
Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D.

Všechny publikace

CubeSat microsatellite demonstrator with X-ray optical payload

  • Autoři: Dániel, V., Inneman, A., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Oberta, P., Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 12576, EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space VIII. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12576. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6272-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2673122
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    The presentation describes the CubeSat microsatellite spacecraft with X-ray optical payload for prompt observation of transient astrophysical objects in X-ray energy range. By combining telescope concepts and miniaturized detectors, the small spacecraft will be able to probe the X-ray temporal emissions of bright events and also short and long term observations of other types of variable X-ray sources. The spacecraft is based on the CubeSat nanosatellite platform with a volume of 8U. The spacecraft carries two X-ray telescopes combined in one demonstrator. The first is intended for X-ray transient monitoring and localization, and the second for detailed spectroscopic observation. The design, assembly and testing of demonstrator will be presented.

Microfocus laboratory soft X-ray source for vacuum optical test facilities

  • Autoři: Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Inneman, A., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Oberta, P.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 12576, EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space VIII. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12576. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6272-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2672395
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    Grazing incident Soft X-ray source (SXR) mirrors find applications in astrophysics, space plasma research, hot plasma research and in various imaging and spectroscopy laboratory systems. SXR sources and vacuum optical beamlines are needed for their characterization and testing. A micro focus laboratory Soft X-ray source, which can be used in facilities for SXR optical components metrology, was designed and realized. The source in vacuum consists of an electron gun with stabilized electron beam focused to a 200 um spot on a target from appropriate material. Four different targets allowing generation of SXR with four different energies from four different elements are placed on a rotational turret. Required photon energy can be selected without vacuum interruption.

Novel Lobster Eye and Kirkpatrick Baez modules based on Multi Foil Technology: design, assembly and tests

  • Autoři: Inneman, A., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Dániel, V., Oberta, P., Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc.,
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 12576, EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space VIII. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12576. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6272-8.
  • Rok: 2023
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2670361
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    We present very preliminary results the design, assembly, and tests of new Lobster Eye (LE) and Kirkpatrick Baez (KB) modules based on Multi Foil Optics technology (MFO). The LE X-ray optics is a wide field of view (FOV) optics type Lobster Eye (LE) with a short (400 mm) focal length (suitable for CubeSat application) based on Schmidt design. The 2D LE optics consists of two orthogonal sub-modules of flat smooth reflective foils and each sub-modules focuses in one direction. The key parameters (the FWHM, the FOV (Field of view), and angular resolution, effective area) of the 2D LE optic were measured with different detectors. The advantage of MFO LE is that for off-axis points the angular resolution is preserved throughout the FOV, as demonstrated by measuring. There is a combined detector system that includes two detectors - Timepix3 Quad and spectroscope. The benefit of the combined detector system was demonstrated in the real measurement. Moreover, a new generation multiple arrays module of 2D X-ray KB optics with long f (nearly 6 meters) based on multi-foil silicon assembling technology was designed, manufactured, and tested in optical light and in X-rays at the Panter facility and the preliminary results will be also presented and discussed.

Directional-Sensitive X-ray/Gamma-ray Imager on Board the VZLUSAT-2 CubeSat for Wide Field-of-View Observation of GRBs in Low Earth Orbit

  • DOI: 10.3390/universe8040241
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    We present a miniaturized and wide field-of-view X-ray and Gamma-ray imager consisting of a segmented 2D optics-collimator coupled to the high-sensitivity semiconductor pixel detector Timepix equipped with a high-Z sensor (CdTe 2000 mu m thick). The compact payload has been deployed in low-Earth orbit (LEO) onboard the 3U Cubesat VZLUSAT-2 which was launched on 13 January 2022. The instrument is designed to verify small spacecraft borne observation in open space of hard X-ray and Gamma-ray sources both of celestial and atmospheric origin. High-resolution spectral-sensitive X-ray and Gamma-ray images are provided with enhanced event discrimination and wide field-of-view up to 60 degrees. Description of the instrument together with response evaluation and tests in ground with well-defined sources are presented. The intended observational plan for in-orbit measurements is outlined along with astrophysical goals and issues.

