the two-view triangulation problem minimizes the L2-norm of the reprojection error in the distorted image space. We cast the problem as the search for corrected distorted image points, and we use a Lagrange multiplier formulation to impose the epipolar constraint for undistorted points. For the one-parameter division model, this formulation leads to a system of five quartic polynomial equations in five unknowns, which can be exactly solved using the Groebner basis method. While the proposed Groebner basis solution is provably optimal; it is too slow for practical applications. Therefore, we developed a fast iterative solver to this problem. Extensive empirical tests show that the iterative algorithm delivers the optimal solution virtually every time, thus making it an L2-optimal algorithm de facto. It is iterative in nature, yet in practice, it converges in no more than five iterations. We thoroughly evaluate the proposed method on both synthetic and real-world data, and we show the benefits of performing the triangulation in the distorted space in the presence of radial distortion.

Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales

  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-20873-8_3
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from repetitions of rigidly-transformed coplanar local features. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle images that contain nearly any type of coplanar repeated content. We demonstrate a principled approach to generating stable minimal solvers by the Gröbner basis method, which is accomplished by sampling feasible monomial bases to maximize numerical stability. Synthetic and real-image experiments confirm that the solvers give accurate rectifications from noisy measurements if used in a RANSAC-based estimator. The proposed solvers demonstrate superior robustness to noise compared to the state of the art. The solvers work on scenes without straight lines and, in general, relax strong assumptions about scene content made by the state of the art. Accurate rectifications on imagery taken with narrow focal length to fisheye lenses demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed method. The method is automatic, and the code is published at

Revisiting Radial Distortion Absolute Pose

  • Autoři: Larsson, V., Sattler, T., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pollefeys, M.
  • Publikace: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2019). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2019. p. 1062-1071. ISSN 2380-7504. ISBN 978-1-7281-4803-8.
  • Rok: 2019
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2019.00115
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    To model radial distortion there are two main approaches; either the image points are undistorted such that they correspond to pinhole projections, or the pinhole projections are distorted such that they align with the image measurements. Depending on the application, either of the two approaches can be more suitable. For example, distortion models are commonly used in Structure-from-Motion since they simplify measuring the reprojection error in images. Surprisingly, all previous minimal solvers for pose estimation with radial distortion use undistortion models. In this paper we aim to fill this gap in the literature by proposing the first minimal solvers which can jointly estimate distortion models together with camera pose. We present a general approach which can handle rational models of arbitrary degree for both distortion and undistortion.

A benchmark of selected algorithmic differentiation tools on some problems in computer vision and machine learning

  • Autoři: Šrajer, F., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Fitzgibbon, A.
  • Publikace: Optimization Methods and Software. 2018, 2018(33), 889-906. ISSN 1029-4937.
  • Rok: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2018.1435651
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Algorithmic differentiation (AD) allows exact computation of derivatives given only an implementation of an objective function. Although many AD tools are available, a proper and efficient implementation of AD methods is not straightforward. The existing tools are often too different to allow for a general test suite. In this paper, we compare fifteen ways of computing derivatives including eleven automatic differentiation tools implementing various methods and written in various languages (C++, F#, MATLAB, Julia and Python), two symbolic differentiation tools, finite differences, and hand-derived computation. We look at three objective functions from computer vision and machine learning. These objectives are for the most part simple, in the sense that no iterative loops are involved, and conditional statements are encapsulated in functions such as abs or logsumexp. However, it is important for the success of algorithmic differentiation that such ‘simple’ objective functions are handled efficiently, as so many problems in computer vision and machine learning are of this form. Of course, our results depend on programmer skill, and familiarity with the tools. However, we contend that this paper presents an important datapoint: a skilled programmer devoting roughly a week to each tool produced the timings we present. We have made our implementations available as open source to allow the community to replicate and update these benchmarks.

Beyond Gröbner Bases: Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers

  • Autoři: Larsson, V., Oskarsson, M., Åström, K., Wallis, A., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. p. 3945-3954. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 978-1-5386-6420-9.
  • Rok: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00415
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    Many computer vision applications require robust estimation of the underlying geometry, in terms of camera motion and 3D structure of the scene. These robust methods often rely on running minimal solvers in a RANSAC framework. In this paper we show how we can make polynomial solvers based on the action matrix method faster, by careful selection of the monomial bases. These monomial bases have traditionally been based on a Gröbner basis for the polynomial ideal. Here we describe how we can enumerate all such bases in an efficient way. We also show that going beyond Gröbner bases leads to more efficient solvers in many cases. We present a novel basis sampling scheme that we evaluate on a number of problems

Camera Pose Estimation with Unknown Principal Point

  • Autoři: Larsson, V., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Zheng, Y.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. p. 2984-2992. ISSN 2575-7075. ISBN 978-1-5386-6420-9.
  • Rok: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00315
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    To estimate the 6-DoF extrinsic pose of a pinhole camera with partially unknown intrinsic parameters is a critical sub-problem in structure-from-motion and camera localization. In most of existing camera pose estimation solvers, the principal point is assumed to be in the image center. Unfortunately, this assumption is not always true, especially for asymmetrically cropped images. In this paper, we develop the first exactly minimal solver for the case of unknown principal point and focal length by using four and a half point correspondences (P4.5Pfuv). We also present an extremely fast solver for the case of unknown aspect ratio (P5Pfuva). The new solvers outperform the previous state-of-the-art in terms of stability and speed. Finally, we explore the extremely challenging case of both unknown principal point and radial distortion, and develop the first practical non-minimal solver by using seven point correspondences (P7Pfruv). Experimental results on both simulated data and real Internet images demonstrate the usefulness of our new solvers.

Distortion Varieties

  • Autoři: Kileel, J., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T., Sturmfels, B.
  • Publikace: Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 2018, 18(4), 1043-1071. ISSN 1615-3375.
  • Rok: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1007/s10208-017-9361-0
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    The distortion varieties of a given projective variety are parametrized by duplicating coordinates and multiplying them with monomials. We study their degrees and defining equations. Exact formulas are obtained for the case of one-parameter distortions. These are based on Chow polytopes and Gröbner bases. Multi-parameter distortions are studied using tropical geometry. The motivation for distortion varieties comes from multi-view geometry in computer vision. Our theory furnishes a new framework for formulating and solving minimal problems for camera models with image distortion.

Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations

  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00213
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly solve for affine-rectification and radial lens distortion from coplanar repeated patterns. Even with imagery from moderately distorted lenses, plane rectification using the pinhole camera model is inaccurate or invalid. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle imagery, which is now common from consumer cameras. The solvers are derived from constraints induced by the conjugate translations of an imaged scene plane, which are integrated with the division model for radial lens distortion. The hidden-variable trick with ideal saturation is used to reformulate the constraints so that the solvers generated by the Gröbner-basis method are stable, small and fast. Rectification and lens distortion are recovered from either one conjugately translated affine-covariant feature or two independently translated similarity-covariant features. The proposed solvers are used in a RANSAC-based estimator, which gives accurate rectifications after few iterations. The proposed solvers are evaluated against the state-of-the-art and demonstrate significantly better rectifcations on noisy measurements. Qualitative results on diverse imagery demonstrate high-accuracy undistortion and rectification.

A clever elimination strategy for efficient minimal solvers

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Kileel, J., Sturmfels, B., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2017: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2017. p. 3605-3614. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-5386-0457-1.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2017.384
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    We present a new insight into the systematic generation of minimal solvers in computer vision, which leads to smaller and faster solvers. Many minimal problem formulations are coupled sets of linear and polynomial equations where image measurements enter the linear equations only. We show that it is useful to solve such systems by first eliminating all the unknowns that do not appear in the linear equations and then extending solutions to the rest of unknowns. This can be generalized to fully non-linear systems by linearization via lifting. We demonstrate that this approach leads to more efficient solvers in three problems of partially calibrated relative camera pose computation with unknown focal length and/or radial distortion. Our approach also generates new interesting constraints on the fundamental matrices of partially calibrated cameras, which were not known before.

Making Minimal Solvers for Absolute Pose Estimation Compact and Robust

  • Autoři: Larsson, V., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Zheng, Y.
  • Publikace: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017). Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 2335-2343. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-5386-1032-9.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2017.254
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we present new techniques for constructing compact and robust minimal solvers for absolute pose estimation. We focus on the P4Pfr problem, but the methods we propose are applicable to a more general setting. Previous approaches to P4Pfr suffer from artificial degeneracies which come from their formulation and not the geometry of the original problem. In this paper we show how to avoid these false degeneracies to create more robust solvers. Combined with recently published techniques for Grobner basis solvers we are also able to construct solvers which are significantly smaller. We evaluate our solvers on both real and synthetic data, and show improved performance compared to competing solvers. Finally we show that our techniques can be directly applied to the P3.5Pf problem to get a non-degenerate solver, which is competitive with the current state-of-the-art

On the Two-View Geometry of Unsynchronized Cameras

  • Autoři: Albl, Č., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Fitzgibbon, A., Heller, J., Šmíd, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2017: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2017. p. 5593-5602. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-5386-0457-1.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2017.593
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Skupina vizuálního rozpoznávání
  • Anotace:
    We present new methods of simultaneously estimating camera geometry and time shift from video sequences from multiple unsynchronized cameras. Algorithms for simultaneous computation of a fundamental matrix or a homography with unknown time shift between images are developed. Our methods use minimal correspondence sets (eight for fundamental matrix and four and a half for homography) and therefore are suitable for robust estimation using RANSAC. Furthermore, we present an iterative algorithm that extends the applicability on sequences which are significantly unsynchronized, finding the correct time shift up to several seconds. We evaluated the methods on synthetic and wide range of real world datasets and the results show a broad applicability to the problem of camera synchronization.

Singly-Bordered Block-Diagonal Form for Minimal Problem Solvers

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Heller, J., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ACCV 2014, Part II. Cham: Springer, 2015. p. 488-502. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-16807-4.
  • Rok: 2015
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16808-1_33
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    The Groebner basis method for solving systems of polynomial equations became very popular in the computer vision community as it helps to find fast and numerically stable solutions to difficult problems. In this paper, we present a method that potentially significantly speeds up Groebner basis solvers. We show that the elimination template matrices used in these solvers are usually quite sparse and that by permuting the rows and columns they can be transformed into matrices with nice block-diagonal structure known as the singly-bordered block-diagonal (SBBD) form. The diagonal blocks of the SBBD matrices constitute independent subproblems and can therefore be solved, i.e. eliminated or factored, independently. The computational time can be further reduced on a parallel computer by distributing these blocks to different processors for parallel computation. The speedup is visible also for serial processing since we perform $O(n^3)$ Gauss-Jordan eliminations on smaller (usually two, approximately n/2 x n/2 and one n/3 x n/3) matrices. We propose to compute the SBBD form of the elimination template in the preprocessing offline phase using hypergraph partitioning. The final online Groebner basis solver works directly with the permuted block-diagonal matrices and can be efficiently parallelized. We demonstrate the usefulness of the presented method by speeding up solvers of several important minimal computer vision problems.

Fast and Stable Algebraic Solution to L2 Three-View Triangulation

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: 3DV 2013 - International Conference on 3D Vision. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2013. p. 326-333. ISBN 978-0-7695-5067-1.
  • Rok: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1109/3DV.2013.50
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we provide a new fast and stable algebraic solution to the problem of L2 triangulation from three views. We use Lagrange multipliers to formulate the search for the minima of the L2 objective function subject to equality constraints. Interestingly, we show that by relaxing the triangulation such that we do not require a single point in 3D, we get, after a linear correction, a solver that is faster, more stable and practically as accurate as the state-of-the-art L2-optimal algebraic solvers [24, 7, 8, 9]. In our formulation, we obtain a system of eight polynomial equations in eight unknowns, which we solve using the Groebner basis method. We get less (31) solutions than was the number (47-66) of solutions obtained in [24, 7, 8, 9] and our solver is more robust than [8, 9] w.r.t. critical configurations. We evaluate the precision and speed of our solver on both synthetic and real datasets.

Groebner basis solutions to satellite trajectory control by pole placement

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Krsek, P., Smutný, V., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference. Kihei: Maui Economic Development Board, 2013, pp. 748-757. ISSN 2152-4629. Available from:
  • Rok: 2013
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Controlling satellite trajectories is an important problem. In [12], an approach to the pole placement for the synthesis of a linear controller has been presented. It leads to solving ?ve polynomial equations in nine unknown elements of the state space matrices of a compensator. This is an underconstrained system and therefore four of the unknown elements need to be considered as free parameters and set to some prior values to obtain a system of ?ve equations in ?ve unknowns. In [12], this system was solved for one chosen set of free parameters by Dixon resultants. In this work, we study and present Groebner basis solutions to this problem of computation of a dynamic compensator for the satellite for different combinations of free input parameters. We show that the Groebner basis method for solving systems of polynomial equations leads to very simple solutions for all combinations of free parameters. These solutions require to perform only the Gauss-Jordan elimination of a small matrix and computation of roots of a single variable polynomial. The maximum degree of this polynomial is not greater than six in general but for most combinations of the input free parameters its degree is even lower.

Hand-Eye Calibration without Hand Orientation Measurement Using Minimal Solution

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Heller, J., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ACCV 2012, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part 4. Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. p. 576-589. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-37446-3.
  • Rok: 2013
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37447-0_44
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we solve the problem of estimating the relative pose between a robot's gripper and a camera mounted rigidly on the gripper in situations where the rotation of the gripper w.r.t. the robot global coordinate system is not known. It is a variation of the so called hand-eye calibration problem. We formulate it as a problem of seven equations in seven unknowns and solve it using the Gröobner basis method for solving systems of polynomial equations. This enables us to calibrate from the minimal number of two relative movements and to provide the first exact algebraic solution to the problem. Further, we describe a method for selecting the geometrically correct solution among the algebraically correct ones computed by the solver. In contrast to the previous iterative methods, our solution works without any initial estimate and has no problems with error accumulation. Finally, by evaluating our algorithm on both synthetic and real scene data we demonstrate that it is fast, noise resistant, and numerically stable.

Real-time solution to the absolute pose problem with unknown radial distortion and focal length

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2013). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2013. p. 2816-2823. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-4799-2839-2.
  • Rok: 2013
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    The problem of determining the absolute position and orientation of a camera from a set of 2D-to-3D point correspondences is one of the most important problems in computer vision with a broad range of applications. In this paper we present a new solution to the absolute pose problem for camera with unknown radial distortion and unknown focal length from five 2D-to-3D point correspondences. Our new solver is numerically more stable, more accurate, and significantly faster than the existing state-of-the-art minimal four point absolute pose solvers for this problem. Moreover, our solver results in less solutions and can handle larger radial distortions. The new solver is straightforward and uses only simple concepts from linear algebra. Therefore it is simpler than the state-of-the-art Groebner basis solvers. We compare our new solver with the existing state-of-the art solvers and show its usefulness on synthetic and real datasets.

Efficient solutions to the absolute pose of cameras with unknown focal length and radial distortion by decomposition to planar and non-planar cases

  • Autoři: Bujnak, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications (CVA). 2012, 4 78-86. ISSN 1882-6695.
  • Rok: 2012
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we present new efficient solutions to the absolute pose problems for cameras with unknown focal length and unknown focal length and radial distortion from four 2D-to-3D point correspondences. We propose to solve these problems separately for non-planar and for planar scenes. By decomposing the problems into these two situations we obtain simpler and more efficient solvers than the previously known general solvers. We demonstrate in synthetic and real experiments significant speedup of our solvers. Especially our new solvers for absolute pose problem for camera with unknown focal length and radial distortion are about 40 × (non-planar) and 160 × (planar) faster than the general solver. Moreover, we show that our specific solvers can be joined into new general solvers, based on performing either planar or non-planar solver according to the scene structure or performing both solvers simultaneously and selecting the better result. Such joined solvers give comparable or even better results than the existing general solvers for planar as well as non-planar scenes.

Making Minimal Solvers Fast

  • Autoři: Bujňák, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2012: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. New York: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012. p. 1506-1513. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-4673-1228-8.
  • Rok: 2012
  • DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247840
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we propose methods for speeding up minimal solvers based on Gröbner bases and action matrix eigenvalue computations. Almost all existing Gröbner basis solvers spend most time in the eigenvalue computation. We present two methods which speed up this phase of Gröbner basis solvers: (1) a method based on a modified FGLM algorithm for transforming Gröbner bases which results in a single-variable polynomial followed by direct calculation of its roots using Sturm-sequences and, for larger problems, (2) fast calculation of the characteristic polynomial of an action matrix, again solved using Sturm-sequences. We enhanced the FGLM method by replacing time consuming polynomial division performed in standard FGLM algorithm with efficient matrix-vector multiplication and we show how this method is related to the characteristic polynomial method. Our approaches allow computing roots only in some feasible interval and in desired precision. Proposed methods can significantly speedup many existing solvers. We demonstrate them on three important minimal computer vision problems.

Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to Minimal Problems in Computer Vision

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujnak, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2012, 34(7), 1381-1393. ISSN 0162-8828.
  • Rok: 2012
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    We present a method for solving systems of polynomial equations appearing in computer vision. This method is based on polynomial eigenvalue solvers and is more straightforward and easier to implement than the state-of-the-art Grobner basis method since eigenvalue problems are well studied, easy to understand, and efficient and robust algorithms for solving these problems are available. We provide a characterization of problems that can be efficiently solved as polynomial eigenvalue problems (PEPs) and present a resultant-based method for transforming a system of polynomial equations to a polynomial eigenvalue problem. We propose techniques that can be used to reduce the size of the computed polynomial eigenvalue problems. To show the applicability of the proposed polynomial eigenvalue method, we present the polynomial eigenvalue solutions to several important minimal relative pose problems.

A Minimal Solution to Radial Distortion Autocalibration

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2011, 33(12), 2410-2422. ISSN 0162-8828.
  • Rok: 2011
  • DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.86
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Simultaneous estimation of radial distortion, epipolar geometry and relative camera pose can be formulated as a minimal problem and solved from a minimal number of image points. Finding the solution to this problem leads to solving a system of algebraic equations. In this paper we provide two different solutions to the problem of estimating radial distortion and epipolar geometry from eight point correspondences in two images. Unlike previous algorithms, which were able to solve the problem from nine correspondences only, we enforce the determinant of the fundamental matrix be zero. This leads to a system of eight quadratic and one cubic equations in nine variables. We first simplify this system by eliminating six of these variables and then solve the system by two alternative techniques. The first one is based on the Gröbner basis method and the second one on the polynomial eigenvalue computation. We demonstrate that our solutions are efficient, robust and practical by experiments.

Closed-Form Solutions to Minimal Absolute Pose Problems with Known Vertical Direction

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: ACCV 2010: Proceedings of the 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part II. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. p. 216-229. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-19308-8.
  • Rok: 2011
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we provide new simple closed-form solutions to two minimal absolute pose problems for the case of known vertical direction. In the first problem we estimate absolute pose of a calibrated camera from two 2D-3D correspondences and a given vertical direction. In the second problem we assume camera with unknown focal length and radial distortion and estimate its pose together with the focal length and the radial distortion from three 2D-3D correspondences and a given vertical direction. The vertical direction can be obtained either by direct physical measurement by, e.g., gyroscopes and inertial measurement units or from vanishing points constructed in images. Both our problems result in solving one polynomial equation of degree two in one variable and one, respectively two, systems of linear equations and can be efficiently solved in a closed-form. By evaluating our algorithms on synthetic and real data we demonstrate that both our solutions are fast, efficient and numerical

New efficient solution to the absolute pose problem for camera with unknown focal length and radial distortion

  • Autoři: Bujňák, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: ACCV 2010: Proceedings of the 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part I. Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 11-24. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-19314-9.
  • Rok: 2011
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we present a new efficient solution to the absolute pose problem for a camera with unknown focal length and radial distortion from four 2D-to-3D point correspondences. We propose to solve the problem separately for non-planar and for planar scenes. By decomposing the problem into these two situations we obtain simpler and more efficient solver than the previously known general solver. We demonstrate in synthetic and real experiments significant speedup as our new solvers are about 40x (non-planar) and 160x (planar) faster than the general solver. Moreover, we show that our two solvers can be joined into a new general solver, which gives comparable or better results than the existing general solver for of most planar as well as non-planar scenes.

The six point algorithm revisited

  • Autoři: Torii, A., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ACCV 2010 Workshops, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Berlin: Springer, 2011. p. 184-193. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN 978-3-642-22818-6.
  • Rok: 2011
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22819-3_19
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents an algorithm for estimating camera focal length from tentative matches in a pair of images, which works robustly in practical situations such as automatic computation of structure and camera motion from unknown photographs, e.g. from the web or from various instruments mounted on a vehicle. We extend the standard 6-pt algorithm based on the observations: (i) the quality of the estimation of this algorithm is strongly correlated with the ratio of the singular values of the essential matrix computed from inliers, which is calibrated by using the estimated focal length, returned by RANSAC and (ii) the reprojection error of the affine camera model, fit to the inliers, predicts the uncertainty in the estimated focal length. Furthermore, for scenes with dominant plane we propose a novel algorithm calculating relative orientation and unknown focal length given a plane homography and a single off the plane point correspondence. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated on a set of real images having different focal lengths.

Fast and Robust Numerical Solutions to Minimal Problems for Cameras with Radial Distortion

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Byröd, M., Josephson, K., Pajdla, T., Äström, K.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2010, 114(2), 234-244. ISSN 1077-3142.
  • Rok: 2010
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2008.11.008
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    A number of minimal problems of structure from motion for cameras with radial distortion have recently been solved. These problems are known to be numerically very challenging and in several cases there were no practical algorithms yielding solutions in FP. We make some crucial observations concerning the floating point implementation of Groebner basis computations and use these new insights to formulate fast and stable algorithms for two minimal problems with radial distortion previously solved in exact rational arithmetic only: (i) simultaneous estimation of essential matrix and a common radial distortion parameter for two partially calibrated views and six image point correspondences and (ii) estimation of fundamental matrix and two different radial distortion parameters for two uncalibrated views and nine image point correspondences. We demonstrate that these two problems can be efficiently solved in floating point arithmetic in simulated and real experiments.

Robust focal length estimation by voting in multiview scene reconstruction

  • Autoři: Bujňák, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: ACCV 2009: Proceedings of the 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Part I. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. p. 13-24. LNCS. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-12306-1.
  • Rok: 2010
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    We propose a new robust focal length estimation method in multi-view structure from motion from unordered data sets, e.g. downloaded from the Flickr database, where jpeg-exif headers are often incorrect or missing. The method is based on a combination of RANSAC with weighted kernel voting and can use any algorithm for estimating epipolar geometry and unknown focal lengths. We demonstrate by experiments with synthetic and real data that the method produces reliable focal length estimates which are better than estimates obtained using RANSAC or kernel voting alone and which are in most real situations very close to the ground truth. An important feature of this method is the ability to detect image pairs close to critical configurations or the cases when the focal length can't be reliably estimated.

3D reconstruction from image collections with a single known focal length

  • Autoři: Bujňák, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009. p. 351-358. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-4244-4419-9.
  • Rok: 2009
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we aim at reconstructing 3D scenes from images with unknown focal lengths downloaded from photosharing websites such as Flickr. First we provide a minimal solution to finding the relative pose between a completely calibrated camera and a camera with an unknown focal length given six point correspondences. We show that this problem has up to nine solutions in general and present two efficient solvers to the problem. They are based on Groebner basis, resp. on generalized eigenvalues, computation. We demonstrate by experiments with synthetic and real data that both solvers are correct, fast, numerically stable and work well even in some situations when the classical 6-point algorithm fails, e.g. when optical axes of the cameras are parallel or intersecting. Based on this solution we present a new efficient method for large-scale structure from motion from unordered data sets downloaded from the Internet. We show that this method can be effectively used to reconstruct 3D scen

A general solution to the p4p problem for camera with unknown focal length

  • Autoři: Bujňák, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2008: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Medison: Omnipress, 2008. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-4244-2242-5.
  • Rok: 2008
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a general solution to the determination of the pose of a perspective camera with unknown focal length from images of four 3D reference points. Our problem is a generalization of the P3P and P4P problems previously developed for fully calibrated cameras. Given four 2D-to-3D correspondences, we estimate camera position, orientation and recover the camera focal length. We formulate the problem and provide a minimal solution from four points by solving a system of algebraic equations. We compare the Hidden variable resultant and Gröbner basis techniques for solving the algebraic equations of our problem. By evaluating them on synthetic and on real-data, we show that the Gröbner basis technique provides stable results.

Automatic Generator of Minimal Problem Solvers

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Computer Vision - ECCV 2008, 10th European Conference on Computer Vision, Proceedings, Part III. Berlin: Springer, 2008. p. 302-315. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-540-88689-1.
  • Rok: 2008
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Finding solutions to minimal problems for estimating epipolar geometry and camera motion leads to solving systems of algebraic equations. Often, these systems are not trivial and therefore special algorithms have to be designed to achieve numerical robustness and computational efficiency. The state of the art approach for constructing such algorithms is the Gröbner basis method for solving systems of polynomial equations. Previously, the Gröbner basis solvers were designed ad hoc for concrete problems and they could not be easily applied to new problems. In this paper we propose an automatic procedure for generating Gröbner basis solvers which could be used even by non-experts to solve technical problems. The input to our solver generator is a system of polynomial equations with a finite number of solutions. The output of our solver generator is the Matlab or C code which computes solutions to this system for concrete coefficients. Generating solvers automatically opens possibilities t

Fast and Robust Numerical Solutions to Minimal Problems for Cameras with Radial Distortion

  • Autoři: Byröd, M., RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Josephson, K., Pajdla, T., Äström, K.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2008: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Medison: Omnipress, 2008. ISSN 1063-6919. ISBN 978-1-4244-2242-5.
  • Rok: 2008
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    A number of minimal problems of structure from motion for cameras with radial distortion have recently been studied and solved in some cases. These problems are known to be numerically very challenging and in several cases there exist no known practical algorithm yielding solutions in floating point arithmetic. We make some crucial observations concerning the floating point implementation of Gröbner basis computations and use these new insights to formulate fast and stable algorithms for two minimal problems with radial distortion previously solved in exact rational arithmetic only: (i) simultaneous estimation of essential matrix and a common radial distortion parameter for two partially calibrated views and six image point correspondences and (ii) estimation of fundamental matrix and two different radial distortion parameters for two uncalibrated views and nine image point correspondences. We demonstrate on simulated and real experiments that these two problems can be efficiently solv

Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to the 5-pt and 6-pt Relative Pose Problems

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Bujňák, M., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: BMVC 2008: Proceedings of the 19th British Machine Vision Conference. London: British Machine Vision Association, 2008. p. 565-574. ISBN 978-1-901725-36-0.
  • Rok: 2008
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper we provide new fast and simple solutions to two important minimal problems in computer vision, the five-point relative pose problem and the six-point focal length problem. We show that these two problems can easily be formulated as polynomial eigenvalue problems of degree three and two and solved using standard efficient numerical algorithms. Our solutions are somewhat more stable than state-of-the-art solutions by Nister and Stewenius and are in some sense more straightforward and easier to implement since polynomial eigenvalue problems are well studied with many efficient and robust algorithms available. The quality of the solvers is demonstrated in experiments.

Set Theoretic Operations between Components Defined by Sketching Silhouette Curves

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Ďurikovič, R.
  • Publikace: Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics (JAMSI). 2008, 4(1), 101-108. ISSN 1336-9180.
  • Rok: 2008
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    We propose the method for object modeling based on sketched silhouette curves. The 3D shape of the object is calculated from set of silhouette curves using two approaches studied within this paper namely the skeleton based convolution surfaces and variational implicit surfaces. Both methods are extended to handle smooth set theoretic operations between components defined by sketching silhouette curves on different projection planes. Our approach includes additional extensions to existing sketch-based modeling systems like automatic skeleton generation that can be directly used for object animation, carving operation, creating surfaces with handles and surface texturing.

A minimal solution to the autocalibration of radial distortion

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVPR 2007: Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. ISSN 1053-587X. ISBN 1-4244-1180-7.
  • Rok: 2007
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Epipolar geometry and relative camera pose computation are examples of tasks which can be formulated as minimal problems and solved from a minimal number of image points. Finding the solution leads to solving systems of algebraic equations. Often, these systems are not trivial and therefore special algorithms have to be designed to achieve numerical robustness and computational efficiency. In this paper we provide a solution to the problem of estimating radial distortion and epipolar geometry from eight correspondences in two images. Unlike previous algorithms, which were able to solve the problem from nine correspondences only, we enforce the determinant of the fundamental matrix be zero. This leads to a system of eight quadratic and one cubic equation in nine variables. We simplify this system by eliminating six of these variables. Then, we solve the system by finding eigenvectors of an action matrix of a suitably chosen polynomial. We show how to construct the action matrix without

Sketch-Based Modeling System With Convolution and Variational Implicit Surfaces

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Durikovic, R.
  • Publikace: IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information System. 2007, 2(2), 181-188. ISSN 1646-3692.
  • Rok: 2007
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    In this work we focus on function representation suitable for creating 3D freeform shapes with sketched silhouette curves. We aim at comparison of two approaches for sketch-based modeling, namely the skeleton-based convolution surfaces and variational implicit surfaces. Both methods are extended to handle smooth set theoretic operations between components defined by sketching silhouette curves on different projection planes. Our approach includes additional extensions to sketch-based systems like automatic skeleton generation that can be directly used for object animation, carving operation, creating surfaces with handles and surface texturing.

Solving polynomial equations for minimal problems in computer vision

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: CVWW 2007: Proceedings of the 12th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2007, pp. 12-19. ISBN 978-3-902465-60-3.
  • Rok: 2007
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Many vision tasks require efficient solvers of systems of polynomial equations. Epipolar geometry and relative camera pose computation are tasks which can be formulated as minimal problems which lead to solving systems of algebraic equations. Often, these systems are not trivial and therefore special algorithms have to be designed to achieve numerical robustness and computational efficiency. In this work we suggest improvements of current techniques for solving systems of polynomial equations suitable for some vision problems. We introduce two tricks. The first trick helps to reduce the number of variables and degrees of the equations. The second trick can be used to replace computationally complex construction of Gröbner basis by a simpler procedure. We demonstrate benefits of our technique by providing a solution to the problem of estimating radial distortion and epipolar geometry from eight correspondences in two images. Unlike previous algorithms, which were able to solve the probl

Two Minimal Problems for Cameras with Radial Distortion

  • Autoři: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., Pajdla, T.
  • Publikace: Proceedings of Omnivis 2007: Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision and Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras. Madison: Omnipress, 2007. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-4244-1631-8.
  • Rok: 2007
  • Pracoviště: Katedra kybernetiky
  • Anotace:
    Epipolar geometry and relative camera pose computation for uncalibrated cameras with radial distortion has recently been formulated as a minimal problem and successfully solved in floating point arithmetics. The singularity of the fundamental matrix has been used to reduce the minimal number of points to eight. It was assumed that the cameras were not calibrated but had same distortions. In this paper we formulate two new minimal problems for estimating epipolar geometry of cameras with radial distortion. First we present a minimal algorithm for partially calibrated cameras with same radial distortion. Using the trace constraint which holds for the epipolar geometry of calibrated cameras to reduce the number of necessary points from eight to six. We demonstrate that the problem is solvable in exact rational arithmetics. Secondly, we present a minimal algorithm for uncalibrated cameras with different radial distortions. We show that the problem can be solved using nine points in two vie

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk