
Ing. Vít Krátký, Ph.D.

Všechny publikace

Drones Guiding Drones: Cooperative Navigation of a Less-Equipped Micro Aerial Vehicle in Cluttered Environments

  • DOI: 10.1109/IROS58592.2024.10802770
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    Reliable deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in cluttered unknown environments requires accurate sensors for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied localization and obstacle avoidance. Such a requirement limits the usage of cheap and micro-scale vehicles with constrained payload capacity if industrial-grade reliability and precision are required. This paper investigates the possibility of offloading the necessity to carry heavy sensors to another member of the UAV team while preserving the desired capability of the smaller robot intended for exploring narrow passages. A novel cooperative guidance framework offloading the sensing requirements from a minimalistic secondary UAV to a superior primary UAV is proposed. The primary UAV constructs a dense occupancy map of the environment and plans collision-free paths for both UAVs to ensure reaching the desired secondary UAV’s goals even in areas not accessible by the bigger robot. The primary UAV guides the secondary UAV to follow the planned path while tracking the UAV using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-based relative localization. The proposed approach was verified in real-world experiments with a heterogeneous team of a 3D LiDAR-equipped primary UAV and a micro-scale camera-equipped secondary UAV moving autonomously through unknown cluttered GNSS-denied environments with the proposed framework running fully on board the UAVs.

Fast Swarming of UAVs in GNSS-denied Feature-poor Environments without Explicit Communication

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3390596
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    A decentralized swarm approach for the fast cooperative flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in feature-poor environments without any external localization and communication is introduced in this paper. A novel model of a UAV neighborhood is proposed to achieve robust onboard mutual perception and flocking state feedback control, which is designed to decrease the inter-agent oscillations common in standard reactive swarm models employed in fast collective motion. The novel swarming methodology is supplemented with an enhanced Multi-Robot State Estimation (MRSE) strategy to increase the reliability of the purely onboard localization, which may be unreliable in real environments. Although MRSE and the neighborhood model may rely on information exchange between agents, we introduce a communication-less version of the swarming framework based on estimating communicated states to decrease dependence on the often unreliable communication networks of large swarms. The proposed solution has been verified by a set of complex real-world experiments to demonstrate its overall capability in different conditions, including a UAV interception-motivated task with a group velocity reaching the physical limits of the individual hardware platforms.

On Rapid Parallel Tuning of Controllers of a Swarm of MAVs -- Distribution Strategies of the Updated Gains

  • DOI: 10.1109/ICARCV63323.2024.10821603
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    In this paper, we present a reliable, scalable, time deterministic, model-free procedure to tune swarms of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) using basic sensory data. Two approaches to taking advantage of parallel tuning are presented. First, the tuning with averaging of the results on the basis of performance indices reported from the swarm with identical gains to decrease the negative effect of the noise in the measurements. Second, the tuning with parallel testing of varying set of gains across the swarm to reduce the the tuning time. The presented methods were evaluated both in simulation and real-world experiments. The achieved results show the ability of the proposed approach to improve the results of the tuning while decreasing the tuning time, ensuring at the same time a reliable tuning mechanism.

Present and Future of SLAM in Extreme Environments: The DARPA SubT Challenge

  • DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2023.3323938
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper surveys recent progress and discusses future opportunities for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) in extreme underground environments. SLAM in subterranean environments, from tunnels, caves, and man-made underground structures on Earth, to lava tubes on Mars, is a key enabler for a range of applications, such as planetary exploration, search and rescue, disaster response, and automated mining, among others. SLAM in underground environments has recently received substantial attention, thanks to the DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge , a global robotics competition aimed at assessing and pushing the state of the art in autonomous robotic exploration and mapping in complex underground environments. This paper reports on the state of the art in underground SLAM by discussing different SLAM strategies and results across six teams that participated in the three-year-long SubT competition. In particular, the paper has four main goals. First, we review the algorithms, architectures, and systems adopted by the teams; particular emphasis is put on LIDAR-centric SLAM solutions (the go-to approach for virtually all teams in the competition), heterogeneous multi-robot operation (including both aerial and ground robots), and real-world underground operation (from the presence of obscurants to the need to handle tight computational constraints). We do not shy away from discussing the “dirty details” behind the different SLAM systems, which are often omitted from technical papers. Second, we discuss the maturity of the field by highlighting what is possible with the current SLAM systems and what we believe is within reach with some good systems engineering. Third, we outline what we believe are fundamental open problems, that are likely to require further research to break through. Finally, we provide a list of open-source SLAM implementations and datasets that have been produced during the SubT challenge and related efforts, and constitute a useful resource for researchers and practitioners.

MRS Drone: A Modular Platform for Real-World Deployment of Aerial Multi-Robot Systems

  • DOI: 10.1007/s10846-023-01879-2
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a modular autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform called the Multi-robot System (MRS) Drone that can be used in a large range of indoor and outdoor applications. The MRS Drone features unique modularity changes in actuators, frames, and sensory configuration. As the name suggests, the platform is specially tailored for deployment within a MRS group. The MRS Drone contributes to the state-of-the-art of UAV platforms by allowing smooth real-world deployment of multiple aerial robots, as well as by outperforming other platforms with its modularity. For real-world multi-robot deployment in various applications, the platform is easy to both assemble and modify. Moreover, it is accompanied by a realistic simulator to enable safe pre-flight testing and a smooth transition to complex real-world experiments. In this manuscript, we present mechanical and electrical designs, software architecture, and technical specifications to build a fully autonomous multi UAV system. Finally, we demonstrate the full capabilities and the unique modularity of the MRS Drone in various real-world applications that required a diverse range of platform configurations.

New Era in Cultural Heritage Preservation: Cooperative Aerial Autonomy for Fast Digitalization of Difficult-to-Access Interiors of Historical Monuments

  • DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2023.3244423
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    Digital documentation of large interiors of historical buildings is an exhausting task since most of the areas of interest are beyond typical human reach. We advocate the use of autonomous teams of multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to speed up the documentation process by several orders of magnitude while allowing for a repeatable, accurate, and condition-independent solution capable of precise collision-free operation at great heights. The proposed multi-robot approach allows for performing tasks requiring dynamic scene illumination in large-scale real-world scenarios, a process previously applicable only in small-scale laboratory-like conditions. Extensive experimental analyses range from single-UAV imaging to specialized lighting techniques requiring accurate coordination of multiple UAVs. The system’s robustness is demonstrated in more than two hundred autonomous flights in fifteen historical monuments requiring superior safety while lacking access to external localization. This unique experimental campaign, cooperated with restorers and conservators, brought numerous lessons transferable to other safety-critical robotic missions in documentation and inspection tasks.

UAVs Beneath the Surface: Cooperative Autonomy for Subterranean Search and Rescue in DARPA SubT

  • DOI: 10.55417/fr.2023001
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Vidění pro roboty a autonomní systémy, Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a novel approach for autonomous cooperating UAVs in search and rescue operations in subterranean domains with complex topology. The proposed system was ranked second in the Virtual Track of the DARPA SubT Finals as part of the team CTU-CRAS-NORLAB. In contrast to the winning solution that was developed specifically for the Virtual Track, the proposed solution also proved to be a robust system for deployment onboard physical UAVs flying in the extremely harsh and confined environment of the real-world competition. The proposed approach enables fully autonomous and decentralized deployment of a UAV team with seamless simulation-to-world transfer, and proves its advantage over less mobile UGV teams in the flyable space of diverse environments. The main contributions of the paper are present in the mapping and navigation pipelines. The mapping approach employs novel map representations — SphereMap for efficient risk-aware long-distance planning, FacetMap for surface coverage, and the compressed topological-volumetric LTVMap for allowing multi-robot cooperation under low-bandwidth communication. These representations are used in navigation together with novel methods for visibility-constrained informed search in a general 3D environment with no assumptions about the environment structure, while balancing deep exploration with sensor-coverage exploitation. The proposed solution also includes a visual-perception pipeline for on-board detection and localization of objects of interest in four RGB stream at 5 Hz each without a dedicated GPU. Apart from participation in the DARPA SubT, the performance of the UAV system is supported by extensive experimental verification in diverse environments with both qualitative and quantitative evaluation.

Decentralized Multi-robot Velocity Estimation for UAVs Enhancing Onboard Camera-based Velocity Measurements

  • DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981894
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    Within the field of multi-robot systems, developing systems that rely only on onboard sensing without the use of external infrastructure (e.g. GNSS) has many potential applications. However, relying only on visual-based modalities for localization presents challenges in terms of accuracy and reliability. We introduce a decentralized multi-robot lateral velocity estimation method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to improve onboard measurements in case GNSS infrastructure is not available. This method relies on sharing the onboard measurements of neighbors, as well as the estimation of the relative motion of a focal UAV within the swarm, based on observation of coworking robots. The proposed velocity estimation method does not rely on centralized communication to achieve high reliability and scalability within the swarm system. The performance of the state estimation approach has been verified in simulations and real-world experiments. The results have shown that a swarm of UAVs using the proposed velocity estimator can stabilize individual robots when their primary onboard localization source is not reliable enough.

MRS Modular UAV Hardware Platforms for Supporting Research in Real-World Outdoor and Indoor Environments

  • DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS54217.2022.9836083
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a family of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) platforms designed for a diverse range of indoor and outdoor applications. The proposed UAV design is highly modular in terms of used actuators, sensor configurations, and even UAV frames. This allows to achieve, with minimal effort, a proper experimental setup for single, as well as, multi-robot scenarios. Presented platforms are intended to facilitate the transition from simulations, and simplified laboratory experiments, into the deployment of aerial robots into uncertain and hard-to-model real-world conditions. We present mechanical designs, electric configurations, and dynamic models of the UAVs, followed by numerous recommendations and technical details required for building such a fully autonomous UAV system for experimental verification of scientific achievements. To show strength and high variability of the proposed system, we present results of tens of completely different real-robot experiments in various environments using distinct actuator and sensory configurations.

Průzkum malby Zvěstování Panny Marie v poutním chrámu ve Staré Vodě u Libavé pomocí bezpilotní helikoptéry

  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    Text nejprve představuje výzkumný projekt NAKI II Bezpečné snímání historických objektů bezpilotními helikoptérami, v jehož rámci jsme došli zjištění, která jsou těžištěm pojednání. V další části se již článek zaměřuje na poutní chrám ve Staré Vodě u Libavé, kde jsme zdokumentovali silně poškozenou nástěnnou malbu Zvěstování Panny Marie. Podařilo se určit kompozici výjevu a následně i předlohu, kterou v roce 1709 na plátno namaloval Louis de Boullogne ml. pro kapli Panny Marie na zámku Versailles. Poté se snad podařilo identifikovat i grafiku, která umožnila přenos kompozice z Francie na Moravu. Jedná se o práci Bernarda Falconiho v Římském misálu z benátského nakladatelství Typographia Balleoniana.

Traveling Salesman Problem with neighborhoods on a sphere in reflectance transformation imaging scenarios

  • DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116814
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Centrum umělé inteligence, Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    In this paper, we propose a solution to the non-Euclidean variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods on a Sphere (TSPNS). The introduced problem formulation is motivated by practical scenarios of employing unmanned aerial vehicles in the Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI). In the RTI, a vehicle is requested to visit a set of sites at a constant distance from the object of interest and cast light from different directions to model the object from the images captured from another fixed location. Even though the problem can be formulated as an instance of the regular traveling salesman problem, we report a significant reduction of the solution cost by exploiting a non-zero tolerance on the light direction and defining the sites as regions on a sphere. The continuous neighborhoods of the TSPNS can be sampled into discrete sets, and the problem can be transformed into the generalized traveling salesman problem. However, finding high-quality solutions requires dense sampling, which increases the computational requirements. Therefore, we propose a practical heuristic solution based on the unsupervised learning of the Growing Self-Organizing Array (GSOA) that quickly finds an initial solution with the competitive quality to the sampling-based method. Furthermore, we propose a fast post-processing optimization to improve the initial solutions of both solvers. Based on the reported results, the proposed GSOA-based solver provides solutions of a similar quality to the transformation approach while it is about two orders of magnitude less computationally demanding.

An Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System for Fast Exploration of Large Complex Indoor Environments

  • DOI: 10.1002/rob.22021
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper introduces an autonomous system employing multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles for fast 3D exploration and inspection of vast, unknown, dynamic, and complex environments containing large open spaces as well as narrow passages. The system exploits the advantage of small-size aerial vehicles capable of carrying all necessary sensors and computational power while providing full autonomy and mobility in constrained unknown environments. Particular emphasis is put on the robustness of the algorithms with respect to challenging real-world conditions and the real-time performance of all algorithms that enable fast reactions to changes in environment and thus also provide effective use of limited flight time. The system presented here was employed as a part of a heterogeneous ground and aerial system in the modeled Search & Rescue scenario in an unfinished nuclear power plant during the Urban Circuit of the Subterranean Challenge (SubT Challenge) organized by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The main goal of this simulated disastrous scenario is to autonomously explore and precisely localize specified objects in a completely unknown environment and to report their position before the end of the mission. The proposed system was part of the multirobot team that finished in third place overall and in first place among the self-funded teams. The proposed unmanned aerial vehicle system outperformed all aerial systems participating in the SubT Challenge with respect to versatility, and it was also the self-deployable autonomous aerial system that explored the largest part of the environment.

Autonomous Aerial Filming With Distributed Lighting by a Team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3098811
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This letter describes a method for autonomous aerial cinematography with distributed lighting by a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Although camera-carrying multi-rotor helicopters have become commonplace in cinematography, their usage is limited to scenarios with sufficient natural light or of lighting provided by static artificial lights. We propose to use a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles as a tool for filming a target under illumination from various directions, which is one of the fundamental techniques of traditional cinematography. We decompose the multi-UAV trajectory optimization problem to tackle non-linear cinematographic aspects and obstacle avoidance at separate stages, which allows us to re-plan in real time and react to changes in dynamic environments. The performance of our method has been evaluated in realistic simulation scenarios and field experiments, where we show how it increases the quality of the shots and that it is capable of planning safe trajectories even in cluttered environments.

Large-Scale Exploration of Cave Environments by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3098304
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This letter presents a self-contained system for the robust utilization of aerial robots in the autonomous exploration of cave environments to help human explorers, first responders, and speleologists. The proposed system is generally applicable to an arbitrary exploration task within an unknown and unstructured subterranean environment and interconnects crucial robotic subsystems to provide full autonomy of the robots. Such subsystems primarily include mapping, path and trajectory planning, localization, control, and decision making. Due to the diversity, complexity, and structural uncertainty of natural cave environments, the proposed system allows for the possible use of any arbitrary exploration strategy for a single robot, as well as for a cooperating team. A multi-robot cooperation strategy that maximizes the limited flight time of each aerial robot is proposed for exploration and search & rescue scenarios where the homing of all deployed robots back to an initial location is not required. The entire system is validated in a comprehensive experimental analysis comprising of hours of flight time in a real-world cave environment, as well as by hundreds of hours within a state-of-the-art virtual testbed that was developed for the DARPA Subterranean Challenge robotic competition. Among others, experimental results include multiple real-world exploration flights traveling over 470 m on a single battery in a demanding unknown cave environment.

Safe Documentation of Historical Monuments by an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • DOI: 10.3390/ijgi10110738
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    The use of robotic systems, especially multi-rotor aerial vehicles, in the documentation of historical buildings and cultural heritage monuments has become common in recent years. However, the teleoperated robotic systems have significant limitations encouraging the ongoing development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The autonomous robotic platforms provide a more accurate and safe measurement in distant and difficult to access areas than their teleoperated counterpart. Through the use of autonomous aerial robotic systems, access to such places by humans and building of external infrastructures like scaffolding for documentation purposes is no longer necessary. In this work, we aim to present a novel autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle designed for the documentation of hardly attainable areas of historical buildings. The prototype of this robot was tested in several historical monuments comprising scanned objects located in dark and hardly accessible areas in the upper parts of tall naves. This manuscript presents the results from two specific places: the Church of St. Anne and St. Jacob the Great in Stará Voda, and St. Maurice Church in Olomouc, both in the Czech Republic. Finally, we also compare the three-dimensional map obtained with the measurements made by the 3D laser scanner carried onboard UAV against the ones performed by a 3D terrestrial laser scanner.

Autonomous Reflectance Transformation Imaging by a Team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2970646
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    A Reflectance Transformation Imaging technique (RTI) realized by multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with a focus on deployment in difficult to access buildings is presented in this letter. RTI is a computational photographic method that captures a surface shape and color of a subject and enables its interactive re-lighting from any direction in a software viewer, revealing details that are not visible with the naked eye. The input of RTI is a set of images captured by a static camera, each one under illumination from a different known direction. We present an innovative approach applying two multi-rotor UAVs to perform this scanning procedure in locations that are hardly accessible or even inaccessible for people. The proposed system is designed for its safe deployment within real-world scenarios in historical buildings with priceless historical value.