Lobster eye type X-ray telescope with chromium-iridium coated tri-layer mirrors

  • Autoři: Ing. Veronika Stieglitz, Ph.D., Döhring, T., Stollenwerk, M., Stadtmüller, J., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Flachs, D., Burwitz, V., Hartner, G., Rukdee, S., Müller, T., Inneman, A., Schmidt, T., Klementova, M., Zeising, S., Langmeier, A.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 11776, EUV and X-ray Optics, Sources, and Instrumentation. Bellingham WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2021. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 11776. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-4386-4.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2589266
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    For space-born astronomical X-ray telescopes, iridium-based reflective layer systems are known as highly effective mirrors coatings. During the recent years, Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences and the Czech Technical University in Prague jointly developed stress compensated chromium-iridium coatings for this application. To overcome the disturbing re ectivity reduction of the iridium absorption edge around 2 keV photon energy, thin overcoat layers of chromium were applied in addition. Now a prototype of a wide-field, imaging X-ray telescope of Lobster Eye type is assembled at the company RIGAKU. For this purpose a small series of 34 mirrors based on 100 x 50 mm semiconductor grade silicon substrates has been coated at Aschaffenburg University. The applied tri-layer system consists of a stack of 40 nm chromium, which act as adhesive layer and compensates layer stress, a 30 nm iridium thick reflective layer, and an additional overcoat layer of 6 nm chromium. This layer system have been analysed by AFM and TEM images. The mirrors are assembled into an aluminium frame to build a 2D Lobster Eye type telescope. The designed focal length of this wide field X-ray telescope is two meter. To study the performance of the tri-layer coating system, a twin LE telescope with convenient gold coatings was manufactured also. Performance measurements of both telescopes and under same conditions are planned at the PANTER test facility at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. First experimental results, their comparison with theoretical simulations and the comparison between both models will be presented in this contribution.

The 2nd generation of the X-ray Multi-Foil optical system for rocket experiment

  • Autoři: Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Inneman, A., Dániel, V.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 11444, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2021. Proc. of SPIE. vol. 11444. ISSN 1996-756X. ISBN 978-1-5106-3676-7.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2576347
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    This document presents the preliminary results and discussion of the feasibility study of the 2nd generation of the X-ray Multi-Foil Optical (MFO) system for rocket experiment, namely an advanced Lobster Eye (LE) wide field X-ray telescope based on Multi-Foil Optics and designed for use in rocket flights.

X-ray testing of the multifoil optical system REX II for rocket experiment

  • Autoři: Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Inneman, A., Dániel, V.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 11776, EUV and X-ray Optics, Sources, and Instrumentation. Bellingham WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2021. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 11776. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-4386-4.
  • Rok: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2593763
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents the 2nd generation of the optical system for Rocket Experiment (REX2). This optical device is based on successful mission REX1. The purpose of REX2 is to verify X-ray optical system consisting of wide- field 2D X-ray Lobster-Eye (LE) optics with an uncooled Quad Timepix3 detector (512x512 px @ 55 um and spectrometer (active area 7 mm2, 145 eV @ 5.9 keV ). The 2D X-ray Lobster-Eye (LE) optics is a combination of two one-dimension LE modules with a focal length of up to 1 m and a FOV better than 4.0 x 4.0 deg. The proposed optical system has imaging capabilities (2.5 to 30 keV) and spectroscopy capabilities (0.2 to 10 keV). The optical system was recently tested in the X-ray vacuum chamber. The preliminary test results are presented and discussed in this paper.

In-Orbit Commissioning of Czech Nanosatellite VZLUSAT-1 for the QB50 Mission with a Demonstrator of a Miniaturised Lobster-Eye X-Ray Telescope and Radiation Shielding Composite Materials

  • DOI: 10.1007/s11214-019-0589-7
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky, Katedra radioelektroniky, Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents the results of in-orbit commissioning of the first Czech technological CubeSat satellite of VZLUSAT-1. The 2U nanosatellite was designed and built during the 2013 to 2016 period. It was successfully launched into Low Earth Orbit of 505 km altitude on June 23, 2017, as part of international mission QB50 onboard a PSLV C38 launch vehicle. The satellite was developed in the Czech Republic by the Czech Aerospace Research Centre, in cooperation with Czech industrial partners and universities. The nanosatellite has three main payloads. The housing is made of a composite material which serves as a structural and radiation shielding material. A novel miniaturized X-Ray telescope with lobster-eye optics and an embedded Timepix detector represents the CubeSat’s scientific payload. The telescope has a wide field of view. VZLUSAT-1 also carries the FIPEX scientific instrument as part of the QB50 mission for measuring the molecular and atomic oxygen concentration in the upper atmosphere.

Kirkpatrick Baez X-ray optics for astrophysics: Recent status

  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    X-ray optics in Kirkpatrick Baez arrangement represent promising alternative to Wolter optics in common use. We present briefly recent status of design, developments, and tests of this kind of X–ray optics including Kirkpatrick Baez module developed and tested within the EU AHEAD project.

Lobster Eye X-ray optics for astrophysics: Recent status

  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    X-ray optics in Lobster Eye arrangement represent promising complementary device to narrow field X-ray optics in common use. We present briefly recent status of design, developments, and tests of X-ray optics including Lobster Eye modules developed and tested within recent space project.

Multi-Foil X-ray optics tests at PANTER: Preliminary results

  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    We present and discuss preliminary test results performed with selected modules of Multi-Foil X-ray Optics in the MPE PANTER X{ray test facility. Three X-ray optics Multi{Foil modules were tested, namely 1D Kirkpatrick-Baez module, 2D Kirkpatrick-Baez module, both developed within the EU Horizon 2020 AHEAD Project, as well as the Lobster{Eye module REX for the rocket flight experiment.

Alternative designs for space X-ray telescopes

  • Autoři: prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Pína, L., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Černá, D., Inneman, A., Tichý, V.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 10563, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2014. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2017. Proceeding of SPIE. vol. 10563. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-1615-8.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2304205
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    The X-ray optics is a key element of space X-ray telescopes, as well as other X-ray imaging instruments. The grazing incidence X-ray lenses represent the important class of X-ray optics. Most of grazing incidence (reflective) X-ray imaging systems used in astronomy but also in other (laboratory) applications are based on the Wolter 1 (or modified) arrangement. But there are also other designs and configurations proposed, used and considered for future applications both in space and in laboratory. The Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B) lenses as well as various types of Lobster-Eye optics and MCP/Micropore optics serve as an example. Analogously to Wolter lenses, the X-rays are mostly reflected twice in these systems to create focal images. Various future projects in X-ray astronomy and astrophysics will require large segments with multiple thin shells or foils. The large Kirkpatrick-Baez modules, as well as the large Lobster-Eye X-ray telescope modules in Schmidt arrangement may serve as examples. All related space projects will require high quality and light segmented shells (bent or flat foils) with high X-ray reflectivity and excellent mechanical stability. The Multi Foil Optics (MFO) approach represent a promising alternative for both LE and K-B X-ray optical modules. Several types of reflecting substrates may be considered for these applications, with emphasis on thin float glass sheets and, more recently, high quality silicon wafers. This confirms the importance of non-Wolter X-ray optics designs for the future. The alternative designs require novel reflective substrates which are also discussed in the paper.

Alternative optics for space x-ray telescopes: From large to small

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2296036
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    The X-ray optics is a key element of space X-ray telescopes, as well as other X-ray imaging instruments. The grazing incidence X-ray lenses represent the important class of X-ray optics. Most of grazing incidence (reflective) X-ray imaging systems used in space applications are based on the Wolter 1 (or modified) arrangement. But there are also other designs and configurations proposed, used and considered for future applications both in space and in laboratory. The Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B) lenses as well as various types of Lobster-Eye (LE) optics and MCP/Micropore optics serve as an example. Analogously to Wolter lenses, the X-rays are mostly reflected twice in these systems to create focal images. Various future projects in X-ray astronomy and astrophysics will require large segments with multiple thin shells or foils.

Current developments and tests of small x-ray optical systems for space applications

  • Autoři: Pína, L., prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Inneman, A., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Doubravova, D.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 10235, EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space V. Bellingham WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2017. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 10235. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-0972-3.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2271173
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    The paper addresses the X-ray monitoring for astrophysical applications. A novel approach based on the use of 1D and 2D "Lobster eye" optics in combination with Timepix X-ray detector in the energy range 3 - 40 keV was further studied. Wide-field optical system of this type has not been used in space yet. Designed wide-field optical system combined with Timepix X-ray detector is described together with latest experimental results obtained during laboratory tests. Proposed project includes theoretical study and a functional sample of the Timepix X-ray detector with multifoil wide-field X-ray "Lobster eye" optics. Using optics to focus X-rays on a detector is the only solution in cases where intensity of impinging X-ray radiation is below the sensitivity of the detector, e.g. while monitoring astrophysical objects in space, or phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere. The optical system is considered to be used in a student rocket experiment.

Lobster Eye as a collector for water window microscopy

  • Autoři: Pína, L., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Inneman, A., Nawaz, M., Jančárek, A., Havlíková, R.
  • Publikace: ADVANCES IN LABORATORY-BASED X-RAY SOURCES, OPTICS, AND APPLICATIONS VI. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2017. p. 1-8. vol. 10387. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-1231-0.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2280359
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    Imaging in EUV, SXR and XR spectral bands of radiation is of increasing interest. Material science, biology and hot plasma are examples of relevant fast developing areas. Applications include spectroscopy, astrophysics, Soft X-ray Ray metrology, Water Window microscopy, radiography and tomography. Especially Water Window imaging has still not fully recognized potential in biology and medicine microscopy applications. Theoretical study and design of Lobster Eye (LE) optics as a collector for water window (WW) microscopy and comparison with a similar size ellipsoidal mirror condensor are presented.

New trends in space x-ray optics

  • Autoři: prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc., Ing. Veronika Maršíková, Ph.D., Pína, L., Inneman, A., Skulinová, M.
  • Publikace: Proc. SPIE 10565, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2010. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2017. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 10565. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-1619-6.
  • Rok: 2017
  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2309110
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    The X-ray optics is a key element of various X-ray telescopes, X-ray microscopes, as well as other X-ray imaging instruments. The grazing incidence X-ray lenses represent the important class of X-ray optics. Most of grazing incidence (reflective) X-ray imaging systems used in astronomy but also in other (laboratory) applications are based on the Wolter 1 (or modified) arrangement. But there are also other designs and configurations proposed, used and considered for future applications both in space and in laboratory. The Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B) lenses as well as various types of Lobster-Eye optics and MCP/Micropore optics serve as an example. Analogously to Wolter lenses, the X-rays are mostly reflected twice in these systems to create focal images. Various future projects in X-ray astronomy and astrophysics will require large segments with multiple thin shells or foils. The large Kirkpatrick-Baez modules, as well as the large Lobster-Eye X-ray telescope modules in Schmidt arrangement may serve as examples. All these space projects will require high quality and light segmented shells (bent or flat foils) with high X-ray reflectivity and excellent mechanical stability. The Multi Foil Optics (MFO) approach represent a promising alternative for both LE and K-B X-ray optical modules. Several types of reflecting substrates may be considered for these applications, with emphasis on thin float glass sheets and, more recently, high quality silicon wafers. This confirms the importance of non- Wolter X-ray optics designs for the future. Future large space X-ray telescopes (such as IXO) require precise and light-weight X-ray optics based on numerous thin reflecting shells. Novel approaches and advanced technologies are to be exploited and developed. In this contribution, we refer on results of tested X-ray mirror shells produced by glass thermal forming (GTF) and by shaping Si wafers. Both glass foils and Si wafers are commercially available, have excellent surface microroughness of a few 0.1 nm, and low weight (the volume density is 2.5 g cm-3 for glass and 2.3 g cm-3 for Si). Technologies are needed to be exploited; how to shape these substrates to achieve the required precise Xray optics geometries without degradations of the fine surface microroughness. Although glass and recently silicon wafers are considered to represent most promising materials for future advanced large aperture space Xray telescopes, there also exist other alternative materials worth further study such as amorphous metals and glassy carbon. In order to achieve sub-arsec angular resolutions, principles of active optics have to be adopted.

Optimization of microroughness of replicated X-ray optics

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2265810
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky, Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    We report on our work of minimizing the microroughness of replicated grazing incidence X-ray optics. Ion beam and RF sputter cleaning was used as surface treatment and we compare its effects in the article. Vacuum deposition of smoothing layers was also used for minimizing the microroughness. The surfaces were measured by atomic force microscopy and X-ray reflectometry. Microroughness less than 0,5 nm RMS and Ra was achieved.

X-ray Lobster Eye all-sky monitor for rocket experiment

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2277515
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky, Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a Lobster Eye (LE) X-ray telescope developed for the Water Recovery X-ray Rocket (WRX-R) experiment. The primary payload of the rocket experiment is a soft X-ray spectroscope developed by the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA. The Czech team participates by hard LE X-ray telescope as a secondary payload. The astrophysical objective of the rocket experiment is the Vela Supernova of size about 8deg × 8deg. In the center of the nebula is a neutron star with a strong magnetic field, roughly the mass of the Sun and a diameter of about 20 kilometers forming the Vela pulsar. The primary objective of WRX-R is the spectral measurement of the outer part of the nebula in soft X-ray and FOV of 3.25deg × 3.25deg. The secondary objective (hard LE X-ray telescope) is the Vela neutron star observation. The hard LE telescope consists of two X-ray telescopes with the Timepix detector. First telescope uses 2D LE Schmidt optics (2D-LE-REX) with focal length over 1m and 4 Timepix detectors (2 × 2 matrix). The telescope FOV is 1.5deg × 1.5deg with spectral range from 3keV to 60keV. The second telescope uses 1D LE Schmidt optics (1D-LE-REX) with focal length of 25cm and one Timepix detector. The telescope is made as a wide field with FOV 4.5deg × 3.5deg and spectral range from 3keV to 40keV. The rocket experiment serves as a technology demonstration mission for the payloads. The LE X-ray telescopes can be in the future used as all‐sky monitor/surveyor. The astrophysical observation can cover the hard X-ray observation of astrophysical sources in time-domain, the GRBs surveying or the exploration of the gravitational wave sources.

X-ray monitoring for astrophysical applications

  • DOI: 10.1117/12.2064726
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra fyziky, Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    This work addresses the issue of X-ray monitoring for astrophysical applications. The proposed wide-field optical system has not been used in space yet. The proposed novel approach is based on the use of 1D "Lobster eye" optics in combination with Timepix X-ray detector in the energy range 3-40 keV. The proposed project includes theoretical study and a functional sample of the Timepix X-ray detector with multifoil wide-field X-ray "Lobster eye" optics. Using optics to focus X-rays on a detector is the only solution in cases the intensity of impinging X-ray radiation is below the sensitivity of the detector, e. g. while monitoring astrophysical objects in space, or phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere. The optical system could be used in a student rocket experiment at University of Colorado. Ideal opportunity is to extend the CubeSat of Pennsylvania State University with the hard X-ray telescope demonstrator consisting of an optical module and Timepix detector.

Astronomical X-ray telescopes and monitors of lobster eye type

  • DOI: 10.22323/1.096.0094
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Katedra radioelektroniky
  • Anotace:
    We report on technical as well as astrophysical aspects of very wide-field X-ray telescopes with high sensitivity. The prototypes constructed so far are promising, allowing the proposals for space projects with very wide-field Lobster-Eye (LE) X-ray optics to be considered. The LE telescopes will monitor the sky with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution of order of 1 arcmin. They are expected to contribute essentially to study of various astrophysical objects such as AGN, SNe, Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), X-ray flashes (XRFs), galactic binary sources including microquasars, stars, CVs, X-ray novae, various transient sources, etc. For example, the Lobster optics based X-ray All Sky Monitor is capable to detect around 20 GRBs and 8 XRFs yearly and this will surely significantly contribute to the related science.

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk