
Protože se naše skupina podílí na výzkumu v několika českých i zahraničních týmech, je seznam našich publikací poměrně dlouhý. Proto uvádíme pouze některé publikace od roku 2012.

Publikace našeho týmu

Correlation of Magnetic Probe and Neutron Signals with Interferometry Figures on the Plasma Focus Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/12/105023+10$33.00
  • Odkaz:$33.00
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper the results of temporally resolved measurements using calibrated azimuthal and axial magnetic probes are presented, together with interferometry and neutron diagnostics performed on the PF-1000 (IPPLM, Warsaw, 2 MA) device with a deuterium filling and 1011 neutron yield. The probes located in the anode front at three different radial positions allow determination of the dominant part of the discharge current flows behind the imploding dense plasma layer. The current sheath is composed of both the axial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field. After reaching the minimum diameter, the current sheath continues in a radial motion to the axis and then penetrates into the dense plasma column. At the final phase of stagnation, the dominant current passes through the dense column. The probes located at the axis of the anode front registered an increase and decrease 1n the pulse of the axial component of magnetic field in correlation with the formation and decay of the dense plasmoidal structure. The estimated values of the axial component of the magnetic field in the centre of the plasmoids in the first neutron pulse and close before its decay and dominant neutron production can reach 2 and 10 T, it is (10 - 30)% of the value of the azimuthal magnetic field of the dense column boundary.

Search for thermonuclear neutrons in a mega-ampere plasma focus

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/54/1/015001
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Experimental results indicated a fraction of thermonuclear neutrons on the mega-ampere current level. Neutron TOF signals showed that the neutron production was a multiphase process and more than one mechanism occurred simultaneously. The occurrence of the thermonuclear mechanism was most evident during the plasma stagnation at low deuterium pressures. At low filling pressures, the narrow width of the neutron energy spectra demonstrated an ion temperature of about 1 keV. The possibility of thermonuclear neutrons was studied also after the stagnation, during the main neutron emission.

Improvement of time-of-flight methods for reconstruction of neutron energy spectra from D(d,n)3He fusion reactions

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/54/10/105011
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    This paper deals with time-of-flight diagnostics of relatively short neutron pulses from tens to hundreds of nanoseconds. The aim is to determine the time evolution of energy spectra. The diagnostic setup consists of several neutron detectors placed in one direction at different distances. This approach is improved by placing additional detectors in the opposite direction. How the reconstruction method works with two opposite directions is explained in this paper. Improvement is limited to the deuterium fusion reaction D(d,n)3He. However, the principles described here could be applied in various fusion experiments. The advantage of our approach is not only better reconstruction but also the partial elimination of the influence of scattered neutrons. The described method was applied in the processing of data from fusion experiments in the PF-1000 facility and provided time evolution of the neutron energy spectra with energy resolution of 50 keV. In these plasma-focus experiments, results indicated a non-thermal production mechanism of the predominant part of the neutrons produced.

Search for Drive Parameter of Neutron-Optimized Z-Pinches and Dense Plasma Foci

  • DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2283890
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Dense plasma foci and deuterium gas puff Z-pinches are studied as sources of fusion neutrons. To design a neutron-optimized plasma focus, the drive parameter has been discussed in the last 15 years. This optimal value can be explained by a tradeoff between the energy of fast deuterons and the number of fast and target deuterons. Obtained experimental results show that the optimal drive parameter cannot be fully explained without the consideration of ion acceleration mechanisms to fusion energies.

Scenario of Pinch Evolution in a Plasma Focus Discharge

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/55/3/035011
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper, the possible evolution of the pinched plasma column is presented following from the results of the temporally resolved measurements using magnetic probe, interferometry and neutron diagnostics performed on the plasma focus PF-1000 device with deuterium as the filling gas. Together with the discharge axial current about 1.5 MA a toroidal current component of the order of 100 kA was estimated in the toroidal, helical, and plasmoidal structures formed within the dense plasma column. The mass inside these structures increases due to injection of the plasma from the neighborhood regions with a higher pinching pressure. This injected plasma increases the intensity of the internal magnetic field, probably through turbulent motion and magnetic dynamo effect. The neutrons from the D-D fusion reaction, produced during the formation and decay of plasmoidal structures and constrictions, are accompanied by the changes of the axial component of the magnetic field. Then, the transformation and decay of internal closed currents can contribute to the acceleration of high-energy electrons and ions.

Correlation of X-ray emission with interferometry and neutron diagnostics at tungsten anode face and deuterium filling in plasma-focus discharge

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/55/11/115005
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    In this paper, the influence of the tungsten evaporated from the anode on neutron production and soft X-ray radiation was studied on the base of X-ray, interferometry and neutron diagnostics performed on the plasma focus PF-1000 device with deuterium as the filling gas at the current of 2 MA and neutron yield above 1010. In the axial center of the anode face the copper circuit plate was substituted with a tungsten one. During the pinch, the tungsten ions evaporated from the anode were transported into the plasma column. The differences in the filters used in the MCP X-frames and PIN detectors enabled separation of the bremsstrahlung emitted by the deuterium plasma from the recombination radiation of the tungsten ions produced in the region of the plasma column near the anode at the time of the evolution of instabilities. In comparison with the copper anode face, the neutron yield decreased to 40 % and the energy of deuterons producing neutrons to 80%.

Efficient Neutron Production from a Novel Configuration of Deuterium Gas-Puff Z-Pinch

  • DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.095001
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    A novel configuration of a deuterium z pinch has been used to generate fusion neutrons. Injecting an outer hollow cylindrical plasma shell around an inner deuterium gas puff, neutron yields from DD reactions reached Y-n = (2.9 +/- 0.3) x 10(12) at 700 ns implosion time and 2.7 MA current. Such a neutron yield means a tenfold increase in comparison with previous deuterium gas puff experiments at the same current generator. The increase of beam-target yields was obtained by a larger amount of current assembled on the z-pinch axis, and subsequently by higher induced voltage and higher energies of deuterons. A stack of CR-39 track detectors on the z-pinch axis showed hydrogen ions up to 38 MeV. Maximum neutron energies of 15 and 22 MeV were observed by radial and axial time-of-flight detectors, respectively. The number of DD neutrons per one joule of stored plasma energy approached 5 x 10(7). This implies that deuterium gas puff z pinches belong to the most efficient plasma-based sources of DD neutrons.

Efficient neutron production from sub-nanosecond laser pulse accelerating deuterons on target front side

  • DOI: 10.1063/1.4931460
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Neutron-producing experiments have been carried out on the Prague Asterix Laser System. At the fundamental wavelength of 1.315 μm, the laser pulse of a 600 J energy and 300 ps duration was focused on a thick deuterated-polyethylene target. A more detailed analysis of neutron time-of-flight signals showed that a significant fraction of neutron yields was produced both by the 2H(d,n)3He reaction and by other neutron-producing reactions. Neutron energies together with delayed neutron and gamma emission showed that MeV deuterons escaped from a laser-produced plasma and interacted ≈50 ns later with a borosilicate blast-shield glass.

Deuterium z-pinch as a powerful source of multi-MeV ions and neutrons for advanced applications

  • DOI: 10.1063/1.4942944
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    A novel configuration of a deuterium z-pinch has been used to generate a nanosecond pulse of fast ions and neutrons. At a 3 MA current, the peak neutron yield of (3.6 +/- 0.5) x 10(12) was emitted within 20 ns implying the production rate of 10 20 neutrons/s. High neutron yields resulted from the magnetization of MeV deuterons inside plasmas. Whereas deuterons were trapped in the radial direction, a lot of fast ions escaped the z-pinch along the z-axis. A large number of >25MeV ions were emitted into a 250 mrad cone. The cut-off energy of broad energy spectra of hydrogen ions approached 40 MeV. The total number of >1 MeV and >25 MeV deuterons were 10(16) and 10(13), respectively. Utilizing these ions offers a real possibility of various applications, including the increase of neutron yields or the production of short-lived isotopes in samples placed in ion paths. On the basis of our experiments with various samples, we concluded that a single shot would have been sufficient to obtain GBq positron activity of 13 N isotopes via the C-12(d, n)(13) N reaction. Furthermore, the first z-pinch generated neutron radiograph produced by approximate to 20 ns pulses is presented in this paper. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.

Ion acceleration mechanism in mega-ampere gas-puff z-pinches

  • DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aac545
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Acceleration of high energy ions was observed in z-pinches and dense plasma foci as early as the 1950s. Even though many theories have been suggested, the ion acceleration mechanism remains a source of controversy. Recently, the experiments on the GIT-12 generator demonstrated acceleration of ions up to 30 MeV from a deuterium gas-puff z-pinch. High deuteron energies enable us to obtain unique information about spatial, spectral and temporal properties of accelerated ions. In particular, the off-axis ion emission from concentric circles of a similar to 1 cm diameter and the radial lines in an ion beam profile are germane for the discussion of acceleration mechanisms. The acceleration of 30 MeV deuterons can be explained by the fast increase of an impedance with a sub-nanosecond e-folding time. The high (> 10 Omega) impedance is attributed to a space-charge limited flow after the effective ejection of plasmas from m = 0 constrictions. Detailed knowledge of the ion acceleration mechanism is used with a neutron-producing catcher to increase neutron yields above 10^13 at a current. of. 2.7 MA.

Efficient generation of fast neutrons by magnetized deuterons in an optimized deuterium gas-puff z-pinch

  • DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/57/4/044005
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Z-pinch experiments with deuterium gas puffs have been carried out on the GIT-12 generator at 3 MA currents. Recently, a novel configuration of a deuterium gas-puff z-pinch was used to accelerate deuterons and to generate fast neutrons. In order to form a homogeneous, uniformly conducting layer at a large initial radius, an inner deuterium gas puff was surrounded by an outer hollow cylindrical plasma shell. The plasma shell consisting of hydrogen and carbon ions was formed at the diameter of 350 mm by 48 plasma guns. A linear mass of the plasma shell was about 5 ug/cm whereas a total linear mass of deuterium gas in single or double shell gas puffs was about 100 mu g/cm. The implosion lasted 700 ns and seemed to be stable up to a 5 mm radius. During stagnation, m = 0 instabilities became more pronounced. When a disruption of necks occurred, the plasma impedance reached 0.4 Omega and high energy (>2 MeV) bremsstrahlung radiation together with high energy deuterons were produced. Maximum neutron energies of 33 MeV were observed by axial time-of-flight detectors. The observed neutron spectra could be explained by a suprathermal distribution of deuterons with a high energy tail. Neutron yields reached 3.6x10(12) at a 2.7 MA current. A high neutron production efficiency of 6x10(7) neutrons per one joule of plasma energy resulted from the generation of high energy deuterons and from their magnetization inside plasmas.

Measurement of the target current by inductive probe during laser interaction on terawatt laser system PALS

  • DOI: 10.1063/1.4898016
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky
  • Anotace:
    Measurements of the return-current flowing through a solid target irradiated with the sub-nanosecond kJ-class Prague Asterix Laser System is reported. A new inductive target probe was developed which allows us measuring the target current derivative in a kA/ns range. The dependences of the target current on the laser pulse energy for cooper, graphite, and polyethylene targets are reported. The experiment shows that the target current is proportional to the deposited laser energy and is strongly affected by the shot-to-shot fluctuations. The corresponding maximum target charge exceeded a value of 10 μC. A return-current dependence of the electromagnetic pulse produced by the laser-target interaction is presented.

Za stránku zodpovídá: RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.