Dronument: System for Reliable Deployment of Micro Aerial Vehicles in Dark Areas of Large Historical Monuments

  • DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2969935
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This letter presents a self-contained system for robust deployment of autonomous aerial vehicles in environments without access to global navigation systems and with limited lighting conditions. The proposed system, application-tailored for documentation in dark areas of large historical monuments, uses a unique and reliable aerial platform with a multi-modal lightweight sensory setup to acquire data in human-restricted areas with adverse lighting conditions, especially in areas that are high above the ground. The introduced localization method relies on an easy-to-obtain 3-D point cloud of a historical building, while it copes with a lack of visible light by fusing active laser-based sensors. The approach does not rely on any external localization, or on a preset motion-capture system. This enables fast deployment in the interiors of investigated structures while being computationally undemanding enough to process data online, onboard an MAV equipped with ordinary processing resources. The reliability of the system is analyzed, is quantitatively evaluated on a set of aerial trajectories performed inside a real-world church, and is deployed onto the aerial platform in the position control feedback loop to demonstrate the reliability of the system in the safety-critical application of historical monuments documentation.

Formation control of unmanned micro aerial vehicles for straitened environments

  • DOI: 10.1007/s10514-020-09913-0
  • Odkaz:
  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    This paper presents a novel approach for control and motion planning of formations of multiple unmanned micro aerial vehicles(multi-rotor helicopters, in the literature also often called unmanned aerial vehicles—UAVs or unmanned aerial system—UAS) in cluttered GPS-denied on straitened environments. The proposed method enables us to autonomously design complexmaneuvers of a compact Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) team in a virtual-leader-follower scheme. The results of the motionplanning approach and the required stability of the formation are achieved by migrating the virtual leader along with the hullsurrounding the formation. This enables us to suddenly change the formation motion in all directions, independently from thecurrent orientation of the formation, and therefore to fully exploit the maneuverability of small multi-rotor helicopters. Theproposed method was verified and its performance has been statistically evaluated in numerous simulations and experimentswith a fleet of MAVs.

Documentation of Dark Areas of Large Historical Buildings by a Formation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Model Predictive Control

  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    A system designed for a unique multi-robot application of closely flying formations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in indoor areas is described in this paper. The proposed solution is aimed as a tool for historians and restorers working in large historical buildings such as churches to provide an access to areas that are difficult to reach by humans. In these objects, it is impossible to keep a large scaffolding for a long time due to regular services, which is necessary for studying a long-term influence of restorations works, and some parts of the churches were even not reached by people for decades and need to be inspected. To provide the same documentation and inspection techniques that are used by the experts in lower easily accessible parts of the buildings, we employ a formation of autonomous UAVs, where one of the robots is equipped by a visual sensor and the others by source of light, which provides the required flexibility for control of lightening. The described system in its full complexity has been implemented with achieved robustness and reliability required by deployment in real missions. The technology demonstration has been provided with real UAVs in historical objects to help restorers and conservationists with achieved valuable results used in plans of restoration works. In these missions, UAVs were autonomously hovering at designated locations to be able to demonstrate usefulness of such robotic lightening approach.

Documentation of large historical buildings by UAV formations - scene perception-driven motion planning and predictive control

  • Pracoviště: Multirobotické systémy
  • Anotace:
    A model predictive control and motion planning algorithm designed for autonomous documentation of large historical buildings by a formation of unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed approach, a self-stabilized formation of multi-rotor helicopters is employed for filming in dark conditions, where one of the UAVs carries the camera and the neighboring UAVs a source of light. This setup is inspired by two techniques often used by historians and restorers. The first one so-called Three point lighting approach [1,4], is a filming technique in which 1-3 sources of light are used in different locations relatively to the camera optical axis. The method enables to create the illusion of a three-dimensional subject in a two-dimensional image and to illuminate the subject being shot (such as sculptures in historical buildings) while controlling the shading and shadows produced by lighting. This is essential for the presentation of historical monuments in interiors to the broad public, as it removes the boring flatness from images and videos, and it adds value to the analysis of gathered results by historians. The second technique frequently used by restorers employs a strong side light for illumination of flat objects, such as walls with parget and mosaics. In this method, the strong light needs to be placed as close as possible to the scanned plain, which makes shadows in the image in a case of a roughness of the surface. Restorers and conservationists can detect from such illuminated pictures if a tile in the mosaic is not fixed properly or if a painting is affected by a humidity indicated by buckling of the wall surface.

Za stránku zodpovídá: Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk