- National institute for Neurological Research: J. Rusz (2022 - 2025), Programme EXCELES, funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU: LX22NPO5107, FIS ID: 122/1662201C000/13131,
- Reducing speech-related side-effects of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's Disease via automated speech analysis: J. Rusz (2021 - 2023), Czech Science Foundation: 21-14216L, FIS ID: 301-3012102C000-13131,
- Smart Speech Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease and Other Synucleinopathies: J. Rusz (2020 - 2023), Czech Ministry of Health: NU20-08-00445, FIS ID: 13131/251/2512001C000.
- Objective investigation of distinct speech phenotypes in newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease including effects of pharmacotherapy: T. Tykalová (2019 - 2022), Czech Ministry of Health: NV19-04-0012, FIS ID: 13131/252/2521901C000.
- Population standard of acoustic-phonetic characteristics in children's speech: R. Čmejla (2019 - 2021), Czech Science Foundation: 19-20887S.
- Automatic acoustic speech analysis and REM sleep behaviour disorder for detecting subjects at high risk for Parkinson's disease and other alpha-synucleinopathies: J. Rusz (2017 - 2021), Michael J Fox Foundation (MJFF): 12546 [MJFF link][Project info], FIS ID: 6611701C000.
- Biological Signals and Their Processing: J. Rusz (2020 - 2022), Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague: SGS20/168/OHK3/3T/13, FIS ID: TBC.
- R. Čmejla (2017 - 2020): Význam funkční a strukturální reorganizace mozkových sítí v patogenezi kognitivního deficitu a epilepsie po cévní mozkové příhodě, Czech Ministry of Health: NV17-28427A.
- R. Čmejla (2018 - 2019): Analysis and processing of bio-signals for diagnostics of neurological disruptions, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague SGS18/137/OHK3/2T/13.
- R. Čmejla (2016 - 2018): Age-related changes in acoustic characteristics of adult speech, Czech Science Foundation GACR 16-19975S.
- J. Rusz (2016 - 2018): Investigation of pathomechanisms responsible for speech and voice disorders in multiple sclerosis using new methods of objective acoustic analysis, Czech Science Foundation GACR 16-03322S.
- J. Rusz & R. Čmejla (2015 - 2018): Speech disorders and analysis of their mechanism in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, Czech Ministry of Health AZV ČR 15-28038A.
- R. Čmejla (2015 - 2018): Analýza funkční organizace epileptogenních sítí s využitím teorie grafů: význam pro předoperační diagnostiku pacientů s neokortikální epilepsií, Czech Ministry of Health AZV ČR 15-29835A.
- R. Janča (2015 - 2018): Prevence motorických deficitů po epileptochirurgických výkonech u dětí, Czech Ministry of Health AZV ČR 15-30456A.
- R. Čmejla (2015-2017): Analysis and Processing of Biological Signals, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS15/198/OHK3/3T/13.
- J. Rusz (2015-2017): Acoustic Analyses and Processing of Speech Signals in Patients with Central Nervous System Disorders, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS15/199/OHK3/3T/13.
- R. Čmejla (2014-2016): Large-scale dynamics and critical transitions in neuronal networks and their role in limbic seizure genesis, Czech Science Foundation GAČR.
- R. Čmejla (2013-2015): Understanding of functional organization of temporal lobe epilepsy neuronal networks, Czech Ministry of Health NT14489.
- R. Čmejla (2012-2015): Acoustic Voice and Speech Analysis in Patients with Central Nervous System Disorders, Czech Science Foundation GAČR 102/12/2230.
- R. Čmejla (2013-2014): Biological Signals Analysis and Processing, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS13/138/OHK3/2T/13.
- J. Rusz (2012-2014): Acoustic Analyses and New Evaluation Methods for Objectification of Voice and Speech Disorders in Neurological Illnesses, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS 12/185/OHK4/3T/13.
- R. Čmejla (2010 - 2013): Intracranial EEG signal processing; epileptogenic zone identification in non-lesional refractory epilepsy patients, Czech Ministry of Health NT11460-4/2010.
- J. Rusz (2011): Complex measurement of lung ventilation, Czech Ministry of Education FRV G3 328.
- R. Čmejla (2010-2011): Analysis of intracranial EEG recording, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS10/272/OHK4/3T/13.
- J. Rusz (2010 - 2011): Assesment of voice and speech impairment, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS 10/180/OHK3/2T/13.
- D. Špulák (2010-2011): Analysis of signals induced by mechanical activity of heart, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University SGS 10/273/OHK3/3T/13.
- R. Čmejla (2010): Voice and audio signal analysis, Czech Ministry of Education FRV F3a 316.
- R. Čmejla (2008 - 2011): Analysis and Modelling Biomedical and Speech Signals, Czech Science Foundation GAČR GD102/08/H008.