prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.
Všechny publikace
Compensation strategies of electric arc furnace with ability to detect cyber-attacks
- Autoři: Bejvl, M., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Simek, P.
- Publikace: 2024 IEEE 21st International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC). Vienna: IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, 2024. ISSN 2473-0165. ISBN 979-8-3503-8523-6.
- Rok: 2024
- DOI: 10.1109/PEMC61721.2024.10726335
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The contribution describes an attempt to implement a cyber attack detection system based on the watermark strategy into the system of compensation elements for the EAF. The strategy of the power-electronics-based emulation of the EAF developed before is used here for implementation of the watermark strategy. The developed emulation strategy enables the real-time emulation of the EAF with its under-scaled control components in various modes of operation in laboratory conditions. Selected results of simulation tests using the data collected from the real 60 t EAF are presented and discussed. The simulation results confirm that the watermark strategy may be an effective tool to recognize cyber-attacks on the compensation strategy of the EAF.
Study of Voltage Flicker Mitigation Using Emulated Electric Arc Furnace
- Autoři: Bejvl, M., Simek, P., Ing. Martin Čerňan, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2024, 39(7), 8634-8644. ISSN 0885-8993.
- Rok: 2024
- DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2024.3381430
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A strategy of the power-electronics-based emulation of the electric arc furnace (EAF) in the laboratory has been developed. The generalized predictive power control strategy is used in the emulation. The EAF emulation is capable faithfully emulate the operation of the EAF using measured data from a real EAF operation. Thus, the developed strategy enables the real-time emulation of the EAF with its under-scaled control components in various modes of operation in laboratory conditions. As an example, a small-scale active power filter (APF) and static var compensator (SVC) used for flicker mitigation were included as parts of the laboratory system. Selected results of simulation and experimental tests in the laboratory using the data collected from the real 60 t EAF are presented and discussed.
Emulation of Electrical Arc Furnace in Laboratory Conditions using Measured Data from Real Furnace Operation
- Autoři: Bejvl, M., Chomát, M., Šimek, P., Ing. Martin Čerňan, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 2023 International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE). Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2023. ISSN 2770-7652. ISBN 979-8-3503-2275-0.
- Rok: 2023
- DOI: 10.1109/EDPE58625.2023.10274049
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce, Katedra elektroenergetiky
A novel strategy of the power-electronics-based emulation of the Electrical Arc Furnace (EAF) has been developed. The EAF model consists of a voltage source power electronic converter controlled by Generalized Predictive Power Control (GPPC) strategy with long predictive horizon. The converter consumes the active and reactive powers corresponding to the data collected from the real EAF operation. A small-scale Static Var Compensator (SVC) for compensation of EAF’s adverse effects connected to a grid simulator is a part of the whole laboratory system. A comparison of the behavior of the real EAF and its emulated counterpart in terms of the frequencies responsible for flickering is provided. Selected results of experimental tests in the laboratory that use the data collected from the rea160 t EAF are presented and discussed.
Power control for grid-connected converter based on generalized predictive current control
- Autoři: Simek, P., Bejvl, M., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2022, 10(6), 7072-7083. ISSN 2168-6777.
- Rok: 2022
- DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3208777
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The power control based on the generalized predictive current control (GPCC) applied in the power electronic converter connected to the grid is presented in the article. A design process of the control structure and its parameters and the results of simulation and experimental validation are presented. The power responses to changes in power references and grid failures are shown and discussed. The algorithm works well with the unbalanced grid voltage. Steady-state responses of both powers are oscillation-free for an unbalanced grid, and the network currents remain sinusoidal at the same time. The strategy is also able to ensure that limit values of grid current magnitudes are not exceeded during changes of power references or grid voltage, and responses are fast and smooth at the same time. The combination of these favorable properties, which was not observed with other power control methods, can be assessed as the main benefit of the strategy developed.
An improved SVC control for electric arc furnace voltage flicker mitigation
- Autoři: Ing. Martin Čerňan, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2021, 129 ISSN 0142-0615.
- Rok: 2021
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.106831
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The work focuses on the possibilities of improving the Static Var Compensator (SVC) control system for more effective reduction of the flicker effect. The studied SVC control system consists of an open control loop, which provides a fast response to dynamic changes in Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) power, and a closed control loop, which provides precise control to ensure the required value of the power factor in the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The improvement consists in the use of alternative techniques for signal processing of input control variables. The first alternative technique is the use of Second Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI), which is also used in other related applications. The second alternative technique is to use the flicker weighting function, which corresponds to the function used to measure the flicker effect using a standardized flicker meter. Experimental laboratory equipment and theoretical model in frequency domain was used to verify the properties of the proposed techniques. To simulate the dynamic behavior of EAF, data measured from real operation were used, which were implemented into an experiment using VSC. Analysis of measured data and data obtained from laboratory apparatus shows high similarity. The experiments were carried out in several variants to reflect the differences in the various stages of the production process in the EAF. For all variants, the resulting flicker effect was evaluated and the individual techniques were compared with each other and with the results of other works.
Generalized predictive power control for grid-connected converter
- Autoři: Simek, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2021, 125 ISSN 0142-0615.
- Rok: 2021
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106380
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The aim of the contribution is to present a new method for the control of the active and non-active instantaneous power for the grid-connected voltage source converter. The GPPC (Generalized Predictive Power Control) is examined in the paper. A design procedure, simulation results, and experimental validation of the GPPC are presented. This GPPC application belongs among predictive control strategies for multi-input multi-output systems with some time varying coefficients. The responses following changes in the power references as well as after disturbances in the grid voltage are presented and evaluated. The simple implementation, long prediction horizon, and also resistance to parameter changes and to unbalanced grid conditions belong among advantages of the method. The determination of the GPPC parameters is not dependent on the AC/DC converter circuitry and on the PWM applied. The developed GPPC used in the converter connected to the grid can be considered as an original contribution to the problem of controlling the dc/ac converter performance.
Semi-Flexible Power Control for Grid-Connected Converter
- Autoři: Šimek, P., Bejvl, M., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, 2021. p. 25-29. ISSN 1339-3944. ISBN 978-1-6654-3235-1.
- Rok: 2021
- DOI: 10.1109/EDPE53134.2021.9604048
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The formulas for the calculation of reference grid current components for the grid-connected converter are presented. The selection of the contribution of a negative voltage sequence to the formation of the reference current vector is possible. The current control is based on the GPCC (Generalized Predictive Current Control). The power responses to changes in power references and to grid failures are shown and discussed. The results of simulation and experimental validation are presented. The strategy is able to ensure that limit values of grid current magnitudes are not exceeded.
Comparison of power control method for B4 converter connected to unbalanced grid
- Autoři: Simek, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 2020 21st International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Prague: Czechoslovakia Section IEEE, 2020. ISSN 2376-5623. ISBN 978-1-7281-9479-0.
- Rok: 2020
- DOI: 10.1109/EPE51172.2020.9269187
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The aim of the paper is to present a power control of a three-phase inverter with only four inverter legs (connections B4) connected to an unbalanced grid. The results obtained by the predictive power control with a finite set of control values, the results obtained using a modified direct power control strategy, and the results obtained using a generalized predictive control are compared and discussed.
A frequency locked loop strategy for synchronization of inverters used in distributed energy sources
- Autoři: Šimek, P., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2019, 107 120-130. ISSN 0142-0615.
- Rok: 2019
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.11.004
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce, Katedra elektroenergetiky
A technique has been developed that incorporates the advantages of the cascaded delayed signal cancellation and dual second order generalized integrator schemes, the first one being used now as a pre-filter for the second element. A reconstructor block is applied as well to prevent unreal changes in the estimated frequency in case of phase angle jumps of the grid voltage. Experimental results are evaluated in terms of quality of the positive voltage sequence, frequency and phase angle identification for the grid voltage disturbed by harmonic and negative sequence components as well as for amplitude, frequency, and phase angle jumps in the voltage.
Comparison of predictive direct power control methods for grid-connected converter in B4 configuration
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Simek, P.
- Publikace: 2019 International Conference on Electrical Drives & Power Electronics (EDPE). Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2019. p. 87-92. ISSN 1339-3944. ISBN 978-1-7281-0389-1.
- Rok: 2019
- DOI: 10.1109/EDPE.2019.8883933
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A model predictive direct power control of the three-phase converter with only four converter branches (B4) connected to an unbalanced grid is introduced. The developed infinite-control-set and usual finite-control-set MP DPC strategies are presented. The relations for predicted powers are developed in the form enabling analytical solution of the selected objective function for the infinite-control-set MP DPC. The alternative instantaneous non-active power theory is used, which preserves harmonic free grid currents not only for a symmetrical but also unsymmetrical voltage system. Simulation results for the L grid filter are presented, analyzed and compared for both the option of the MP DPC.
Experimental investigation of fault tolerant converter connected to unbalanced grid
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Simek, P., Skramlik, J.
- Publikace: 2018 19th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Brno: Czech Section of the IEEE VUT, 2018. p. 247-252. ISSN 2376-5631. ISBN 978-1-5386-4612-0.
- Rok: 2018
- DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2018.8395992
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A model of the three-phase voltage converter for simulation of its modes of operation in standard as well as fault states is presented The presented model can be used to simulate steady-states and also transients at dc and ac side of the grid-connected converter. Based on simulation, an algorithm was designed to identify and localize a fault in some phase of the three-phase converter. Rules how to modify hardware, and control and modulation strategies to hold the converter in operation after the fault are presented and tested. The algorithm was experimentally verified.
Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Four-Switch-Based Inverter Connected to Unbalanced Grid System
- Autoři: Ing. Martin Čerňan, Ph.D., Ing. Miroslav Müller, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 2018 IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering in Israel. Tel Aviv: IEEE, 2018. ISBN 978-1-5386-6378-3.
- Rok: 2018
- DOI: 10.1109/ICSEE.2018.8646186
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A model based predictive direct power control with finite set of control variables for the three phase four-switch-based converter B4 connected to an unbalanced grid is introduced. The instantaneous active and non-active powers are outputs of the controlled system. The alternative instantaneous non-active power theory is used that preserves harmonic free grid currents not only for a symmetrical but also unsymmetrical voltage system. Simulation results for the L grid filter are presented and analyzed.
Fault identification at microgrid-connected converter and its ride-through capability
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Ing. Martin Čerňan, Ph.D., Šimek, P., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2017. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2017. p. 68-71. ISBN 978-80-553-3195-9.
- Rok: 2017
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce, Katedra elektroenergetiky
A model of the three-phase voltage converter for simulation of its modes of operation in standard as well as fault states is presented The presented model can be used to simulate steady-states and also transients at dc and ac side of the grid-connected converter. Based on simulation, an algorithm was designed to identify and localize a fault in some phase of the three-phase converter. The algorithm was experimentally verified.
Application of generalized non-active power theory for parallel hybrid compensation of periodic a nd non-periodic disturbances
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2016, 1(14), 979-983. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2016
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj14.543
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A strategy of decomposition of detrimental current components in electric power syst ems is presented. The method is based on the non-active power theory with different averaging time intervals. These individual current components can be used as the reference signals for the devices compensating periodic as well as non-periodic and stochastic currents generated by non-linear unbalanced loads connected to an unsymmetrical non-sinusoidal voltage power source. The use of an appropriate set of parallel compensation devices for mitigating individual detrimental load current components with different dynamics can lead to the substantial reduction of the power rating and cost of such a hybrid compensator.
Contribution to control strategies for converter connected to unbalanced grid
- Autoři: Bejvl, M., Simek, P., Ing. Ghaeth Fandi, doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 7th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications. Red Hook: Curran Associates, Inc., 2016. p. 313-319. ISBN 978-1-5090-4712-3.
- Rok: 2016
- DOI: 10.1109/SETIT.2016.7939886
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper deals with developed and experimentally tested effective synchronization and power control techniques for grid-connected converter. A new FLL (Frequency Locked Loop) technique is developed that incorporates advantages of both the cascaded delayed signal cancellation and dual second order generalized integrator schemes. Experimental results are evaluated in terms of quality of the positive voltage sequence, frequency and phase angle identification for the grid voltage disturbed by harmonic, subharmonic, and negative sequence components as well as for amplitude, frequency, and phase angle jumps in the voltage. A novel power control technique for grid-connected converter under unbalanced voltage conditions is referred as well. The current positive and negative sequences during grid voltage sags are controlled to assure a proper exchange of active and reactive powers without substantial power ripples, and especially, without current harmonics.
Control of Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converter in Fault State after Grid Disturbance
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG). Praha: IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, 2016. pp. 180-185. ISBN 978-1-4673-8473-5.
- Rok: 2016
- DOI: 10.1109/IGBSG.2016.7539444
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
An effective HW reconfiguration of a FCM (Flying Capacitor Multilevel) converter and also of its control algorithm in case of a fault of one element in the converter phase is presented. A strategy starts from the theory of FCM converters with unequal distribution of voltages on converter capacitors. The use of additional switching elements and capacitors with higher rated voltage is a necessary condition for the presented approach. Because a number of redundant switching states in faulted phases is limited, joint-phase redundancies are recommended to be used to balance capacitor voltages. The case of a 4-level FCM converter is analyzed in detail as an example.
LCL Filter Design for Interconnection Inverter of Distributed Source to Utility Grids
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Bejvl, M.
- Publikace: 2016 17th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE 2016). New York: IEEE, 2016. pp. 458-462. International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. ISSN 2376-5623. ISBN 978-1-5090-0908-4.
- Rok: 2016
- DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2016.7521832
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Properties and behavior of the LCL grid filter for PWM converters in terms of grid current harmonic spectra and filter operation conditions are analyzed in the paper. A procedure to determine filter parameters and also the comparison of the filter performance criteria provided by developed programs is presented.
Compensation of Disturbed Load Currents Using Active Power Filter and Generalized Non-active Power Theory
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Jiří Lettl, CSc., Šimek, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of PIERS 2015 in Prague. Cambridge: Electromagnetics Academy, 2015. pp. 2500-2505. ISSN 1559-9450. ISBN 978-1-934142-30-1.
- Rok: 2015
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
The principal and analysis of usage of the generalized non-active power theory for the parallel compensation of periodic and non-periodic load current disturbances is presented in the paper. The effectiveness of the generalized non-active power theory to mitigate non-periodic current disturbances is demonstrated by simulation and laboratory experiments.
Control Strategy of Grid Connected Converter under Unbalanced Conditions
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Jiří Lettl, CSc., Bejvl, M., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of PIERS 2015 in Prague. Cambridge: Electromagnetics Academy, 2015. pp. 2727-2730. ISSN 1559-9450. ISBN 978-1-934142-30-1.
- Rok: 2015
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Current-controlled voltage source converters are widely used in grid-connected applications. The negative sequence component of the grid voltage causes pulsating components in powers transmitted through the converter and ripple of the dc voltage in the intermediate circuit. Two strategies of the current reference calculation for a dual current controller were developed and tested in the Matlab/Simulink environment and experimentally verified as well.
Flexible grid power control for distributed sources
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2015. Košice: TU Košice, 2015. pp. 61-64. ISBN 978-80-553-2187-5.
- Rok: 2015
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The formulaes for the calculation of reference current components using the Instantaneous Active-Reactive Control and Balanced Positive Sequence Control strategies have been combined to make a selection of the contribution of a negative voltage sequence to the formation of the reference current vector possible. Thus, the demands laid on a maximum magnitude of the grid current, current unbalance factor, and an instantaneous active power distortion can be considered and an appropriate compromise selected.
New three phase PLL and FLL techniques for converters used in distributed sources
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Simek, P., Skramlik, J.
- Publikace: 2015 16th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2015. p. 94-99. ISSN 2376-5623. ISBN 978-1-4673-6788-2.
- Rok: 2015
- DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2015.7161093
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A critical comparison of three prospective PLL and FLL strategies, namely those based on the CDSC, DSOGI, and MAF filtering techniques for elimination of noises, harmonics, and negative sequence is presented in the paper. Simulation and experimental results are compared and evaluated.
Power Control at Grid Connected Converters and Analytical Solution of Steady States
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J.
- Publikace: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015, ISSN 1024-123X.
- Rok: 2015
- DOI: 10.1155/2015/601916
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper presents a power control technique at grid connected converters under unbalanced voltage conditions. The current positive and negative sequences during grid voltage sags are controlled to ensure a proper exchange of active and reactive powers without power ripples. An analytical solution in a closed form of the B6 and B4 converters working with an optimized half a period switching symmetry is presented. The analytical solution may be applied for the converters connected to highly unbalanced grids and for different grid filter topologies.
Power Control of Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Bejvl, M., Šimek, P., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2015, 62(7), 4241-4248. ISSN 0278-0046.
- Rok: 2015
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
This paper presents a grid current control technique on the power converter level. The submitted analysis deals with a control method of positive and negative current sequences in a grid-connected converter during voltage sags. The control method should assure the proper exchange of active and reactive powers without power ripple, the mitigation of harmonic distortion of grid currents, and should also enable the control of grid current peaks. A simple expression is determined, which allows estimation of maximum active and reactive powers exchanged between the grid and the converter without exceeding the admissible converter current. Some simulation and experimental results are reported to validate the theoretically predicted performance of the control strategy.
Analytical closed-form solution of current responses of multilevel converter connected to unbalanced grid
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of IEEEI 2014. Piscataway: IEEE, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5987-7.
- Rok: 2014
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
An analytical closed-form solution of ac current responses of a multilevel converter connected to the unbalanced grid in steady state is proposed in the contribution. The method of the solution can be used for different grid filter topologies and for unsymmetrical grid voltages and/or currents to analyze easily converter current responses in steady states.
Optimized half a period switching symmetry applied at grid connected four-switch converter and analytical solution of steady states
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J.
- Publikace: 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition. Piscataway: IEEE, 2014. p. 125-130. ISBN 978-1-4799-2060-0.
- Rok: 2014
- DOI: 10.1109/EPEPEMC.2014.6980662
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
An analytical solution in a closed form of the B4 converter working with a proposed optimized half a period switching symmetry is presented. The proposed switching strategy provides a good current tracking capability and minimum switching frequency. The analytical solution may be applied for the B4 converter connected to highly unbalanced grids. The method enables to analyze quickly B4 converter current responses in steady states for different grid filter topologies.
Particle Swarm Based Optimization of Power Losses in Network Using STATCOM
- Autoři: Tuzikova, V., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Tlustý, J.
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2014, 12(12), 355-359. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2014
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj12.337
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The main goal of this paper is to define the best location for the STATCOM compensator in order to minimize active power losses in the grid, using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.
Power Quality Enhancement using STATCOM with Energy Storage
- Autoři: Yanushkevich, A., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2014, 12(12), 349-354. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2014
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj12.336
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper describes an advanced approach to power quality enhancement, mainly to flicker mitigation. There is described the standard STATCOM device added by an energy storage in its DC circuit. Its function is then discussed and modelled for active power compensation in addition to the classical reactive power compen sation. A case study is provided for an industrial plant with 60 MVA electric arc furnace producing power disturbances, namely flicker.
Control Strategy of PWM Rectifiers Connected to Unbalanced Grids
- Autoři: Bejvl, M., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2013, 1(11), 421-425. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2013
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj11.328
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Current-controlled voltage source converters are widely used in grid-connected applications, for example at ac drives with indirect frequency converters. The negative sequence component of the grid voltage causes ripples of the dc voltage in the intermediate circuit. Some sophisticated topologies of current controllers that can cope with grids containing both the positive and negative sequence components are summarized and compared for this purpose. A new dual current control algorithm was developed and tested in the Matlab/Simulink environment.
Hybrid power filter for advanced power quality in industrial systems
- Autoři: Švec, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Kasembe, A., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Electric Power Systems Research. 2013, 103 157-167. ISSN 0378-7796.
- Rok: 2013
- DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2013.05.013
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper presents the structure and control strategy of the hybrid power filter (HPF) with a split passive part. Its impedance is divided into two parts tuned to 50 Hz and 250 Hz. The HPF topology is very efficient to mitigate harmonic currents. The fundamental frequency voltage at the converter terminals is remarkably small in comparison with the grid voltage at the same moment. The HPF functionality is only negligibly influenced by the grid inductance changes. The HPF characteristics were compared with those for standard HPF topologies and the classical passive compensation by means of simulations done in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The voltage and current responses and their harmonic spectra were also measured in an industrial plant under different conditions.
Evaluation of IRP, FBD, SD, and Generalized Non-Active Power Theories
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J.
- Publikace: 27th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel. Piscataway: IEEE, 2012. pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4673-4680-1.
- Rok: 2012
- DOI: 10.1109/EEEI.2012.6376914
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Most of modern power equipments connected to the grid must be viewed as non-linear loads producing voltage and current harmonics, subharmonics, and quasi-periodic and stochastic disturbances even under normal operation conditions. An analysis and comparison of usage of different power theories for the parallel compensation of periodic and non-periodic disturbances is presented in the paper. Different reference voltage vectors and averaging time intervals are applied in the power theories.
Generalized Non-Active Power Theory for Non-Periodic Disturbances
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference EPE 2012. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012. pp. 407-411. ISBN 978-80-214-4514-7.
- Rok: 2012
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper presents the principles and the utilization analysis of the generalized non-active electrical power theory for the parallel active power filter compensation of periodic and non-periodic current disturbances. There are studied mainly frequency characteristics of residuum currents after the applied compensation to show its effectiveness. A non-linear unbalanced load is considered which generates periodic and stochastic non-periodic currents. This load is connected to an unbalanced nonsinusoidal voltage source.
Synchronous Phasors Monitoring System Application Possibilities
- Autoři: Kasembe, A., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 27th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel. Piscataway: IEEE, 2012. pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-1-4673-4680-1.
- Rok: 2012
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper deals with some tasks of advanced methods to achieve security and reliability of transmission power systems. There are discussed advanced principles and techniques in monitoring systems. The paper main part is devoted to possible applications of PMUs (Phasor Measurement Unit) and their integration into WAMPaC systems (Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control). Significant transmission system states were analyzed in several case studies. PMUs utilization for voltage monitoring is demonstrated for three cases - standard system state, high-load state and islanding. Here the attention is paid to the possibilities of power system observability improvement using measuring chain error elimination. Other possible applications in transmission systems include ampacity determination of transmission corridors, the calculation of line electrical parameters using synchrophasor measurement, state estimation issues and power system stability. The power system model was established for methods and algorithms verification purposes. The appropriate algorithms and their parameters were found using simulation outputs to create the local automatics, e.g. Automatic Power System Stabilizer (PSS).
Four-switch hybrid power filter working with six-fold switching symmetry
- Autoři: Klíma, J., Tlustý, J., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Technica CSAV. 2011, 56(4), 433-446. ISSN 0001-7043.
- Rok: 2011
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
An analytical model and original space-vector modulation strategy for a new circuit configuration of a hybrid power filter with only four switches and not utilizing the center point of the dc bus voltage is presented. An original closed-form solution of steadystate grid currents, based on the mixed p-z approach is introduced. The analytical results and experiment tests on the component minimized three-phase hybrid power filter are shown.
Hybrid Power Filter for Industrial Network
- Autoři: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference Electric Power Engineering 2011. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2011. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-80-248-2393-5.
- Rok: 2011
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The new topology and control strategy of the Hybrid Power Filter (HPF) is presented. The topology is very effective to mitigate harmonic currents of a non-linear load, especially for high frequencies. Additionally, the functionality of this HPF is affected by changes of the grid inductance only negligibly. The behaviour and properties of the new HPF were compared with those for a usual option of the HPF and for a classic passive compensation by simulation done in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The voltage and current responses were also measured in the real industrial plant.
New Hybrid Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement in Industrial Network
- Autoři: Pecha, I., Tlustý, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2011, 1(9), 267-271. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2011
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj09.307
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The new Hybrid Power Filter (HPF) with a split passive part whose impedance is divided into two individual parts tuned to 50 Hz and 250 Hz is presented. Its topology is very effective to mitigate harmonic currents of a non-linear load, especially for high frequencies. The value of the voltage of fundamental frequency at terminals of an electronic power converter is in the range of several percent of that voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) at the same time. The new HPF was compared with a usual HPF and a classic passive compensation by simulation done in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The voltage and current responses and their harmonic spectra were also measured in the real industrial plant under different conditions. The results obtained were in the line with those got by a theoretical analysis done in the frequency domain and confirm the priority of the new HPF above other HPF topologies.
Stability Control of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 2010 IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel. Piscataway: IEEE, 2010. pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4244-8680-9.
- Rok: 2010
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Deregulation in the power market has encouraged the move towards distributed generation, where many smaller generating plants located close to major loads are penetrating into interconnected power systems. When the penetration level increases, several other problems will need to be faced and solved. Stability problems may arise, new planning tools will be needed, dispatching of energy sources with typical random production will be necessary, protection systems must be integrated and revised. In order to simulate power system dynamics programmable opened software in Matlab - DynaSolv was developed. The paper describes various principles of penetration synchronous machine type DGS into distribution network. This study provides possible complex analysis view on DGS stability issues, which can answer the possibility of connection.
Advanced Power System Models for Transient stability analysis
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Qin, C.
- Publikace: CIGRE Symposium on Operation and Development of Power Systems in the New Context. Paris: Cigre, 2009. pp. 1-13. ISBN 978-2-85873-081-0.
- Rok: 2009
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Deregulation in the power market has encouraged the move towards distributed generation, where many smaller generating plants located close to major loads, as opposed to a few large centrally located power stations, are penetrating into interconnected power systems. Nowadays, generating electricity using decentralized generators of relatively small scale is attracting a great interest from electric energy researchers. Such kind of generation is known as Distributed Generation Systems (DGS).
Coupled Analysis of a 3-Phase Linear Actuator
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Jehlička, V., Nečesaný, J., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2008 (ICEMS 2008). Huazhong: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2008. pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-7-5062-9221-4.
- Rok: 2008
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Multiphase actuators with linear motion of the movable element play an important role in a lot of industrial processes (robotics, manipulation with material etc.). The paper deals with their evaluation not only from the mechanical viewpoint, but also from the viewpoints of thermal and thermoelastic effects. The theoretical analysis is illustrated by an example.
Implementace algoritmu řízení paralelního aktivního filtru do systému dSPACE1103A
- Autoři: Paclt, Z., Šimek, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: SYMEP 2008. Trenčín: Trenčianská univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíně, 2008. pp. 81-88. ISBN 978-80-8075-337-5.
- Rok: 2008
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek se zabývá simulací řídicího algoritmu paralelního aktivního filtru s možností režimu jako kompatibilní usměrňovač, jeho simulací a následnou implemantací do řidicího systému dSpace1103A pracujícího v realném čase.
Šíření flickeru od obloukové pece v průmyslových sítích
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Sýkora, T., Švec, J., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D.,
- Publikace: Sborník VIII. Konference Energetické rušení v distribučních a průmyslových sítích. Praha: ELCOM, a.s., 2008. pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-80-254-3821-3.
- Rok: 2008
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Příspěvek se věnuje otázce šíření energetických rušení v průmyslových sítích, která jsou obvykle vyvolána průmyslovými odběrateli a přenášena k dalším komerčním i domácím odběratelům, kteří mají často vysoké nároky na kvalitu dodávané elektrické energie. Z hlediska světelných zdrojů přítomných u odběratelů všech typů je hlavním kritériem úroveň flickeru, tedy kolísání světelného toku vyvolané změnami napěťové úrovně.
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Parasitic Effects in Induction Motor Drives Supplied from Semiconductor Inverters
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Nečesaný, J., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica. 2008, 8(4), 3-9. ISSN 1335-8243.
- Rok: 2008
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper deals with the numerical modeling of a pulse-width modulated voltage inverter-fed induction motor drive for the common and differential current modes. The proposed model of the drive respects the influence of the feeding cable described by the lumped or distributed parameters. The theoretical analysis is supplemented by results of relevant simulations and experiments. Evaluated are also the frequency characteristics of selected parts of the system and their contributions to its resultant harmonic spectra.
Application of Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Mitigation of Flicker Generated by Electrical Arc Furnace
- Autoři: Kubín, P., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: X CLEEE - 10th Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering. Lisboa: Portuguese Association for the Development of Electrical Engineering, 2007. pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-972-8822-08-8.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
It was found that the basic simulation of the EAF is possible even in the frequency domain by using a linearised model based on the Cassie-Mayr formula. Thus, a linearised model of the power system with the Electrical Arc Furnace (EAF) and the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) may be developed in the frequency domain. The linearised model of the system makes it possible to analyze basic properties of the system for perturbed signals, starting from measured data on EAF, and thus to find an optimum control strategy and parameters of UPQC.
Combined Feedback and Feedforward Control Strategy of Hybrid Power Filter
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Paclt, Z.
- Publikace: Electrical Drives and Power Electronics. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-8073-868-6.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
In the paper a combined feedback and feedforward control strategy of the parallel hybrid power filter (HPF) is presented, which features a small sensitivity against a disturbed supply voltage system and enables us to set grid phase currents in the phase with respective voltages. The experimental data show that the modified control strategy yields better results than those obtained by using the control system reported previously, especially in case of an unsymmetrical and non-sinusoidal voltage system and the demand of zero reactive power withdrawn from the grid.
EMI in Induction Motor Drive Fed from IGCT Voltage Source Inverter
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Bartoš, S., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: PIERS 2007 Prague - Proceeding of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Cambridge, MA: The Electromagnetics Academy, 2007. ISSN 1559-9450. ISBN 978-1-934142-02-8.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
The paper summarizes the experience acquired during laboratory experimental operation of an IGCT inverter feeding a 3-phase induction machine (IM) as well as practical knowledge gained from the employment of the IGCT switching devices in vehicles of city mass transportation. Among others, overvoltage phenomena occurring between the inverter and the IM, the influence of the feeding cables, and the causes of electromagnetic interference (EMI) were traced.
High-Frequency Parasitic Currents in Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems - ICEMS 2007. Seoul: KIEE - The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering, 2007. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-89-86510-07-2.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The paper deals with the numerical modeling of a pulse-width modulated voltage IGBT or IGCT inverter-fed induction motor drive for the common and differential current modes. The proposed model of the drive respects the influence of the feeding cable described by the lumped or distributed parameters. The theoretical analysis is supplemented by results of relevant simulations and experiments. Evaluated are also the frequency characteristics of selected parts of the system and their contributions to its resultant harmonic spectra.
Parameters of Active Power Filter Controllers in an Industrial Power System
- Autoři: Sýkora, T., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Powereng 2007. Setúbal: IEEE, 2007. pp. 48-53. ISBN 1-4244-0895-4.
- Rok: 2007
- DOI: 10.1109/POWERENG.2007.4380165
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The procedure for calculating controller parameters of the APFs, which are implemented into a multibus industrial power system for harmonic voltage mitigation, is presented. The node voltage detection control strategy is applied and the controller parameters are found by solving the modified multiple APF - multiple harmonic problem. Thus, the best places for several APFs may be proposed, taking into account also a real control strategy as well as predefined values of THDs of the voltages at the bus-bars where the APFs are placed.
Self-Tuning Controller of Active Power Filter in an Industrial Power System
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: IEEE ISIE 2007 Proceedings. Vigo: IEEE, 2007. pp. 1-6. ISBN 1-4244-0755-9.
- Rok: 2007
- DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2007.4374632
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The procedure for calculating controller parameters of an Active Power Filter (APF), which is implemented into a multibus industrial power system for harmonic voltage mitigation, is presented. The node voltage detection control strategy is applied and the controller basic gain is found, taking into account required values of THDs of voltages at the bus-bars of the system and RMS values of the APF current. The structure of a self-tuning controller of the APF is proposed as well. The controller assures that the real APF current is hold in a proper range regardless the changes in operation modes of harmonic current sources in the power system.
The Possibility of 3 Harmonic Filtration
- Autoři: Sýkora, T., Ing. Zbyněk Brettschneider, Ph.D., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: IVth International Scientific Symposium ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2007 - Proceedings. Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2007. pp. 492-498. ISBN 978-80-553-0400-7.
- Rok: 2007
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The 3rd harmonic and its odd multiples result in phase voltages and currents curve deformation, especially at one phase circuits. The 3rd harmonic and its multiples are influenced by the sources connection type and consumers character. The supplying voltage disturbance by the 3rd harmonic occurs quite often and that is why its filtration is needed. The 3rd harmonic filtration is carried out by different instruments than at classical voltage and current higher harmonics when passive or active filters are used. The paper introduces the possibility of using passive transformer filter with the winding with a very low zero impedance. This passive filter construction and model function verification is described further.
Connection of the Renewable Energy Sources in a Distribution Network
- Autoři: Procházka, K., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Vybíralík, F.
- Publikace: CIDEL2006 - International Congress of Electrical Distribution. Buenos Aires: ADEERA, 2006. pp. 74-79.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
This paper deals with the general problem of utilization of renewable energy sources for the generation of electric energy. The possibility of connecting the distributed generators to the existing distribution network is made more difficult by many factors. The scarcity of the existing conventional sources and their impact to the environment makes us to look for the possibility of renewable sources utilization in the conventional power systems. The paper presents the problems to be considered while utilizing those sources in terms of connecting them to the distribution network and negative impacts to this network. The analysis of connecting the wind power plant with four generators to the distribution network is presented in this paper. The study includes the judgment of results for connecting the wind power plant to the distribution network, negative impacts of this power plant to the distribution network and the steady-state stability.
Harmonic Voltage Mitigation in Industrial Power Systems by Using Multiple Active Power Filter Configuration
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2006. pp. 580-584. ISBN 978-1-4244-0120-8.
- Rok: 2006
- DOI: 10.1109/EPEPEMC.2006.283223
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The procedure for calculating optimum controller parameters of the APFs, which are implemented into a multibus industrial power system for harmonic voltage mitigation, is presented. The node voltage detection control strategy is applied and the optimum controller parameters are found by solving the multiple APF - multiple harmonic problem. Thus, the best places for several APFs may be proposed, taking into account also a real control strategy as well as APF controller parameters.
Limit Operation Regimes of Selected Power Semiconductor Elements
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Dvořák, P., Kalčík, K., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2006. pp. 50-53. ISBN 978-1-4244-0120-8.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Operation regimes of modern power semiconductor devices (such as IGCT thyristors or IGBT transistors) are characterized by switching high currents of the order of kA at the voltage level of several kV. Although their internal and eventual contact resistances are very low, the Joule losses in them reach quite high values and corresponding heat may lead to unacceptable temperature rise. The paper represents an introductory study in the area and deals with partial mathematical and computer modeling of the temperature rise of an axisymmetric device during its operation in several regimes. The methodology is illustrated on an example of a real IGCT device. Selected results are compared with measurements.
Modelování paralelního aktivního filtru
- Autoři: Paclt, Z., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: XXI. Mezinárodní symposium učitelů elektrických pohonů SYMEP 2006. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2006. pp. 1-9. ISBN 80-7043-455-4.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek uvádí možnosti potlačení harmonických proudů pomocí dvou typů filtračně kompenzačních zařízení a to klasických pasivních filtrů a nebo filtru aktivního. Dále se věnuje základnímu principu paralelního aktivního filtru a popisuje jeden z možných způsobů řízení paralelního aktivního filtru. Na závěr jsou uvedeny výsledky simulace zvoleného způsobu řízení.
Optimal Control of Shunt Active Power Filters in Multibus Industrial Power Systems for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., Santarius, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2006, 71(4), 369-376. ISSN 0378-4754.
- Rok: 2006
- DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2006.02.017
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in industrial multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analyzed and compared in the paper. The effectiveness of both the methods with real control gains is assessed in terms of the harmonic bus voltage mitigation and of the demanded current spectrum injected by the active power filters.
Optimum PI Controllers of Active Power Filters for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation in Multibus Industrial Power Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2006, 1(4), 167-171. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2006
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj04.274
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analysed in terms of the optimum gains of PI controllers.
Problematika kolísání napětí v distribučních sítích
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Mgaya, E., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Müller, Ph.D., Sýkora, T., Švec, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: ČK CIRED 2006. Praha: CIRED, 2006. pp. 1-7. ISBN 80-248-1190-1.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Příspěvek se zabývá návrhem linearizovaného modelu distribuční soustavy a elektrické obloukové pece s linkovým kondicionérem ve frekvenční oblasti. Tento model umožňuje analýzu základních vlastností harmo-nických napětí a proudů odebíraných nelineární zátěží. Model je dále využit k nalezení optimálního způsobu řízení kondicionéru a parametrů řídícího algoritmu. Analýza ukazuje, že nejefektivnější je využití univerzál-ních kondicionérů kvality energie. Linkové kondicionéry jsou tvořeny dvěma aktivními filtry (sériový a paralel-ní). Paralelní část tohoto zařízení kompenzuje celkový neaktivní výkon odebíraný pecí a udržuje hodnotu napětí v stejnosměrném meziobvodu na konstantní úrovni, sériová část kompenzuje napěťové poměry v napájecí síti.
Způsoby řízení paralelních aktivních filtrů
- Autoři: Paclt, Z., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: ELEN 2006 (Elektroenergetika). Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2006. pp. 1-7. ISBN 80-239-7650-8.
- Rok: 2006
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek uvádí možnosti potlačení harmonických proudů pomocí dvou typů filtračně kompenzačních zařízení a to klasických pasivních filtrů a filtrů aktivních. Dále se věnuje základnímu principu paralelního aktivního filtru a popisuje jeho možné způsoby řízení. Na závěr jsou uvedeny výsledky simulace popsaných způsobů řízení paralelních aktivních filtrů
Connection of Shunt Active Power Filters in Multibus Industrial Power Systems for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2005, 1(3), 20-24. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2005
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj03.210
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analysed in terms of the harmonic bus voltage mitigation and of the demanded current spectrum injected by the active power filters.
Control Methods and Active Filter Topologies Applied for Flicker Mitigation
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Praha: IFAC, 2005. p. 1-6. ISSN 1474-6670. ISBN 978-0-08-045108-4.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A linearised model of the power system with the Electrical Arc Furnace (EAF) and the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) has been used in the frequency domain for finding an optimum control strategy of the UPQC. The analysis indicates that the most effective may be such an application of the UPQC where the parallel Active Filter (AF) compensates the whole reactive power consumed by the EAF and delivers to the network a capacitive power to hold the voltage at the PCC constant, while the series AF compensates the fluctuating active power of the EAF.
Control Strategies of Active Power Filters for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation in Multibus Industrial Power Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Santarius, P., Kuzela, M.
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference IEEE Industrial Electronics. New York: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1553-572X. ISBN 0-7803-9252-3.
- Rok: 2005
- DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2005.1569028
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in industrial multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analyzed and compared. The multiple harmonic optimization problem for attaining minimum harmonic voltage distortion at selected busbars of the power system is formulated in such a way that its solution yields optimum controller gains for both the methods.
Control Strategies of Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Flicker Mitigation
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the 1st IFAC International Workshop on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems. Oxford: Elsevier, 2005. pp. 1-6.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
A linearised model of the power system with the Electrical Arc Furnace (EAF) and the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) has been developed in the frequency domain. The linearised model of the power system makes it possible to analyze basic properties of the system for perturbed signals and to find an optimum control strategy and parameters. The analysis indicates that the most effective may be such an application of the UPQC where the parallel Active Filter (AF) compensates the whole reactive power consumed by the EAF and delivers to the network a capacitive power to hold the voltage at the PCC constant, while the series AF compensates the fluctuating active power of the EAF.
Ferroresonant Overvoltages in the Power Transmission Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., doc. Dr. Ing. Jan Kyncl, Kubín, P., Švec, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press/Springer, 2005. pp. 1-6. ISBN 7-302-01581-3.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Mathematical methods for nonlinear circuits' solutions are mentioned in the paper. The authors concentrated on ferroresonant circuits solutions. A particular ferroresonant 3-phase circuit is solved in the case study; the circuit analysis is performed by means of the software Mathematica and SW EASYNUM
Optimal Control of Shunt Active Power Filters in Multibus Industrial Power Systems for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., Santarius, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: ELECTRIMACS 2005. Québec: École Polytechnique, 2005. pp. 1-6.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in industrial multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analysed and compared in the paper. The effectiveness of both the methods with real control gains is assessed in terms of the harmonic bus voltage mitigation and of the demanded current spectrum injected by the active power filters.
Optimum Controller Gains of Active Power Filters for Harmonic Voltage Mitigation In Multibus Industrial Power Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: ICEE2005, Kunming - China. Beijing: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2005. pp. 1-6.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters used in industrial multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analyzed and compared. The multiple harmonic optimization problem for attaining minimum harmonic voltage distortion at selected busbars of the power system is formulated in such a way that its solution yields optimum controller gains for both the methods
Placement Optimization of the Active Filters in the Industrial Networks
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., Švec, J., Sýkora, T., Doležal, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: Sborník z 3. vědeckého sympózia elektroenergetika 2005. Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2005. pp. 1-10. ISBN 9788055303994.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
The bus voltage and branch current detection control strategies of the active power filters (FACTS) used in industrial multibus power systems for harmonic voltage mitigation are analysed and compared in the paper. The effectiveness of both the methods with real control gains is assessed in terms of the harmonic bus voltage mitigation and of the demanded current spectrum injected by the active power filters.
Temperature Rise of Power Semiconductor Devices
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Dvořák, P., Kalčík, K., Ulrych, B., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: SPETO'2005. Ustron: Institut Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Przemyslowej Politechniki Slaskej, 2005. pp. 143-146. ISBN 83-85940-27-8.
- Rok: 2005
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
Modern power semiconductors represent elements for switching high currents of the order of kA at the voltage level of several kV. The limiting quantity of their operation is, therefore, the temperature rise. The paper represents an introductory study in the domain. Calculated is temperature rise of an axisymmetric device during its operation in various regimes. Distribution of the internal sources of heat was found from experiments. The nonstationary temperature field is solved by means of the Fourier-Kirchhoff equation. The convective heat transfer coefficient necessary for formulation of the boundary condition of the third kind is calculated from velocity of the cooling air. Investigated are several regimes differing by nominal current and frequency of switching. Theoretical considerations are illustrated on several examples of a real IGCT device. The results are compared with measurements and discussed are further possibilities of improvement of the used algorithm.
High-Frequency Parasitic Currents in Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škamrlík, J., prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc.,
- Publikace: The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. Xi'an: Xi'an University, 2004. p. 1511-1514. ISBN 7-5605-1869-9.
- Rok: 2004
Impacts of Renewable Sources on Power Quality in Distribution Systems
- Autoři: Balcells, J., Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Renewable Energies & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). 2004, 1(2), 75-80. ISSN 2172-038X.
- Rok: 2004
- DOI: 10.24084/repqj02.212
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Methods fo Optimal Control of Unified Power Flow Controllers
- Autoři: Al-Asooly, H., Chao, Q., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Sanatrius, P.
- Publikace: Proceedings of the IEEE-ICIT 2004. Piscataway: IEEE, 2004. ISBN 0-7803-8663-9.
- Rok: 2004
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Moderní prostředky na zvýšení kvality elektrické energie
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Aktuální otázky a vybrané problémy řízení elektrizačních soustav. Praha: EGÚ Praha Engineering, 2004.
- Rok: 2004
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Výkonová elektronika a kvalita elektrické energie
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: SYMEP 2004. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2004. pp. 256-260. ISBN 80-01-03018-0.
- Rok: 2004
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek se zabývá základní problematikou kvality přenášeného výkonu při použití elektronických měničů v silnoproudé elektrotechnice.
Calculation and Measurements of Electromagnetic Emissions from IGCT-based Chopper
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: IEEE IECON 2003. Boston: IEEE, 2003. p. 2316-2319. ISBN 0-7803-7907-1.
- Rok: 2003
Comparison between Different Methods for Optimal Control of UPFC for Load Flow Control and Voltage Flicker Elimination and Current Harmonics Elimination
- Autoři: Al-Asooly, H., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Technica CSAV. 2003, 48(1), 65-75. ISSN 0001-7043.
- Rok: 2003
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
The paper focuses on distributed power generation in local energy concept. Key distributed generation features are described. Distributed generation integration possibilities are acknowledged.
Elektromagnetické rušení trolejbusu s pohonem IGCT
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPVE 2003 Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEKT, 2003. p. 14-18. ISBN 80-214-2497-4.
- Rok: 2003
High-Frequency Interferences in Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: SCI'2003. Orlando: IIIS - International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2003. pp. 395-399. ISBN 980-6560-01-9.
- Rok: 2003
The effect of dispersed generation on power quality in distribution system
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Santarius, P., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Vybíralík, F.
- Publikace: QUALITY AND SECURITY OF ELECTRIC POWER DELIVERY SYSTEMS. Paris: Cigre, 2003. pp. 204-207. ISBN 2-85873-015-6.
- Rok: 2003
- DOI: 10.1109/QSEPDS.2003.159821
- Odkaz:
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektroenergetiky
This paper analyzes the influence of dispersed generation (DG) on voltage quality in MV networks and summarizes problems considered of general interest relating to the power quality of dispersed generation. We are interested in voltage fluctuations, flicker, harmonic distortion, interharmonic distortion, and the effect of dispersed generation on ripple control signals. The influence of DG on voltage stabilization, line losses, and short circuit impedance are also investigated, and case studies in real systems are presented.
Converters Based on IGCTs in Light Traction Drives
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Večerka, T., Bureš, J., Kalčík, K., Venhoda, E.
- Publikace: IECON 2002. Brussels: IEEE, 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7475-5.
- Rok: 2002
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek ukazuje výhody součástky IGCT užité ve stejnosměrném měniči a střídači, navržených pro napájení trakčního motoru trolejbusu. Toto představuje v celosvětovém měřítku zcela novou aplikaci IGCT v měniči o výkonu řádu stovek kW.
Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis of Selected Power Semiconductor Devices
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Barglik, J., Ulrych, B., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPNC'2002. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit, 2002. p. 211-214. ISBN 83-906074-5-X.
- Rok: 2002
Electromagnetic Emissions from IGCT-Based Chopper for Trolleybus
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EMC'2002. Roma: Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana, 2002. pp. 1205-1209.
- Rok: 2002
Optimal Control of System with Series Converter only, Shunt Converter only, or both Series and Shunt Converters
- Autoři: Al-Asooly, H., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Technica CSAV. 2002, 47(6), 361-383. ISSN 0001-7043.
- Rok: 2002
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
The Effect of Dispersed Generation on Power Quality in Medium Voltage Networks
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability, 3th International PQ Conference. Tallinn: Tallinn Technical University, 2002. ISBN 2-85873-015-6.
- Rok: 2002
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Using Passive and Active Filters for Effective Flicker Suppression in Distribution Systems
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: International Power Distribution Congress. Buenos Aires: ADEERA, 2002.
- Rok: 2002
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Výuka problematiky modelování v elektrických pohonech
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: 19. Mezinárodní symposium učitelů elektrických pohonů SYMEP 2002. Liberec: Technická univerzita, 2002, pp. 16-19. ISBN 80-7083-612-1.
- Rok: 2002
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Příspěvek diskutuje doporučený rozsah výuky předmětu Modelování v elektrických pohonech a vhodný způsob zařazení předmětu do kontextu předmětů vyučovaných ve směru silnoproudá elektrotechnika.
Active Power Filter Using Predicted Current Control
- Autoři: You, X., Pivoňka, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Technica CSAV. 2001, 46(1), 41-50. ISSN 0001-7043.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Background of Active Power Filter Control for Flicker Suppression
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. Graz: University Gratz, 2001. pp. P1-P10. ISBN 90-75815-06-9.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Cooperation between Passive and Active Power Filters for Effective Flicker Suppression
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Cigre Regional Meeting 2001. New Delhi: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, 2001. pp. 4.0-4.1.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Coupled Electromagnetic - Thermal Investigation of Power Semiconductor Devices
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Ulrych, B., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Symposium at 20th September 2001 in Prague. Praha: AV ČR, 2001. pp. 45-50.
- Rok: 2001
Design and Build of an Active Filter Based on Digital Control
- Autoři: You, X., Pivoňka, P., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Acta Technica CSAV. 2001, 46(4), 399-407. ISSN 0001-7043.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Design of Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive Systems with Regard to EMC Problems
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2001. pp. 327-332. ISBN 0-85261-731-3.
- Rok: 2001
IGCT Switches Used for Traction Drives
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., Jehlička, V., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Večerka, T.
- Publikace: Symposium at 20th September 2001 in Prague. Praha: AV ČR, 2001. pp. 69-80.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Joule Losses in Unsymmetrical Supply Systems with Compensated Non-Linear Loads
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: AMTEE '01 - 5th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering. Plzeň: Západočeská universita, 2001. pp. E55-E59. ISBN 80-7082-756-4.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Power Quality in Industrial Distribution Systems with UHP EAF
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Colloquium CIGRE. Praha: Národní komitét CIGRE, 2001. pp. 31-36. ISBN 80-238-7635-X.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Results of Tests of a DC Chopper Based on IGCT and EMI Produced by Its Operation
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., Bureš, J., Kalčík, K., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Venhoda, E.
- Publikace: EDPE'01 - Electrical Drives and Power Electronics. Bratislava: Slovenská elektrotechnická spoločnosť, 2001. pp. 189-193. ISBN 80-89061-46-X.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Výkonový polovodičový spínač na bázi součástky IGCT
- Autoři: Bartoš, S., Bureš, J., Lesák, P., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: XXVII. celostátní konference o elektrických pohonech. Praha: Česká elektrotechnická společnost, 2001. pp. 140-145. ISBN 80-02-01434-0.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Ztráty ve vedení u nesouměrných soustav při použití aktivních výkonových filtrů
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPVE 2001 (Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika). Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 2001. pp. 38-41. ISBN 80-214-1987-3.
- Rok: 2001
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
A New Method of Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Networks Distributed by Large Industrial Non-Linear Loads Including Measerement of Overhead Lines and Evaluation of Their Influence
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., Doležal, J., Doležel, I., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Kvítek, Z., Míčka, P., Mošat, V., Valko, K., Lago, J.
- Publikace: CIGRE 2000 Session Papers. Paris: Cigre, 2000. pp. 1-4.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Analysis of Active Filter Topologies for Flicker Compensation
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., Zahwa, N., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: ICECS 2000. 2000. pp. 90.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Analysis of High-Frequency Interferences Produced in Systems Consisting of PVM Inverter, Long Cable and Induction Motor
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: Proceedings of 11th EDPE. Dubrovnik: KoREMA, 2000. pp. 196-201. ISBN 953-6037-31-9.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Analysis of High-frequency Interferences Produced in Systems Consisting of PWM Inverter, Long Cable and Induction Motor
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: EDPE 2000. Dubrovnik: KoREMA, 2000. pp. 196-201. ISBN 953-6037-31-9.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Common and Differential Mode Interferences in Inverter Fed Induction Drives
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: EMC EUROPE 2000 Brugge. Brugge: Technologisch Instituut, 2000. pp. 301-306. ISBN 90-76019-14-2.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Compensation of Harmonic Voltage Sources by Using Parallel and Series Filters
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPE-PEMC 2000. Košice: TU Košice, 2000. pp. 4-20-4-25. ISBN 80-88922-20-8.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Otázky aplikací paralelních a sériových aktivních filtrů
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Elektroenergetika 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 329-332. ISBN 80-01-02238-2.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Parazitní proudy a vysokofrekvenční rušení generovaná v obvodech s polovodičovými měniči
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: Elektroenergetika 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 65-68. ISBN 80-01-02238-2.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Parazitní proudy a vysokofrekvenční rušení generovaná v obvodech s polovodičovými měniči
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: Elektroenergetika 2000. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2000. pp. 65-68. ISBN 80-01-02238-2.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Power Quality in Industrial Distribution Systems
- Autoři: Tlustý, J., Doležal, J., Gramajo, A., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of "Electricity for a Sustainable Urban Development" Conference. Lisboa: EDP Portugal, 2000. pp. 603-612.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Power Quality in Industrial Distribution Systems
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., Castilo, A., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: UIE 2000. 2000. pp. 603-612.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Sources of High-Frequency Emissions Produced in System Consisting of PWM Inverter, Long Cable and Induction Motor
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika 2000. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 2000. pp. 48-53. ISBN 80-214-1727-7.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Sources of High-frequency Emissions Produced in System Consisting of PWM Inverter, Long Cable and Induction Motor
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Doležel, I., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: EPVE 2000. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1727-7.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Topologies and Control of Active Filtres for Flicker Compensation
- Autoři: Doležal, J., Tlustý, J., Castilo, A., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: ISEI 2000. IEEE, 2000. ISBN 0-7803-6606-9.
- Rok: 2000
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Active Filter Control Methods Based on Different Power Theories
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Proceedings of the IEEE ISIE'99 Symposium. New York: IEEE Press, 1999. pp. 521-526. ISBN 0-7803-5662-4.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Evaluation of Performance Criteria of Hybrid Power Filters
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPE'99. Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Laussane, 1999. pp. 1-9. ISBN 90-75815-04-2.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Extention pq Theory - Based Harmonic Power Compensation in Unsymmertical Voltage Systems
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Fourth International Conference AMTEE'99. Plzeň: Západočeská universita, 1999. pp. 30-33. ISBN 80-7082-541-3.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
High Frequency Models of Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Škramlík, J., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: Symposium of Institute of Electrical Engineering Prague and Institut für elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe der Universität Hannover. Hannover: Universität Hannover, 1999. pp. 12-16.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Modelování a metody kompenzace energetického a vysokofrekvenčního rušení generovaného polovodičovým měničem
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Doležel, I.
- Publikace: IX. sešit katedry teoretické elektrotechniky. Ostrava: VŠB-TUO, 1999. pp. 35-38. ISBN 80-7078-661-2.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Modely pohonů s tranzistorovým střídačem a indukčním motorem pro vysoké kmitočty
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Doležel, I., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: XXVI. Celostátní konference o el. pohonech. Praha: Česká elektrotechnická společnost, 1999. pp. 139-144. ISBN 80-02-01292-5.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Parasitic Currents in PWM Voltage Inverter-Fed Asynchronous Motor Drives
- Autoři: Doležel, I., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EPE'99. Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Laussane, 1999. pp. 1-10. ISBN 90-75815-04-2.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Parazitní proudy a elektromagnetická pole u kabelově napájeného pohonu s indukčním motorem
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Doležel, I., Škramlík, J.
- Publikace: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika na přelomu tisíciletí. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 1999. pp. 86-91. ISBN 80-214-1419-7.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Performance Charakteristics of Hybrid Filters
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: EDPE'99. Košice: TU Košice, FEI, 1999. pp. 191-196. ISBN 80-88922-06-2.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Přepětí a parazitní proudy u střídačově napájených indukčních motorů
- Autoři: Doležel, I., Škramlík, J., prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Elektro. 1999, 9(6), 3-6. ISSN 1210-0889.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Synchronous Detection Method for Three-Phase Three-Wire Systems in Reactive and Harmonic Power Compensation
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc., Chin, E.L., Chin-Lin, C.
- Publikace: Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. 1999, 23(3), 429-435. ISSN 0255-6588.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce
Využití různých teorií výkonů pro řízení aktivních filtrů
- Autoři: prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc.,
- Publikace: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika na přelomu tisíciletí. Brno: VUT v Brně, FEI, 1999. pp. 80-85. ISBN 80-214-1419-7.
- Rok: 1999
- Pracoviště: Katedra elektrických pohonů a trakce