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Publikace našeho týmu

Reliable numerical methods for polynomial matrix triangularization

  • Pracoviště: Katedra řídicí techniky
  • Anotace:
    Numerical procedures are proposed for triangularizing polynomial matrices over the field of polynomial fractions and over the ring of polynomials. They are based on two standard polynomial techniques: Sylvester matrices and interpolation, In contrast to other triangularization methods, the algorithms described in this paper only rely on well-worked numerically reliable tools. They can also be used for greatest common divisor extraction, polynomial rank evaluation, or polynomial null-space computation.

Improved Polynomial Matrix Determinant Computation

  • Autoři: Henrion, D., prof. Ing. Michael Šebek, DrSc.,
  • Publikace: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 1999, 46(10), 1307-1308. ISSN 1057-7122.
  • Rok: 1999
  • Pracoviště: Katedra řídicí techniky
  • Anotace:
    Improved Polynomial Matrix Determinant Computation based on interpolation and FFT

An LMI Condition for Robust Stability of Polynomial Matrix Polytopes

  • Autoři: Henrion, D., Arcelier, D., Paucelle, D., prof. Ing. Michael Šebek, DrSc.,
  • Publikace: Preprints of 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND 2000). Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2000. p. 13-18. ISBN 0-08-043249-2.
  • Rok: 2000

Positive Polynomials and Robust Stabilization with Fixed-Order Controllers

Ellipsoidal Approximation of the Stability Domain of a Polynomial

  • Autoři: Henrion, D., Peaucelle, D., Arcelier, D., prof. Ing. Michael Šebek, DrSc.,
  • Publikace: Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC'01. ???: APCA - Associacao Portuguesa de Controlo Automático, 2001. pp. 98-103. ISBN 972-752-047-2.
  • Rok: 2001

Za stránku zodpovídá: RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.